Crazy Crew Live VJ Performance at Sugar Factory - Amsterdam
Crazy Crew Live VJ Performance at Sugar Factory - Amsterdam from vito varsano on Vimeo.
Crazy Crew's Live VJ Performance at Sugar Factory - Amsterdam with DJ Mirella Kroes / 15.10.2011
Conceptual party "3 is the magic number" by SSSST!
Produced by www.partyeye.com
Mail from Christian Sander
"Dear vj labor - Team,
last week we released our Visual Music Clip "TELEPHONE HELICOPTER
APPLAUSE GUNSHOT" by Lorenz Rhode, that was blogged at BoingBoing
(http://bit.ly/nCX2rG), Nerdcore.de, etc.
Now we want to introduce our related interactive Visual Music App
"Synse THAG" for iPhone and iPad.Video artist Anne Lucht captured a
casual kitchen sit-in between a low-res alien gang and their hooded
flatmates, bopping their heads to Lorenz Rhode's krautrocky tune
Here you can try the
and the iPad-Version:http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/synse-thag-for-ipad/id472829856?&mt=8Promo-code:
__Press-Text:Synse-team got a fresh visual music set for you: Synse
THAG! Video artist Anne Lucht captured a casual kitchen sit-in between
a low-res alien gang and their hooded flatmates, bopping their heads
to Lorenz Rhode's krautrocky tune TELEPHONE HELICOPTER APPLAUSE
Synse is an interactive Visual Music App: It combines controlling
music and visuals with Multitouch and creates a unique audiovisual
Also check out the original award-winning iPhone-App "Synse - Visual
Music App" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3OK5Hw8Tus
Visuals: www.anne.deMusic: www.facebook.com/lorenzrhodeApp: www.synse.net___
here are some App-Screenshots:
I'm really looking forward to your feedback and hope you'll enjoy the App.
Thanks & Greetings from Duesseldorf,Christian Sander
HOMEPAGE: www.synse.net
EMAIL: christian@synse.net
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/Synse
TWITTER: http://twitter.com/#!/Synse_App "
iPhone: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/synse-thag/id472694211?&mt=8
We've got a fresh visual music set for you: Synse THAG! Video artist Anne Lucht captured a casual kitchen sit-in between a low-res alien gang and their hooded flatmates, bopping their heads to Lorenz Rhode's krautrocky tune TELEPHONE HELICOPTER APPLAUSE GUNSHOT.
iPad: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/synse-thag-for-ipad/id472829856?&mt=8
Watch full Visual Music Clip by Anne Lucht that takes you for a trip round the town of Düsseldorf, Germany - the place where electronic music made some huge leaps 30-40 years ago with bands like Can, Neu! and Kraftwerk.
And check out the original Synse-Version with 3 more Visual Music sets onhttp://www.synse.net
last week we released our Visual Music Clip "TELEPHONE HELICOPTER
APPLAUSE GUNSHOT" by Lorenz Rhode, that was blogged at BoingBoing
(http://bit.ly/nCX2rG), Nerdcore.de, etc.
Now we want to introduce our related interactive Visual Music App
"Synse THAG" for iPhone and iPad.Video artist Anne Lucht captured a
casual kitchen sit-in between a low-res alien gang and their hooded
flatmates, bopping their heads to Lorenz Rhode's krautrocky tune
Here you can try the
and the iPad-Version:http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/synse-thag-for-ipad/id472829856?&mt=8Promo-code:
__Press-Text:Synse-team got a fresh visual music set for you: Synse
THAG! Video artist Anne Lucht captured a casual kitchen sit-in between
a low-res alien gang and their hooded flatmates, bopping their heads
to Lorenz Rhode's krautrocky tune TELEPHONE HELICOPTER APPLAUSE
Synse is an interactive Visual Music App: It combines controlling
music and visuals with Multitouch and creates a unique audiovisual
Also check out the original award-winning iPhone-App "Synse - Visual
Music App" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3OK5Hw8Tus
Visuals: www.anne.deMusic: www.facebook.com/lorenzrhodeApp: www.synse.net___
here are some App-Screenshots:
I'm really looking forward to your feedback and hope you'll enjoy the App.
Thanks & Greetings from Duesseldorf,Christian Sander
HOMEPAGE: www.synse.net
EMAIL: christian@synse.net
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/Synse
TWITTER: http://twitter.com/#!/Synse_App "
iPhone: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/synse-thag/id472694211?&mt=8
We've got a fresh visual music set for you: Synse THAG! Video artist Anne Lucht captured a casual kitchen sit-in between a low-res alien gang and their hooded flatmates, bopping their heads to Lorenz Rhode's krautrocky tune TELEPHONE HELICOPTER APPLAUSE GUNSHOT.
iPad: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/synse-thag-for-ipad/id472829856?&mt=8
Watch full Visual Music Clip by Anne Lucht that takes you for a trip round the town of Düsseldorf, Germany - the place where electronic music made some huge leaps 30-40 years ago with bands like Can, Neu! and Kraftwerk.
And check out the original Synse-Version with 3 more Visual Music sets onhttp://www.synse.net
midiadub (São Paulo, Brazil)
Pair of videoartists based in São Paulo that has as objective to find the harmony between sound and image. With the repertoire based on research of content and proper productions, the pair if detaches for covering diverse fields of the contemporary music always with specific subjects for each project.
Dupla de videoartistas baseada em São Paulo que tem como objetivo encontrar a harmonia entre som e imagem. Com o repertório baseado em pesquisas de conteúdo e produções próprias, a dupla se destaca por percorrer campos diversos da música contemporânea sempre com temas específicos para cada projeto.
