KOULOCRATZ LIVE AV (koulomek+videocratz) 20/09/2008
KOULOCRATZ LIVE AV (koulomek+videocratz) 20/09/2008 from miki arregui on Vimeo.
fragment d'una mostra audiovisual improvitzada, realitzada el 20 de setembre de 2008 a l'auditori del Caixafòrum de Barcelona en representació de l'associació cultural telenoika (www.telenoika.net), dins el marc de les activitats organitzades i programades com a "I-Dissabtes".
_música en directe: Koulomek (http://www.koulomek.net/)
_mescla de video en directe: Videocratz
Fragment of an audiovisual sample improvization, realised the September 20, 2008 to the auditorium of the *Caixafòrum- Barcelona in representation of the cultural association telenoika (www.telenoika.net), in the frame of the activities organised and programmed as "I-dissabtes".
_live music: Koulomek (http://www.koulomek.net/)
_live video: Videocratz
3D Mapping
3D Mapping - 1st time at the Hall Fame Tilburg from AndrogeneCollective on Vimeo.
This is my 1st time doing true 3d mapping ! my 2nd time as a VJ. All animations were made in Blender 2.61.
This Vj set is completely controlled by randomisation systems which determine which video and what effects will occur, through the whole night the system has gone through over 250,000 combinations. Basically it evolves out of my control :)
Madmapper software used for mapping. Massive thanks to Mike aka Mik Pol II for the design, Tim Van Akkerveen for building the beast itself, Esper for the Mathematical calculations, and everyone else who helped in far too many ways to mention. :)
Projection Mapping show in Zushi Media Art Festival 2011
Projection Mapping show in Zushi Media Art Festival 2011 from michi (PMAJ) on Vimeo.
This Projection mapping showcase was designed for Zushi Media Art Festival 2011 main show on August 6th and 7th.
Over 1000 people had come to see this show and over 3000 people enjoyed Zushi Media Art Festival 2011.
Swim Platform La Chambre
Swim Platform La Chambre.mp4 from Don Bellot on Vimeo.
Installation Video Musique dans la galerie de "La Chambre"
Musique: Romeo Poirier/ Thomas Joseph
Video: Don Bellot
Installation: A.V.E ( Don Bellot/ Anne Sophie Acomat)
GAKUBUCHI from michi (PMAJ) on Vimeo.
This work is designed for small scale of projection mapping in December 2011.
GAKUBUCHI means a picture frame in Japanese.
Director : Kohei YOSHIKAWA
Art director : Michiyuki ISHITA
Produced by Projection Mapping Association of Japan (PMAJ)
December 2011
VJ Loops Pack Download @ http://vjloopsd.blogspot.com/
Footage source:Krishnacreationz
VJ Loops Pack Download @ http://vjloopsd.blogspot.com/
Footage source:Krishnacreationz
Simset from COLOR BLIND on Vimeo.
Download loops pack "Background Video" in 1280x720 pixels @ http://vjloophd.blogspot.com/
El nou món. La Pentalogia: Catalans... i universals. Els orígens.
El nou món. La Pentalogia: Catalans... i universals. Els orígens. from miki arregui on Vimeo.
Peça audiovisual creada per a ser projectada durant l'acte central del Festival de Tardor Ribermúsica 2011, realitzat a la Basílica de Santa Maria del Mar de Barcelona el dia 20/10/11.
Música: Guillamino. (http://www.guillamino.com/)
Imatge: un servidor.
La peça reflexa una interpretació del poema escènic creat per a l'acte en qüestió, amb guió de Joan Puigdellívol i direcció musical de Peter Bacchus.
echonomist - simple minds Quantize music
echonomist - simple minds Quantize music from vasilis katsaras - vj nous ora on Vimeo.
This is a video that was edited for a release track of quantize records.
Observatory's Lunar-Themed Anniversary Party
Observatory's Lunar-Themed Anniversary Party from VJ Fuzzy Bastard on Vimeo.
The Observatory
543 Union St, #1-E
Brooklyn, NY
Date: Saturday, February 18th
Admission: $20
8 - 9 PM: Lunation: Art on the Moon art show
9 - 9:30: Midnight Archive screening
9:30 - midnight: Video projections by VJ Fuzzy Bastard
Libations will be provided courtesy of La Fée Absinthe.
