Pályázati felhívás
Készíts virtuális épületfestéshez szabadon választott témában, a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Központi épületének középső homlokzatára, az épület architektúrájával harmonizáló, zenei aláfestéssel komponált, 3 perces projektoros kivetítésre alkalmas képanyagot (animáció, videó, montázs stb.).
Zenei aláfestés:
Szabadon választott műfajban
Pályázati feltételek
Jogi és személyi feltételek
Pályázatot nyújthat be:
A pályázat nyílt, természetes és jogi személyek foglalkozástól, kortól, nemtől, állampolgárságtól és lakóhelytől függetlenül, egyénileg és/vagy csapatban pályázhatnak
18 év alatti természetes személy csak törvényes képviselője hozzájárulásával pályázhat
Csoportos pályázat benyújtása esetén a csoport köteles kijelölni és felhatalmazni egy képviselőt, akivel a pályázat során kizárólagos kapcsolatot tart a pályázat kiírója
A csoportosan pályázó legfeljebb egy csoportban közreműködhet
Aki csoportban szerepel, egyénileg is pályázhat
Egy pályázó több pályamunkával is nevezhet
Profik és amatőrök egyaránt pályázhatnak
A kiíró Visualpower Kft. és szervező-, együttműködő partnereinek dolgozói, tagjai, tisztségviselői, illetve a felsoroltak közeli hozzátartozói nem pályázhatnak.
A pályamunkák beadásának feltételei
Az érvényes pályázat feltétele a oldalon történő „Anyagleadás-regisztráció”. Minden pályamű külön regisztrációt igényel!
A pályázó kizárólag saját, eredeti szerzői alkotásával pályázhat. E feltétel megsértése esetén a pályázat érvénytelenné válik, és a pályázót azonnali hatállyal kizárjuk a versenyből. Ha ez a díjátadást követően válik ismertté, akkor a helyezést érvénytelenítjük, és a pályázó köteles a díjat visszaszolgáltatni.
A pályázó a regisztrációs adatlap hiánytalan kitöltésével kijelenti, hogy a pályamunka saját szerzői műve, továbbá felelősséget vállal azért, hogy az általa benyújtott pályamunka nem sérti más szerzői jogát.
A pályamunkának meg kell felelnie a kiírás, "Pályamunkák kötelező technikai paraméterei" fejezetében megadott technikai feltételeknek.
A pályaműben tilos bármilyen létező vagy fiktív, direkt vagy bújtatott reklám elhelyezése, azaz tilos terméket, márkát, nevet, emblémát, felismerhető arculati elemet, feliratot stb., és/vagy bármilyen, a pályázóra utaló jelet megjeleníteni! Ennek be nem tartása a pályamű automatikus kizárásával jár!
VIS Festival 2011
VIS Festival Trailer 2011 (by Max Hattler) from Max Hattler on Vimeo.
VIS Vienna Independent Shorts - Festival Trailer 2011
Directed by Max Hattler (
Music by schmid (
Code by Sune Petersen (
WireGUI is a controller application for the iPhone and iPod Touch. It uses Open Sound Control (often referred to as "OSC"), which is a protocol allowing the transmission of chunks of data (numbers and strings) over standard networks, such as a local ethernet or wireless setup, or across the internet. This data is most often used to control software for making music or video, but in fact can be used for any purpose.
A day after the App’s initial approval, version 1.3 has already been submitted. The most significant update is the ability to sequence values. Also present are extra OSC message options, a “default” button, a “remember last time” preference setting which retains the last created setup when the app is rebooted, the ability to add a random mystery group, and some interaction and stability improvements. It will hopefully appear within the next few days.
Compose arrangements of GUI object groups on the device just by dragging and dropping icons, and making other simple adjustments. Resize and even rotate groups. Sequence the values. WireGUI is quick and easy to use, yet still flexible and powerful.
Resolume 2 on the iPad! AVAILABLE NOW!
Oh yes, you read it right. Resolume 2.41 is now available for the iPad!!! Mix clips the way you were used to from back in the day, on your o so shiny mobile touchscreen.
When you think about it, it actually makes you wonder why it took us so long to get it together:
1. Resolume 2.41 was made for 1024x768 resolution screens, which just happens to be exactly the size of the iPad display.
2. Resolume 2.41 doesn't use the GPU as much as Avenue, so even a device that doesn't have a modern GPU like the iPad can run it.
With the recent release of the iPad 2, we now can let the dual cores handle the work. And this makes things fly like nobody's business. That's not to say R2.41 iPad Edition won't work on the first version.
The cool part of this (for us geeks) is that we did not rewrite Resolume 2 to run on iOS, ooh no that would have been too easy. We looked at the Win32 API calls that Resolume 2 makes and we wrote a partial Windows emulator that runs on iOS so normal Windows programs can run on the iPad and iPhone. This concept is similar to WINE on linux and could theoretically be used to run other Windows on iOS too.
Check out the teaser video, and then head over to the iTunes store!
Resolume 2 on the iPad from Resolume on Vimeo.
When you think about it, it actually makes you wonder why it took us so long to get it together:
1. Resolume 2.41 was made for 1024x768 resolution screens, which just happens to be exactly the size of the iPad display.
2. Resolume 2.41 doesn't use the GPU as much as Avenue, so even a device that doesn't have a modern GPU like the iPad can run it.
With the recent release of the iPad 2, we now can let the dual cores handle the work. And this makes things fly like nobody's business. That's not to say R2.41 iPad Edition won't work on the first version.
The cool part of this (for us geeks) is that we did not rewrite Resolume 2 to run on iOS, ooh no that would have been too easy. We looked at the Win32 API calls that Resolume 2 makes and we wrote a partial Windows emulator that runs on iOS so normal Windows programs can run on the iPad and iPhone. This concept is similar to WINE on linux and could theoretically be used to run other Windows on iOS too.
Check out the teaser video, and then head over to the iTunes store!
Resolume 2 on the iPad from Resolume on Vimeo.
PERFORMER is a revolutionary way
to control your music software.
It uses multi-touch technology to the full. Instead of traditional faders and knobs, use multi-touch and gestures to manipulate PERFORMER’s beautiful shapes to dynamically control your computer’s software instruments in real-time.
In the studio, it allows the artist to approach their sound-design routine from a new, inspiring angle: to reconnect to their software instruments and Digital Audio Workstations by using Performer’s revolutionary interface and arriving at sounds and progressions impossible with traditional controllers.
But PERFORMER was also made to be seen!
On the stage, alongside with VISUALISER (PERFORMER’s big-screen visual output module, which is coming soon), PERFORMER creates an engaging live show that is indeed “alive”.
In-depth Overview
Getting Started Guide
KONKREET PERFORMER is here! from Konkreet Labs on Vimeo.
Konkreet Performer is a music control and performance instrument for the iPad. Its unique and intuitive multi-touch interface reconnects the musician’s actions directly with the music.
Use PERFORMER to play your Synth, operate your DAW, or anything that receives OSC or MIDI.
Re-explore your favorite music software tools with a whole new way to search, find and perform your sound.
All sounds in this video were recorded using instruments controlled by PERFORMER
Available now in the app store!
say Hello to KONKREET PERFORMER from Konkreet Labs on Vimeo.
very first glance at KONKREET PERFORMER, first of a kind, visual OSC controller and visualizer for your DAW / Synth / Drum Machine / Sampler etc.
KONKREET PERFORMER aims to be used in the studio and on stage. it addresses digital music control and performance in a whole new and unique way -- be ready to explore multitouch to the extreme!
coming soon for iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch
Performer vs. Buffeater from Konkreet Labs on Vimeo.
Konkreet Performer controlling Twisted Tool's Buffeater Lite using external audio
to control your music software.
It uses multi-touch technology to the full. Instead of traditional faders and knobs, use multi-touch and gestures to manipulate PERFORMER’s beautiful shapes to dynamically control your computer’s software instruments in real-time.
In the studio, it allows the artist to approach their sound-design routine from a new, inspiring angle: to reconnect to their software instruments and Digital Audio Workstations by using Performer’s revolutionary interface and arriving at sounds and progressions impossible with traditional controllers.
