Prashant Yashpal (New Delhi, India)
psychedelic mix from Prashant Yashpal on Vimeo.
a psychedelic visual mix by VJ psyvortex [avinteractive.tv].
video created in 2006.
Ambient Video Mix from Prashant Yashpal on Vimeo.
Another VJ mix created by avinteractive.tv
Ambient music and somewhat ambient visuals :)
from our old collection, video made in 2005
Erotic Club Mix from Prashant Yashpal on Vimeo.
just another VJ mix, with some hot babes :)
Multiple Screen Projection from Prashant Yashpal on Vimeo.
A multiple screen projection show we recently did. Original content created in this format, re-cut into 8 screen 9x12 feet .
PYR▲MID VJ MIXX from Beatgraphica VJ on Vimeo.
Beatgraphica VJ Clip mix
// Cheetah3D+AE
// Music by Go-qualia "koku" (Past Works | Bunkai-Kei records)
RYAT live in the studio- Not for this Lifetime
RYAT live in the studio- Not for this Lifetime from Annapurna Kumar on Vimeo.
music- RYAT- myspace.com/ryat
visuals- annapurna kumar- vimeo.com/annapurna
please ignore the two slight VJ errors...it happens... and the auto focus. not my doing.
touring the US March & April 2011 ryat.info
VISUAL NOISE FESTIVAL - VILLA REALE from pauerboys on Vimeo.
audiovisual mapping performance - 2010
Executive production: AreaOdeon
Art direction: Marcello Arosio
Visual compositing: Yi Nong Dong, Mattia Centemero e Giuseppe Pepe
Programming and sound design: Paolo Solcia e Mattia Trabucchi
Footage and contents: by the seventeen participants of the workshop "Proiezioni Future"
Digital People
Digital People from visuality77 on Vimeo.
Digital People captures the silhouette of the participant using computer vision technologies, it then passes the result to a Direct X shader network. The original application or set of nodes was designed in VVVV. The effect that you see in this video is what happens when a participant walks, dances or moves in front of the camera, it is simultaneously eerie and beautiful. If you have a venue that may be of interest please contact me, jay@siliconbrush.com.
Music by:Angelica by Lamb
Video By: Sharif Christopher Matar
Abstrakt geometry Wip02
Abstrakt geometry Wip02 from Vision Nocturne on Vimeo.
Animation experimental -realtime and Audio reactive
soft:Quartz composer
promo from therefore[we]are on Vimeo.
therefore[we]are is a creative collective formed in 2010.
It's aim is to deliver immersive and realtime visual reactive performances.
music: Noisia - Alpha Centauri (Norbak Re-Fix)
Mille - Crysteena
Mille - Crysteena from Upper First on Vimeo.
Direction: Upper First
Production: Upper First
Photographer: David Einar
VJ: Transfett
Music: Mille
Year: 2010
After spending a long night in a dark, creepy warehouse full of mannequins, and many hours of spare time in front of your computer, this is what you get!
In this piece we’ve combined two of our interests, creative visuals and electro music, to create a music video for the up-and-coming Swedish artist Mille. The idea was to use projections on mannequins to achieve a different and interesting expression where graphics almost become clothes on the bodies.
To be able to do this we got some help from a couple of friends - David Einar behind the camera and Transfett who did the live sync of visuals onto mannequins, thanks guys! Awesome work.
Mille myspace: myspace.com/technomille/music
Mille facebook:
ProVideoPlayer™ (PVP) - multi-screen video server
Designed to enhance live staging events such as concerts, trade show booths, conferences, or church services, ProVideoPlayer manages an unlimited amount of clips in an unlimited number of playlists. It gives a tremendous amount of control to the playback of these video clips including Hue, Brightness, Saturation, Start/Stop times, and speed, either on a global or per-clip basis. Plus, with the incredible flexibility for cutting up, roating, and resizing individual sections of videos, there is no limit to what kind of visual display you can create. Plus, we have recently added new ways to control ProVideoPlayer from lighting desks (via DMX), musical instruments (via MIDI), or from pre-determined schedules. Whether for special occasions or as a fixed installation, PVP can enhance your productions with video in a manner that will have your audience talking.
For a complete, but concise, overview of ProVideoPlayer and its features, we partnered with Apple to create a brief video walkthrough of the product. This seminar is hosted by Apple and you can get there by clicking on the video thumbnail below.
ProVideoPlayer has an uncluttered interface that is simple to use and manage. It runs exclusively on Mac OS X and is a Universal binary, meaning it will run optimally on Macs built with the new Intel processors or PowerPC processors.
For a complete, but concise, overview of ProVideoPlayer and its features, we partnered with Apple to create a brief video walkthrough of the product. This seminar is hosted by Apple and you can get there by clicking on the video thumbnail below.
ProVideoPlayer has an uncluttered interface that is simple to use and manage. It runs exclusively on Mac OS X and is a Universal binary, meaning it will run optimally on Macs built with the new Intel processors or PowerPC processors.
Claire Pinegar vusuals
Pretty Lights - Look Both Ways from Claire Pinegar on Vimeo.
Pretty Lights - Total Facination from Claire Pinegar on Vimeo.
Visuals create for electronica artist Pretty Lights, for their US fall tour, 2010.
Igloofest 2011
VJ Gridspace - Igloofest 2011 from Gridspace on Vimeo.
VJ Gridspace live - Igloofest 2011
It was last, but not least. Those who attended will remember this weekend – Igloofest reached the highest crowd ever.
Directed by Christian Pomerleau
Camera: Émilie Ouellette
Editing / Color: C. Pomerlerau, É. Ouellette
Music: Trentemoller - Silver Surfer Ghost Rider Go
The Red Persona:
Performers: Jason Noël, Angelo Salse Aedo
Costumes: Stephanie Anne Gatien
Camera: Chrisian Pomerleau
Motion graphics: Gridspace
*Big thanks to Stereo for the shooting space
Igloofest - 27, 28, 29 janvier 2011 (Featuring Gridspace) from Gridspace on Vimeo.
The video feature motion graphics taken from Gridspace - Feiber flickr.com/photos/gridspace
Réalisé par Cedric Laurenty
Caméras - Guillaume Latrompette et Cedric Laurenty
Montage - Guillaume Latrompette et Cedric Laurenty
Yostek & VJ Shoken @ Cat and Dog 09.02.11
Yostek & VJ Shoken @ Cat and Dog 09.02.11 (Excerpt 01) from Gidon Schocken (VJ Shoken) on Vimeo.
Yostek & VJ Shoken @ Cat and Dog 09.02.11 (Excerpt 02) from Gidon Schocken (VJ Shoken) on Vimeo.
Yostek & VJ Shoken @ Cat and Dog 09.02.11 (Excerpt 03) from Gidon Schocken (VJ Shoken) on Vimeo.
Parts of Yosteks new live launch at the Cat & Dog,
- Thanks Dani for the great projector!!