Vjazz - Video Mapping from midiadub on Vimeo.
Vjazz Project: Video Mapping presented in Serralheria, a cultural spot in São Paulo, Brazil.
Spoek Mathambo@São Paulo from midiadub on Vimeo.
Visuals that we made in Spoek Mathambo's concert in São Paulo.
Music: Spoek Mathambo (Mshini Wam)
Visuals: Midiadub
Camera: Olle Kirchmeier
Video Mapping SOS Mata Atlântica from midiadub on Vimeo.
Video Mapping realizado para evento do SOS Mata Atlântica no Porão das Artes (Bienal)
Video Mapping - Canvas 2.0 from midiadub on Vimeo.
Video Mapping que realizamos na segunda edição do Canvas que aconteceu na Serralheria.
Imagens: Arthur Boniconte e Rodrigo Pastoriza
Music: CTV - Civil Union
São Paulo - Fevereiro de 2010
Vjazz - Video Mapping from midiadub on Vimeo.
Vjazz Project: Video Mapping presented in Serralheria, a cultural spot in São Paulo, Brazil.
Spoek Mathambo@São Paulo from midiadub on Vimeo.
Visuals that we made in Spoek Mathambo's concert in São Paulo.
Music: Spoek Mathambo (Mshini Wam)
Visuals: Midiadub
Camera: Olle Kirchmeier
Video Mapping SOS Mata Atlântica from midiadub on Vimeo.
Video Mapping realizado para evento do SOS Mata Atlântica no Porão das Artes (Bienal)
Video Mapping - Canvas 2.0 from midiadub on Vimeo.
Video Mapping que realizamos na segunda edição do Canvas que aconteceu na Serralheria.
Imagens: Arthur Boniconte e Rodrigo Pastoriza
Music: CTV - Civil Union
São Paulo - Fevereiro de 2010
Crazy Crew/Partyeye
VJ mix by VJ Deetka/Crazy Crew/Partyeye (part 1) from Marina Nikonov on Vimeo.
VJ mix by VJ Deetka.
Dj set by Salomao Nunes.
Video for Midi Club, Amsterdam 2011.
SoundHawk from anton schilli on Vimeo.
Quartz Composer
Syphon Recorder
Song: 'Sirimande' (from Siriusmo)
GODS BROWSER_02 from Geert Mul on Vimeo.
Gods Browser
Interactive installation
Geert Mul 2011
Version 01 developed at Baltan Laboratories
Eindhoven 2010.
(thanx to James Wright for filming)
Scopic fiction in database times
In the sixties land artist Robert Smithson was interested in the idea of sedimentation, stressing the temporal character of basically all things, and artifacts in general. This insistence on the temporal nature was expressed poignantly in his groundbreaking essay ‘A sedimentation of the mind : earth projects’ (1968). In this text he writes : ‘Poetry being forever lost must submit to its own vacuity; it is somehow a product of exhaustion rather than creation. Poetry is always a dying language but never a dead language.’ Geert Mul’s treatment of the cinematic form is somewhat similar in the sense that in his redefinition of this archaic artform he has brought it to its bare formal properties : still images assembled in a lineair temporal order.
But by using the abundance of found still imagery on the internet and putting those in a temporal order, thus creating the illusion of movement, he harks back at the advent of early cinematic forms that were created with the help of the Zootrope, Praxinoscope, the Phenakistiscope, and other ninetheenth-century pro-cinematic devices. In those early days of machinic vision cinema could be defined as photography with a motor; a device that ‘animates’ still imagery into a dynamic presentation.
Yet in the case of Geert Mul’s retake of these ancient techniques, the images he uses are assembled and grouped together by software that analyses the harvested images of the internet by an abundance of characteristics and catagorises them in an ever growing database of ‘similarities’. The millions of images that are assembled in this machinic fashion and distributed into a dynamic presentation belong to an altogether different semiotic register than images that function within regimes of ‘representation’ and ‘signification’. These images show the register of what is called by Félix Guattari as ‘a- signifying semiotics’ (such as money, analog or digital machines that produce images, sounds and information, the equations, functions and diagrams of science, music, etc.), and that bring into play signs with a potentially symbolic or signifying effect, yet have a machinic rather than a symbolic or signifying effect in the way they actually function. Thus on the one hand these images trigger actions, work, constitute the input and output elements of a social or technological machine while on the other hand they produce meaning, representations, discourses in which the subject recognizes him/herself and at the mean time is alienated from him/herself as an effect of these conflicting semiotic regimes. In Mul’s work this implicit conflict lies at the heart of his investigations.
For although using contemporary technological means and reflecting on the current status of images, Mul has tried to construct a cinematic ‘narrative’ based on an overview of the database patterns of the collected data (images). This new type of ‘narrative’ oscillates between these two semiotic registers. By applying an automated selection protocol, he has shifted the focus of his attention towards the formal qualities of the millions of images he has used for the work, while at the same time he has delved into their potential to create a ‘narrative’ that presents the machinic logic of their origin. This given forces the viewer to constantly shift the perspective withwhich the stream of images is understood, or given ‘meaning’. This quality resembles the quality of the classic avantgarde cinema, that also exerted this mesmerizing effect or what the Russian avantgarde artists called ‘ostrenanie’, a sense of alienation.
