Relaxing Background VJ-set for ArsPoetica ₂₀₁₁ [No Sound]
Relaxing Background VJ-set for ArsPoetica ₂₀₁₁ [No Sound] from Zden Hlinka on Vimeo.
I had to skip one day of VJing at ArsPoetica festival due to other agreed gig and prepared almost an hour set of calm visuals. Featuring somehow my typical loops and images. Feel free to play your fav ambient music with this set and relax!
Originally created for http://www.arspoetica.sk festival
end of the first round VJ battle LPM
end of the first round VJ battle LPM from vytas realtime on Vimeo.
won this round over VJ Kat4er, psychedelics girl from Ukraine. later on lost to VJ Fax (Italy) in the finals. BIG UP FAX!
again, v002 Dilate plugin, random gradient patch from Toneburst. along with one of my own - will share it in a few days.
the amazing girls are: http://vimeo.com/17763673
"I was quiet for some days – busy with the upcoming 1.1 update – but now got some time, so let me
write a bit about the Sequencer gadget in CoGe, because just got some questions about how to using it.
CoGe 1.0 - Using the Sequencer from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
A quick demonstration of how to using a Sequencer in CoGe VJ software.
More info on the topic: www.lovqc.hu/?p=163
CoGe home: www.cogevj.hu
write a bit about the Sequencer gadget in CoGe, because just got some questions about how to using it.
As the official CoGe Wiki says, the Sequencer is basically for triggering different Media Slots on a ClipSynth – or on more ClipSynths, since you can use the same Sequencer on multiple ClipSynths. So you can select which slots will be triggered with the 16 trigger labeled buttons – but its not enough. So should use theDriver slider to manage the running of the sequencer. Since its a standard CoGe slider you can do it by just dragging it with the mouse, but you can control it by a Midi or OSC device, and can apply an automation on it as well.
As a feature, you can user the current trigger state as a slider sync source, to put sliders to the maximum state when a slot triggers. You can read more about the Sequencer gadget in CoGe on the Wiki.
Too much words for now – watch this little video to see how its working in action:"
CoGe 1.0 - Using the Sequencer from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
A quick demonstration of how to using a Sequencer in CoGe VJ software.
More info on the topic: www.lovqc.hu/?p=163
CoGe home: www.cogevj.hu
SEP 22 2011 Coding Sound and Visuals in Processing: Free E-Book Shows You How, Even for Beginners
For those interested in coding their own audiovisual creations inside the artist-friendly language Processing, here’s an e-book that will help unlock the world of sound. Hot on the heels of my own workshop recently at Los Angeles’ Crash Space hackshop using our new Pd for Processing library, Evan X. Merz has an extensive ebook that works with sound and Processing.
And there’s no reason to be afraid. As the author says, “It’s aimed at Processing programmers who may think that true multimedia in Processing is too difficult for them. This book shows that it’s easy!”
What’s notable about it is that it’s really an introduction to the world of synthesis and effects processing as much as the specific code language here. Unlike our Pd library, you use code entirely both for graphics and sound. (Pd uses a graphical patching metaphor for sound.)
I am working on bringing the Pd for Processing library up to snuff for wider consumption and documenting how to use it, so stay tuned on that front. But I also love Beads – and some of the work we’re doing with audio APIs should soon benefit both, too. (Example: Beads should be able to make use of our JACK code.)
Free downloadable PDFs are available as well as for-fee print and Kindle editions that support the author.
A look at highlights from the table of contents:
Beads Basics (unit generators, gain, glide)
Synthesis (additive, modulation, FM, ring mod, envelopes)
Granular synthesis
Effects (delay, filters, panners, reverbs, compressors, wave shaping)
Saving and rendering
Audio input
MIDI (via The MIDI Bus library)
Analysis, FFT, frequency analysis, beat detection
Custom UGs
Synthesis (additive, modulation, FM, ring mod, envelopes)
Granular synthesis
Effects (delay, filters, panners, reverbs, compressors, wave shaping)
Saving and rendering
Audio input
MIDI (via The MIDI Bus library)
Analysis, FFT, frequency analysis, beat detection
Custom UGs
It’s really brilliant stuff in a very wonderful Java-based sound language. I’m excited to see this stuff expand. If you do pick up the book, definitely share your results and anything you build. And stay tuned for more on Processing and sound.
More information:
“Sonifying Processing: The Beads Tutorial” Introduces Sound Art Creation In Processing [Evan's Computer Music Blog post]
“Sonifying Processing: The Beads Tutorial” Introduces Sound Art Creation In Processing [Evan's Computer Music Blog post]
(BY PETER KIRN, createdigitalmusic)http://createdigitalmusic.com)
Inside the Black Box (Live)
Inside the Black Box (Live) from Jesse Lucas on Vimeo.
Website :
Music :
Booking :
parallelo graphics
parallelo graphics from elektropastete on Vimeo.
A comprehensive project between 3d, motiongraphics and print.
CAMP Festival for Visual Music 2011
a/v: Max Hattler, i.m.klif (visuals) + Hanfreich, Strmljan (music) @ CAMP Festival for Visual Music 2011 from Max Hattler on Vimeo.
Full-length video documentation of audiovisual live improvisation performance at CAMP Festival for Visual Music, HfG, Karlsruhe, Germany, 24 September 2011.
visuals (video wall):
Max Hattler http://www.maxhattler.com
i.m.klif http://moo.mi2.hr/~klif/
visuals (floor): Thorsten Schwanninger
Axel Hanfreich http://www.hanfreich.de
Sandi Strmljan http://www.streamlyne.de
VJ#11 Zer00sHeroes Patronaat 2011
VJ#11 Zer00sHeroes Patronaat 2011 from maxmana on Vimeo.
An impression of an evening of VJing for Zer00s Heroes. A great party based on tunes from the 00's.
VJ using mad mapper & modul8
VJ TEKYES & DJ PEPPERPOT @ HELLO Pepperpot BDAY Party - extract2 from TEKYES on Vimeo.