The Big 360 - Multi-Media Projection Sphere
The Big 360 - Multi-Media Projection Sphere from Red Tape Pictures on Vimeo.
Great for Music Festivals, Sporting Events, Parties, Weddings, Cultural Events etc.
ESOTERIC MASH UP from cento lodigiani on Vimeo.
First of all, be careful!Even I got mesmerized during the making of this video.
So please try to measure out the views.
I don't assume any responsibility for accidents:)
More info at centolodigiani.com
Sala Sao Paulo / Projection Mapping
Sala Sao Paulo / Projection Mapping from HELMUT BREINEDER on Vimeo.
Projecao Mapeada
para o PNQ (Prêmio Nacional da Qualidade)
na Sala Sao Paulo
Agencia Rock
SPot11 (Helmut Breineder, Thomas Mena)
Vj Spetto/Vj Zaz
Music: Philip Glass / Glassworks / Opening
Sincronicidad from Eye_Trip on Vimeo.
"... La sincronicidad tiene que ver con la relación
espacio-tiempo, y tiempo y espacio son coordenadas para describir el comportamiento de cuerpos en
"... pero si espacio y tiempo son sólo propiedades aparentes en cuerpos en movimiento, y son creados por necesidad intelectual del observador, entonces su
relativización por condición psíquica, no es más un asunto para sorprenderse y puede llegar a los límites de lo posible"...
...no puede ser todo causal, ni causalístico, porque sino, no existirían los hechos sincronísticos"...
"...en contra de esto se debe tener en cuenta que los hechos sincronísticos, que se pueden verificar empíricamente, lejos de construir una regla, son tan
excepcionales que la mayoría de la gente duda de su existencia".
El estado fluido está en permanente movimiento.
La sincronicidad supone la ocurrencia de dos eventos que no están asociados ni causalmente ni teleológicamente, más sin embargo tienen una relación significativa.
Yvonne Navas
Inserto videoarte Anti-pro youtube.com/xxtrickykidxx
Reciclaje: youtube.com
Foto fija: deepervalley.tumblr.com/
Musica: Les Petits Pilous - Bielle (Original Mix)
Enero 23 de 2011
COLOR BOX vjloops.tv
COLOR BOX vjloops.tv from COLOR BLIND on Vimeo.
Preview of the video loops pack "COLOR BOX" available at vjloops.tv
Pack contains 30 vj loops
MTM Jan 2011 - VJ set
DJ Simon Heartfield and VJ Dr Lighthouse @ Mini Techno Market Jan 2011.
MTM is a series of art and music events at weird and wonderful locations, all around London, no clubs or bars, the more unusual - the better!
MTM is a series of art and music events at weird and wonderful locations, all around London, no clubs or bars, the more unusual - the better!
3D VJ Modul based on BlendingWorlds
3D VJ Modul based on BlendingWorlds from sitnikvladimir on Vimeo.
3D VJ Modul created for BlendingWorlds
Realtime 360 GPU LED panorama
Up to 16 layers per scene mixing with midi controller
Created in 3D Studio MAX with direct export to panorama engine. And also is a possibility to operate a scene with effects as blur, HUE, mixing RGB channels . . .
Mixing : ProVJ
Music : Dennis Ferrer - hey hey
CG: Sitnik Vladimir
Three Two Eight (Knit That Rip)
Three Two Eight (Knit That Rip) from Lyn Faber on Vimeo.
Culled off the cassette-only release of the 1991 Lyn Faber classic "Feverish Murmurs From A Sick Man's Dreams", Three Two Eight (Knit That Rip) crosses over from analog to digital for the first time on any screen as the new single out of the Jersey shore studios of Lyndon Lorenz.
Since the original tape was twenty years old (featuring soundbites from a tape collection of old radio commercials), finding public domain stock footage was kind of a pain in the neck. As always, the Prelinger Archive at archive.org pulled through once again:
-- Experiments In The Revival Of Organisms (1940) for the b&w footage
-- I Am A Doctor (1959) for the color medical clips
-- Practical Housewife (1957) for the housewife and the kitchen stuff
Everything else was assembled from more than a hundred JPEGs of every word and every combination of dots (this, like finding the right source clips, was also a pain in the neck. So now I have two pains in the neck).
Musically, the bed track was cut two decades ago on a Fostex X30 multitracker (using dual outboard cassette decks for flying in the audio bits), and a Casio SK5 sampler to put together the song itself. Oldskool all the way, until it was brought into the 21st century to create this exclusive Vimeo reissue.
Persian Mix 2011
A more common name is simply DVDJ (DVD jockey) or VJ (video jockey); however, the latter, as mentioned previously, is sometimes confused with TV music video channel hosts.
DVJ, derived from the term "DJ" and its sister "VJ", is a term used to describe a combination of the two
A more common name is simply DVDJ (DVD jockey) or VJ (video jockey); however, the latter, as mentioned previously, is sometimes confused with TV music video channel hosts.
DVJ, derived from the term "DJ" and its sister "VJ", is a term used to describe a combination of the two
oneseconds/tryplex: tryplex toolkit v0.1
oneseconds/tryplex: tryplex toolkit v0.1 from oneseconds on Vimeo.
The tryplex toolkit is a set of macro patches for QC that work together with Sensebloom's OSCeleton.
We're creating a workflow that makes it easier to experiment with the kinect skeleton data.
It's developed in the tryplex.org context, a collaborative open source project for designing and printing 3d inflatables.
More info and source:
LIVE PERFORMANCE_REFLECTED by VjThai&DjYesca from Vj Thai (Roxana T. Barraza) on Vimeo.
Dj Yesca
Vj Thai
This is one of those great AV moments...
I´ve loved this song,
& I was almost sure he was gonna play it
but didn´t know when?
I had the visuals in my synth,
all the elements to visualize this musical piece LIVE
and it happened.
This is the only memory of that AV moment of LIVE CINEMA creation through improvisation, this recording version is called REFLECTED by DjYesca & Vj Thai.
This performance had place in ZONA LOUNGE, as part of the FORUM activities in the city of Monterrey. The visuals were seen by a few in 8 proyections of 3x4 distributed around the place.
It is an industrial warehouse where the fabric of steel used to be and now there is a park area called Parque Fundidora.
The place was trasnformed for this FORUM event, and it existed only 4 months, 2007.
Sistema Local
2007. Mty, Mx.
The VJacket is a wearable controller for live video performance - demo
The VJacket is a wearable controller for live video performance. Built into the jacket are bend, touch and hit sensors which let you control video effects and transitions, trigger clips, and scratch frames all from the comfort of your own jacket.
This demo shows the individual sensors of the VJacket and how they can be used to control a popular VJ program, Resolume Avenue. The VJacket outputs OSC and/or MIDI and therefore can control many different audio and visual programs, like Arkaos Grand VJ, Max/MSP/Jitter, Reaktor, Abelton Live, Propellerheads Reason, Supercollider, Kyma, Processing, OpenFrameworks, etc.