With this intentional alienation Mul seems to point to the deep changes that have occurred in the way that images function and exist in our contemporary digital culture. In these times the databases of the globe are the new museums of symbolic debris that potentially can instruct us to perceive a virtual world of images that lies beyond what meets the eye. Mul has made his cinematic effort for this highly exciting scopic adventure.
Willem van Weelden, april 2011
GLORIA GENESIS ▏elementum #1 from rainbow:warrior on Vimeo.
video installation by rainbowwarrior
music by peter kutin
video installation for phoenics.eu / 360° video display
GLORIA GENESIS ▏elementum#2 from rainbow:warrior on Vimeo.
GLORIA GENESIS ▏elementum #3 from rainbow:warrior on Vimeo.
GLORIA GENESIS ▏elementum #4 from rainbow:warrior on Vimeo.
GLORIA GENESIS ▏elementum #5 from rainbow:warrior on Vimeo.
Heart_Language from netchaiev on Vimeo.
Video clip filmed w/ a 5D
Made with CoGe
Edited in FCP X
music romolive
video clip netchaiev
VJ Player for iPad: COLORCODE VJ
Load, mix, and output movie files.
(You can display up to 2 movies simultaneously)
Overlay PNG image files. You can move the images by touching on the screen, or preset the movement in advance. PNG transparency is supported.
Display texts. Like images, texts can also be moved.
Play tracks in your iPad's library as BGM (*2).
Output to external displays such as your TV, PC monitor, and projector. (*1) Works with most recent LCD TVs!
(*1) The following adapters are supported: Apple Digital AV Adapter, Apple VGA Adapter. Select the cable to match your display.
(*2) DRM protected tracks purchased on the iTunes Music Store cannot be played. iTunes Plus tracks are DRM-free and can be played.
(*) We stongly recommend to use with iPad2, because of the hardware limitations (lack of CPU power and available memory) of iPad1
We are developing the VJ app for iPad now.
This is short demo movie.
Check facebook page for more information:
Overlay PNG image files. You can move the images by touching on the screen, or preset the movement in advance. PNG transparency is supported.
Display texts. Like images, texts can also be moved.
Play tracks in your iPad's library as BGM (*2).
Output to external displays such as your TV, PC monitor, and projector. (*1) Works with most recent LCD TVs!
(*1) The following adapters are supported: Apple Digital AV Adapter, Apple VGA Adapter. Select the cable to match your display.
(*2) DRM protected tracks purchased on the iTunes Music Store cannot be played. iTunes Plus tracks are DRM-free and can be played.
(*) We stongly recommend to use with iPad2, because of the hardware limitations (lack of CPU power and available memory) of iPad1
Sync (by Max Hattler)
Sync (by Max Hattler) from Max Hattler on Vimeo.
October 2011: In celebration of two imminent honours from the Visual Music Award 2011 and the Premio Simona Gesmundo 2011, Sync is finally making its Vimeo debut! Aaaaand .... Thank you Vimeo for making this a Staff Pick!!!
Sync "is based on the idea that there is an underlying unchanging synchronisation at the centre of everything; a sync that was decided at the very beginning of time. Everything follows from it, everything is ruled by it: all time, all physics, all life. And all animation." (Max Hattler, 2011, 'Sync: Circular Adventures in Animation' in Virginie Selavy (ed.) The End: An Electric Sheep Anthology - http://strangeattractor.co.uk/books/the-end/)
For more information + full credits see http://www.maxhattler.com/sync
For updates join http://www.facebook.com/maxhattler.artistpage
ZnakЪ (Russia)
Motion Designer, CG-artist, VJ, Video Engineer
Dark Shine from ZnakЪ on Vimeo.
Sound: Doker
Visual: vj ZnakЪ
Bad Love from ZnakЪ on Vimeo.
Music: Booka Shade "Bad Love"
Visual: VJ ZnakЪ (live mix)
Demo_vj_installation from ZnakЪ on Vimeo.
LIVE mix
Dark Shine from ZnakЪ on Vimeo.
Sound: Doker
Visual: vj ZnakЪ
Bad Love from ZnakЪ on Vimeo.
Music: Booka Shade "Bad Love"
Visual: VJ ZnakЪ (live mix)
Demo_vj_installation from ZnakЪ on Vimeo.
LIVE mix
instant mapping at freemote festival 2010
instant mapping at freemote festival 2010 from Swen Seyerlen on Vimeo.
Last year we've been invited to the freemote festival in Utrecht, NL. We could show our "instant mapping" skills with three projectors. Aditionally, we installed an abient lighting mood with some LED bars from artCLUBBING.
The audioreactive live patch was done with vvvv.
Many thanx to Born Digital.
EQUILOUD_VJ_CLIP_31, Computer Tunnel Loop!
See more Clips in Album:
Download this video
VJ Loops Pack Download @ http://vjloopsd.blogspot.com/
Footage source:Krishnacreationz
"KRYPTON" :: vj live Mapping
"KRYPTON" :: vj live Mapping from Tonner-▼ on Vimeo.
KRYPTON : vj live Mapping in
Structure Designed in layers with cardboard in order to have deep and give a visual show live mapping.
Structure Design
Mapping & vj
-El Anden Magazine
-DaBeaT Chemtrail
Tonner V
XPC Expansion Controllers
XPC Expansion Controllers from Livid Instruments on Vimeo.