But PERFORMER was also made to be seen!
On the stage, alongside with VISUALISER (PERFORMER’s big-screen visual output module, which is coming soon), PERFORMER creates an engaging live show that is indeed “alive”.
In-depth Overview
Getting Started Guide
KONKREET PERFORMER is here! from Konkreet Labs on Vimeo.
Konkreet Performer is a music control and performance instrument for the iPad. Its unique and intuitive multi-touch interface reconnects the musician’s actions directly with the music.
Use PERFORMER to play your Synth, operate your DAW, or anything that receives OSC or MIDI.
Re-explore your favorite music software tools with a whole new way to search, find and perform your sound.
All sounds in this video were recorded using instruments controlled by PERFORMER
Available now in the app store!
say Hello to KONKREET PERFORMER from Konkreet Labs on Vimeo.
very first glance at KONKREET PERFORMER, first of a kind, visual OSC controller and visualizer for your DAW / Synth / Drum Machine / Sampler etc.
KONKREET PERFORMER aims to be used in the studio and on stage. it addresses digital music control and performance in a whole new and unique way -- be ready to explore multitouch to the extreme!
coming soon for iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch
Performer vs. Buffeater from Konkreet Labs on Vimeo.
Konkreet Performer controlling Twisted Tool's Buffeater Lite using external audio
LIVE Visuals @ Obergeile Osterscheisse - OldMill/Carinthia
LIVE Visuals @ Obergeile Osterscheisse - OldMill/Carinthia from Klaus Fleischhacker on Vimeo.
LIVE Visuals based on customized glitch and distorsion filters. Controlled via Touch OSC.
Visuals: Resolume Avenue 3.1.3
Music: Dirty Doering - Dr. Nagel (DJ Emerson Remix)
Label: Micro.fon
deodorant from beeple on Vimeo.
Free source material released under Creative Commons.
video: beeple / audio: mono/poly - "Needs Deodorant"
audio: (fucking ace!)
canyon from beeple on Vimeo.
Free source material released under Creative Commons.
Cinema 4D project file:
video: beeple / sound: mono/poly - "forest dark"
daily artwork:
Projection in the theater
DRINK THE KOOL-AID / URBAN WASH DANCE COMPANY, MIKHAIL TORICH & AEROSTATIC / APRIL 15 2011 @ THE TANK, NYC / Choreography & Performance by Rebekah J Kennedy / Live visuals & Performance by Mikhail Torich / Original Score by Aerostatic / Costumes by Micah / show at the Re:Vision 2011, April 15 @ the Tank NYC
IF I WEREN'T A PERSON... STUBBED IN A BODY / XALEON MANIFESTO, STUDIO GREEN PENGUIN & MIKHAIL TORICH (PREMIERE @ the Re:Vision produced by ForwardMotionTheater @ the Tank NYC, April 16 2011) Theatre, Choreography & Performance by Vir-Amicus & Pacho aka AJP, Live Visuals and Performance by Mikhail Torich / Sketch Artist / Cartoonist: Carlo Quispe, Music composed by: Studio Green Penguin (feat. vocals Vir-Amicus)
inaugurazione from mob on Vimeo.
MOB è un centro polivalente per l'arte, all'interno del quale potrai usufruire di un supporto tecnico qualificato, di attrezzature e spazi tecnologicamente all'avanguardia: tre sale prova, una live room e un reparto di progettazione grafica.
Musica: Raul Sanfratello
ZZR 9 mapping
ZZR 9 mapping from Multipraktik on Vimeo.
Promo video for upcoming 9th Zur z razlogom. Mapping done on white boxes in underground garage.
Installation: Nina Vrhovec
Mapping and visuals: Fšk
Video & edit: Mique
Music: Klaxons - Echoes
Dr Babylon (Brooklyn)
Live Visualist
Not much is known about the reclusive Dr. Babylon...
Television Skies Promo from Dr Babylon on Vimeo.
The Singularity is near...
Samples of live video performance with VDMX
Television Skies is the ongoing live project of Dr. Babylon
Please watch full screen
Neural Drift from Dr Babylon on Vimeo.
Abstract, ethereal Iphone visuals
Original music by Defpotec
This is made up of some test footage from my Iphone.
I am in love with the idea of being able to create art with a cell phone.
These are recorded excerpts from a live video performance.
Argotec - Appetite Insatiable from Dr Babylon on Vimeo.
A sample of the live visuals from my work with Argotec
This is the final track off their debut album Wherewithal
"Search and understand the oceans instead of space
See inside the mind set aside this technological race
We can't possibly keep pace with this
Appetite Insatiable"
Visuals by Dr. Babylon
They Know from Dr Babylon on Vimeo.
Soundscape - Dr. Babylon
Six Screen Video Installation
Abstract Narrative
Created entirely from found footage
Untitled from Dr Babylon on Vimeo.
A/V Experiment from Dr Babylon on Vimeo.
Source: The Parallax View (1974)
Music: Flying Lotus
A/V Experiment II from Dr Babylon on Vimeo.
Music: Die Trip Computer Die
Live Visualist
Not much is known about the reclusive Dr. Babylon...
Television Skies Promo from Dr Babylon on Vimeo.
The Singularity is near...
Samples of live video performance with VDMX
Television Skies is the ongoing live project of Dr. Babylon
Please watch full screen
Neural Drift from Dr Babylon on Vimeo.
Abstract, ethereal Iphone visuals
Original music by Defpotec
This is made up of some test footage from my Iphone.
I am in love with the idea of being able to create art with a cell phone.
These are recorded excerpts from a live video performance.
Argotec - Appetite Insatiable from Dr Babylon on Vimeo.
A sample of the live visuals from my work with Argotec
This is the final track off their debut album Wherewithal
"Search and understand the oceans instead of space
See inside the mind set aside this technological race
We can't possibly keep pace with this
Appetite Insatiable"
Visuals by Dr. Babylon
They Know from Dr Babylon on Vimeo.
Soundscape - Dr. Babylon
Six Screen Video Installation
Abstract Narrative
Created entirely from found footage
Untitled from Dr Babylon on Vimeo.
A/V Experiment from Dr Babylon on Vimeo.
Source: The Parallax View (1974)
Music: Flying Lotus
A/V Experiment II from Dr Babylon on Vimeo.
Music: Die Trip Computer Die
Love Ambassade : VJing Session
Love Ambassade : VJing Session 01 from Meyzo on Vimeo.
First video mixed for LOVE AMBASSADE by VJ MEYZO.
Soundtrack mixed by DJ BANANA MUFINE.
Podcast Love Ambassade -> Follow us on iTunes for free !!! :
Meyzo :
Banana Mufine :
Love Ambassade : VJing Session 02 from Meyzo on Vimeo.
2nd video mixed for LOVE AMBASSADE by VJ MEYZO.
Soundtrack mixed by DJ BANANA MUFINE.
Podcast Love Ambassade (Follow us on iTunes for free !!!) :
Meyzo :
Banana Mufine :
Love Ambassade : VJing Session 03 from Meyzo on Vimeo.
Finally, the 3rd episode is released !!!!
Once again, big thanks to Banana Mufine for this awesome soundtrack !!! Your mix is my inspiration, mate !!!!!
Video mixed for LOVE AMBASSADE by VJ MEYZO.
Soundtrack mixed by DJ BANANA MUFINE.
Free Podcasts Love Ambassade on iTunes !!! :
Meyzo :
Banana Mufine :
Love Ambassade : VJing Session 04 from Meyzo on Vimeo.
Ok, here is the 4th episode !!!!
Video mixed for LOVE AMBASSADE by VJ MEYZO.
Soundtrack mixed by DJ BANANA MUFINE.
Free Podcasts Love Ambassade on iTunes !!! :
Meyzo :
Banana Mufine :
Building Projection
Building Projection from Watts TV on Vimeo.
A selection of clips of a building projection for Mehbs Yaqub design. Projectors by XL Video.