- Live Extract #002# 19th may 2011
- Org : Hello Booking
- Dur: 5 min
- Tekyes is supported by MIXVIBES VFX Control -
REX Club - Paris -FR
Cigar Rips No.1
Cigar Rips No.1 from CashmereBear on Vimeo.
名字に口と喫煙者であることからついた「Cigar Rips」
2011.9.9 3331Art Chiyoda B1F 105
Painter/Yuki Taguchi
Video/Rio Oguchi
Mix/Misato Yoshida
Camera/Koji Hirano
Movie/Rio Oguchi
Perséide Cube show party
Perséide Cube show party from Newemka mab on Vimeo.
This video show how long i need to setup my Cube video mapping in Xnth. The calibrating sequence is in realtime, not cut. Then I update the calibration for all my presets. (I'm not showing the update of all of them)
Mix by Scott McCall: http://soundcloud.com/p1ll
check my Website: www.newemka.com
technogrubafest from havve on Vimeo.
first of all this is inside joke deticated to: corna gymba/chromole
to give just a short info it was made in vvvv. droste effect controlled real time with music and captured with fraps + lil color tuning in pp.
tekno joint was baked by: Oz Pan P
VIDEOTAPE VJ SET_ PART 3 from Wolf Jaiser on Vimeo.
This is another part of our VIDEOTAPE VJ SET we played for the international film festival FILM FORUM ZADAR, Croatia.
The festival asked us to do a REMIX on the festival films.
video mapping 3D- Anatomia Binária
- video mapping 3D- Anatomia Binária - VJ marcelohfb - from MARCELO HENRIQUE / QG3D on Vimeo.
DEMO de um teste de vídeo mapping(projeção mapeada), projetado em isopor.
. videoRoom v1.0
. videoRoom v1.0 from a nomad on Vimeo.
. video - vj //c (aka james clark)
. audio - A Drop In Silence (Matthew Thomasson)
. videoRoom presents the viewer with a rear-projected video screen that is interacting with the generative audio playing in the background. the visuals (both live and pre rendered) randomly change effects and interact with the incoming audio feed. the video effects then send modulation data back into the Reaktor synth to alter the audio being generated, creating a unique audio to video to audio feedback loop.
As a token of gratitude...
music by MODESELEKTOR www.modeselektor.com
directed by POWSKII www.powskii.com • www.facebook.com/powskii • Director's reel : vimeo.com/18585811
Building a loopy loop with Coge
Building a loopy loop with Coge from Paul Harrison on Vimeo.
Starting with a simple circle.qtz, then adding automation with LFO's, an echo effect, a twist effect and a glide / tile effect. All bog standard out of the Coge box.
TEDxUSC - Sleeper - Video Jockey Extraordinaire
DJ Sleeper, Video Jokey Extraordinaire, combines new visuals and classic movie scenes to his original rhythms and beats to create an incredibly unique performance. Sleeper was named one of the Top 8 DJs on the planet in the 2006 World Turntable Championship for his ability to remix live and incorporate turntablism into his music.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.*
(*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
About TEDx, x = independently organized event
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.*
(*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
GILLES PETERSON & VSM / Live Visuals from Fallon Films on Vimeo.
A taste for some of the content we created for our VJ set performed live with Gilles Peterson at Vision Sound Music festival. The set had a Brazilian theme, paying particular attention to the Bossa Nova movement.
Directed by Thomas Ormonde
Projecting at Burning Man 2011, Camp Wrongtown
Projecting at Burning Man 2011, Camp Wrongtown from Mad Doktor on Vimeo.
Providing visual projections in the Black Rock Desert at Camp Wrongtown on Wednesday night of Burning Man 2011.
Mapping @ Arc de Triomf, Barcelona
Fassade-projection onto the Arc de Triomf in Barcelona from Sebastian Neitsch on Vimeo.
The Goethe-Institut invited Woeishi Lean and me to create a realtime music-visualisation at the Arc de Triomf. On the first evening Javier Navarrete (Piano) and Lucas Suarez (Guitar) played live for 1 hour.
This video only shows about 5 minutes of the whole performance.
3D model and timelapse
Andreas Jalsovec
Idea & Project realisation for Goethe-Institut:
Tanja Mackert
Refik Anadol
Efe Mert Kaya
Maurice Braggotti
Mapping @ Arc de Triomf, Barcelona, Saturday from Sebastian Neitsch on Vimeo.
The Goethe-Institut invited Woeishi Lean and me to create a realtime music-visualisation at the Arc de Triomf. On the second evening Carlos Jimenez played a live DJ-set for 1 hour.
This video only shows about 9 minutes of the whole performance.
3D model and timelapse
Andreas Jalsovec
3D animations & documentation
Refik Anadol
Efe Mert Kaya
Maurice Braggotti
INNENWELTKOSMOS from luma launisch on Vimeo.
Way more than a grain of sand on the other end of the universe
Luma.Launisch and Ken Hayakawa enjoy turning the world upside down. Their live show "INNENWELTKOSMOS" depicts a reality that plays by different rules. Astonishing imagery inspired by Cyrus Teed's concept of the hollow earth and Franz Werfel's utopic fantasies pulls the wool over the audience's eyes, explaining the world the way it is not. A vicious circle of existence - perceiving, docking, absorbing and releasing - illustrated in a multidimensional stage show made of projection and music. Like everything that exists, the most peculiar theories never fully die.
Teed's vision of a hollow sphere that contains the continents on its inner surface, with a sun rotating in its center becomes the scene for an astro-mental dissolution of Werfel's utopia.