Our XPC Expansion Controllers extend the realm of control of Block or OhmRGB. These hand-held controllers plug right into your expansion jack and don't require any special setup. Housed in a sleek anodized aluminum case, these handy modules come in a variety of configurations that adds more continuous control to your rig. This video shows two basic examples using Ableton Live and Arkaos GrandVJ
Vivisesja Festival 2011
visuals: JAGO VJ, music: MOORYC | Vivisesja Festival 2011 from JAGO | VJ on Vimeo.
visuals: JAGO VJ music: MOORYC | Vivisesja Festival 2011 from JAGO | VJ on Vimeo.
visuals: JAGO VJ, music: MOORYC | Vivisesja Festival 2011 from JAGO | VJ on Vimeo.
visuals: JAGO VJ, music: MOORYC | Vivisesja Festival 2011 from JAGO | VJ on Vimeo.
VJ Loops Pack Download @ http://vjloopsd.blogspot.com/
Footage source:Krishnacreationz
P. Lopez - Kontrol down (Original mix) Visuals by GUI
[SN005] P. Lopez - Kontrol down (Original mix) Visuals by GUI from Sweet Noise Audiovisual Netlabel on Vimeo.
The years go by and we’re not getting older, but we are growing and with artists like P. Lopez it’s much easier!
He commands the 5th reference of Sweet Noise, by going from House to Minimal Tech, with plenty of mystery atmospheres and a great climax.
GUI made an excellent old video machine style video!
Check this full and free audiovisual release here:
Micro Mutek (Bristol)
Micro Mutek (Bristol) from Thom Buttery PRYMEDIA on Vimeo.
Prymedia provided visuals for the UK exclusive Micro.Mutek event at the Arnolfini Bristol. (30.09.2011)
Music from:
- Horror Inc.
- Deadbeat
- The Mole
- Stephen Beaupre
Bangenuf 13 from Bangenuf on Vimeo.
Visual + Music experiment
Visual: Bangenuf
Music: Gabriel Ferreira / Rampa
Bangenuf 14 from Bangenuf on Vimeo.
Visual + Music experiment.
Visual: Bangenuf
Music: Barem / Kolimar (Rain Remix)
Dev Harlan (New York)
Dev Harlan is a multidisciplinary artist whose hybrid practice combines the physical and the virtual with the use of sculpture, light and projection. As a self educated Artist, Designer and CG Director, Devan's uniquely identifiable aesthetic language and reductionist approach place his work at the forefront of a new mode of media arts practice. Works have recently been shown at Scope NY Cinema Series, Optronica Festival, Nuit Blanche NY, Whitebox Gallery, Christopher Henry Gallery, Scope Miami Art Fair, and the Vimeo Festival's “VimeoWorld.” Dev is a native Californian and currently lives and works in New York.
"Suffolk Deluxe Electric Bicycle, 1" Olek & Dev Harlan from Dev Harlan on Vimeo.
Title: "Suffolk Deluxe Electric Bicycle, 1"
Artists: Olek & Dev Harlan
Men's Road Bike, Plaster, Video Projection.
Documentation of installed piece at New York Studio Gallery/LZ Project Space, LES.
Suffolk Deluxe I, Editioned DVD Excerpt from Dev Harlan on Vimeo.
30 Second excerpt of the editioned DVD companion to the "Suffolk Deluxe Electric Bicycle I" installation by Dev Harlan and Olek.
Edition of 100 with two AP's. Currently vailable directly from the artists here:
Dev Harlan, "Star Geode I" from Dev Harlan on Vimeo.
Video projection sculpture for "FlashLight", a Nuit Blanche event for the New Museum's Festival of New Ideas for the New City.
Exhibited May 7th, 2011 @ Mulberry & Houston, NYC
Dev Harlan - "Parmenides I", 2011 from Dev Harlan on Vimeo.
Dev Harlan - "Parmenides I", 2011
Foam, wood, plaster, video projection
Dimensions approx 8' diameter
Light sculpture at Christopher Henry Gallery, NY. Presented as part of Dev Harlan's solo exhibition "The Astral Flight Hangar"
Videographer: Dustin Cohen
Audio: USMILEAMBIENT by Shamantis
Dev Harlan is a multidisciplinary artist whose hybrid practice combines the physical and the virtual with the use of sculpture, light and projection. As a self educated Artist, Designer and CG Director, Devan's uniquely identifiable aesthetic language and reductionist approach place his work at the forefront of a new mode of media arts practice. Works have recently been shown at Scope NY Cinema Series, Optronica Festival, Nuit Blanche NY, Whitebox Gallery, Christopher Henry Gallery, Scope Miami Art Fair, and the Vimeo Festival's “VimeoWorld.” Dev is a native Californian and currently lives and works in New York.
"Suffolk Deluxe Electric Bicycle, 1" Olek & Dev Harlan from Dev Harlan on Vimeo.
Title: "Suffolk Deluxe Electric Bicycle, 1"
Artists: Olek & Dev Harlan
Men's Road Bike, Plaster, Video Projection.
Documentation of installed piece at New York Studio Gallery/LZ Project Space, LES.
Suffolk Deluxe I, Editioned DVD Excerpt from Dev Harlan on Vimeo.
30 Second excerpt of the editioned DVD companion to the "Suffolk Deluxe Electric Bicycle I" installation by Dev Harlan and Olek.
Edition of 100 with two AP's. Currently vailable directly from the artists here:
Dev Harlan, "Star Geode I" from Dev Harlan on Vimeo.
Video projection sculpture for "FlashLight", a Nuit Blanche event for the New Museum's Festival of New Ideas for the New City.
Exhibited May 7th, 2011 @ Mulberry & Houston, NYC
Dev Harlan - "Parmenides I", 2011 from Dev Harlan on Vimeo.