Graphics and animations by Kevin Watts using modul8
therefore[we]are_visual-set @ FND
On the 15th of April, 2011 our collective did the visuals for the university's club-night. The theme was down the rabbit hole, so there was a slight narrative going on at some points. However, the original plan was to collaborate with two music producer's based in Leeds, but unfortunately some obstacles prevented that.
The setup consisted of two projectors connected on a Matrox Triplehead2Go and the visuals where run through VDMX on a 13" Macbook Pro.
Music: We Like Turtles - Jungle on Acid
The setup consisted of two projectors connected on a Matrox Triplehead2Go and the visuals where run through VDMX on a 13" Macbook Pro.
Music: We Like Turtles - Jungle on Acid
With Harmony You Can…
Create crazy beautiful animations instantly
Import any standard MP3 or WAV music file and magically sync the animation to the music
Build animations with dozens of built-in Animators, Twisters, Shapes, Lights and Cameras
Take it from soothing to insane – thousands of preset combinations are just a click away
Layer and combine your way to millions of unique and radical animation sequences
Take control over virtually every aspect of the animation – shapes, sizes, colors, movement
Layer unlimited combinations of 2D and 3D animations for professional-quality effects
Add overlays and background images
Add dizzying dynamic action with 3D cameras that automatically zoom, spin and swoop
Create YouTube- and Facebook-compatible video files in a wide range of video formats
Created with Harmony™
The First Music Visualizer that lets you create Music for the Eyes™
Get Harmony at
System Requirements:
Runs on newer Windows PCs – Windows 7 and Windows Vista only
Runs on both 32 and 64 bit systems
Runs best on fast multi-core CPUs – the faster, the better
Standards-based 3D hardware – NVIDIA, ATI, Intel, AMD
RAM: 2GB or more
DISK: 20GB or more free
Melts computers that use Atom or Atom-like CPUs (tablets and netbooks)
Does not currently run on Mac OS, iOS, Android or Linux (but we’re working on it!)
Create crazy beautiful animations instantly
Import any standard MP3 or WAV music file and magically sync the animation to the music
Build animations with dozens of built-in Animators, Twisters, Shapes, Lights and Cameras
Take it from soothing to insane – thousands of preset combinations are just a click away
Layer and combine your way to millions of unique and radical animation sequences
Take control over virtually every aspect of the animation – shapes, sizes, colors, movement
Layer unlimited combinations of 2D and 3D animations for professional-quality effects
Add overlays and background images
Add dizzying dynamic action with 3D cameras that automatically zoom, spin and swoop
Create YouTube- and Facebook-compatible video files in a wide range of video formats
Created with Harmony™
The First Music Visualizer that lets you create Music for the Eyes™
Get Harmony at
System Requirements:
Runs on newer Windows PCs – Windows 7 and Windows Vista only
Runs on both 32 and 64 bit systems
Runs best on fast multi-core CPUs – the faster, the better
Standards-based 3D hardware – NVIDIA, ATI, Intel, AMD
RAM: 2GB or more
DISK: 20GB or more free
Melts computers that use Atom or Atom-like CPUs (tablets and netbooks)
Does not currently run on Mac OS, iOS, Android or Linux (but we’re working on it!)
Workshops (Mapping Festival 2011)
MadMapping (CH/ FR) [ENGLISH]
Fonderie Kugler from May 24th to May 27th included
MadMapping is a video-mapping workshop that will focus on a technique that consists of projecting images or video onto architectural surfaces or physical objects.
For a long time this technique was restricted to experts using custom tools. With the release of MadMapper, this technique can now be accomplished within a few mouse clicks.
During 4 days, the newly renovated space in the Kugler factory will be a camping ground for the participants to experiment, create, share ideas and perform mystical rituals.
The workshop will be conducted in the presence of: François Wunschel [1024 Architecture], Boris Edelstein [Modul8], Yannick Jacquet [AntiVJ]
The workshop will end with a closing video-cocktail-DJ-party where every attendee will have the opportunity to present their results publicly.
Workshop requirements: 150 CHF (115 €)
- You will need to bring your own mac laptop.
- You must have Mac OS X 10.6 (snow leopard) installed
- A DVI or VGA adapter
- Dual or TripleHeads are welcome.
- MadMapper is Modul8-friendly, so bring your video loops as well.
What we will provide:
- Each attendee will have 1 projector at disposal.
- One meal per day (not dog food)
Due to the limited amount of space in the Kugler factory, we require everyone interested in participating to send us a request by email. Please include the following:
- Your first and last name
- Occupation
- Samples of your work (vimeo/youtube links or jpegs – under 500k)
- A link to your personal website
- A picture of your pet dog, cat or pig (but no alligators, please).
We will personally reply to every request sent to:
Requests must be submitted no later than April 25th, 2011. We will respond no later than the 1st of May.
M’s & M – Modeling, Manufacturing & Mapping (PT) [ENGLISH]
Workshop mapping / Get Set Festival
The workshop’s goal is to present to mapping lovers and professionals new possibilities to explore their art.
– Modeling and Manufacturing, presented by OPO’Lab, will be focused in the design and construction of a small architectural structure.
- Mapping the strucuture, presented by Dub Video Connection and will be focused in mapping the structure specific design for Mapping Festival 2011.
By presenting CAD-CAM design software and technologies, it will be given to workshop’s students new possibilities to design their own structures and surfaces to mapp.
Max. 15 participants, subscription:
Bâtiment d’art contemporain (BAC)
May 20th: 11am-8.30pm
May 21st: 11am-5.30pm
Workshop requirements: 80 CHF (60 €)
VJ Spetto & VJ Zaz – How to assemble a HD Mixer (BR) [ENGLISH]
Let me guess, you really need a HD mixer and you don´t know how to get one… Too expensive, too many promises, speculations… humm… So now with the little help from the expert, learn how to properly assemble the hardware and build a Super Pro Machine and mix 2 Full HD inputs in REAL time. Ok, still is a computer in a box but you can also VJ and check your emails…
Bâtiment d’art contemporain (BAC)
May 25th
Workshop requirements: 15 CHF (11€)
Body Double (Media Design-HEAD)
Kinect Workshop
Partnership Mapping Festival/ Master Media Design Head – Geneva
Body Double will look at various methods of integrating Kinect sensors into interactive installations and performances. Two methods of vision capture will be explored : the first dealing with detecting body morphology, with the second dedicated to analyzing points in space. A development library already in use in the CityMedia project will be used as a starting point. After a brief introduction to the tools, workshop participants will build prototypes which can then be experimented directly on the City Media system at the end of the workshop. Participants are asked to arrive with a basic understanding of Processing, freely downloaded from the Internet.
Bâtiment d’art contemporain (BAC)
May 26th
11am -5.30pm
Max. 10 participants
Free entrance
Workshop requirements : MacBook Pro (Intel), capteurs Kinect. Media Design – HEAD fourniront des capteurs pendant le temps du workshop.
Modul8 is a MacOS X based application designed for real time video mixing and compositing. It was designed for VJs and live performances. Its acclaimed ease of use, speed, stability, and output quality have made it the software of choice amongst performance production professionals around the globe. VJ Zaz will provide an introduction to the software and demonstrate how uses it.
Spoutnik :
May 21st (in french, Eric Morzier) 4.30pm-6pm
and Fonderie Kugler : May 26th (in english, VJ Zaz) 6pm-7pm
Free entrance
VJing Conference
AV:lab is an offline educational course on new media and audiovisual arts. AV:lab is coming to Europe for the first time at Mapping in an effort to spread its popular course structure and lecture program. The unique program for Mapping includes presentations and talks with visual entities UVA, onedotzero and lightrhythm visuals, explaining how it has been possible to develop an industry and careers around visual arts. This is followed up with themed talks by, RVA, Shantell Martin, Olga Mink and Benge.
Bâtiment d’art contemporain (BAC)
May 27th-28th
Free entrance
From the beginning, Vimeo was created by filmmakers and video creators who wanted to share their creative work, along with intimate personal moments of their everyday life. As time went on, like-minded people came to the site and built a community of positive, encouraging individuals with a wide range of video interests.