Premiered as the opening show of the SOUND:FRAME festival 2011 at Vienna's Ottakringerbrauerei.
special thanks to
MARIA PFEIFER : very special luma.launisch assistance
IRMIN KERCK : aerial cinematography
GERALD MOSER WUNDERKAMMER : triangulation costume and set concept
VERENA TOPITZ : costume production
BIRGIT HERTEL : graphics & illustration
many thanks to
www.luma.launisch.at / www.kenhayakawa.com
This is the video about an experiment I made in my room in London. I made this experiment as a part of my master's project called NeMo Vj Death Project. The composition I called Venus. To edit the footage I chose the music Lovers Who Uncover from Crystal Castles because this was the song going on all the time while I was making my projections. It was the mood of the piece if I can put it this way.
The White Queen is a memento mori composition made not only to remind us of our mortality, but also to show us how we can fight death with art. It is a video installation made with projections mapped over symbolic objects: a white coffin and a skeleton wearing a wedding dress and a Marie Antoinette wig. There are six different animations being projected at the same time, edited in a way they match at some points and diverge at others. The objects are inanimate, but when the animations are projected onto them we can see they are brought to life in a mix of fun and horror.
The White Queen
NeMo Vj Death Project
by Fernando Nemoto a.k.a. VjNeMo
MA Digital Film and Animation
London Metropolitan University
Music used on video:
Vanished - Crystal Castles
Memento Mori - Nox Arcana
OVO Fest 2011 Live Projection Design
OVO Fest 2011 Live Projection Design from Leviathan on Vimeo.
Following the success of several recent live performance projection mapping projects, Leviathan again partnered with VJ Vello Virkhaus... this time for hip hop artist Drake’s much-hyped OVO show in Toronto. The stage’s structural set consisted of gigantic columns with retractable scrims, upon which a barrage of animated type, colorful patterns and ambient effects were projected. To highlight performances by musical guest Stevie Wonder, the team utilized a Kinect sensor to capture a surreal point-cloud avatar of the artist, which was projected live on the set to an astounded audience.
More Information: http://www.lvthn.com/work/ovo
Technoscience II
Technoscience II • VJ Aurel from VJ Aurel on Vimeo.VJ mix - 2011
Technologies d'imagerie UsefulProgress
© music : No sudden Moves (Glenn Morrison)
black mirror
black mirror | cinematic documentation of the projection sculptures | robert seidel @ young projects, los angeles | 2011 from Robert Seidel on Vimeo.
black mirror | slow documentation of the projection sculptures | robert seidel @ young projects, los angeles | 2011 from Robert Seidel on Vimeo.
Details: robertseidel.com/black-mirror.195.0.html
Please also watch the documentation by Falk Müller,
which is more cinematic: http://vimeo.com/26959083
// Slow Documentation of the Projection Sculptures //
Black Mirror
Robert Seidel
Projection on Paper Sculptures in front of a Mirror
Sculpture #1: 1,6 x 1,2 x 0,8 m (shown)
Sculpture #2: 2,1m x 0,8 x 0,9 m
USA / Germany 2011
// Title //
The title "Black Mirror" refers to the dark mirror used in the 18th century for landscape painting, also called Claude glass. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claude_glass
// Part of the Exhibition //
Black Mirror – A New Installation and Moving Paintings
1st US Solo Show of Robert Seidel Young Projects, Space B210, Los Angeles
March 22nd to August 20th 2011
// Press Comments //
Robert Seidel’s first solo show in the U.S., at Young Projects, is an immersive experience, a sensuous dip into light, color, movement, sound and change […] Seidel’s stream of visual consciousness is well worth dipping into.
Leah Ollman, Los Angeles Times, April 29th 2011
Experiencing Seidel's art seems both external to the self and internalized. Mirages come and go as fleeting as thought, with just their collective impact lingering.
Anne Martens, Flash Art, International Edition, No. 279, July–September 2011
// Excerpt from the Essay / Behind the Curtain of Things //
Woven by laser into scarcely discernible forms, gossamer papers inspired by bark beetle traces float in the exhibition space. Light-structures invade these delicate paper beings, shower them with dazzling colour, caress them with flowing powdery haze. A mirror reflects the viewer’s incidence angle of vision and seems to open up a unifying space that nonetheless remains only a surface.
Ulrike Pennewitz, Art Historian
// Credits //
Sculpture and Projection: Robert Seidel
Documentation Editor: Falk Müller
Music: Richard Eigner ritornell.at
Curator: Paul Young
Supported by German Short Film Association, Joe Day / Deegan Day Design LLC, Camila Vial, Ulrike Pennewitz, Thoralf Müller, Marko Schmidt, Ricky Korf and Sebastian Schwartze
Testeron Screen o
Testeron Screen o from Max Tigai on Vimeo.
This is demo of a "Dj's HALO" video installation for live performance in a dance clubs .
PopVJ - videomapping arquitectónico
PopVJ - videomapping arquitectónico from Gabriel Vallecillo Márquez on Vimeo.
Videomapping arquitectónico de interior realizado por POPVJ - rama audiovisual de la productora cultural PopVersus.
En el marco del 10º aniversario del Banco Promerica y la exposición de Picasso, se realizó el presente trabajo con fines corporativos en el Museo para la Identidad Nacional (MIN) de Honduras.
Es el primero video mapeo de interior de edificio que se realiza en Honduras.
Quartz Composer Portrait
Quartz Composer Portrait 1 from Mudtalk on Vimeo.
vdmx and Quartz Composer
Quartz Composer Portrait 2 from Mudtalk on Vimeo.
Vdmx and Quartz Composer
Quartz Composer Portrait 3 from Mudtalk on Vimeo.
vdmx and Quartz Composer
AV Performance at Noche Blanca de Burgos, 2011. "Pure Hemp" Live,
AV Performance at Noche Blanca de Burgos, 2011. "Pure Hemp" Live, from Pixel in Fact on Vimeo.
AV Performance at Noche Blanca de Burgos, 2011.
"Pure Hemp" Live. Live video improvisation by Pixel in Fact.
Live video software: VDMX + QTZ.
Original músic: Pure Hemp Live
Visuals: PIxel in fact
Cameraman: Aldara Garcés
Video Editor: Carlos Villar
Barcelona 2011.