Dev Harlan - "Parmenides I", 2011
Foam, wood, plaster, video projection
Dimensions approx 8' diameter
Light sculpture at Christopher Henry Gallery, NY. Presented as part of Dev Harlan's solo exhibition "The Astral Flight Hangar"
Videographer: Dustin Cohen
Audio: USMILEAMBIENT by Shamantis
"Any Colour You Like" (Pyramid III) from Dev Harlan on Vimeo.
"Any Color You Like"
Dev Harlan, 2010
Hybrid Sculpture, Foam, Plaster, Video Projection
Footage from the group show "T-MINUS20", curated by Jason LeBlond and Ves Pitts for the Christopher Henry Gallery, Soho NY.
Pyramid IV, Dev Harlan 2011 from Dev Harlan on Vimeo.
"Any Colour You Like" (Pyramid IV)
Dev Harlan, 2010
Hybrid sculpture. foam, plaster, video projection mapping.
Ongoing installation at the Christopher Henry Gallery, NY, NY
Untitled (Pyramid V), Dev Harlan 2011 from Dev Harlan on Vimeo.
Mostra Live Cinema (Rio de Janeiro)
Live Cinema, performances audiovisuais, oficinas e debates.
IV MOSTRA LIVE CINEMA 1-4 de setembro de 2011 Oi Futuro de Ipanema/RJ/Brasil
4th LIVE CINEMA FESTIVAL September 1-4, 2011
Vinheta IV Mostra Live Cinema SP from Mostra Live Cinema on Vimeo.
IV Mostra Live Cinema SP
SESC Pompeia
6 e 7 de outubro de 2011
4a noite da IV Mostra Live Cinema from Mostra Live Cinema on Vimeo.
4a noite da IV Mostra Live Cinema
Metaremix - DUO N-1
remixCidade: Rio - Grupo Mesa de Luz
Ponto, um videogame sem vencedor - HOL
STORM - luiz duVa e Manuel Pessôa
NOhista (Paris)
v-atak.com/ Bruno Ribeiro, aka Nohista, is an audiovisual artist. Considering hearing and sight to be a single, indivisible sense, he plays images like a musical instrument. In his audiovisual creations, he works on the themes of perception and illusion, creating immersive and sensitive performances. A film-maker, graphic designer and live performer, Nohista is a member of the label V-ATAK.
NOBODY from NOhista on Vimeo.
A/V performance by Nohista (V-atak)
motion: Katia Petrowick
length: 30mn
In NO BODY, an audiovisual performance by Nohista, dance meets visual art meets a concert.
Somewhere in a empty universe, an entity redefines its space and its boundaries in a way that is limited only by its imagination.
Pitting visual abstraction against the motion of an unstable mechanical body, Nohista creates - live - a visual and musical dance.
He invites the audience to head off on their own trip through this immersive experience.
NO BODY: watch, listen, feel.
more infos: v-atak.com/
Live footage:
Elektra 11 (Montreal / Canada)
Mostra Live Cinema ( Rio de Janeiro / Brasil )
Visionsonic 2 ( Creteil / France )
TAIKORE from NOhista on Vimeo.
TAIKORE: A/V track
Footage from a trip across Japan.
This was shot during a Japanese drum Festival in Shingu.
ANTI_BOTO from NOhista on Vimeo.
Anti_boto is taken from the Anti DVD release by V-Atak
all music and visuals made by my roboto
(an awesome Thingamagoop), ds glitch and my hands.
Its like robot-hiphop with a mechanical groove.
BARE - JEDI from Brian Keene on Vimeo.
This is an experimental video that I shot in my garage. The music is Jedi by BARE. You can download it for free from his soundcloud page here.
I made this at the same time that I was making this video for the song Droid.
Remote Control Tomato
Remote Control Tomato / Dimanche Rouge Streaming Labs / Oct_11 from Christina deRoos on Vimeo.
Remote Control Tomato
Christina deRoos_video + Thomas Bell_sound + special guest Sarah Benoliel_dance
15min visual/sound/movement improvisation
Performance for Dimanche Rouge #9 – Streaming Labs
Pole Simon Le Franc, 9 rue Simon Le Franc, Paris 75004
Streamed from CPR - Center for Performance Research, Brooklyn, NY
:experimental documentation of experimental performance::video represents approximately 1/4 of physical performance area that was streamed live:
Remote Control Tomato @ Dimanche Rouge_Brooklyn from Christina deRoos on Vimeo.
Remote Control Tomato
Dimanche Rouge_Brooklyn
Aug 21, 2011
Sounds: Thomas Bell
Video: Christina deRoos
Dancer/Choreographer: Laura Arend
COGE 1.1
Changelog - New features:
- Audio Analysis
- Aligners
- Projects and Presets Explorer (in File menu)
- Checking for required input ports for Effect and Mixer module types
Changelog - Fixes:
- Cannot add Mixer modules on the whole Mixer Container area after resizing the Master Mixer window
- Media Preset files won't load on 10.7 Lion
- OSC BPM receiver toggle button doesn't store/restore state with projects
- Crash when try to copy a ClipSynth
- Scrollers sometimes won't show up but needed
- MSAA glitching/freezing on big rendering size
- Windows could be placed below OSX's menu bar
- Project clearing not turns off globals map edit
CoGe 1.1 - What's new?
CoGe 1.1 - What's new? from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
Simple video showing what's the key features of the new 1.1 version.