More info and instructions on how to build your own VJacket can be found on http://vjacket.com
This demo shows the individual sensors of the VJacket and how they can be used to control a popular VJ program, Resolume Avenue. The VJacket outputs OSC and/or MIDI and therefore can control many different audio and visual programs, like Arkaos Grand VJ, Max/MSP/Jitter, Reaktor, Abelton Live, Propellerheads Reason, Supercollider, Kyma, Processing, OpenFrameworks, etc.
More info and instructions on how to build your own VJacket can be found on http://vjacket.com
Chronos 12/02/2011
Chronos 12/02/2011 from VisualSound Studio on Vimeo.
Russia, Moscow. chronos-project.pdj.ru/
Altar Records, Ajana Records, Beats & Pieces Records (Moscow)
Live & presentation of new album "Inspirational Power".
VJ-ing by Yuri Elik.
Organized by Microcosmos. Recorded live by VisualSound.TV
Pretty Lights - Look Both Ways
Pretty Lights - Look Both Ways from Claire Pinegar on Vimeo.
Visuals create for electronica artist Pretty Lights, for their US fall tour, 2010.
Yousuke Fuyama (Tokyo)
Composer, Programmer, Sound Designer, VJ.
Studied Acousmatic, Electroacoustic, FUTURA07Stage @ France, Crest
The Champion(1st winner) of LAPTOPBATTLE TOKYO Vol.4 @ Japan, Tokyo
mail me:
smdlovesyou [at] gmail[dot]com
A Sounddesigner of AUG5 Inc.
VJ in raster-noton AfterParty at SuperDeluxe Tokyo from Yousuke Fuyama on Vimeo.
raster-noton after partyDJ: Carsten Nicolai (a.k.a. alva noto), Byetone, INNER SCIENCE, Ametsub / LIVE: Chihei Hatakeyama, miclodiet / VJ: Masato TSUTSUI, Yousuke Fuyama / 上映: future past perfect pt. 3 (u_08-1) by Carsten Nicolai
LIVE at SuperDeluxe 2010/10/08 from Yousuke Fuyama on Vimeo.
"soundfollies 11" 2010/10/08
with miclodiet, Yousuke Fuyama, shota hirama, DJ Evil Penguin, more
at Super Deluxe / Roppongi,Tokyo
Experimental and Media Art
Video Editer: Yasuhito Tsuge
Thanks: AUG5 aug5.net/
DIALOGOS (TOMOKO FUJIYOSHI + MISAKO KIKUCHI +YousukeFuyama) from Yousuke Fuyama on Vimeo.
This is the first performance of my collaboration with two dancers : TOMOKO FUJIYOSHI and MISAKO KIKUCHI.
This version of Video includes just about 4min but the work has 30min.
"NORANEKO" at Bullet's Tokyo, 10/21/2010
Composer, Programmer, Sound Designer, VJ.
Studied Acousmatic, Electroacoustic, FUTURA07Stage @ France, Crest
The Champion(1st winner) of LAPTOPBATTLE TOKYO Vol.4 @ Japan, Tokyo
mail me:
smdlovesyou [at] gmail[dot]com
A Sounddesigner of AUG5 Inc.
VJ in raster-noton AfterParty at SuperDeluxe Tokyo from Yousuke Fuyama on Vimeo.
raster-noton after partyDJ: Carsten Nicolai (a.k.a. alva noto), Byetone, INNER SCIENCE, Ametsub / LIVE: Chihei Hatakeyama, miclodiet / VJ: Masato TSUTSUI, Yousuke Fuyama / 上映: future past perfect pt. 3 (u_08-1) by Carsten Nicolai
LIVE at SuperDeluxe 2010/10/08 from Yousuke Fuyama on Vimeo.
"soundfollies 11" 2010/10/08
with miclodiet, Yousuke Fuyama, shota hirama, DJ Evil Penguin, more
at Super Deluxe / Roppongi,Tokyo
Experimental and Media Art
Video Editer: Yasuhito Tsuge
Thanks: AUG5 aug5.net/
DIALOGOS (TOMOKO FUJIYOSHI + MISAKO KIKUCHI +YousukeFuyama) from Yousuke Fuyama on Vimeo.
This is the first performance of my collaboration with two dancers : TOMOKO FUJIYOSHI and MISAKO KIKUCHI.
This version of Video includes just about 4min but the work has 30min.
"NORANEKO" at Bullet's Tokyo, 10/21/2010
dkdome (Germany)
VJ performance @ Buck Rogers - Moguai from dkdome on Vimeo.
a brief glimpse of my work as a VJ.
12.02.2011 Buck Rogers, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany
MMOV guerilla action in munich from dkdome on Vimeo.
An idea comes to life
This is a short vid of yesterdays spontaneous MMOV action in Munich. After months of planning and work this insane idea of mine is now finally ready for action and a whole lot of amazing projects. Check out this to find out more about my “newest and most craziest toy for the big boys” ever (available in english soon).
- you can´t stop 16 tons of steel -
visit us:
VJ performance @ Buck Rogers - Phil Fuldner from dkdome on Vimeo.
a brief glimpse of my work as a VJ.
15.01.2011 Buck Rogers, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany
Duffstep Live Audio Visual Feb 2011
Duffstep Live Audio Visual Feb 2011 from Join The Dots on Vimeo.
Buy 'Getting to Sirius' from iTunes.
Boldi Risko (London)
Filmmaker lives and works in London
Represented by London Sessions Productions
Trashy Sunday Live Mix from Boldi Risko on Vimeo.
edited version of a longer live mix
music by Led Er Est
drift from Boldi Risko on Vimeo.
Drift is black magic meets fashion. A collaboration with Dori Deng
Fashion designer Tze Goh | Stylist Tui Lin | Music "Silent Beef" by Jack Shirt |Directed by Boldizsar Csernak-Risko + Krisztian Zana | Produced by London Sessions Productions 2010
Live visuals for 'Symbiotica' by Julia Orlando Adzuki from Boldi Risko on Vimeo.
Visuals for Calcination of SonVer from Boldi Risko on Vimeo.
Background projection created for SonVer's Alchemy of Man project.
Filmmaker lives and works in London
Represented by London Sessions Productions
Trashy Sunday Live Mix from Boldi Risko on Vimeo.
edited version of a longer live mix
music by Led Er Est
drift from Boldi Risko on Vimeo.
Drift is black magic meets fashion. A collaboration with Dori Deng
Fashion designer Tze Goh | Stylist Tui Lin | Music "Silent Beef" by Jack Shirt |Directed by Boldizsar Csernak-Risko + Krisztian Zana | Produced by London Sessions Productions 2010
Live visuals for 'Symbiotica' by Julia Orlando Adzuki from Boldi Risko on Vimeo.