Magnolia Parade 2011 - Visuals MIX
Magnolia Parade 2011 - Visuals MIX from Christian Bona on Vimeo.
Magnolia Parade 2011
1-2-3 settembre
Visuals mix and VJ by Chriz
PIx_hell 2.0 Festival
PIx_hell 2.0 Festival - VJ SilverDave from VjSilverDave on Vimeo.
Le Pix_hell festival est un événements annuel
d’un jour visant à la promotion des arts
Musique: Amon Tobin - Bedtime Stories
VIDEOTAPE VJ SET_OPENING PART from Wolf Jaiser on Vimeo.
This is an excerpt of our VIDEOTAPE VJ SET for the Film Festival Zadar. We created this set for the "creative industries" reception of the UK embassy at Knezeva Palace at Zadar, Croatia. In cooperation with our friends BLINK AND REMOVE we remixed parts of the festival films.
It's also our first remix of KAPITÄN - a new track of our all time favourite band TASTE. Remix by Aleks Avramovic and Petko Turner aka Champain Bros.
VIDEOTAPE VJ SET - THIS IS A REMIX - PART TWO from Wolf Jaiser on Vimeo.
This is another part of our VIDEOTAPE VJ SET we played for the international film festival FILM FORUM ZADAR, Croatia.
The festival asked us to do a REMIX on the festival films.
Here you go! The music is a REMIX too - we remixed KAPITÄN from the upcoming band TASTE from Berlin.
And yes, we'd like to thank our friends BLINK AND REMOVE for their support!!
VIDEOTAPE VJ SET_ PART 3 from Wolf Jaiser on Vimeo.
This is another part of our VIDEOTAPE VJ SET we played for the international film festival FILM FORUM ZADAR, Croatia.
The festival asked us to do a REMIX on the festival films.
Vjing Techno House Minimal
Vjing Techno House Minimal from Frédéric Dussault on Vimeo.
Video Art by
Frédéric Dussault
Music from
dj Proph Deep Tech House Minimal Techno mix
video 720/576 en 1280/720
Es begann vor ein paar Monden.
Unbestätigte Berichte einer Landung.
Augenzeugen schildern Phänomene.
Fernab der Heimat, nur mit dem nötigsten an Soundrüstung, öffnen die Kompalisten nun eigenmächtig das triangulare Archiv -- die Filmischen Dokumente der K-Files.
Track ... KOMPAL "Sierung"
Idee & Look ... KOMPAL / kompal.eu
Cam #1 ... Christoph Hofer / chilidesign.at
Cam #2 ... Darko Todorovic / adrok.net
Cut ... Maex Holzer / zerodivision.com
Unbestätigte Berichte einer Landung.
Augenzeugen schildern Phänomene.
Fernab der Heimat, nur mit dem nötigsten an Soundrüstung, öffnen die Kompalisten nun eigenmächtig das triangulare Archiv -- die Filmischen Dokumente der K-Files.
Track ... KOMPAL "Sierung"
Idee & Look ... KOMPAL / kompal.eu
Cam #1 ... Christoph Hofer / chilidesign.at
Cam #2 ... Darko Todorovic / adrok.net
Cut ... Maex Holzer / zerodivision.com
PopVJ - videomapping arquitectónico
PopVJ - videomapping arquitectónico from Gabriel Vallecillo Márquez on Vimeo.
Videomapping arquitectónico de interior realizado por POPVJ - rama audiovisual de la productora cultural PopVersus.
En el marco del 10º aniversario del Banco Promerica y la exposición de Picasso, se realizó el presente trabajo con fines corporativos en el Museo para la Identidad Nacional (MIN) de Honduras.
Es el primero video mapeo de interior de edificio que se realiza en Honduras.
U2 Numb 360° Version 2 | Video Filters | Processing
U2 Numb 360° Version 2 | Video Filters | Processing from Diana Lange on Vimeo.
Made with Processing.
Second, totally recoded version. First video (http://vimeo.com/13963425) was done without OOP. This one works with some specified classes (e.g. music handler, video handler, video filter) and again, some sound analysis (beat detection, fft).
All rotations and video deformations are based on the audio input.
PeasyCam / Camera
Video / video rendering
OpenGL / renderer
Sonia / FFT analysis
Beads / Beat detection
Minim / Beat detection
Music and video input:
U2 - Numb
City Day Vigil Mapping 2011
City Day Vigil Mapping 2011 from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
Our mapping project as a part of the City Day Vigil on a mansion in the city.
Alva Noto - unitxt/univrs (Derivative Version)
Alva Noto - unitxt/univrs (Derivative Version) from Derivative on Vimeo.
Alva Noto (Carsten Nicolai) at Ars Electronica 2010. Visual developed with Wuestenarchitekten (Markus Heckmann) and produced with TouchDesigner.
Kernel Festival_Deltaprocess_VJ Mapping_1st July 2011
Kernel Festival_Deltaprocess_VJ Mapping_1st July 2011 from Joe Catchpole on Vimeo.
Edited highlights of my first performance with the Deltaprocess collective on the 1st of July 2011 at Villa Tittoni Traversi, Desio, Italy.
Our themes were inspired by the results of: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_referendums,_2011
Our show was 30 minutes in total. We used Quartz Composer, Max/MSP/Jitter and Isadora. A lot of the content was generated in realtime and triggered with OSC sent over a wireless network from the musicians on stage. Other clips were created in Cinema4d and AE.
Unfortunately the documentation is not of the highest quality due to a corrupted hard drive so I'm glad I had my little camera recording it as a back-up.
Vivid Sidney Festival
vivid sydney from Lauren Farmer on Vimeo.
Timelapse of Vivid Sydney 2011 from James Zhao on Vimeo.
I made a 40 second preview a few days ago and here is the full version (assuming I don't go out one more night)... I am quite tempted to go out one more time and get even more content, but for now here is. Enjoy!
Vivid Sydney is a relatively new attraction to Sydney-siders, involving various light shows on iconic buildings and objects. The festival has a duration of about 2 weeks each year and is a great time for local and visiting photographers to enjoy the unique designs.