There will also be:
The luminous MC Lord Whimsy!
Stellar giveaways courtesy of Kikkerland!
Out-of-this-world raffle prizes, including:
Gift certificates from the scrumptious SweetWolf’s and the delectable Palo Santo!
Moonrise Perfume from Herbal Alchemy!
30 Minute Divination Session with Kathy Biehl - Tarot or Astrology - your choice!
Audiobooks from Hachette!
Occult Book Set including an autographed copy of Mitch Horowitz's Occult America (Bantam), and Manly P. Hall's The Secret Teachings of All Ages (Tarcher/Penguin)!
Abraxas International Journal of Esoteric Studies with accompanying occult music CD!
Lunavision Ritual Tea Set from Rebis Remedies!
Evolution and Reincarnation
Evolution and Reincarnation from VJ: JaySon a.k.a. sinarisama on Vimeo.
Didgeridoo sound: "deeper into mind" / DJ ZndokoBeloncho a.k.a. Obacyan / (JP)
Visual: "Evolution and Reincarnation" / JaySon a.k.a. Sinarisama (Spike-bloom / Fullmoon Rec. / Sinaridoh Digital-smithy Inc. / JP)
VDMX Tutorial on how to set up a basic interface
VDMX Tutorial on how to set up a basic interface from Amorpheus on Vimeo.
In this tutorial I will be explaining the following menu items:
Files, Layer, Plug-ins
And also the following Plug-ins :
LFO, Clock, Two Channel Mixer, Media Bin, Step Sequencer
Quick Tip: Math in Resolume
Quick Tip: Math in Resolume from Resolume on Vimeo.
Since Resolume 4.0.1 you can do calculations in all numeric fields. So if you want to make for instance a clip half the width you just type in: 640 / 2 and it will make the width 320 pixels. Or if you want to resize the composition to work with 3 screens of 800x400 you just type in 3 * 800 and the with will be 2400 pixels. This is really handy in the advanced output screen if you need to move a slice 10 pixels for instance you just type + 10 after the position value and it will move. We just love it ;-)
Infinite Light Water Stage Dance Media at Xi'an Horticultural Expo 2011
Infinite Light Water Stage Dance Media at Xi'an Horticultural Expo 2011 from Glowing Pictures on Vimeo.
Video artist Benton-C Bainbridge and choreographer Brooke Broussard's collaboration "Infinite Light" contributed dance and media art to this extravaganza under the artistic direction of Huang Hui.
The production combines live dance performances by Chinese and American dancers with lasers, underwater LED displays, and massive screens made of water and fog.
The work was presented through the 178 day duration of the Xi'an World Expo from April 28, 2011 to October 22, 2011.
Dot_Improv from Paul Fletcher on Vimeo.
Artmatic sound animations, improvised sequence/edit/performance in Resolume
The Aeonchild Visualist Project - "Opportunity" by Brasstronaut
The Aeonchild Visualist Project - "Opportunity" by Brasstronaut from Jt Root on Vimeo.
A commissioned visual piece for Ballet Nouveau Colorado's "Love in the Digital Age"
Elements are recorded while being mixed live, then brought into After Effects to refine timing & synchronization.
Dome @ Burning Seed 2011 from NativeResolution on Vimeo.
Land of Hopeless Utopians at Burning Seed 2011 (Australian Burning Man Regional event)
VDMX & Mad Mapper
Camera mic doesn't cope with the decibels and the dome is quite warped due to uneven ground so one of the projector alignments is a bit out.
Peats Ridge Festival Dome 2010 from NativeResolution on Vimeo.
Land of Hopeless Utopians at Peats Ridge Festival 2010.
5 Projector's, 3 machines running VVVV, controlled by monome and custom python code.
Live sound and camera microphone doesn't cope with the decibels.
VideoMapping Workshop
- 2012. március 2., 14:00 - 2012. március 4., 16:00
- Space VJ Meeting, Olsztyn
- Space Vj Meeting and Kinocirkus Present
► Video Mapping Workshop ◄
for VJs, Performers, Scenographist, Digital Artists, Graphic Designers,...