Visuals for Calcination of SonVer from Boldi Risko on Vimeo.
Background projection created for SonVer's Alchemy of Man project.
Atomic Groove 2010: Vitalic, D'Jamency & VJ Julie Meitz
Atomic Groove 2010: Vitalic, D'Jamency & VJ Julie Meitz from Julie Meitz on Vimeo.
This is an event promo of an 'Atomic Groove' party for Eject Management (09.01.2010).
At this event I VJ-ed, videotaped, photographed and then made this promo (concept, editing & effects).
Merci to Vitalic (& the label Different) for his piece 'One Above One'. Merci à Marc et Pierre-Yves, mes bon amis :) Merci to Globull staff, and thanx to all of those who I videotaped!
Thanx to Bernard-Pierre Sampo for allowing his neuron video to be downloaded: vimeo.com/887388
*** Notes ***
Consumer Camcorders: Sony D8 & Panasonic MiniDV (Yes, I want to buy an HD camera one of these days! But I must say, the old Sony D8 series still kick ass!)
Live Feed: CCTV Panasonic security camera (great deal on ebay! lucky me!)
Software: Adobe Premiere Pro
VJ Software: Resolume 2.4
Shooting in a night club with low or no lighting is always an issue, so I use the "night-shot" feature (infrared). However, there are issues of "hot spots" and severe graininess.
So, it's always a challenge making these videos...also, not always having the latest technology toys forces me to explore deeper into the tools I already have.
DJs: Vitalic, D'Jamency, Mathew Freeman & Erony
készítette : Serkédi Nóra / VJ SeNoN /
Már jó ideje hajtott a kíváncsiság a P10-el kapcsolatban, hisz a ROLAND vj termékeivel nagyon jó tapasztalataim voltak, ráadásul a cég hamarosan új fejlesztéseket is bemutat. Nézzük csak!
Általános leírás:
A P-10 a Roland legújabb kompakt vizuális eszköze. A szerkezet elsőre is kellemes benyomást kelt. Méretét tekintve, sem túl nagy, sem túl kicsi, éppen passzol egy EDIROL V4, vagy V8-as keverő mellé. Egyszerű, funkcionális, mégis dizájnos forma. Könnyen áttekinthető a billentyűk és potméterek kiosztása. Haladjunk szépen sorjában fentről lefelé.
A legfelső sorban a következő billentyűk találhatók:
- Menü, LCD kijelző, Exit, Enter, Value
A menüben történő navigációt a 3,5 colos színes LCD kijelzőn követhetjük nyomon. Értelemszerűen a menü különböző alpontjaiba az Enter billentyűvel tudunk belépni, illetve választani. Léptetni a Value potméterrel van lehetőség, az Exit billentyűvel pedig visszaléphetünk a menü különböző szintjeiről.
A Menü a következő beállításokat tartalmazza:
- Information: általános információ az SD kártyáról, verzióról, és lehetőség van különböző projecteket elmenteni, illetve ezeket betölteni használatra.
- Video: be lehet állítani a videó formátumát (PAL/NTSC), a sebességet (normal/scratch), illetve, hogy a kimenő videó képe milyen színbe fusson át.
- Audio:
- Midi: A Roland P10-es készülék képes MIDI üzenetek fogadására/küldésére. Ezt a funkciót itt aktiválhatjuk/letilthatjuk.
- Védelem: lehetőség van arra, hogy a menet közbeni törlést, felülírást ne engedélyezzük. Itt lehetőség van a védelem bekapcsolására. (Pad edit off/on, capture/off/on)
- File-ok törlése: lehetőség van az SD kártyáról file-ok törlésére. A Volue potméterrel van lehetőség az SD kártyára mentett file-ok gyorsnézetének megjelenítésére (tallózásra) és esetleges törlésére.
- SD kártya formatálása: a használni kívánt SD kártyát a P-10-ben formatálva biztosak lehetünk benne, hogy nem merül fel adatkezelési probléma készülék és a kártya közt. Formatáláskor azonban minden adatunk törlődik a kártyáról!
- Gyári beállítás visszaállítása: gyári beállítások visszaállítása.
Effekt sor a következő billentyűzeteket tartalmazza:
Fontos megjegyezni, hogy a Menüben a videó beállításánál hogyan állítottuk be a különböző effektek paramétereit. Ezek a beállítások többfajta lehetőséget adnak a colour/szín, és a videó output fade beállításaira!
- Audio volume: a kliphez tartozó hangsáv hangerejét határozza meg
- Speed/sebesség: lehetőség van a videó lejátszási sebességét lassítani (slow), illetve gyorsítani.
- Colour: a videó színét tudjuk megváltoztatni.
- Video output fade: alaphelyzetbe a videót feketébe, illetve fehérbe tudjuk áttolni. Ezzel nagyon jól lehet effektezni, mivel egy tekeréssel a kimenő kép megszüntethető, illetve fehérrel un. “sokkhatás” gyakorolható.
Movie/Still/Capture beállítási lehetőségei:
- PAD PARAM: Különböző specifikációs beállításokra ad lehetőséget videónként.
Játék módok és effektek összegzése:
A különböző lejátszási módok, mint a fordított, a villogó vagy gyorsítás/lassítás lenyűgöző hatást nyújt a közönség számára. A szerkezettel nem csak videók, hanem állóképek lejátszásra is van lehetőség diavetítés formájában, így például termék bemutatókon, vagy prezentációkon is kitűnő használatot nyújt, és segíti a vizuális munkát.
PAD PARAM beállítási lehetőségei:
A pad param beállítások minden „pad”-ra egyesével beállíthatók.
- videófile adata: a videófile elnevezésének bemutatása,
- lejátszási módozatok: különböző lejátszási lehetőségek állíthatók be:
- Forward Loop / Előre Loop: folyamatos lejátszás elejétől a végéig ismételve.
- Alternative Loop /Alternatív Loop: Ismétlődő oda-vissza lejátszás.
- One Shot 1: egyszeri lejátszása a videónak, ami az utolsó frame-nél megáll. (utolsó álló kép mutatása)
- One Shot 2: egyszeri lejátszása a videónak, és feketébe megáll.
- Gate 1: A videó lejátszás csak addig folyamatos, ameddig a „pad” nyomva van. Szünetel a videó lejátszás, és álló képre vált, ha a „pad” elengedésre kerül.
- Gate 2: A videó lejátszás csak addig folyamatos, ameddig a „pad” nyomva van. Ha a „pad” elengedésre kerül, akkor fekete a kimenő kép.
- kezdő frame beállítása: lehetőség van a kezdő frame beállítására. A value gombbal frame-enként léptethető, és kiválasztható a kezdő frame.
- utolsó frame beállítása: kiválasztható az utolsó frame képkockája.