From memory this is the 3rd year Vivid has existed. In the past, I've taken some interesting shots of the various lighting designs, but this year, I had to do a timelapse. I will be going out again in the coming week for more, but here is a preview of what I've collected so far.
I am stoked to have received so many time lapse job offers from viewers of this video. If you are looking to have a custom timelapse made, I'd love to discuss further. I can be contacted via my website jameszhao.com
Cinect Graffiti
Idea behind this project is to use the kinect to track the motion behind graffiti. Visualizing the body and drawing trough different angles in realtime, Understanding surrounding space, pausing the time, etc… Kinect Graffiti is a tool built in processing & openGL, SimpleOpenNI, openNI and primeSense libraries.
Resolume 4 and Resolume Arena 4 Media Servier
What's New in Resolume 4 from Resolume on Vimeo.Resolume 4
Auto Pilot – play all clips in a layer sequentially or in random order
Clip Transitions – automatically fade between clips
Effect Clips – work with effects like you can with normal clips, trigger them with the keyboard or midi controller
MIDI Output – make the buttons on your Akai APC40 light up or (even more fun) make the motorized faders move up and down on your Behringer BCF2000
Resolume Arena 4 Media Servier
Screen Warping & Video Mapping – create as many slices from your composition and position and transform them to your liking, warp your video onto curved screens
Soft Edge – soft edge overlapping slices so you can seamlessly project with 2 or more beamers
Link to product
Interstitial from snailpainter on Vimeo.
This piece is an exploration of a minimalist visual aesthetic, basic geometric elements and colour progression evolving concomitantly with the deep, driving audio accompaniment.
The visual score for this piece was composed and recorded live in real-time, with no post-processing.
The audio in this composition is Riva Starr's Vouxhall (Tim Green Remix).
Tallinn Stalker 2011 ILPO VÄISÄNEN & PHILIPP GEIST from Philipp Geist | Videogeist on Vimeo.
ILPO VÄISÄNEN (Pan Sonic/ Angel/ Fin) & PHILIPP GEIST (Videogeist/ Ger/ Berlin)
Ilpo Väisänen on minimalistliku, ent jõulise ja rokkiva elektroonilise muusika suurmeister Soomest. Koos Mika Vainioga on mees tuntud ka duo Pan Sonic liikmena. Tema jõusolevate muusikaprojektide hulka kuulub veel Angel, koos Dirk Dresselhausiga, Schneider TM-ist. Ilpo Väisäneni on välja andnud muljetavaldav rida eksperimentaalse ja avangardse suunaga, kõrgelt tunnustatud plaadifirmasid. Muuhulgas, väärib esiletoomist Vainio / Väisänen / Vega “Endless” album, millel Pan Sonicuga liitub Suicide’i Alan Vega.
Philipp Geist on rahvusvahelise haardega valgus- ja multimeedia kunstnik, kes töötab video, performance’i, foto ja maali tehnikais. Teiste olulisemate tööde kõrval näitas Berliinis elav kunstnik oma kaardistavat 4D installatsiooni Bangkoki kuningakoja fassaadil, kuningas Bhumiboli 82-l sünnipäeval, 2009 a. detsembris. See, ühetunnine show, oli pidustuste keskseks atraktsiooniks, mida imetles kokku hämmastavad 2,5 miljonit pidulist. 2008. aasta nimeka kunstiväljaande Kulturforumi “Pikal muuseumiööl” näitas kunstnik installatsiooni “Time Fades”. Philipp Geisti valgus- ja videoinstallatsioonid teeb eriliseks see, et kunstnik väldib tavapäraseid ekraane ning projitseerib tööd otse kas ehituste seintele ja teistele pindadele või läbipaistvatele pindadele nagu udu, suits või muud läbipaistvad materjalid.
Ilpo Väisänen is member of the Finnish duo Pan Sonic. He releases solo on Raster-Noton and on his own label Kangaroo, a sub-label of Raster-Noton. His is a master of minimalist electronic music from Finland. Also known for his collaborations with Schneider TM, Hildur Gudnadottir and Alan Vega from Suicide.
Philipp Geist works internationally as a light and multi-media artist in the mediums of video, performance, photography and painting. The Berlin artist Philipp Geist (1976) showed a 4D mapping installation on the facade of the royal throne in Bangkok on the occasion of king Bhumibol’s 82nd birthday in December 2009. The one-hour-show was the central part of the celebrations and was seen by 2,5 million of visitors. In 2008, during the ‘Long Night of the Museums’, he showed his video installation ‘time fades’ at the Kulturforum. In this installation Geist interprets the themes of space and time. He avoids using canvasses and projects directly on parts of the façade of the architecture and on transparent grounds like sheets of gauze and fog.
Ilpo Väisänen
Philipp Geist
->in-out -> madness
->in-out -> madness from vargasz abolcs on Vimeo.
Today we got a new feature in CoGe! In-out points on sliders!
VJ software takes control over music!
I'd built this player modul for my project celloBeatpulse http://vimeo.com/24639032.
It's a midi sender for 6 cc signal(on channel 1 from 1 to 6).
The main point in this system to sync generated visual's parameters with music software's. For example: 3D movents in the Quartz Composition > Frequency changes in the 4th oscillator.
If you are intrested
3d motion graphics and vj
Yzco visuals // 3d motion graphics and vj from Yzco on Vimeo.
2011-Wanna see some of my best work in just one and a half minute? Take a good deep breath, and don't blink. One and a half minute eyecandy. The audio was created by my friend Miss Djax, awesome techno producer !! Track is called Coming
markus mehr & stefanie sixt: "KOMO"
markus mehr & stefanie sixt: "KOMO" from stefanie sixt, sixt sense on Vimeo.
“Komo” is an aural Mantra. The introverted and self-contained minimalistic string phrase circles upon itself. The use of a traditional canon compacts the already repetitive character of the piece.