Video Mapping is a technique of projection on 3D objects, ranging from origami to whole life size buildings. This offers more expressive possibilities than a flat rectangular screen could ever do!
The aim of the workshop is to learn how to create a reconstruction of a surface or how to explore video work using a whole new spectrum of possibilities offered by the space itself.
We will be creating special digital decorations and the result of the workshop will be exposed during the Space Vj Meeting
To participate, please mail to sarchiapone@yahoo.com
write two words about your background, related software skills (drawing, Vjing, composing, etc..) and (if possible) link to your works.
http://about.me/nicolapavone ◄ prof
VJ Diablos and VJ Forum International are organizing a four-day expo with workshops and performances, as part of the „Space VJ Meeting Poland" series by VJ Diablos.
This time VJ DIABLOS' idea was to prepare a small :)
party@small club with one VJ and one DJ, but BJORN SAMSON (VJ Forum International, Dizzy&Woozy) offered help so this event is international now, lets get started!
Are you ready to show your skills in an amazing location?
VJ Diablos invites us to the Planetarium in Olsztyn, from 1st of March till 4th of March (4day event), where we can connect our favourite toys to some projectors and all share an extraordinary moment by doing what we like.
Program: (more to be announced)
PLANETA 11: Space VJ Meeting Big Office for artists, workshop, open everyday from 11am-8pm, free WIFI Hotspot, free pc
RELAKS HOSTEL: Space VJ Meeting Office Room, open 24/24 from 1day before till next day after, mapping, workshop, accomodation & free wifi Hotspot
PLANETARIUM: th/fr/sat/su- performances & mapping
BWA ART GALLERY: sunday-installations: 3 VJs & 3 hours long film: "Diablos in Mexico"
GRAWITACJA CLUB: fr/sat/su- performances, mapping, structures + afterparty
Eleven Bar Mapping
Eleven Bar Mapping from vj mag on Vimeo.
bar mapping in the eleven club solothurn (http://clubeleven.ch)
produced by vj mag (http://www.magdesign.ch)
soundtrack: http://prettylightsmusic.com/#/downloads
Substream Event Deko
Substream Event Deko from vj mag on Vimeo.
thanks to all my homies ;-)
soundtrack by disko Dario
Autopilote stills VJ
Autopilote stills VJ from vjlab on Vimeo.
soft: VDMX, Syphon Recorder
photos: Simarafoto
music: Autopilote - Arizona
SP002 Release Party Visuals - Flex Vienna
SP002 Release Party Visuals - Flex Vienna from Bildwerk VJs on Vimeo.
Schönbrunner Perlen SP002 Release Party
Flex Vienna, 2012-01-28
Panorama mapping, live visuals, transparent screens and other special effects
Technical Direction: Bildwerk
Mapping Object by: Lampenschirm
Thanks to:
Schönbrunner Perlen
PROTOTIPO 1 / geometría mappeada from EDI FICA on Vimeo.
Mappeo 3d y sesión interactiva realizada en un patio con un proyector sobre un estructura aproximada de 2 x 1,60 mts, ocupando los softwares VDMX, quartz composer y una serie de videos de mi autoría. Gracias memo akten (memotv) por compartir tus aplicaciones msa.
Música de Erkki Kurenniemi, Febrero del 2012.
PROTOTIPO 2 from EDI FICA on Vimeo.
sesion de Mappeo 3d en vivo de un cuerpo geométrico realizado en una vieja piscina.
1 proyección dirijida a un objeto de 1,20 x 1,60mts x 60cms, ocupando VDMX, Quartz Composer y video animaciones.
Vakurleiki from stadtkind on Vimeo.
Electronic Music Clip
recorded live visuals (VJ-Clip)
sound reactive - generated content - with samples of Mechanical Principles (1930 - Ralph Steiner)
music patrique piquetero (http://soundcloud.com/patrique-piquetero)
visuals herr schoder von schallbild (http://www.herrschoder.de)
Bees & Flowers & Butterflies - Facade Projection
Bees & Flowers & Butterflies - Facade Projection from Bildwerk VJs on Vimeo.