May 21st
Free entrance
Fonderie Kugler from May 24th to May 27th included
MadMapping is a video-mapping workshop that will focus on a technique that consists of projecting images or video onto architectural surfaces or physical objects.
For a long time this technique was restricted to experts using custom tools. With the release of MadMapper, this technique can now be accomplished within a few mouse clicks.
During 4 days, the newly renovated space in the Kugler factory will be a camping ground for the participants to experiment, create, share ideas and perform mystical rituals.
The workshop will be conducted in the presence of: François Wunschel [1024 Architecture], Boris Edelstein [Modul8], Yannick Jacquet [AntiVJ]
The workshop will end with a closing video-cocktail-DJ-party where every attendee will have the opportunity to present their results publicly.
Workshop requirements: 150 CHF (115 €)
- You will need to bring your own mac laptop.
- You must have Mac OS X 10.6 (snow leopard) installed
- A DVI or VGA adapter
- Dual or TripleHeads are welcome.
- MadMapper is Modul8-friendly, so bring your video loops as well.
What we will provide:
- Each attendee will have 1 projector at disposal.
- One meal per day (not dog food)
Due to the limited amount of space in the Kugler factory, we require everyone interested in participating to send us a request by email. Please include the following:
- Your first and last name
- Occupation
- Samples of your work (vimeo/youtube links or jpegs – under 500k)
- A link to your personal website
- A picture of your pet dog, cat or pig (but no alligators, please).
We will personally reply to every request sent to:
Requests must be submitted no later than April 25th, 2011. We will respond no later than the 1st of May.
M’s & M – Modeling, Manufacturing & Mapping (PT) [ENGLISH]
Workshop mapping / Get Set Festival
The workshop’s goal is to present to mapping lovers and professionals new possibilities to explore their art.
– Modeling and Manufacturing, presented by OPO’Lab, will be focused in the design and construction of a small architectural structure.
- Mapping the strucuture, presented by Dub Video Connection and will be focused in mapping the structure specific design for Mapping Festival 2011.
By presenting CAD-CAM design software and technologies, it will be given to workshop’s students new possibilities to design their own structures and surfaces to mapp.
Max. 15 participants, subscription:
Bâtiment d’art contemporain (BAC)
May 20th: 11am-8.30pm
May 21st: 11am-5.30pm
Workshop requirements: 80 CHF (60 €)
VJ Spetto & VJ Zaz – How to assemble a HD Mixer (BR) [ENGLISH]
Let me guess, you really need a HD mixer and you don´t know how to get one… Too expensive, too many promises, speculations… humm… So now with the little help from the expert, learn how to properly assemble the hardware and build a Super Pro Machine and mix 2 Full HD inputs in REAL time. Ok, still is a computer in a box but you can also VJ and check your emails…
Bâtiment d’art contemporain (BAC)
May 25th
Workshop requirements: 15 CHF (11€)
Body Double (Media Design-HEAD)
Kinect Workshop
Partnership Mapping Festival/ Master Media Design Head – Geneva
Body Double will look at various methods of integrating Kinect sensors into interactive installations and performances. Two methods of vision capture will be explored : the first dealing with detecting body morphology, with the second dedicated to analyzing points in space. A development library already in use in the CityMedia project will be used as a starting point. After a brief introduction to the tools, workshop participants will build prototypes which can then be experimented directly on the City Media system at the end of the workshop. Participants are asked to arrive with a basic understanding of Processing, freely downloaded from the Internet.
Bâtiment d’art contemporain (BAC)
May 26th
11am -5.30pm
Max. 10 participants
Free entrance
Workshop requirements : MacBook Pro (Intel), capteurs Kinect. Media Design – HEAD fourniront des capteurs pendant le temps du workshop.
Modul8 is a MacOS X based application designed for real time video mixing and compositing. It was designed for VJs and live performances. Its acclaimed ease of use, speed, stability, and output quality have made it the software of choice amongst performance production professionals around the globe. VJ Zaz will provide an introduction to the software and demonstrate how uses it.
Spoutnik :
May 21st (in french, Eric Morzier) 4.30pm-6pm
and Fonderie Kugler : May 26th (in english, VJ Zaz) 6pm-7pm
Free entrance
VJing Conference
AV:lab is an offline educational course on new media and audiovisual arts. AV:lab is coming to Europe for the first time at Mapping in an effort to spread its popular course structure and lecture program. The unique program for Mapping includes presentations and talks with visual entities UVA, onedotzero and lightrhythm visuals, explaining how it has been possible to develop an industry and careers around visual arts. This is followed up with themed talks by, RVA, Shantell Martin, Olga Mink and Benge.
Bâtiment d’art contemporain (BAC)
May 27th-28th
Free entrance
From the beginning, Vimeo was created by filmmakers and video creators who wanted to share their creative work, along with intimate personal moments of their everyday life. As time went on, like-minded people came to the site and built a community of positive, encouraging individuals with a wide range of video interests.
May 21st
Free entrance
Reel Beamvertising
Reel Beamvertising from Delight Lab on Vimeo.
Videos realizados por el equipo de Delight Lab para Lumina Motion.-
glitch tv
reel | 0710 from box36 on Vimeo.
this reel includes:
the sex machine | 2007
performed @ contaminazioni, skip la comune, left | 2008
performed @ uducamp unipa
v.log | 2009
performed @ left, ask191
glitch tv | 2009
performed @ electrofly, teatro gregotti
living mechanical crib | 2009.2010
performed @ electro newyear
o.struzz.o.nism. | 2010
hybrid paint commissioned by galleria¹ [roma]
music credited to boys noize | no copyright infringement intended.
An Audio Visual Sculpture by Fader.
LED system by StandardVision.
LED system by StandardVision.
VIZZable Ableton Live VJ plugins 0.9.2
Demoing new features of VIZZable 0.9.2
Download free here:
These plugins are now compatible with the amazing V-module plugins (
Join our Google group to help advance these plugins:
The track in the background is 1.1 Immermann's take on "Leaf House"
Simultaneously controlling music and video inside ableton using VIZZable - Max/MSPs' VIZZIE VJ modules adapted for Max for Live.
I'm using my Fretpad plugin to play the Launchpad.
Get VIZZable here:
Get Fretpad here:
Demoing Max/MSP's VIZZIE VJ modules being run as Max for Live plugins in Ableton Live. VIZZABLE!
download it here:
The song in the background is Omicon by 4 Bonjour's Parties (Ayumu Hatiani remix) Check 'em out 'cause they are brill.
Demoing new features of VIZZable 0.9.2
Download free here:
These plugins are now compatible with the amazing V-module plugins (
Join our Google group to help advance these plugins:
The track in the background is 1.1 Immermann's take on "Leaf House"
Simultaneously controlling music and video inside ableton using VIZZable - Max/MSPs' VIZZIE VJ modules adapted for Max for Live.
I'm using my Fretpad plugin to play the Launchpad.
Get VIZZable here:
Get Fretpad here:
Demoing Max/MSP's VIZZIE VJ modules being run as Max for Live plugins in Ableton Live. VIZZABLE!
download it here:
The song in the background is Omicon by 4 Bonjour's Parties (Ayumu Hatiani remix) Check 'em out 'cause they are brill.
SeNoN - Old movies vj showátfilmek/113163158693839
A egy olyan virtuális közeg, amelyben a letűnt korok nemzedékei és a 21. század friss generációi randevút adnak egymásnak. Támogassa adója 1% -ával a Privát Filmgyűjtemény Alapítvány non-profit kulturális munkáját.
A egy olyan virtuális közeg, amelyben a letűnt korok nemzedékei és a 21. század friss generációi randevút adnak egymásnak. Támogassa adója 1% -ával a Privát Filmgyűjtemény Alapítvány non-profit kulturális munkáját.
zizizic (in Helsinki)
Media, Graphic Designer
Youngho Lee.
Aalto Exchange Student.
Hongik Graduate School IDAS(International Design school for Advanced Studies)
Korea Design Membership 1st
Anamorphic Architecture_Tron hommage from zizizic on Vimeo.
Process -
Developed low polygon forms from basic primitives and through a series of deformations and replications produced a structure with minimal data.