More info on www.cogevj.hu and on www.lovqc.hu
full hd width
full hd width from vargasz abolcs on Vimeo.
giga awesome resolution in real time:: 1920*720 over 10 fps!
recorded with www.syphon.v002.info from www.cogevj.hu
this is some under process moving picture/sounds
i'm researching techniques and limits of my comp for my live audio visual synthesis
i hope u enjoy it and send me some feed back!
for more pics/news u can www.facebook.com/vrgsz
Sweet Noise Audiovisual Netlabel (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Sweet Noise NETLABEL se presenta con una nueva alternativa para que productores musicales, visuales y gráficos participen y difundan su material. Como productores tienen la alternativa de presentarse no solo como dj set sino también en formato live act, en donde la experiencia como creadores del sonido los llevan a manipular, crear y ejecutar en vivo sus mezclas con las de otros artistas. Las imágenes harán de Sweet Noise un evento multimedial, entendiendo la importante unión entre audio y video como partícipe de la noche.
04. Miguel Puente & 08Doktor - Ellas (Original mix) Visuals by Vj Nais from Sweet Noise Audiovisual Netlabel on Vimeo.
Sweet Noise Presents:
PIXEL SOUNDS: Audiovisual Compilation 1
04. Miguel Puente & 08Doktor - Ellas (Original mix) Visuals by Vj Nais
Sweet Noise, is proud to present its third reference, no less than a great various artist, including 15 huge latin american producers, 12 vjs and video artists, giving a visual interpretation of the tracks.
Download free the full audiovisual release here:
07. Nico Diorio - Know (Original mix) Visuals by Synaestesik from Sweet Noise Audiovisual Netlabel on Vimeo.
Sweet Noise Presents:
PIXEL SOUNDS: Audiovisual Compilation 1
07. Nico Diorio - Know (Original mix) Visuals by Synaestesik
Sweet Noise, is proud to present its third reference, no less than a great various artist, including 15 huge latin american producers, 12 vjs and video artists, giving a visual interpretation of the tracks.
Download free the full audiovisual release here:
03. Max Donato - Rhythmic Study (Original mix) Visuals by Flor Dido from Sweet Noise Audiovisual Netlabel on Vimeo.
Sweet Noise Presents:
PIXEL SOUNDS: Audiovisual Compilation 1
03. Max Donato - Rhythmic Study (Original mix) Visuals by Flor Dido
Sweet Noise, is proud to present its third reference, no less than a great various artist, including 15 huge latin american producers, 12 vjs and video artists, giving a visual interpretation of the tracks.
Download free the full audiovisual release here:
08. Nico Forster - Bajablanca (Original mix) Visuals by Gimena Tur from Sweet Noise Audiovisual Netlabel on Vimeo.
Sweet Noise Presents:
PIXEL SOUNDS: Audiovisual Compilation 1
08. Nico Forster - Bajablanca (Original mix) Visuals by Gimena Tur
Sweet Noise, is proud to present its third reference, no less than a great various artist, including 15 huge latin american producers, 12 vjs and video artists, giving a visual interpretation of the tracks.
Download free the full audiovisual release here:
Sweet Noise NETLABEL se presenta con una nueva alternativa para que productores musicales, visuales y gráficos participen y difundan su material. Como productores tienen la alternativa de presentarse no solo como dj set sino también en formato live act, en donde la experiencia como creadores del sonido los llevan a manipular, crear y ejecutar en vivo sus mezclas con las de otros artistas. Las imágenes harán de Sweet Noise un evento multimedial, entendiendo la importante unión entre audio y video como partícipe de la noche.
04. Miguel Puente & 08Doktor - Ellas (Original mix) Visuals by Vj Nais from Sweet Noise Audiovisual Netlabel on Vimeo.
Sweet Noise Presents:
PIXEL SOUNDS: Audiovisual Compilation 1
04. Miguel Puente & 08Doktor - Ellas (Original mix) Visuals by Vj Nais
Sweet Noise, is proud to present its third reference, no less than a great various artist, including 15 huge latin american producers, 12 vjs and video artists, giving a visual interpretation of the tracks.
Download free the full audiovisual release here:
07. Nico Diorio - Know (Original mix) Visuals by Synaestesik from Sweet Noise Audiovisual Netlabel on Vimeo.
Sweet Noise Presents:
PIXEL SOUNDS: Audiovisual Compilation 1
07. Nico Diorio - Know (Original mix) Visuals by Synaestesik
Sweet Noise, is proud to present its third reference, no less than a great various artist, including 15 huge latin american producers, 12 vjs and video artists, giving a visual interpretation of the tracks.
Download free the full audiovisual release here:
03. Max Donato - Rhythmic Study (Original mix) Visuals by Flor Dido from Sweet Noise Audiovisual Netlabel on Vimeo.
Sweet Noise Presents:
PIXEL SOUNDS: Audiovisual Compilation 1
03. Max Donato - Rhythmic Study (Original mix) Visuals by Flor Dido
Sweet Noise, is proud to present its third reference, no less than a great various artist, including 15 huge latin american producers, 12 vjs and video artists, giving a visual interpretation of the tracks.
Download free the full audiovisual release here:
08. Nico Forster - Bajablanca (Original mix) Visuals by Gimena Tur from Sweet Noise Audiovisual Netlabel on Vimeo.
Sweet Noise Presents:
PIXEL SOUNDS: Audiovisual Compilation 1
08. Nico Forster - Bajablanca (Original mix) Visuals by Gimena Tur
Sweet Noise, is proud to present its third reference, no less than a great various artist, including 15 huge latin american producers, 12 vjs and video artists, giving a visual interpretation of the tracks.