Vienna, November 2011
Client: Zweigstelle - www.zweigstelle.com
Agency: Antrib + Hruby - www.antrib.at
AV Support: Concept Solutions - www.derigel.at
Art Direction & Design: Bildwerk - www.bildwerk.tv
Animation: Bildwerk & LWZ - www.wearelwz.com
Music: Ken Hayakawa - www.kenhayakawa.com
TACHELES BIENNALE 2012 from vj cyper on Vimeo.
Biennale mit einer großen internationalen Ausstellung im Goldenen Saal des Hauses
mit Arbeiten von:
manuel amaru cholango. zmicer yurkevich ("mitrich"). alexander rodin. bernd langer. antonio manfredi. Mrs. Brainwash / FILOART. kim yaged. miriam wuttke. petrov ahner. reiter. orvar. barbara fragogna. chuuu. kurihara. claudia viehl. volker witte. yael herold. rudi mentär. timoteus p. roeloffs. kristjan trummer. andreas schiller. hartmut lühr. gert jott. roman kroke. andrej wolff. elya may. stefan schilling. aki suzuki. alesh ONE. robert förster. eric meßloh. resa mashoodi. rupi wegener. lars van core. chris rautenberg. sebastian rohr. daniel disabel. adler a.f. bruno di martino. pedro villar estrada. armando chavez. rene aguirre. jose urhe. darko. staircase collective. jesus m. rueda. gina yadegari. konik polny. jop rec. karol les. mz sunday luv. markey. michaela hartmann. xavier j. there'samountain. created mind. outburst. ken mutant. HFqTV. mediengruppe telekommander. helenka yasinskaya. fuck you. johnny zabala. the legendary lost mojados. vladislav buben. vj cyper. fernando poo. böse bohnen. ton belowskey. parvaneh ahan. mayumi fukuzaki. udo wiegand.
11.2. - 3.3.2012
Di - Sa | 15:00 - 20:00
Goldener Saal (1.OG)
EQUILOUD_VJ_CLIP_38, HD recommended.
check out and get more clips:http://vimeo.com/channels/freevjclips
Quartz Composer Practice
Quartz Composer Practice1 from i_Shkw on Vimeo.
Quartz Composer Practice2 from i_Shkw on Vimeo.
Quartz Composer Practice3 from i_Shkw on Vimeo.
VJ/mapping compilation Emile Steginga
VJ/mapping compilation Emile Steginga from Emile Steginga on Vimeo.
I did not shoot much video of my mapping installations, but there are at least 2 of them I did make recently and als taped ;)
Cubes hanging at PKHS.nl
and Wolf at winterwolven
Hope you like it.
light performance 2012
light performance 2012 from vjsuave on Vimeo.
music by "Holocaos" www.soundcloud.com/holocaos
@ under_line, Labclub - Sao Paulo
Sol City Sushishop Edition w/ And.Id
Sol City Sushishop Edition w/ And.Id from David Brunner on Vimeo.
Sol City Sushishop Edition @ Opera Bouffe Toulouse France
Mix video Live: David Brunner
With And.Id from Mobilee Records !
Dirty B. , Romeo
Samybo, Dioud Poppa, Fred Thene, Bud.e
Soundtrack: And.Id - Isalos (Mobilee rec.)
Visual Performance
Visual Performance - 78th Street Studios 12/16/11 from Mancinetti Pictures on Vimeo.
Mancinetti Pictures filmmaker and visual artist Jon Mancinetti editing live visuals with the Numark Nu VJ Video mixer at the famed 78th Street Studios.
To book a Visual Performance at your next event, gallery, show or venue, contact-
His mixes feature music from,
The Bloody Beetroots, The Field, LDFD, Treasure Fingers, Lorn, Daedelus, Lone and many many more.
Visual Performance - Pandemonium 2011 from Mancinetti Pictures on Vimeo.
Mancinetti Pictures filmmaker and visual artist Jon Mancinetti's visual performance at Cleveland Public Theatre's gala fundraising event, Pandemonium 11.
To book a Visual Performance at your next event, gallery, show or venue, contact-
Through a unique blend of audiovisual material, Jon creates a one of kind experience that is constantly blowing peoples minds! Using found footage as well as original material, Jon uses the Numark Nu VJ video mixer to live edit and manipulate his insane visuals. He continues to express his love for music with a true cinematic twist.