- audió beállítás módjai: audio sync, additional audio file, audio level
- strobe time: A strobe effekttel szaggatott lejátszás eredményezhető, a kép adott időre kimerevedik. A szaggatás időtartama állítható itt be.
A P10-es készülékkel lehetőség van DVD készülékről, vagy video lejátszóról (vagy már külső forrásról) képeket, videót és hangot rögzíteni, melyet a készülékkel lejátszhatunk. (a rögzíthető videó hossza és az álló képek száma az SD kártya méretétől függ, nincs szoftveresen korlátozva. A mellékelt 1 GB-os kártyára 15 perc videó vagy kb. 2000 kép rögzíthető).
Menete: El kell indítani a külső lejátszót, majd az EXT SOURCE billentyű lenyomását követően a kijelzőn megjelennek a külső eszköz képei. A MOVIE billentyű lenyomásával a felvétel elindítható, amely kék színűre vált. Ismételt lenyomásával a felvétel leállítható. Az üres padok villognak.
Ugyan így lehetőség van álló kép rögzítésére is. Ebben az esetben a STILL billentyűt kell kiválasztani. A rögzítés menete ugyan az mint a videó rögzítés menete.
DELETE: lehetőség van videó, vagy kép file közvetlen törlésére is a DELETE billentyű kiválasztásával, amely egyből a kiválasztott file-t törli. A törlést meg kell erősíteni.
PAD COPY: lehetőség van arra, hogy egy „pad” tartalmát egy másik „pad”-ra átmásoljunk. Ki kell választani a „pad”-ot majd a PAD COPY-t. Az üresen lévő „pad”-ok pirosan villognak. Miután kiválasztottuk, hogy hova másoljuk, azt ENTER gomb lenyomásával a másolás elkészül.
REPEAT: ismételt lejátszást eredményez.
REVERSE/SLIDE SHOW: az effekt kiválasztásával a videó visszafelé indul el. Kikapcsolásával a videó ismét a megállítástól indul folyamatos lejátszásban.
STROBE: az effekt kiválasztása szaggatott lejátszást tesz lehetővé. A szaggatás időtartamának beállítása kiválasztható (0.1 sec-2.0 sec).
EXT SOURCE: a billentyű lenyomásával van lehetőség külső eszközről videó vagy állókép felvételére.
A pad, és a bank használata:
Az EDIROL P-10-es készülék 12 bankban tárol videókat (A, B, C, D, E, F) Minden bank (pl. A) alá 1-12-ig 12 videó tárolható a padokban. Így összesen akár 864 db videó tárolható. Természetesen a memória kártya kapacitásától függően.
A világító padoknak köszönhetően sötét színpadon is könnyen kezelhető az EDIROL P-10. Külön szín funkcionál annak a megkülönböztetésre, ha egy „pad” bármilyen videó anyagot tartalmaz. Ebben az esetben a „pad” színe piros. Amelyik padhoz nincsen kép, vagy videó anyag rendelve kék színű a „pad”.
Műszaki leírás:
Videó formátum: NTSC vagy PAL (választható).
Adatformátum: Filmek: Motion JPEG (640 x 480 pixel) Állókép: JPEG (640 x 480 pixel) Audio: WAV (16-bit / 44,1 kHz).
Médiatárolás: SD vagy SDHC memóriakártyára
Videó lejátszás üzemmód: Előre Loop, Alternatív Loop,
Vizuális effektek: Ismétlés, Reverse, Strobe, Sebesség, Szín váltás, Kimeneti Fade, Slide Show
Bemenet és kimenet: Video bemenet: kompozit (RCA típusú) x 1 S-Video bemenet: 4 tűs mini DIN típusú x 1 Audio bemenet: RCA típusú (L / R) Video kimenet: Kompozit (RCA típusú) x 1 S-Video kimenet: 4 pólusú mini DIN típusú x 1 Audio kimenet: RCA típusú (L / R) Fejhallgató: Sztereó.
Egyéb csatlakozók: MIDI: 5 tűs DIN típusú x 1 MIDI Out / Through: 5 tűs DIN típusú x 1 USB port: USB 1.1 vagy 2.0 High Speed
Kijelző: 320 x 240 képpont QVGA színes kijelző Táp: 9 V-os DV (AC adapter) Áramfelvétel: 900mA
Kiegészítők: Használati útmutató, AC adapter, CD-ROM (P-10 Image Converter), SD kártya (1GB),
SD kártyatartó.
A használat előnyei:
- A P-10-es készülék egy önálló egység, nem feltétlenül szükséges további eszközök használata, de ha mégis, akkor ennek a feltételei is adottak, és a v-link alkalmazásnak köszönhetően azonnal szinkronba tudunk kerülni a keverőnkkel.
- A beüzemelés nagyon egyszerű, az SD kártya pedig alap videókkal feltöltött, amivel a szerkezet működése megtekinthető. Így azonnali hang és kép felvételre / lejátszásra van lehetőség a standard SD vagy SDHC memóriakártyáról.
- A videók feltöltéséhez csupán egy driverre van szükség. A driver használata igen egyszerű. Csak meg kell határozni, hogy melyik „padhoz” szeretnénk hozzárendelni a videót. A program pedig ezt átkonvertálja saját alkalmazásra, hogy az a készüléken kompatibilis legyen.
- Árát tekintve nem tartozik az olcsó termékek közé, viszont megéri az árát, mert a Roland / Edirol fémjelezte minőség magáért beszél.
- Előnye, hogy kivált egy notbookot, és egy vj softvert is, használata könnyen elsajátítható.
- A nagy fényerejű színes LCD-kijelző lehetővé tesz a videók, filok megtekintését, így nincs szükség külső monitorra.
- A gombok strapabíróak, és jól kezelhetők.
Esetleges hátrányok:
- Mivel a készülékre sok videó másolható egyszerre nehéz fejben tartani a „pad”-ok tartalmát. Talán ez okoz egy kis nehézséget, bár a készülék koncepciója, hogy ő „csak” egy bejátszó forrás a sok közül, a keverés rajta kívül történik, ezért érdemes többet használni belőle – ahogy egy DJ is több lemezjátszóról kever, és amíg az egyik adásban van, addig a másikon megkeresi a kívánt anyagot.
- Felmerült a használat során pár alkalommal, hogy a videó output fade színét, vagy a strobe sebességét átállítsam menet közben. Természetesen erre van lehetőség, viszont ekkor a kijelző a Menü tartalmára vált át, hogy annak a beállításait véghez vigyük. Ebben az esetben a kimenő videó vagy kép lejátszás megszűnik, és a menü felülete jelenik meg. Bizonyos helyzetekben ez zavaró tényező lehet.
- Az LCD preview monitor sérülhet.
A termékkel kapcsolatosan bővebb felvilágosítás itt kérhető:
Roland East Europe Ltd.
H-2045 Törökbálint
FSD Park 3.
Tel: +36-23/511-992
Peepboardpleasure from Davy and Kristin McGuire on Vimeo.