Download free the full audiovisual release here:
Dolphins And Diamonds VJ Loop
Dolphins And Diamonds VJ Loop from anton schilli on Vimeo.
This is an animation I did
for the DJ Crew "Dolphins and Diamonds"
with which i performed.
music: "Apparat - Sweet Unrest"
VJing @ Spoof, Patronaat with VJ Ank1
VJing @ Spoof, Patronaat with VJ Ank1 from VJ Void - Peter Goes on Vimeo.
A video mapping during Spoof in the Patronaat, Haarlem with VJ Ank1
31 videos in this album
This is a collection of 25fps / 720p free VJ clips.
Some are loopable.
Download them and play with them.
Free to use in non-commercial context.
The collection will be updated from time to time...
so,come back if you like...
Some are loopable.
Download them and play with them.
Free to use in non-commercial context.
The collection will be updated from time to time...
so,come back if you like...
cloro cloro cloro and Populous at In Visibile videofestival 11
cloro cloro cloro and Populous at In Visibile videofestival 11 from cloroclorocloro on Vimeo.
vj performance on the facade of a former Capuchin monastery in Colli del Tronto (ITALY) feat Populous live set
Premio Riccione per il Teatro
Premio Riccione per il Teatro from luckyassembler on Vimeo.
LuckyAssembler (luckyassembler.com )
VJ Live Show @Riccione
51° Premio Riccione per il Teatro
Premio Pier Vittorio Tondelli
So British Party - Fabric London - 19092011
TEKYES @ So British Party - Fabric London - 19092011 from TEKYES on Vimeo.
TEKYES @ So British Party - Fabric London - 19092011
- Making Of - 01 - EDF - 2Be2Gether
- Dur: 2'16 min
- Prod : Publicis Events / Smoozy
- FABRIC - London (GB) - Sept 2011
- Tekyes is supported by MIXVIBES VFX Control -
TEKYES @ So British Party - Fabric London - Live extract01 09/2011 from TEKYES on Vimeo.
TEKYES @ So British Party - Fabric London - 19092011
- Live extract - 01 - EDF - 2Be2Gether
- Dur: 4' 45"
- Prod : Publicis Events / Smoozy
- FABRIC - London (GB) - Sept 2011
- Tekyes is supported by MIXVIBES VFX Control -
Graffiti loops
Graffiti from VJ SEPTUM on Vimeo.
Creativo visual: Gabiel Serrano aka VJ Septum
Fotografa: Aroa Aguirre
Soporte técnico: Ruben Bailera
Download this video
Graffiti 2 from VJ SEPTUM on Vimeo.
Creativo visual: Gabiel Serrano aka VJ Septum
Fotografa: Aroa Aguirre
Soporte técnico: Ruben Bailera
Download this video
Graffiti 3 from VJ SEPTUM on Vimeo.
Download this video
Graffiti 4 from VJ SEPTUM on Vimeo.
Download this video
Graffiti 5 from VJ SEPTUM on Vimeo.
Download this video
B-DAY NUDeCRUD from luckyassembler on Vimeo.
LuckyAssembler (luckyassembler.com )
VJ Live Show @Rimini
Kruder & Dorfmeister live @ Roundhouse 22.11.2010
Kruder & Dorfmeister live @ Roundhouse 22.11.2010 from Joël Kuhn on Vimeo.
For the Collaboration module I made a new website for the Austrian visual artist, Fritz Fitzke. My main aim for this module was not only to have a finished piece of work in the end but also to use the opportunity to collaborate with a professional practitioner in my field of interest.
Fritz Fitzke is master of audio-visual media and is considered a cornerstone of the international projection art scene. Fitzke's projection art has become an integral part of Kruder & Dorfmeister's live tour and also supports other artists under the label G-stone Records.
Denis Kochegarov (Russia, Cherepovets)
День рождения: 21 апреля 1982
ICQ: 269888489
Никнейм: VJ Demien
Intro Live Show from Denis Kochegarov on Vimeo.
Crosswise VISUAL present
Intro Live Show - videoprojection in club Inferno Russia.
idea&creator: Александр Торохов, Денис Кочегаров
music by: Grids/Units/Planes - Emotions in Binary, TRICIL - The Emancipation
camera: Canon500D EF 50 mm f/1.8 II
Mapping - Modul8 from Denis Kochegarov on Vimeo.
Эксперимент с генератором и проектором на Советском проспекте.
Первый шаг для выхода с видеопроекцией на улицу.
Участники проекта:
Торохов Александр - идея, анимация, видеоряд, камера
Кочегаров Денис - видеоряд, место, камера
Чусов Иван - бензогенератор, техподдержка
Videoprojection from Denis Kochegarov on Vimeo.
video projection in club Inferno (Cherepovets city)
Собрали конструкцию на сцене и сделали видео контент (виджеинг):
Александр Торохов и Денис Кочегаров
NTNS909 - The Root System
.crosswise VISUAL.
camera: Canon500D EF 50 mm f/1.8 II
Intro Live Show from Denis Kochegarov on Vimeo.
Crosswise VISUAL present
Intro Live Show - videoprojection in club Inferno Russia.
idea&creator: Александр Торохов, Денис Кочегаров
music by: Grids/Units/Planes - Emotions in Binary, TRICIL - The Emancipation
camera: Canon500D EF 50 mm f/1.8 II
Mapping - Modul8 from Denis Kochegarov on Vimeo.