These structures where then developed (made planar) in order for them to be printed two dimensionally.
This enabled the surface to be re-constructed backto its original 3D form. As the object exists in 3D in both digital and analogue form this allows us to project animations and graphic back onto the object from the digital version with
relative accuracy. In effect the form exists in digital and
analogue spaces simultaneously.
The analogue and digital spaces are converging into what has become known as Augmented Space or Augmented Reality. This convergence will accelerate in the near future as LED architectural surface technology and motor
actuators become cheaper.
This is the work from David Hall's studio class in IDAS Hongik.
The exhibition will run from October 29th 2010 until November 11th. At the corner gallery, Samchung Dong, Seoul, Korea.
My blog
Prof. David Hall
삑ːShow from zizizic on Vimeo.
2010 Hongik IDAS
Experimental Interaction Ⅱ
Circuit bending + Sound visualization Performance
supervised by Opiumblue
CG Studio Presentation from zizizic on Vimeo.
CG Studio Presentation
2010 Hongik IDAS
CG Studio
Motion Graphics
supervised by Opiumblue
Media, Graphic Designer
Youngho Lee.
Aalto Exchange Student.
Hongik Graduate School IDAS(International Design school for Advanced Studies)
Korea Design Membership 1st
Anamorphic Architecture_Tron hommage from zizizic on Vimeo.
Process -
Developed low polygon forms from basic primitives and through a series of deformations and replications produced a structure with minimal data.
These structures where then developed (made planar) in order for them to be printed two dimensionally.
This enabled the surface to be re-constructed backto its original 3D form. As the object exists in 3D in both digital and analogue form this allows us to project animations and graphic back onto the object from the digital version with
relative accuracy. In effect the form exists in digital and
analogue spaces simultaneously.
The analogue and digital spaces are converging into what has become known as Augmented Space or Augmented Reality. This convergence will accelerate in the near future as LED architectural surface technology and motor
actuators become cheaper.
This is the work from David Hall's studio class in IDAS Hongik.
The exhibition will run from October 29th 2010 until November 11th. At the corner gallery, Samchung Dong, Seoul, Korea.
My blog
Prof. David Hall
삑ːShow from zizizic on Vimeo.
2010 Hongik IDAS
Experimental Interaction Ⅱ
Circuit bending + Sound visualization Performance
supervised by Opiumblue
CG Studio Presentation from zizizic on Vimeo.
CG Studio Presentation
2010 Hongik IDAS
CG Studio
Motion Graphics
supervised by Opiumblue
Grand Mint Festival 2010 in Seoul Korea
SoundVisualzation - Kimyuna in GMF from zizizic on Vimeo.
Grand Mint Festival 2010 in Seoul Korea.
Muscian - Kim yuna
- Sound Visualzation
Shin, Kiheon
Lee, Youngho
Jong, Donggi
Park, Sihwa
Jo, Ilhwan
-Photo & Record
Shin & Lee
- Video Edit
Lee, Youngho
- Use program
Resolume Avenue
After Effects
VJing_Hateful from zizizic on Vimeo.
Grand Mint Festival 2010
김윤아 - 증오는 나의 힘.
Kimyuna -Hateful is my influence.
Original Clip.
Dream in Underwater
Dream in Underwater_Concept from zizizic on Vimeo.
Dream in Underwater : Reapperance to underwater space.
Interactive media installation
concept movie
Dream in Underwater_QC+Kinect from zizizic on Vimeo.
Dream in Underwater_QC+Kinect
Quartz Composer was work very well-
but Kinect installation to not enough height so interaction space was little narrow.
I will looking for good space (enough height ceiling, dark space, silence, enclose)
Thank you- Ferhat sen (
Matti Niinimäk (
Anamorphic Architecture
Anamorphic Architecture from zizizic on Vimeo.
Process -
Artists developed low polygon forms from basic primitives and through a series of deformations and replications produced a structure with minimal data. These structures where then developed (made planar) in order for them to be printed two dimensionally.
This enabled the surface to be re-constructed backto its original 3D form. As the object exists in 3D in both digital and analogue form this allows us to project animations and graphic back onto the object from the digital version with relative accuracy. In effect the form exists in digital and analogue spaces simultaneously.
The analogue and digital spaces are converging into what has become known as Augmented Space or Augmented Reality. This convergence will accelerate in the near future as LED architectural surface technology and motor actuators become cheaper.
- David Hall
This is the work from David Hall's studio class in IDAS Hongik.
2010.10.29 - 2010.11.11 At the corner gallery, Samchung Dong, Seoul, Korea.
Anamorphic Architecture_2 from zizizic on Vimeo.
With a collection inspired by religious iconography and Florentine opulence, Gareth Pugh made his Italian fashion debut at Pitti Immagine #79, showcasing his clothes via a unique fashion film, created with Ruth Hogben.
Mapping VJ set at Creamfields Florianopolis
Mapping VJ set at Creamfields Florianopolis from Viktor Vicsek on Vimeo.
These are some pieces from my Mapping Vj set at Creamfields Florianopolis Brasil 2011.01.22. This was a United Vjs Brasil production. Other Vj-s performing that night were Vj Spetto, Vj Zaz, Vj Roger S. and Boris Edelstein of Modul8. A bit more here:
3D Mapping Santa Eulalia
3D Mapping Santa Eulalia from onionlab on Vimeo.
This is the last work done by Onionlab studio for a prestigious high-end fashion company Santa Eulalia, which is based in Barcelona since 1843. Onionlab developed this 3D mapping projection to promote their brand-new store, located in Barcelona's commercial street Passeig de Gràcia.
Creative producer: Mahala
Design and Image Concept:
Chu Uroz
Pablo Rovalo (Research Studios)
Music and Sound Design: Leiko
Production Company: Onionlab
Content Consultancy: Charo Mora
Technical Engineering: Baf
Onionlab Team
Animation and Live-Action Direction: Aleix Fernández
Technical Director: Jordi Pont
Lead 3D Artists: Carles Munne (Els Altres).
3D Artists: Jose Vegas (Els Altres), Osman Granda,
Motion Artists:
Osman Granda
Maria Ilka Azêdo
Mariane Paoletti
Francesc de Riba
Yarko Stojsic
Aleix Fernandez
Producer and Direction Assistant: Joel Mestre
DOP: Lander Larrañaga
Camera Operator: Gorka Bilbao
Make Up: Lola Martinez
Production Assitants: Laura Torroba, Alba Delgado
Lead Ckr: Joan Achon
Models Management: AM Options
Film studio: Estudi Pallars 85
Models: Mina Petersson, Oriol Rodríguez
Zum One LIVE + Vj Omie One & Siren Sativa
Zum One LIVE + Vj Omie One & Siren Sativa from siren sativa on Vimeo.
Some footage taken from the STOMP party in Nelson, BC (Canada) - April 2011
360° Cube Mapping
360° Cube Mapping from GLUEH on Vimeo.
cut-together of some documentation clips.
no sound
mapping & live-visuals done with quartz composer.
CurlyCode-the performance
CurlyCode-the performance from pixel noizz on Vimeo.
this is the first performance what i made with CurlyCode.what is CurlyCode then:
CC is a very complex 3D, realtime drawing application. When i started my deeper adventures in the world of generated forms and structures, one of my idea,lets say desire was to build an application up, with the ability of freehand drawing in a 3 dimensional space, to animate those drawings, using as a performance platform. The first results were very geometrical, drawings without traces, i mean a direct gestural drawing, made by a human hand. Playing a bit more with the line movements, its started to be more human made, more natural. Finally i made several changes, i put a lot on noises and glitches in it to break the neutral look of the computer generated forms.
supported by: V002, Kineme, 1024 architecture
I made this performance during the screenplay event. My musician partner was Anorganik:
AVplayer HD 1.0
AVplayer Touch is a video loop trigger/launch software designed for touchscreen interfaces. In addition to full movie control functions, there are two FreeFrame effects banks for applying real-time effects with ease.
Free to download and try the beta version of AVplayer, for Mac and PC computers.