Just an little sketch of a new video installation idea. I don't have the rights to the great music by Devendra Bahnhart so its a bight naughty. Sorry Devendra
The Ice Book
The Ice Book from Davy and Kristin McGuire on Vimeo.
The Ice Book is the story of a princess who lures a boy into the forest in order to warm her heart of ice.
The performance blends animation, puppetry, and film to bring a pop-up book vividly to life in front of the audience's eyes.
For more information please visit the website: theicebook.com
Compositing - The Ice Book from Davy and Kristin McGuire on Vimeo.
Split-screen: "Magic, Memories, and You!" at Disneyland AND Walt Disney World - simultaneously!
Visit http://www.InsideTheMagic.net for much more from "Magic, Memories, and You!" at Disneyland and Walt Disney World
This video synchronizes the world premieres of the new "Magic, Memories, and You!" shows at both Disneyland and Walt DIsney World's Magic Kingdom, allowing you to enjoy the views of "it's a small world" and Cinderella Castle at the same time! And wear headphones, because the video features binaural audio.
This video synchronizes the world premieres of the new "Magic, Memories, and You!" shows at both Disneyland and Walt DIsney World's Magic Kingdom, allowing you to enjoy the views of "it's a small world" and Cinderella Castle at the same time! And wear headphones, because the video features binaural audio.
Prism Mover - Kinect hack 1
Prism Mover - Kinect hack 1 from VJFader on Vimeo.
First attempt of hacking Kinect using Processing, simple user interaction.
music: Carmen Rizzo - Overlooked Happiness
Volga Nights
Volga Nights from Briareus on Vimeo.
Music and video rendering by Briareus.
Vocal bits courtesy of opensounds.org
a/v: Max Hattler + Ocusonic @ Videomedeja 2010
a/v: Max Hattler + Ocusonic @ Videomedeja 2010 from Max Hattler on Vimeo.
Max Hattler (visuals) + Ocusonic (audio)
Live at Videomedeja, Novi Sad, Serbia, 18 Dec 2010
40'00" live a/v performance
4'14" excerpt (Noodle Soup)
Filmed from an interesting angle.
2 minutes of BEGIN at Velvet
2 minutes of BEGIN at Velvet from vj_waky on Vimeo.
Some moments of the Live Cinema show BEGIN at Velvet club.
Audio and video recorded live from the camera.
AG [grid]
AG [grid] from sinsynplus on Vimeo.
AG [AkademieGalerie]
interaktive Rauminstallation
Computer, Software, Videoprojektoren
Martin Mayer + Quirin Empl
Eröffnung Do 20.01. | 19:00
Finissage Sa 12.02. | 19:00
21.01. - 12.02.2011
Mi - Sa 14:00 - 20:00
U-Bahnstation Universität | Ausgang Nord | München
Ssang Yong NEW Actyon 3d projection mapping
Ssang Yong NEW Actyon 3d projection mapping from imars on Vimeo.
Event has been coordinated for start batch production of SsangYong NEW Actyon.
Specially for presentation Communication Group iMARS had been developed 3D projection on car which became central event of action.
Agency: Communication Group IMARS | imars.ru ©
Mapping VJ set at Creamfields Florianopolis
Mapping VJ set at Creamfields Florianopolis from Viktor Vicsek on Vimeo.
These are some pieces from my Mapping Vj set at Creamfields Florianopolis Brasil 2011.01.22. This was a United Vjs Brasil production. Other Vj-s performing that night were Vj Spetto, Vj Zaz, Vj Roger S. and Boris Edelstein of Modul8.
Flowmotion from Frans Hofmeester on Vimeo.
Waterreflections filmed in the canals of my hometown Utrecht, Holland.
| EXHIBIT! | workshop & projection | Basel 2010
| EXHIBIT! | workshop & projection | Basel 2010 from urbanscreen on Vimeo.
As part of the international scenography festival EXHIBIT! 2010, URBANSCREEN ran a one week workshop dealing with “Lumentecture - videomapping in urban space". In collaboration with the student participants a scenographic video performance was developed by way of example on a facade of the “Kaserne Basel” and performed during the festival as an architectural-projection. The aim of the workshop was to impart a deeper understanding of content issues and technical aspects of Lumentecture – i.e. the site-specific projection to architecture.
In particular, possible scenographic and dramaturgical means of communication through a Lumentecture production were to be explored.
As part of the accompanying EXHIBIT! - symposium Thorsten Bauer and Till Botterweck gave an one-hour speech on the previous work and the continuative artistic approach of URBANSCREEN. The presentation of the workshop concept and extracts of the results (following it) were explained in more detail towards the end of the speech.
Student participants in the workshop:
Stephan Athanas
Christoph Drews
Sina Kähler
Oleg Klassen
Jannis Reger
Ana Ricardo
Kurt Schuwey
Leila Tobassomi
Michel Winterberg
Yoav David
Realized with: Wings VIOSO Server
more on urbanscreen.com
V-MIRROR | Vitalic FlashMob Tour
V-MIRROR | Vitalic FlashMob Tour from 1024 on Vimeo.
Electronic Musician Vitalic | FlashMob live tour
Scenography, live visuals and programming.
The setup constists of 2 large LED mirrors, stroboscopes and a light desk.
All visuals are controlled in realtime by the musician, from his AbletonLive setup.
More info on our blog 1024d.wordpress.com
or the official 1024architecture.net
CPH Vision Party - Live Visuals
CPH Vision Party - Live Visuals from Christoffer Worsøe on Vimeo.
Installation, koncept and live visuals for the CPH Vision Party at The Royal Danish Playhouse by visual artist Worsøe.
The setup consists of 4 projector and were controlled with Modul8
Music: Kurá - Gógó (Lulu Rouge Remix
cut2kill @ migz
cut2kill @ migz from Januk Latushka ACIDBURN on Vimeo.
free 2 book world wide sundozesonic@gmail.com
Carsten Nikolai performance
Carsten Nikolai performance from Kultūrinis veiksmas on Vimeo.
video by Kultūrinis veiksmas2011/02/08
NEW ORLEANS - Fex Fellini
NEW ORLEANS - Fex Fellini from saw / blink and remove on Vimeo.
NEW ORLEANS - Fex Fellini
Video: saw / Blink And Remove [non-commercial]
Music: Fex Fellini - "New Orleans" [Courtesy of: Globelle, Believe Digital]
Video Footage: Courtesy of Google Street View & Treme TV series (HBO)
Ultrawide VJ loops
Ultrawide VJ loops from Mowgli on Vimeo.
A short mix of my ultrawide loop collection created for use with a Matrox triplehead to go and three projectors. All loops are available to buy from vjloops.tv/vj-loops-sd/vj-loops-hd-multi-screen/mowgli
luminaria 02
luminaria 02 from AscoltiVisivi on Vimeo.