Digital sound irritations by IPhone App, Laptop and analog distortion are conciously builing up a contradictory Dialogue, based on the melancholy atmoshpere of the loop.
The minimalistic progression of the sound elements are emphasized by visuals.
Comparable to the music the originally formalistic structures are opened out beyond recognition by stylistic devices as blur or reduction, as well as the manner of composition and mixing and are set into a new context.
The origin of the visuals are most of the times black and white nature shots, which remain in the end as a feeling.
24.+25.08.2011 "STOFF" Fringe Festival, Stockholm, Sweden
30.06.2011 Modular Festival Maximilianmuseum, Augsburg
28.06.2011 KissKiss Ballroom, Berlin
07.05.2011 Noise Fest, Augsburg
07.01.2011 MS Stubnitz - Hamburg
05.12.2010 Madeiradig - Music and Art Festival, Madeira, Portugal
06.11.2010 VJ Festival - Erlangen
05.11.2010 lab30 - Media Art Festival, Augsburg
14.08.2010 Gallery Systm (Digital in Berlin), Berlin
TEST#1 Openframeworks+Syphon+QC-Modul8+Tuio
TEST#1 Openframeworks+Syphon+QC-Modul8+Tuio from oktopus on Vimeo.
Experimento con Openframeworks que envia la señal a Modul8 por medio de Quartz Composer que lo intregra con Syphon y recibe la señal desde Tuio para controlarlo con el multitouch del Iphone.
Interactive Video / Amorpheus / VJ
Interactive Video / Amorpheus / VJ from Amorpheus on Vimeo.
A combination of different ideas put together.
Modul8 2.6.4
Modul8 is designed for real time video mixing and compositing. It has been designed for VJs and live performers. Created by professional VJs and developped by real time imaging specialists, all coming from the video game industry, Modul8 offers a state of the art user-interface combined with very high performances.
Version 2.6.4:
Fixed some issues with the trace behavior and rendering
Fixed a problem of precision scaling in the Global Mask
Fixed an issue with the blue background color introduced in v2.6.3
Now the Input and output levels are saved in the preferences
Fixed blurring of text when creating new modules
PPC / Intel
Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later
Quicktime 7.1.3 or later
1GHz Power G4 or faster, or Intel processor.
AGP or PCI-EXPRESS 3D accelerated video card with at least 64 MB of VRAM
Version 2.6.4:
Fixed some issues with the trace behavior and rendering
Fixed a problem of precision scaling in the Global Mask
Fixed an issue with the blue background color introduced in v2.6.3
Now the Input and output levels are saved in the preferences
Fixed blurring of text when creating new modules
PPC / Intel
Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later
Quicktime 7.1.3 or later
1GHz Power G4 or faster, or Intel processor.
AGP or PCI-EXPRESS 3D accelerated video card with at least 64 MB of VRAM
Mapping @ Cinetrip Water Circus
Mapping @ Cinetrip Water Circus from Vj Robson Victor on Vimeo.
Cinetrip Water Circus Party 2011
Live Mapping @ Széchenyi Gőzfürdő @ Budapest - Hungary
Vjs Laszlo Laki / Robson Victor / Viktor Vicsek
August 2011
10x 15.000 ansilumens projectors.
Interstitial from snailpainter on Vimeo.
This piece is an exploration of a minimalist visual aesthetic, basic geometric elements and colour progression evolving concomitantly with the deep, driving audio accompaniment.
The visual score for this piece was composed and recorded live in real-time, with no post-processing.
The audio in this composition is Riva Starr's Vouxhall (Tim Green Remix).
VIDEOTAPE VJ SET_OPENING PART from Wolf Jaiser on Vimeo.
This is an excerpt of our VIDEOTAPE VJ SET for the Film Festival Zadar. We created this set for the "creative industries" reception of the UK embassy at Knezeva Palace at Zadar, Croatia. In cooperation with our friends BLINK AND REMOVE we remixed parts of the festival films.
It's also our first remix of KAPITÄN - a new track of our all time favourite band TASTE. Remix by Aleks Avramovic and Petko Turner aka Champain Bros.
VIDEOTAPE VJ SET - THIS IS A REMIX - PART TWO from Wolf Jaiser on Vimeo.
This is another part of our VIDEOTAPE VJ SET we played for the international film festival FILM FORUM ZADAR, Croatia.
The festival asked us to do a REMIX on the festival films.
Here you go! The music is a REMIX too - we remixed KAPITÄN from the upcoming band TASTE from Berlin.
And yes, we'd like to thank our friends BLINK AND REMOVE for their support!!
Kokeshi night ### vision nocturne live ZOO 2011 USINE - GENEVE
Kokeshi night ### vision nocturne live ZOO 2011 USINE - GENEVE from Vision Nocturne on Vimeo.
Kokeshi Night 02 septembre 2011
ZOO#########USINE-GENEVE (www.lezoo.ch)
Alley Cat (Kokeshi, offshore / UK)
Kryptic Minds (Osiris Music UK, Swamp81, Tectonic / UK)
Youngsta (Tempa, FWD>>, Rinse / LDN, UK)
MC LowQui (Metalheadz / UK)
Kevin Dubsludge (Dubsludge / CH)
Visuals by Visionnocturne
Ahrenshoop 'Lighting up Times' by Philipp Geist at Alte Schule 2011
Ahrenshoop 'Lighting up Times' by Philipp Geist at Alte Schule 2011 from Philipp Geist | Videogeist on Vimeo.