Эксперимент с генератором и проектором на Советском проспекте.
Первый шаг для выхода с видеопроекцией на улицу.
Участники проекта:
Торохов Александр - идея, анимация, видеоряд, камера
Кочегаров Денис - видеоряд, место, камера
Чусов Иван - бензогенератор, техподдержка
Videoprojection from Denis Kochegarov on Vimeo.
video projection in club Inferno (Cherepovets city)
Собрали конструкцию на сцене и сделали видео контент (виджеинг):
Александр Торохов и Денис Кочегаров
NTNS909 - The Root System
.crosswise VISUAL.
camera: Canon500D EF 50 mm f/1.8 II
Element Perspective Night 2
Element Perspective Night 2 from vacant encephalon on Vimeo.
Element Perspective Night 2
at Soup : http://ochiaisoup.tumblr.com/
HP : http://elementperspective.tumblr.com/
VJ's HP : http://vacantworks.com/
seif salem (Egypt)
Seif possesses in-depth live visual mixing knowledge. He has mixed visuals for numerous local acts, and many famous performing artists. Mixing along side some of the best local DJs, as well as displaying amazing visual talent during sets for many of the world best DJs, this where he feels most at home. The passion does not go unnoticed.
Whether it is Free form visuals or choreographed mixing, indoor or outdoor fairs or festivals, or live music video re-mixes for hip hop parties, Seif is certain to mix the visuals that carries just the right mood. Seif also provides design, install, operation and maintenance of high-end video systems. For dazzling displays of modern, moving catalyst system; LED displays, LED walls, Matrix video walls classic, analog projectors in discotheques; or for live band applications. Moreover, his diverse knowledge in sound, and lighting systems enables Seif to offer his talents in lighting programming, and audio installations.
The Visual equipment, along with its layout and operation are crucial to the success of your event. This is where the expertise of Seif Salem comes into the picture. Seif has provided his services to everything from local and national nightclubs to major headliner Events. From his recent work as TD throughout South Florida's premier Nightclubs such as Crobar, Angel Ultra Lounge, Sushi Samba, Penthouse Lounge, Amika, Nocturnal night club , Karu & Y, and many more: Events, Convention centers, Beach parties, and Private Parties all across Miami beaches famous islands such as star Island, and the Venetian causeway. Seif Moved to Egypt at the end of 2007 to further expand the live VJ scene in Cairo city, and the rest of Egypt. Since then Seif has performed hundreds of live visual act, and is currently the TD for Pacha nightclub, Sharm el Sheikh.
Seif's credentials are solid. Seif is often called upon as Visual programmer to program and operate comprehensive intelligent video systems. From basic composite to complex HD video matrix consoles, and advanced video design, Seif can design, implement and operate the most sophisticated conventional and intelligent multi screen applications. Well-versed in video requirements and aerial rigging, Seif can do much more than just program, and mix visuals. He can perform site surveys, offer suggestions that will offset costly oversights, and manage complete custom-design applications.
Hypnobitch from seif salem on Vimeo.
Eyes of Life from seif salem on Vimeo.
Random crop control from seif salem on Vimeo.
the interview live from seif salem on Vimeo.
Hypnobitch from seif salem on Vimeo.
Eyes of Life from seif salem on Vimeo.
Random crop control from seif salem on Vimeo.
the interview live from seif salem on Vimeo.
DIEGO video mapping festival electropolis
DIEGO video mapping festival electropolis from fernanda herrera Dj & Vj Ms adic on Vimeo.
plaza de lourdes bogota
festival electropolis
Dolphins And Diamonds VJ Loop
Dolphins And Diamonds VJ Loop from anton schilli on Vimeo.
This is an animation I did
for the DJ Crew "Dolphins and Diamonds"
with which i performed.
music: "Apparat - Sweet Unrest"
Download this video
VJ Voodoo - Ignite the Night - Oct 8 2011
VJ Voodoo - Ignite the Night - Oct 8 2011 - (4) from Hans Hyde on Vimeo.
VJ Voodoo (Natty) in his element, taking the event to the next level. Big Kid (Greg Ringler) & TreeThugger (Greg Fisk) supplying the sounds at Souls in Action's Ignite the Night (Community Networking Event) at Cluster Studios in North Denver, Colorado. [sound is not the highlighted element of this video, it is the visuals]
If you're an event promoter or creater, just remember this... it's one thing to bring the musicians to the people & vice-versa [granted not easy], it's another thing entirely to take them all to the next level. Sight & Visual Interpretation accounts for upwards of 40% of brain function, and this how your VJs, Lighting Engineers, Dance & Poi Performers take the party from great to off the fucking wall. Be sure to credit them in your promotions & flyers, as that is what your audience's brains will remember the most and bring them & their friends to your next event. 0.0
VJ Voodoo - Ignite the Night - Oct 8 2011 - (5) from Hans Hyde on Vimeo.
VJ Voodoo (Natty) in his element, taking the event to the next level. Big Kid (Greg Ringler) & TreeThugger (Greg Fisk) supplying the sounds at Souls in Action's Ignite the Night (Community Networking Event) at Cluster Studios in North Denver, Colorado. [sound is not the highlighted element of this video, it is the visuals]
VJ FINGER HUMAN - Output record @ DNA - Manchester
A short clip I recorded from my output at DNA Sound Control with Petrae Foy.
Mapping Low-res
Mapping Low-res from aldemoño on Vimeo.
Video: iPhone 4.
Productora: ALDEMOÑO.
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