Main Features:
- Thumbnail display for video loops
- Touchscreen friendly user interface
- Full control over movie playback
- Supports freeframe effects
- Fullscreen output to second desktop
Coming soon:
- MIDI assinable functions
- Save loaded video loops
- Keyboard shortcut
- Syphon support
System Requirements:
Windows (XP, Vista, 7) or MAC (OSX)
Latest Quicktime player installed
AVplayer Touch beta demo video from Neuromixer on Vimeo.
AVplayer Touch is a video loop trigger/launch software designed for touchscreen interfaces. In addition to full movie control functions, there are two FreeFrame effects banks for applying real-time effects with ease.
Free beta version of AVplayer available for Mac and Windows.
More info:
Free to download and try the beta version of AVplayer, for Mac and PC computers.
Main Features:
- Thumbnail display for video loops
- Touchscreen friendly user interface
- Full control over movie playback
- Supports freeframe effects
- Fullscreen output to second desktop
Coming soon:
- MIDI assinable functions
- Save loaded video loops
- Keyboard shortcut
- Syphon support
System Requirements:
Windows (XP, Vista, 7) or MAC (OSX)
Latest Quicktime player installed
AVplayer Touch beta demo video from Neuromixer on Vimeo.
AVplayer Touch is a video loop trigger/launch software designed for touchscreen interfaces. In addition to full movie control functions, there are two FreeFrame effects banks for applying real-time effects with ease.
Free beta version of AVplayer available for Mac and Windows.
More info:
Rachel Knoll (minneapolis)
■■■■■■■■ from Rachel Knoll on Vimeo.
l l l l l l from Rachel Knoll on Vimeo.
In this piece I was interested in mitigating the experience of 2 disparate video projections, one featuring dramatic imagery and one featuring more mundane or banal actions or scenes. These two videos are projected on the exterior of a space. A viewer sits in this space and vertical portions of each montage stream into the room and are projected on the interior walls. These narrow strips of light are not entirely readable; they are transformed into movement, color, and light.
I want my viewer to reflect on the loss of meaning and discernment created by the simultaneity and fragmentation of these projections, potentially prompting reflection about contemporary culture. I also desire to create an aesthetic/formal experience for the viewer.
temporal refraction from Rachel Knoll on Vimeo.
documenting a collaborative temporary installation in which video was projected on pillars in a basement.
■■■■■■■■ from Rachel Knoll on Vimeo.
l l l l l l from Rachel Knoll on Vimeo.
In this piece I was interested in mitigating the experience of 2 disparate video projections, one featuring dramatic imagery and one featuring more mundane or banal actions or scenes. These two videos are projected on the exterior of a space. A viewer sits in this space and vertical portions of each montage stream into the room and are projected on the interior walls. These narrow strips of light are not entirely readable; they are transformed into movement, color, and light.
I want my viewer to reflect on the loss of meaning and discernment created by the simultaneity and fragmentation of these projections, potentially prompting reflection about contemporary culture. I also desire to create an aesthetic/formal experience for the viewer.
temporal refraction from Rachel Knoll on Vimeo.
documenting a collaborative temporary installation in which video was projected on pillars in a basement.
Visuales desfile Pablo Suarez
Visuales desfile Pablo Suarez // Vj Pandilla from P∆NDILL∆ on Vimeo.
Visuales con video mapping en la presentación de la colección 2011 del diseñador Pablo Suarez.
Animaciones 3D: Guillermo Gross y Darwin Giordano.
Octubre de 2010, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Miles Davis - Remixed
Miles Davis - Remixed from Dread-Eye on Vimeo.
Miles Davis "All Blues" remixed by 123frizzlefry
100% Open Source: CoGe 1.0 & Blender 2.5
Image Sources:
Miles & Trane "So What" (1959)
Miles in Milan (1964)
Miles in Karlsruhe (1967)
Bird in New York (1950)
Lady Day "Fine and Mellow" (1957)
Hora do Planeta - Projection Mapping
Hora do Planeta - Projection Mapping from HELMUT BREINEDER on Vimeo.
Projection Mapping @ FAAP Sao Paulo
in partnership with O ESTADAO.
Created by UNITED VJS: VJ Spetto, VJ Zaz, VJ Roger S, Viktor Vicsek, Helmut Breineder, Thomas Mena. Soundtrack: Phantazma, Gutão & Hóspede.
Projection Power: 60k ansi lumens
Projection size: 34m x 23m
comissioned by
Formentera (Manolo Moran & Frank Morais)
Projectors: On Projeções
CinemaKC Show Open
CinemaKC Show Open from claudia chagui on Vimeo.
CinemaKC is a non-profit organization that provides a launching pad for the filmmakers in the Kansas City area.
Created at T2 + Back Alley Films. Visit for more info.
Synthony vvvv visuals from Fata Morgana
Synthony vvvv visuals from Fata Morgana for Silve Birch Solstice By Boxcutter from alex wright on Vimeo.
Live take of visual performance to Silver Birch Solstice using vvvv
Synthony vvvv visuals from Fata Morgana for Rotary By Ellen Allien & Apparat from alex wright on Vimeo.
Live take of visual performance for Rotary using a vvvv patch I made.
Mapping Festival 19 - 29 Mai 2011
After the monumental 2010 edition that attracted more 10,000 people in 10 days, the Mapping Festival returns again this year from the 19th through the 29th of May in its home of Geneva, Switzerland.
We hope you are prepared for this years exclusive performances, presentations and workshops that are world wide premiers tailored specifically for the Mapping Festival.
This year the festival will focus on the technical aspects of video mapping, i.e. video-projection on surfaces that is one of the fastest growing art mediums in the world. Highlights include:
- Video projection on bodies by our 2011 visual.
- The official release of MadMapper, a new video mapping software created by GarageCUBE (Modul8) and 1024_architecture. The release will be accompanied by an exclusive 3 day workshop.
- A mapping workshop presented by Get Festival from Porto, Portugal.
- The official release of MadMapper, a new video mapping software created by GarageCUBE (Modul8) and 1024_architecture. The release will be accompanied by an exclusive 3 day workshop.
- A mapping workshop presented by Get Festival from Porto, Portugal.
To quell your hightened anticipation check out the listing of our lineup. If you thought you missed out last year, then don’t make the same mistake again! You will have more information soon, be patient!