His mixes feature music from,
The Field, Crookers, The Bloody Beetroots, Daedelus, Teebs, Lorn, The Bangerz, Busta Rhymes, Wikluh Sky, Jogger, Lone and many many more.
Star Wars Encore from Mancinetti Pictures on Vimeo.
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away...
Mancinetti Pictures filmmaker and visual artist Jon Mancinetti used the power of the dark side to live edit these epic visuals!
To book a Visual Performance at your next event, gallery, show or venue, contact-
Through a unique blend of audiovisual material, Jon creates a one of kind experience that is constantly blowing peoples minds! Using found footage as well as original material, Jon uses the Numark Nu VJ video mixer to live edit and manipulate his insane visuals. He continues to express his love for music with a true cinematic twist.
PROJECT SOOR from mistason on Vimeo.
Audio : N2
Video : Hyoungkee Kim
The Arts & Co. Showcase vol.1
- Platoon Kunsthalle, 2011.10.08
shot & edited by Yoonchan Won
VJing live to Filth.fm
VJing live to Filth.fm from VJ Harper on Vimeo.
Live Vjing whilst listening to filth.fm. Practicing my mixing skills, experimenting with blend modes and programming my controller in various ways, rather than my normal configuration. This is of course live, however, I edited some of the finer results together, into a short add for DJ Orien's radio show.
JULIA | someone on the playground told me about this magical place
JULIA | someone on the playground told me about this magical place from kroko on Vimeo.
realtime sound reactive 4d quaternion Julia fractal raytracing in GLSL.
this is a capture of Julia dancing to Gluetooth by Hudson Mohawke, no post processing whatsoever (although already tested this via Syphon in VDMX effect chains, works like a charm).
visuals written in GLSL. effects created using realtime ambient occlusion (had a little experience by faking realtime ao in blender3d a while ago, but Tom Beddard's implementation of ao'ing in GLSL, well all of his work, is smth to learn from), ambient light, specularity.
2^10 texture [ 1024 x 1024 px ] ( > 1 megapixel, more than HD video ) on MacBookPro 1GB GPU.
audio stream data affects (direct representation and randomization triggers) background flicker, the color spread of the fractal surface, the blue channel of the surface color, iterations (depth), camera rotation, camera zoom.
meanwhile camera rotation around x and y axis is affected by linear iterators and quaternion cx, cy, cz multiplications are affected by sine type LFOs.
app set @30fps, vsync on.
debugging http://vimeo.com/36268395
some stills on flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/krokorr/sets/72157629192413699/
Keenan Crane
Peter Hofmann
Tom Beddard
Andreas Meisel
John Tsiombikas
hudson mohawke - gluetooth
PhygitalBrunch | Realtime Audioreactive Julia from kroko on Vimeo.
brunchtime sound reactive 4d quaternion Julia fractal raytracing in GLSL
all details http://vimeo.com/36268566
some stills on flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/krokorr/sets/72157629192413699/
noisia - machine gun (16bit remix)
"Oh yes, a new release of the notorious CoGeWebKit Quartz ComposerPlugin just released, with some fixes and little additions:
An other example, where George Toledo shows how simple is usingThree.js - a super Javascript 3D engine - with CoGeWebkit in Quartz Composer:
And finally an other – old – example using Youtube’s JS API to control playback of a video on Youtube with CoGeWebKit plugin:
However, with Flash plugin11 or greater, you must disable hardware acceleration in the Flash plugin preferences (right-click on a Flash content in Safari and choose settings) to make it working!
That’s all for now, folks! Grab the CoGeWebKit Quartz Composer pluginand try yourself, and check out the forum on CoGe site for some other examples!"
- adds a new isActive parameter, for toggle the rendering on/off
- removes the restriction of the maximum rendering size
- fixes a page loading, and some other minor issues
If you missed this plugin, and you are familiar with Quartz Composer, you definitely give some attention to this plugin: it uses the WebKit engine to rendering web pages to texture (transparency supported), including Java and Flash (Adobe Flash plugin needs to be installed) content, also supports mouse interaction (you can scroll, click, etc.), also have a mini built-in web-browser window to make browsing easier. You can pass Javascript to the webpage and the plugin also make a structure for you with the images used on the current site. Sounds great, isn’t is?