A Napoli il 22 dicembre alle ore 19.00 in piazza San Domenico Maggiore, in occasione delle festività natalizie, si inaugura la rassegna d’arte contemporanea en plein air: LUMINARIA sostenuta dalla Regione Campania - Assessorato al Turismo e ai Beni Culturali - dal Comune di Napoli, dall’ EPT Napoli e con la collaborazione delle Municipalità coinvolte.
L’ idea principale è quella di trasformare le installazioni di artisti e designers in strumenti di riqualificazione dello spazio urbano adoperando i luoghi come materia o scena.
Corpi illuminanti sospesi, videoinstallazioni per un totale di undici interventi artistici site specific che suggeriscono un contrasto visivo contemporaneo.
direzione scientifica: Simona Perchiazzi
direzione artistica: Salvatore Biazzo
Tonestone | AV Ascolti Visivi from AscoltiVisivi on Vimeo.
AV Ascolti Visivi | Tonestone
Piazza del Gesù Nuovo
Mettere in luce, rivelare, enfatizzare forme architettoniche della cultura della città, travestendole, mascherandole con colori e distorsioni, per farle riscoprire, per farle ritrovare gli sguardi dei
passanti, per suggerire una realtà più complessa, più profonda, per far percepire un senso estetico che trova conforto nella decorazione ornamentale.
E' un lavoro realizzato ad hoc, una video proiezione gigante, mappata sulla facciata della chiesa del Gesù Nuovo. Ogni pietra assume un colore, una forma; precaria. Nell'assieme i colori giocano, trasformandosi e realizzandosi in una tavolozza emozionale.
v002 Model Loader Demo
v002 Model Loader Demo from vade on Vimeo.
Demo of v002 Model Loader, a 3D file format importer for Quartz Composer that supports over 35 different types of 3D file formats, thanks to Open Asset Import Library.
v002 Model Loader supports animation, inter-keyframe interpolation for smooth weighted bones, and time base input to allow scrubbing and jumping through the animation.
Lighting, Render in Image, GLSL and other environmental patches are supported.
Download the first public beta at:
Quartz Composer VJ: Performer 1.3
Mix images and video clips on the fly
Performer is a Mac OS X app that will help you mix images and video clips on the fly and add groovy effects! In no time you’ll be “VJ”ing at your next party…
Performer is a simple and free Cocoa based front-end for Quartz Composer, allowing for full screen presentation to a second monitor + a preview window.
Performer supports drag-and-drag media additions to 8 media drop slots, 2-channel crossfades, and triggers for 8 different display/effect modes.
Performer will also save the current array of media so that when you relaunch it will remember your last media selections.
Freeware Download
Performer is a Mac OS X app that will help you mix images and video clips on the fly and add groovy effects! In no time you’ll be “VJ”ing at your next party…
Performer is a simple and free Cocoa based front-end for Quartz Composer, allowing for full screen presentation to a second monitor + a preview window.
Performer supports drag-and-drag media additions to 8 media drop slots, 2-channel crossfades, and triggers for 8 different display/effect modes.
Performer will also save the current array of media so that when you relaunch it will remember your last media selections.
Freeware Download
HBO Golden Globes 2011
HBO Golden Globes 2011 from Bart Kresa on Vimeo.
Large scale video projection designed for the HBO Golden Globes party by BARTKRESA design.
Event Design - Billy Butchkavitz
Projection Design - Bart Kresa
Creative - Billy Butchkavitz, Bart Kresa, Peter Schroff
3D Design - Maks Naporowski, Rajiv Joseph
Graphic Support - Rachele Hebrank
Video System Programming - Bart Kresa, Mike Czarny
Master Projectionist - Michael Scheliga
Lighting Design - Curt Stahl
Special thanks for the support to SenovvA and VER
Architectural mapping inspired by the book "The Mexican: Alchemy & Myth of a Race" by Manuel Aceves. According to his thesis, mexican people are the reconciliation of two opposites embodied: his unconscious, dominated by the pre-columbian magical-sacred worldview and his ego or conscious, mostly imbued by the spanish conqueror´s pragmatism. This author applies Jungian psychology to try to explain the eternal contrasts and contradictions typical of mexican culture. Seen under this light, the current violent crisis could be a manifestation of the process Jung called "enantiodromia": (Greek: ἐνάντιος, enantios, opposite + δρόμος, dromos, running course): "Everything that is repressed by the unconscious mind has a tendency to come back, sooner or later."
Intervención arquitectónica de video inspirada por el libro "El Mexicano: Alquimia y mito de una raza" de Manuel Aceves: según plantea este libro, los mexicanos somos la unión de los contrarios. Por un lado esta la psique inconsciente precolombina, y por otra la conciencia europea adquirida por nuestra fusión con lo español: "las neurosis del mexicano moderno se originan por el desconocimiento básico de que nuestro órgano consciente es, por su estructura, psicologicamente español." El libro aplica magistralmente el pensamiento de C.G. Jung para explicar las eternas contradicciones y neurosis que nos aquejan. Al parecer, estamos viviendo como pais y cultura un cambio violento similar a lo que que Jung llamó "enantiodromia" (del griego: ἐνάντιος, enantios, opuesto + δρόμος, dromos: via, avenida o carretera): el temido "México bronco" que despierta de nuevo en estos dias sería la manifestación física de una crisis de opuestos colectiva: "Todo lo reprimido por el inconsciente tiende a regresar tarde o temprano".
Radiography_14 from COLOR BLIND on Vimeo.
Download loops pack "X-RAY" in 1280x720 pixels @ vjloophd.blogspot.com/
Please,if you download packs,make one or two clicks on the ads by google.
Blog will be update regularly.
Ultra wide vjing sample
Ultra wide vjing sample from Mowgli on Vimeo.
Short sample of vjing for a triple screen set up using a Matrox Triple Head 2 Go graphics card.
Abstrakt geometry Wip02
Abstrakt geometry Wip02 from Vision Nocturne on Vimeo.
Animation experimental -realtime and Audio reactivesoft:Quartz composer
Mischa Ying (London IOW)
http:// musterstations.co.uk
Freelance Animator & VJ : Abstract narratives combine live action, animation and rich textures to create tripped out pipelines between analogue and digital worlds...
Adam Beyer Visuals DVD from Mischa Ying on Vimeo.
Condensed Edit from 20min Visuals DVD
Track: Alan Fitzpatrick – Paranoize – Adam Beyer and Jesper Dahlback remix – Drumcode
Visuals: Mischa Ying's Projectaparp feat Brains & Logo's by VJ Loki
Performer: Adam Wong
Chase & Status - Running from Mischa Ying on Vimeo.
Visuals for live Chase & Status set at Radio 1's Big Weekend, Swindon 2009
Edited by Mischa Ying using footage from green screen shoot feat. Takura - composites by ladypat & Mischa Ying using stock content by VJ Loki
Camera: Bruce Selkirk
Backing Music & Visuals for Rave Punk's Dance Solo from Mischa Ying on Vimeo.