Boris Petrovsky / Legoman, Thomas Vaquié & Mandril / The Montesinos Foundation & Petter Viaselfebb / City Media Project (HEAD) / Manuel Chantre / FAIL / Kit Webster / Camille Scherrer
Boris Petrovsky / Legoman, Thomas Vaquié & Mandril / The Montesinos Foundation & Petter Viaselfebb / City Media Project (HEAD) / Manuel Chantre / FAIL / Kit Webster / Camille Scherrer
A/V Performances:
Manuel Chantre / Udosson:// mredit / Greie Gut Fraktion / People Like Us / Ioann Maria & Wojtek Wcislik / Fernando Velàzquez & Francisco Lapetina / Chloé Mazlo & Son Of A Pitch / ExLex / AV:IN / Legoman & Stray Dogs / Zan Lyons / Pascal Greco & Goodbye Ivan / Krash On Earth / Murat Ombombe / 35Plis / Transforma & Yro/ Recoil Performance Group / Iduun / Cagoule / The Erasers / Supermafia / VJ Fader / Antistatic Family
Manuel Chantre / Udosson:// mredit / Greie Gut Fraktion / People Like Us / Ioann Maria & Wojtek Wcislik / Fernando Velàzquez & Francisco Lapetina / Chloé Mazlo & Son Of A Pitch / ExLex / AV:IN / Legoman & Stray Dogs / Zan Lyons / Pascal Greco & Goodbye Ivan / Krash On Earth / Murat Ombombe / 35Plis / Transforma & Yro/ Recoil Performance Group / Iduun / Cagoule / The Erasers / Supermafia / VJ Fader / Antistatic Family
Workshops / Lecture:
MadMapping / Body Double-HEAD / M’S &M – Modeling, Manufacturing & Mapping (Get Set Festival, Portugal) / Vimeo / Modul8 / AV:in
MadMapping / Body Double-HEAD / M’S &M – Modeling, Manufacturing & Mapping (Get Set Festival, Portugal) / Vimeo / Modul8 / AV:in
Visual clubbing:
Kate Moross / Cumulus / VJ Fader / Union by Motion / David Wilson / Drawvolution / Neon Golden / Dub Video Connection / Neal Coghlan / Pixel Legion / Video Olympic / Indefinite VJ / VJ Optika / VJ Spetto & VJ Zaz / Skylab / Emilie Bourquin / Lupin / Steaknet
Kate Moross / Cumulus / VJ Fader / Union by Motion / David Wilson / Drawvolution / Neon Golden / Dub Video Connection / Neal Coghlan / Pixel Legion / Video Olympic / Indefinite VJ / VJ Optika / VJ Spetto & VJ Zaz / Skylab / Emilie Bourquin / Lupin / Steaknet
Audio clubbing:
Simian Mobile Disco / D.I.M / Electric Rescue / Fukkk Offf / D1 – All in feat. Jenna G / Da Krew / DJ Die / Water Lilly (live) / Junction SM (Sonja Moonear & Dandy Jack) / Oneman / The Hiiters (Live AV) / Unknown to the Unknown / MC Crazy D / Dachshund / Dirty Mad Sound / Born Björg / Franky Digital / Ina D / Nemelka / Opuswerk / Shadow Dancer
Simian Mobile Disco / D.I.M / Electric Rescue / Fukkk Offf / D1 – All in feat. Jenna G / Da Krew / DJ Die / Water Lilly (live) / Junction SM (Sonja Moonear & Dandy Jack) / Oneman / The Hiiters (Live AV) / Unknown to the Unknown / MC Crazy D / Dachshund / Dirty Mad Sound / Born Björg / Franky Digital / Ina D / Nemelka / Opuswerk / Shadow Dancer
CSTNG-SHDWS sketchbook
CSTNG-SHDWS sketchbook from Colin Evoy Sebestyen on Vimeo.
A compilation of video sketches from the CSTNG-SHDWS archives. These are formatted 1920 x 480 for the Triplehead2Go aspect ratio and used as source media in VDMX for live remix, trigger, and playback.
xxx C-S xxx
01- scrbl:
Apparat - Komponent Telefon Tel Aviv rmx
02- fireflower:
Altrice - Veedei
03- cash:
Fourtet - Circling
04- Tick Tock:
Alex Smoke - A Moment To Myself
05 - livescribe:
Autechre- rew1
Versus - First Teaser
Versus - First Teaser from 1n0ut on Vimeo.
Stereoscopic Realtime Dance Performance by 1n0ut, with Nanina Kotlowski
Experimental performance with Kinect and Adaptive Learning Algorithms
This is a first teaser of our performance Versus which was premiered in Salzburg at ARGEkultur. We already started working on the second version of it with full Artificial Intelligence support and many additional visual effects (particle morphing, iso surfaces, etc.), will be premiered this summer.
A real performer meets her virtual counterpart, both learn from each other and adapt,
dance with or fight against each other. A performative experiment, that explores boundaries and possibilities in the struggle between indivual and the virtual, man and machine. Artistic and scientific positions in the fields of digital performance and artificial life are being explored.
Once again (and just as in our latest performances CPU, winner of the Salzburg Media Art Award, or 1dentity, we want to work in real existing and virtual rooms (IMAX like), we want to explore boundaries of what is possible in interactive computer performance art and we want to combine possibilities in media art with traditional art forms.
1n0ut: Robert Praxmarer & Reinhold Bidner (Idea, Concept, Code, Realisation, Visualisation)
Nanina Kotlowski (dance & choreography)
Docu Cam: Tobias Hammerle
CADET - Center for Advances in Digital Entertainment Technologies
Made with Cinder, thx to the libCinder community
Podium Award of the Region of Salzburg
ARGEkultur Salzburg
Kultur Stadt Salzburg
Erste Salzburger Sparkasse Kulturfonds
MultiMediaTechnology / University for applied Sciences Salzburg
CPU (Central Processing Unit) - 13min Version
CPU (Central Processing Unit) - 13min Version from 1n0ut on Vimeo.
A stereoscopic Realtime Performance based on Kafka´s "The Trial"
by 1n0ut (Robert Praxmarer, Reinhold Bidner)
Winner of the Media Art Award Salzburg
In Franz Kafka’s THE TRIAL, 1n0ut found a world full of loops, repeats, instructions and protocols which are familiar parts of every computer programme. This classic text becomes the springboard for a stereoscopic real-time dance theatre piece. The images of the performers are gathered digitally, manipulated and remixed live to plunge an audience each wearing 3D cinema glasses headlong into a thrilling and disturbing illusory world. What steers mankind, what goes, what is lie, what is the logic of the absurd and what the illogicality of reality?
A remarkable adventure, which discovers new forms of expression to question the nature of reality and personal identity.
Artistic Direction
1n0ut (Robert Praxmarer, Reinhold Bidner)
Dance - Acting - Choreography:
Michael Kuttnig (Josef K.)
Ulrike Hager
Kathrin Wankelmuth
Nanina Kotlowski
Doku Cam: Ramsy Gsenger (Ars Electronica Futurelab)
The Beauty of Fluid Dynamics - Interactive Installation
The Beauty of Fluid Dynamics - Interactive Installation from Jens Heinen on Vimeo.
Golden Fluid is a touchless interactive Installation I made.
The aim was to create a simluation of liquid gold. I really like it, hope you do too.
It is coded in C++. HD Version coming soon!
more at:
Interactive - The Beauty of Fluid Dynamics Part 2 from Jens Heinen on Vimeo.
This is another touchless interactive Installation I did. Have fun.
Watts TV (UK)
Watts TV is a television and live events video production company based in Kent. Services include filming, editing, graphics, vision mixing/ VJ-ing, video projection and directing.
live VJ mix from Watts TV on Vimeo.
Live video mix using a macbook pro with modul8 software. The graphic were created using cinema 4D and motion.
Colour map from Watts TV on Vimeo.
A simple map on to a box using modul8.
Hot Flush backdrop from Watts TV on Vimeo.
A backdrop created with cinema 4d, motion and modul8.
Building Projection from Watts TV on Vimeo.
A selection of clips of a building projection for Mehbs Yaqub design. Projectors by XL Video.
Graphics and animations by Kevin Watts using modul8
Watts TV is a television and live events video production company based in Kent. Services include filming, editing, graphics, vision mixing/ VJ-ing, video projection and directing.
live VJ mix from Watts TV on Vimeo.
Live video mix using a macbook pro with modul8 software. The graphic were created using cinema 4D and motion.
Colour map from Watts TV on Vimeo.
A simple map on to a box using modul8.
Hot Flush backdrop from Watts TV on Vimeo.
A backdrop created with cinema 4d, motion and modul8.
Building Projection from Watts TV on Vimeo.
A selection of clips of a building projection for Mehbs Yaqub design. Projectors by XL Video.
Graphics and animations by Kevin Watts using modul8
Control Visuals In Ableton Live with Cell DNA
We’ve seen a lot of iterations with mixing realtime audio and visuals in the past ten years. Our controllers for one are built as generic ”instruments” for media mixing, and there are many different uses from Live to Resolume. The marriage of visualist and musician in one software package (or one person) hasn’t really materialized on a large scale yet. Up to this point our own VJ software Cell and Cell DNA work well with our controllers and Live, but we wanted to take it a step further and make them work well in Live.
Cell DNA Max for Live Devices from Livid Instruments on Vimeo.
With Livid CellDNA and our Max For Live devices, you can turn Ableton Live into your own automatic VJ.
* Use your controller in Live to trigger video and effect
* Link audio clips to video clips
* Use MIDI clips to sequence videos
* Use audio from your tracks to play clips and control visual effects.
* Collaborate with your VJ over a network
* Control multiple computers for multiple screens.
With CellDNA you can load up tons of clips, use the dozens of effects, and even edit and extend it with Max 5. With our max for live devices, you can talk directly to it from Live for the tightest video integration imaginable.