Here is an – bit old – example video showing the plugin in action:
An other example, where George Toledo shows how simple is usingThree.js - a super Javascript 3D engine - with CoGeWebkit in Quartz Composer:
And finally an other – old – example using Youtube’s JS API to control playback of a video on Youtube with CoGeWebKit plugin:
However, with Flash plugin11 or greater, you must disable hardware acceleration in the Flash plugin preferences (right-click on a Flash content in Safari and choose settings) to make it working!
That’s all for now, folks! Grab the CoGeWebKit Quartz Composer pluginand try yourself, and check out the forum on CoGe site for some other examples!"
Quartz Composer to VDMX 001: Input Splitting
Quartz Composer to VDMX 001: Input Splitting from Subterranean Moutaintop Seaside on Vimeo.
Step by step instructions on how to get a basic feature of Quartz up and running in your VDMX interface.
Mapping Banco do Brasil
Mapping Banco do Brasil from vj 1mpar on Vimeo.
Video mapping for Banco do Brasil.
Belo Horizonte, January 2012
All animations and original soundtrack: 1mpar + Fabiano Fonseca.
Production: Fermento Promoções
Projectors: On Projeções
Video mapping para o Banco do Brasil
Belo Horizonte, Janeiro de 2012
Animações e trilha original: 1mpar + Fabiano Fonseca.
Produção: Fermento Promoções
Projetores: On Projeções
VJ-Performance - Digital Smoke Flash
VJ-Performance - Digital Smoke Flash from Nicklas Söderberg on Vimeo.
A compilation of my VJ-Performance at Gothenburg Film Studios and Högskolan Dalarna. Feb. 2012.
Software: Ableton Live, Modul8, 3pleHeadToGo, After Effects.
VJ performance @ Buck Rogers - Oliver Huntemann
VJ performance @ Buck Rogers - Oliver Huntemann from de kay on Vimeo.
a brief glimpse of my work as a VJ.
2011 Buck Rogers, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany
refrag-spikey from blackburst on Vimeo.
Realitime output QC, VDMX, Syphon.
No audio.
Moloch from blackburst on Vimeo.
bLackburst visuals.
Interactive composition. K3d, QC, VDMX.
River of acid from blackburst on Vimeo.
Brief mashup test with some real footage and realtime 3d.
VDMX, QC, Syphon, Kineme3D.
Refragment from blackburst on Vimeo.
bLackburst Viuals.
Audio by Microbial.
ReFrag- a work in progress from blackburst on Vimeo.
Live export from VDMX/QC/K3D. Featuring Synaecide.
SKRILLEX 2012 TOUR VISUALS from brandon tay on Vimeo.
Comissioned by the one and only Strangeloop, I made some content for US dubstep musician Skrillex's 2012 tour.Surveillence entities/urban apocalypse/modern warfare.
MUSIC: Scary monsters and Nice Sprites (dirtyphonics remix)
Text Attack Demo for Resolume Avenue
Text Attack Demo for Resolume Avenue from Eric Medine on Vimeo.
This is a demo of my Text Attack Flash plug-in for the Resolume Avenue VJ platform. Type in whatever text you want into the Resolume interface, use native Resolume controls to adjust font size, leading, tracking, and style! There's even a toggle to reverse from white text without background to black text on white background for extra special strobelight effects. This loop is part of a bundle on sale at EMAQDESIGN.com.
[BRDG007] PLMS_IV_D (SyncBody) from BRDG on Vimeo.
SoundTrack : "PLMS_IV_D" from "Jade Fib" EP.
SyncBody CINEMA4D R13 project file
Music: Yaporigami(+MUS)
Video: Daihei Shibata
Artwork: Hiroshi Sato(semitransparent design/aloye)
Voices From The Lake
Voices From The Lake - Drop1 - Generative Music Video from interactivedesign.it on Vimeo.