Lighting up Times' by Philipp Geist at Alte Schule (Ahrenshoop)
Live Video-Mapping-Installation
Long Night of Art / Lange Nacht der Kunst
Anlässlich der Langen Nacht der Kunst in Ahrenshoop entwickelte Philipp Geist (geb. 1976) an dem historischen Fachwerkhaus, der ehemaligen Schule, Alte Schule eine künstlerische Live Video-Mapping-Installation mit dem Titel „Lighting upTimes“. In seiner Installation beschäftigte sich Geist mit den Themen Zeit und Raum. Dabei verzichtet der Künstler auf den Einsatz von Leinwänden und projiziert direkt auf die Fassade des historischen Fachwerkhaus.. Im historischen Stadtkern von Ahrenshoop ergibt sich ein Zusammenspiel zwischen der Bausubstanz des Gebäudes und den abstrakten, geometrischen Videoarbeiten, die Geist passgenau auf die Architekur anpaßt. Geist entwickelt einen Dialog mit dem Ort, der Architektur und mit seiner künstlerischen Arbeit. Am Computer lässt er malerische, abstrakte Bilderwelten entstehen, die auf organisch-mikroskopische Strukturen verweisen. Durch ihre Tiefe und Dreidimensionalität symbolisiert die Arbeit den sich ständig erweiternden Raum von Zeit, und stellt durch ihre Vielschichtigkeit und Dichte die komplexen Netzwerke dar. Geometrische, räumliche Formen wie Quadrate, Kuben, durchbrochene Flächen, Linien und Strahlen überlagern sich in einem kontinuierlichen Prozess und bauen ein Gesamtbild auf, um dieses im nächsten Moment wieder aufzulösen. Es entstehen eine komplexe Bildarchitektur, die ständig im Fluss ist, und Bildkompositionen, die teils minimal-puristisch, teils farbintensiv, traumartig und schemenhaft-zerbrechlich wirken.
Introducing Resolume 4 Avenue & Arena
We're dead excited to finally show you all about Resolume 4! We had to bite our tongue for so long we can hardly speak anymore. We think it's our best release ever and we're pretty sure you'll love it too 
Resolume 4 has so many new features but keeps the same workflow so you'll feel right at home. It has all the features you have requested like Auto Pilot, MIDI & OSC output, Video Mapping & Clip Reconnect. But also Global Speed & Direction, Clip Transitions, Effect Clips, SMPTE timecode input, Soft Edge and more flexible compositing. And on top if that we have made everything faster, deck switching, rendering engine & GUI so it absolutely flies!
Checkout all the details & screenshots on the Resolume 4 What's New page.
Resolume Arena 4 Media Server
Resolume 4 comes in 2 editions. Avenue is the VJ software you know and love with all these new features. Arena has all the features of Avenue plus features you'd expect from a media server, soft edging, screen warping, DMX input and SMPTE timecode input.
The price of Avenue 4 will be the same as Avenue 3, 299 Euro. Resolume Arena 4 will be priced 699 Euro but is now presale available for just 499 Euro.
Upgrade from any Resolume version to Resolume Avenue 4 for 1 computer 4 is just 119 Euro. An upgrade from Avenue 3 to Arena 4 media server is a great deal, only 319 Euro.
Grace Period
If you bought Resolume in August then please contact us and we'll also let you benefit from this deal.
Beta on September 19
A beta version of Resolume 4 will be available for all Resolume owners on Monday, September 19. Do you not own a license yet? Now is a great time to buy Resolume Avenue 4 because you get an additional Avenue 3 license for free. Or an even better is deal is to buy Arena 4 now, you receive Avenue 3 right away and pay only 499 euro instead of 699 when it's released. Available in the shop.
Resolume 4 has so many new features but keeps the same workflow so you'll feel right at home. It has all the features you have requested like Auto Pilot, MIDI & OSC output, Video Mapping & Clip Reconnect. But also Global Speed & Direction, Clip Transitions, Effect Clips, SMPTE timecode input, Soft Edge and more flexible compositing. And on top if that we have made everything faster, deck switching, rendering engine & GUI so it absolutely flies!
Checkout all the details & screenshots on the Resolume 4 What's New page.
Resolume Arena 4 Media Server
Resolume 4 comes in 2 editions. Avenue is the VJ software you know and love with all these new features. Arena has all the features of Avenue plus features you'd expect from a media server, soft edging, screen warping, DMX input and SMPTE timecode input.
The price of Avenue 4 will be the same as Avenue 3, 299 Euro. Resolume Arena 4 will be priced 699 Euro but is now presale available for just 499 Euro.
Upgrade from any Resolume version to Resolume Avenue 4 for 1 computer 4 is just 119 Euro. An upgrade from Avenue 3 to Arena 4 media server is a great deal, only 319 Euro.
Grace Period
If you bought Resolume in August then please contact us and we'll also let you benefit from this deal.
Beta on September 19
A beta version of Resolume 4 will be available for all Resolume owners on Monday, September 19. Do you not own a license yet? Now is a great time to buy Resolume Avenue 4 because you get an additional Avenue 3 license for free. Or an even better is deal is to buy Arena 4 now, you receive Avenue 3 right away and pay only 499 euro instead of 699 when it's released. Available in the shop.
Wood as Bones, Light as Flesh
Wood as Bones, Light as Flesh from ilan katin on Vimeo.
The structure is in essence a narrative organism. This being is telling its story without words or any human form. Its body is its language. This body has its own temporal vitality, a re-interpretation of the human condition. The wood has the value of bones and flesh is no different from the temporality of light.
As the audience moves around the sculpture, they are inevitably part of the story unfolding around them.
FAIL is the collective of electric kettle, SILANT, Lucy Benson and fRED
VJ performance @ Buck Rogers - Tom Craft
VJ performance @ Buck Rogers - Tom Craft from de kay on Vimeo.
a brief glimpse of my work as a VJ.
03.09.2011 Buck Rogers, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany
VJ Galo ao vivo / VJ Rafael Galo mixes live
VJ Galo ao vivo / VJ Rafael Galo mixes live from Drew Detweiler on Vimeo.
VJ Galo, Rafael Galo, rhythmically mixes images he selected to interpret the lyrics of one of his favorite songs with four videos he shot on the Escadaria Selarón during a VJ workshop at Cinema Nosso in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
EUPHORIA-The An Unquiet Mind
EUPHORIA-The An Unquiet Mind from C. Lo Rob on Vimeo.