Check it out at
Full tutorial is at
Cell DNA’s Max for Live devices are free and can be downloaded from the downloads section of If you don’t already own CellDNA, you can install and try the demo on your computer. If you are ready to dive in and learn all about it, take a look at the extensive tutorial on our vimeo page.
Don't own Cell DNA yet? Use the code "maxfordna" and get $25 off only at
Cell DNA Max for Live Devices from Livid Instruments on Vimeo.
With Livid CellDNA and our Max For Live devices, you can turn Ableton Live into your own automatic VJ.
* Use your controller in Live to trigger video and effect
* Link audio clips to video clips
* Use MIDI clips to sequence videos
* Use audio from your tracks to play clips and control visual effects.
* Collaborate with your VJ over a network
* Control multiple computers for multiple screens.
With CellDNA you can load up tons of clips, use the dozens of effects, and even edit and extend it with Max 5. With our max for live devices, you can talk directly to it from Live for the tightest video integration imaginable.
Check it out at
Full tutorial is at
Cell DNA’s Max for Live devices are free and can be downloaded from the downloads section of If you don’t already own CellDNA, you can install and try the demo on your computer. If you are ready to dive in and learn all about it, take a look at the extensive tutorial on our vimeo page.
Don't own Cell DNA yet? Use the code "maxfordna" and get $25 off only at
PSM! [Free People 46520]
PSM! [Free People 46520] from PSM! on Vimeo.
Video perteneciente al tercer proyecto de PSM! "50 minutos de lucidez".
En los años ochenta inmersos en plena reconversión industrial Española, un pueblo de la costa mediterránea lucho por cambiar la historia.
Cityscape 2095 - Mapping festival 2011 teaser
Cityscape 2095 - Mapping festival 2011 teaser from legoman (AntiVJ) on Vimeo.
Teaser for the new audiovisual installation "Cityscape 2095"
This project will be presented for the first time at the Mapping festival of Geneva from the 19th through the 29th of May 2011
Mandril (drawing)
Legoman (video)
Thomas Vaquié (sound design)
More info soon
Stay tuned!!!
INDIVISUALS #1 // DOCUMENTARY from denizcan yuzgul on Vimeo.
Animator, Vj, DJ meeting.
2.4.2011 BIOOKO
IRWorkshop Mapio demo
IRWorkshop Mapio demo from Vladimir Dronov on Vimeo.
Resolume Avenue Mapio plugin by
music - (tracks listed in credits)
video loops - beeple (
StandardVision LED Column Visual
sound:frame festival 2011
sound:frame festival 2011 from PHORMATIK on Vimeo.
camera,post,cut: Vladislav Iliev
music: Teebs - Why Like This
album 'Ardour'
tnx to the festival team, magazine one
sound:frame festival week01
"The Place" club 06/03/2011
DJ Unitone in "The Place" club 06/03/2011 from VisualSound Studio on Vimeo.
Organized by Microcosmos. Recorded live by VisualSound TV.
Videoperfomance by In-Visible VJs
Visuals Reel for Kashmir "Exit Sessions"
Visuals Reel for Kashmir "Exit Sessions" from Dark Matters on Vimeo.
A visuals reel for Kashmir "Exit Sessions" in Copenhagen, Århus and Aalborg 2010.
Credits: Dark Matters
except for "In the sand" by: Mathias Malling Mortensen
Light design by: Rasmus Sabroe
Kenton Slash Demon - Daemon
Kenton Slash Demon - Daemon from Dark Matters on Vimeo.
On their quest for creating classic computer effects without the computer, Dark Matters continues the analogue feel from the "Matter" video. The new Kenton Slash Demon video, Deamon is the take on analogue wireframes in the same naive universe. An abstract space opera about loadscreens based on Strings and nails.
Thanks to Sigrid Astrup for assistance
Rainbows from Gidon Schocken (VJ Shoken) on Vimeo.
The Visuals were made using Resolume Avenue. I found the track on my computer, so if anyone knows who it belongs to, I'd like to know.
Dusty Kid - Disco Lies (Strong Visual Content)
Dusty Kid - Disco Lies (Strong Visual Content) from Leonardo Schenkel on Vimeo.
BE AWARE: Strong Visual Content
This is a video featured on MIND AV show. Remixed visual content by VJ Leo.
Track by Dusty Kid.
messin around in modul8 :: live on the mpd24
messin around in modul8 :: live on the mpd24 from b.lated on Vimeo.
"my first A/V set.
its a little too compressed so the quality is ass.."
Beautiful Corruption - mergrim
Beautiful Corruption - mergrim from Masato TSUTSUI on Vimeo.
realtime generated with Max/MSP/Jitter.
point tracking prepared with syntheyes.
music: mergrim
visual: Masato TSUTSUI
Projection Mapping Test @ DYO Paints
Projection Mapping Test @ DYO Paints from Ahmet Said Kaplan on Vimeo.
We have made a quick projection mapping test. We just wanted to see 15k lumens light power and its wide angle dimension limits.
Izmir / Turkey
Agency: Cstech
(note: The video is a bit dirty because of old and bad camcorder)
LIVE PERFORMANCE_VjThai / Dr.Ruddz / DjYesca from Vj Thai (Roxana T. Barraza) on Vimeo.
conference &
AV improvisation, installation and performance
by Vj Thai, Sistema Local & Media Selectah
for PLATAFORMA X - 1rst anniversary.
Taller de Experimentacion Plastica (TEP).
feat. Dj Yesca, Dr. Ruddz and Vj Thai from Sistema Local.
LIVE PERFORMANCE_LumenLab & Thai / Interface 2008 from Vj Thai (Roxana T. Barraza) on Vimeo.
AV improvisation and performance by Vj Thai
Music live by Lumen Lab (Abolipop Records).
Festival Interface
Música y Artes Electrónicas
Puebla. MX. Nov 08
LIVE PERFORMANCE_Palabras al Viento/Audiovisual Theather from Vj Thai (Roxana T. Barraza) on Vimeo.
Audiovisual Theather
contemporary dance_music_live video
The premier took place at the Theater of the Centre of the Arts in Monterrey, México, on July 2009, and we did 2 more presentations on continuos nites.
_Coreography & Intepretation by
Seme Jatib and Radha Murillo
_Live Video Performance
VJ Thai (Roxana Thay Barraza)*
Ángel Sánchez and Dr. Ruddz
_Live Mezzosoprano
Radha Murillo
_Live Accordion
Juan Pedro López Ramos
*Special guest
bookings :
Do you remember how Windows media player would provide trippy visuals to go with your music as you played it?
That's exactly what new app Tappr.Tv lets you create for yourself. By touching, tapping and tilting the screen in time to the music and creating musically inspired swirls.
They describe it as a "visual scratching" - it lets you make dynamic visuals to accompany music tracks which you can then save, edit and play back.
They say: "DJs scratch audio records, VJs make visuals to music, is visual scratching for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch."
" lets users make their own dynamic visuals using over 100 particle-based instruments. Each instrument uniquely responds to the user's touches and tilts with bursts of particles and light."
Tappr.Tv is free on iTunes
DJs scratch records, VJs play visuals to music, is visual scratching for iOS. With version 3, you can pick songs from your iPod library and create multitrack animations.
That's exactly what new app Tappr.Tv lets you create for yourself. By touching, tapping and tilting the screen in time to the music and creating musically inspired swirls.
They describe it as a "visual scratching" - it lets you make dynamic visuals to accompany music tracks which you can then save, edit and play back.
They say: "DJs scratch audio records, VJs make visuals to music, is visual scratching for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch."
" lets users make their own dynamic visuals using over 100 particle-based instruments. Each instrument uniquely responds to the user's touches and tilts with bursts of particles and light."
Tappr.Tv is free on iTunes
DJs scratch records, VJs play visuals to music, is visual scratching for iOS. With version 3, you can pick songs from your iPod library and create multitrack animations.
ndefinite Vj - Live Visual Set 4
Indefinite Vj - Live Visual Set 4 from Indefinite Vj on Vimeo.
Live VJ set 4
To mix video plus effects was used Modul8
Music by: Error in Code (Kirov,RU)
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