Videoclip musicale realizzato in arte generativa programmato in VVVV da Glasspiel . Il video è stato realizzato per la traccia “Voices From The Lake - Drop1” di Donato Dozzy e Neel per l'etichetta Prologue
zero post-produzione..solo reazione!
Music video made of generative art programmed with VVVV by Glasspiel. The video was made for the track "Voices From The Lake - Drop1" by Donato Dozzy and Neel for the label Prologue
zero post-production .. only reaction!
Voices From The Lake - Drop3 - Generative Music Video from interactivedesign.it on Vimeo.
Music video made of generative art programmed with VVVV by Glasspiel. The video was made for the track "Voices From The Lake - Drop3" by Donato Dozzy and Neel for the label Prologue
Tanks to VVVV and all his community!
Dolce Gusto Visuals
Dolce Gusto Visuals from P∆NDILL∆ on Vimeo.
An edit of my live visuals for the Nescafe Dolce Gusto release in Uruguay.
C4D + AFX + M8
Projectors: AudioVision + Proyecta
Production: Mamushka
Music: Digitalism - Stratosphere.
January 2012,
Punta del Este, Uruguay.
LADYLUX & PCS audio visual collaboration
LADYLUX & PCS audio visual collaboration from VJ LADYLUX on Vimeo.
PCS experimental audio visual show at the Great Britain Hotel 447 Church St Richmond.... 16th of Feb ... Come down and check it out !
Live at Goldsmiths University of London 29/06/2011
Live at Goldsmiths University of London 29/06/2011 from manabushimada on Vimeo.
Live at Goldsmiths University of London 29/06/2011
sounds: manabu shimada
VJ: daiki ichikawa
SuperWide PrackVJ setup
SuperWide PrackVJ setup from PrackVJ on Vimeo.
set a 3 pantallas utilizando kinect para mostrar al dj, o como en este caso, al vj. la música es Sleepy Hollow, the Christian Prommer, Alex Barck remix.
VDMX & Quartz Composer. Grabado en directo con Syphon Recorder.
3 screen setup using kinect depth to display the dj, or like here, the vj. the music: Sleepy Hollow- Christian Prommer, Alex Barck remix.
VDMX & Quartz Composer. Recorded live with Syphon Recorder.
kinect & quartz composer & vdmx
kinect & quartz composer & vdmx from PrackVJ on Vimeo.Hice una composicion en Quartz Composer utilizando la kinect para poner delante de un bailarin o el mismo dj y proyectar su imagen como parte de los visuales. En este ejemplo el bailarin soy yo, controlando los visuales al mismo tiempo con un IPad. Kinect utiliza al información de sus sensores para dibujar la imagen, por lo que no es necesaria ninguna iluminacion, ya que no usa la camara. I made a composition to use with kinect and a dancer, or simply the dj. here i'm the dancer, controlling vdmx with an IPad and dancing at the same time! :) The music is No Good, of The Prodigy's album Music For The Jilted Generation. Recorded with Syphon Recorder syphon.v002.info/recorder/
CINEASTIC GONDOLAS Behind the Scenes - Mapping and Interactive Installation
CINEASTIC GONDOLAS Behind the Scenes - Mapping and Interactive Installation from mindconsole on Vimeo.
Short recap of our Interactive Installation (featuring the Kinect) and Mapping Concept for the Winterseason Opening Event 2011/12 at Lech/Vorarlberg.
Production & Edit: mindconsole
DOP & Timelapse: A38
Music: "Space Race (Arcade Noises)" (winter inter) / CC BY 3.0
Marina FINI Projection Fashion
Marina FINI Projection Fashion from Marina FINI on Vimeo.
projection fashion teaser for the ALIVE show at Bianca Starr Boutique
Model: Mia and R2 the specialist
Bataclan Janvier 2012 / Installation Vidéo Mapping by Zingy
Bataclan Janvier 2012 / Installation Vidéo Mapping by Zingy from Zingy on Vimeo.
Bataclan Janvier 2012 / Installation Vidéo Mapping by zingy
Soirée "La Nuit des Crazyvores" / Bataclan 2012
Zingy Agency
L’agence de com et de création vidéo.
VJ VIGAS - video mapping Bali Hai Summer Club
VJ VIGAS - video mapping Bali Hai Summer Club from Vigas on Vimeo.