"Welcome to the EXTRAORDINARY" sponsored by InterCasino @ 2010 Raindance Film Festival, London, UK
Directed by Chihwen Lo
Music by Jason Shuler
Featuring Jessica Hsu
Awe Lucid (Asheville, NC, USA)
Awe Lucid is a visionary artist who utilizes multiple forms of media, technology and performance as tools to convey, evoke and transform wonder about ourselves and our world. His life's mission is to embrace exploration, curiosity, and the pursuit of fearless self-evolution as art.
VJ set- Dance of Liquid Space-Time from Awe Lucid on Vimeo.
Exploration of body and time, space and vision.
Untitled from Awe Lucid on Vimeo.
Labyrinth- (kinetic projection environment / playground sculpture) from Awe Lucid on Vimeo.
Multimedia Kinetic Labyrinth / projection environment / interactive shadow, light, and playground sculpture.
It is delightfully disorienting and psychedelic to play in this sclupture. As its hallways move in different directions and speeds, so does the perception of your own movement. It can also be quite tranquil and meditative when it is slow. Only one projector was needed to illuminate the environment. Hope you enjoy.
Awe Lucid
Our Body Becomes from Awe Lucid on Vimeo.
This piece is an exploration of light and form, wonder and becoming as two curiously interwoven beings unfold through and into one another as something alive and one.
Performed by Joel Horne and Jaclyn Wienke.
Music by Nina Simone
Circle of Dreams from Awe Lucid on Vimeo.
Surrealist New Media Dance Performance:
Exploration of bodies and light as impossible new and unfolding forms that combine and tranform in story and dance.
This piece was performed live on stage. We performed in front of a camera whose imagery was processed in real time and projected onto a screen on stage.
Awe Lucid is a visionary artist who utilizes multiple forms of media, technology and performance as tools to convey, evoke and transform wonder about ourselves and our world. His life's mission is to embrace exploration, curiosity, and the pursuit of fearless self-evolution as art.
VJ set- Dance of Liquid Space-Time from Awe Lucid on Vimeo.
Exploration of body and time, space and vision.
Untitled from Awe Lucid on Vimeo.
Labyrinth- (kinetic projection environment / playground sculpture) from Awe Lucid on Vimeo.
Multimedia Kinetic Labyrinth / projection environment / interactive shadow, light, and playground sculpture.
It is delightfully disorienting and psychedelic to play in this sclupture. As its hallways move in different directions and speeds, so does the perception of your own movement. It can also be quite tranquil and meditative when it is slow. Only one projector was needed to illuminate the environment. Hope you enjoy.
Awe Lucid
Our Body Becomes from Awe Lucid on Vimeo.
This piece is an exploration of light and form, wonder and becoming as two curiously interwoven beings unfold through and into one another as something alive and one.
Performed by Joel Horne and Jaclyn Wienke.
Music by Nina Simone
Circle of Dreams from Awe Lucid on Vimeo.
Surrealist New Media Dance Performance:
Exploration of bodies and light as impossible new and unfolding forms that combine and tranform in story and dance.
This piece was performed live on stage. We performed in front of a camera whose imagery was processed in real time and projected onto a screen on stage.
8 bit Invader (maping) from Darkfejzr on Vimeo.
I made this video as a tribute to the awesome old games, that i grow with.
Footage from mapping in real http://vimeo.com/25238043
UVT mapping from Darkfejzr on Vimeo.
Mapping to the five-year anniversary of Department of Visual Art in Uherské Hradiště.
Milan Marek, Michal Hladík, Simona Sasinová - Cats
Sabina Psotková, Ivana Jozeková - Pink and Blue
Michal Kupilík - Shining
Darkfejzr - 8bit Invader
Laboratoř tmy - Anniversary
Supervizor - Václav Ondroušek
Organizer - Patrik Schwach
Vlla Showcase
Vlla Showcase from wallfiller on Vimeo.
This was a test to show how a 360 projection in a club would work.
COGE Beginners Tutorial
COGE Beginners Tutorial from ian campbell on Vimeo.
This is a tutorial for getting started with COGE.
"CoGe is a semi-modular VJ application for Mac OS X®, designed for real-time media mixing and compositing, built over the most powerful graphics technologies like Quartz Composer, OpenGL, Syphon and Core Image."
Made with COGE...
MUM, on the old mountain radio (christian kleine mix) UNOFFICIAL VIDEO from ian campbell on Vimeo.
What it says. Made with COGE and FCP.
Interactive Live Video Projection
FUMUJ - Soul Cling - Interactive Live Video Projection from Nicolas Lhomme on Vimeo.
Interactive live video projection for french band Fumuj concerts.
Real-time animations react to voice and instruments.
Video interactives projetées pour les concerts du groupe Fumuj.
Les animations en temps réel réagissent aux instruments et à la voix.
Conception Nicolas Lhomme
Programmation Olivier Baudu / Labomedia
Fumuj - Play or die Tour 2011 - EPK ENGLISH : http://www.vimeo.com/17469884
Fumuj - Play or die Tour 2011 - EPK FR : http://www.vimeo.com/16765128
Fumuj - REUTERS LIVE REPORT : http://www.vimeo.com/17598342
Music Fumuj : myspace.com/fumuj
FUMUJ - Tic...Toc... - Interactive Live Video Projection from Nicolas Lhomme on Vimeo.
Interactive live video projection for french band Fumuj concerts.
Real-time animations react to voice and instruments.
Video interactives projetées pour les concerts du groupe Fumuj.
Les animations en temps réel réagissent aux instruments et à la voix.
Conception Nicolas Lhomme
Programmation Olivier Baudu / Labomedia
Fumuj - Play or die Tour 2011 - EPK ENGLISH : http://www.vimeo.com/17469884
Fumuj - Play or die Tour 2011 - EPK FR : http://www.vimeo.com/16765128
Fumuj - REUTERS LIVE REPORT : http://www.vimeo.com/17598342
Music Fumuj : myspace.com/fumuj
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