Nu Rave Punk pastiche taken from the dance show Cacophony:
Music by Jem Panufnik, Visuals by Mischa Ying with added effects by VJ Loki
Cacophony was Directed & Choreographed by Lucie Pankhurst... for show edit & further info visit myspace.com/dirty_reg
Freelance Animator & VJ : Abstract narratives combine live action, animation and rich textures to create tripped out pipelines between analogue and digital worlds...
Adam Beyer Visuals DVD from Mischa Ying on Vimeo.
Condensed Edit from 20min Visuals DVD
Track: Alan Fitzpatrick – Paranoize – Adam Beyer and Jesper Dahlback remix – Drumcode
Visuals: Mischa Ying's Projectaparp feat Brains & Logo's by VJ Loki
Performer: Adam Wong
Chase & Status - Running from Mischa Ying on Vimeo.
Visuals for live Chase & Status set at Radio 1's Big Weekend, Swindon 2009
Edited by Mischa Ying using footage from green screen shoot feat. Takura - composites by ladypat & Mischa Ying using stock content by VJ Loki
Camera: Bruce Selkirk
Backing Music & Visuals for Rave Punk's Dance Solo from Mischa Ying on Vimeo.
Nu Rave Punk pastiche taken from the dance show Cacophony:
Music by Jem Panufnik, Visuals by Mischa Ying with added effects by VJ Loki
Cacophony was Directed & Choreographed by Lucie Pankhurst... for show edit & further info visit myspace.com/dirty_reg
DEREZZED 80 BPM from VJFader on Vimeo.
Art Direction: Fader, VJ Leo, Bruno Oliveira
Models: Claus e Vanessa clausevanessa.com.br
Video Mapping/Editing: Fader vjfader.com
Camera: VJ Leo
Music: Daft Punk - Derezzed (80BPM)
Alexander Daf - A Thousand Tomorrows
Alexander Daf - A Thousand Tomorrows from VisualSound Studio on Vimeo.
music by Alexander Daf - While you were sleeping EP (Electronic Soundscapes).
Animation by VisualSound Studio & greate thanks to Krzysztof Marczak, who published this wonderfull Mandelbulb fractal on YouTube (youtube.com/watch?v=xO5fXGqeM5c)
DJ L.P. 29 01 2011
DJ L.P. 29 01 2011 from VisualSound Studio on Vimeo.
DJ-ONLINE TV project. Live broadcast recorded at VisualSound Studio
29 01 2011
Glitchee - Interactive Video Sculpture
Glitchee - Interactive Video Sculpture from VJ Anomolee on Vimeo.
Short video of John Pomara using my Glitchee sculpture at CentralTrak Gallery in Dallas.
Built in Unity3d
music is from GlitchMob
V for Vendetta Remix
V for Vendetta Remix (Visual Reload vs The Edge feat. Electrobugz) from VISUAL RELOAD on Vimeo.
V for Vendetta Remix (Visual Reload vs The Edge feat. Electrobugz)
NS003: The Edge feat. Electrobugz - Acid Machine
StreamS - Their Eyes
StreamS - Their Eyes from ENFPvisuals on Vimeo.
See how Their Eyes see with StreamS. Video Produced by ENFPvisuals
Premix du dimanche
Premix du dimanche from afterme on Vimeo.
VJ mix du dimanche sur un mix de L-ZA ;)
"Make The Girl Dance & Solange la Frange VS. T 99 - Wall of anasthasia"
Afterme °!° & eMTv
Pianographique / Tremblement urbain
Pianographique / Tremblement urbain from David Colombini on Vimeo.
Live VJ set
VJ set mixé en direct pour le cour de MID.
ECAL 2010-2011
Professeur : Angelo Benedetto
Musique : Paul Woolford - Cloud 9
Vj Spir - audio visual story teller
Spir performs with his group Sam & the Fuse Factory at "la Fonderie" in Fribourg Switzerland.
Wilder 5 remix
Wilder 5 remix (2009) from Lewis Weinberg on Vimeo.
New Monsters of Hope, Awaken is a psychedelic/classical music non-semble made up of two real musicians, my friends Qiuxia and Kevin Welch, and one fake musician, me. We performed live at Artery 2009 in Minneapolis' Soap Factory on June 24, 2009. This video is made of audio from that live performance, remixed by real musician Seth Engelby, and set to a number of VJ performance loops that were created during our rehearsals for the event.
EAR at Queen Elizabeth Hall Oct 18th 2008
EAR at Queen Elizabeth Hall Oct 18th 2008 from Joe Catchpole on Vimeo.
Emerging Artists in Residence, Southbank Centre, London.
October 18th 2008
Live Visuals by Joe Catchpole and Daniel Fenton
Music from:
Super Best Friends Club
Camilo Tirado
El Crisis
Nathan 'Flutebox' Lee
with Hanif Khan and Skrein
VJ Clip Packs
VJ Clip Pack 'Fabric of the Cosmos' - Demo Mix from DanWiseCreative on Vimeo.
Music: Phaeleh 'AfterGlow'
This is a demo mix showcasing the pack of VJ clips I made called 'Fabric of the Cosmos'.
All the clips used are available to purchase from the Resolume online store for use in your own AV mixes and performances. The demo was made in after effects, however everything you see is achievable using your own favourite VJ software. No extra effects have been used. The clips were originally created independently from this track.
This is an unofficial mix, and no connection is claimed with the musicians involved in the production of the music. If you like the music, please support the artist by purchasing it!
VJ Clip Pack 'Android Dreams' - Demo Mix from DanWiseCreative on Vimeo.
Music: Armand Van Helden 'I want your soul'
This is a demo mix showcasing the pack of VJ clips I made called 'Android Dreams'.
All the clips used are available to purchase from the Resolume online store for use in your own AV mixes and performances. The demo was made in after effects, however everything you see is achievable using your own favourite VJ software. No extra effects have been used. The clips were originally created independently from this track.
This is an unofficial mix, and no connection is claimed with the musicians involved in the production of the music. If you like the music, please support the artist by purchasing it!
*note* Vimeo's compression has killed the subtlety if the grade which is somewhere between old vhs and halftone - the original files on the Resolume site are much better quality
VJ Clip Pack 'Razzle Dazzle' - Demo Mix from DanWiseCreative on Vimeo.
Music: Stanton Warriors 'Turn me up some'
This is a demo mix showcasing the pack of VJ clips I made called 'Razzle Dazzle'.
All the clips used are available to purchase from the Resolume online store for use in your own AV mixes and performances. The demo was made in after effects, however everything you see is achievable using your own favourite VJ software. No extra effects have been used. The clips were originally created independently from this track.
This is an unofficial mix, and no connection is claimed with the musicians involved in the production of the music. If you like the music, please support the artist by purchasing it!
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