//Projeto visual feito por VJ Vigas para o Bali Hai summer club em Piçarras - Santa Catarina - Brasil.
//Stage design by VJ Vigas for Bali Hai summer club, Piçarras - Brazil
Brendan B
"Video is my medium of choice because it encompasses so many other art forms. A good place to follow me is: twitter.com/#!/BrendanBaudat and my music can be found here: soundcloud.com/user4996489 Please support, comment, & share"
Rolwit from Brendan B on Vimeo.
Light and sound are waveform functions involving time tone and frequency; as such it is the actors, instruments and tools that are the abstraction. This explains my interest in pattern tone and pitch in a lot of my artwork. it only took a day to make this video, but I was only able to do that because I spent 3 days on the song, another day designing drum hits and a couple days making video clips that I mixed exported clips from and then reconstituted into this video.
Cybernetic love Triangle (the question) from Brendan B on Vimeo.
Cybernetic Love triangle is about Cybernetic love triangles. It's more of a statement question than a questioned statement. Some clips via archive.org
Video X from Brendan B on Vimeo.
If the lyrics are unclear - everyone will hear - what - they want - in them - Universality - within form - without clarity - just beyond - - understand it all - - people like being told - what to... - - Lamb of god - standing on shoulders - standing on shoulders - standing on shoulders - standing on shoulders - bits of information - as instruments - anarchy control - graphical users - interfaces - blinking images - amperage - tone - stance - silence is an illusion - melody is not - text a poet does not make - format an artist does not make - what are the operational parameters of : beauty - love - existence - - who are you - what am I - where are we - there is - tone - - in presentation - life - - is always - within - - - machines make machines - animals make animals - plants make plants - we are in our image - image is everything - thats how we made God - but - what's in a name - I am one - we are many - all is one - the universe provides - to even the smallest - subroutines - particles - thoughts - energy - matter - and time - and time - and time - there is only so much - of everything - in this - everything - - you see - I am an optimist - and everything is going to shit - beautifully!
released over 3 years ago, but it aged well
Alterazioni//011 - Q2 al Cubo by Q2 Visual
Alterazioni//011 - Q2 al Cubo by Q2 Visual from ARTQ Associazione on Vimeo.
Performance di vj set firmata da Q2 Visual per Alterazioni//011
Adidas · Fashion Show
Adidas · Fashion Show · Live Visuals from Device on Vimeo.
We were commissioned by Vice to create the visuals for the Adidas Fashion Show introducing Jeremy's Scott clothing line and the party hosted by New Young Pony Club and Buraka Som Sistema, held at Madrid's Círculo de Bellas Artes.
We created op art visuals matching with the pattern used in the clothing line. The visuals were generated by different 2d and 3d techniques and realtime generative software Quartz Composer.
Check the visuals reel here:
Agency: http://www.vice.com
Direction, design, animation: http://www.devicers.com
Audio: Moderat - A New Error
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Adidas · Fashion Show · Visuals Reel from Device on Vimeo.
We were commissioned by Vice to create the visuals for the Adidas Fashion Show introducing Jeremy's Scott clothing line and the party hosted by New Young Pony Club and Buraka Som Sistema, held at Madrid's Círculo de Bellas Artes.
We created op art visuals matching with the pattern used in the clothing line. The visuals were generated by different 2d and 3d techniques and realtime generative software Quartz Composer.
Check the live show here:
Agency: http://www.vice.com
Direction, design, animation: http://www.devicers.com
Audio: VGO - Robot flense (Ralp Remix)
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LPM preview: Athens Video Art Festival introduces LPM 2012
012. február 18., 16:00 - 2012. február 19., 4:00
NEW CODES */ from Happy Artists on Vimeo.
Athens Video Art Festival (AVAF) is an annual digital arts and new media festival taking place in Greece, mainly Athens. Being part of an international art network, it reflects a wide range of ideas and developments in the art world.
It aims at bringing together experimental projects of contemporary artists and at promoting free expression, exchange of ideas, and creative interaction while exhibiting new media and new technologies application in arts.
Through a variety of creative forms, it presents alternative ways of “viewing” urban landscape and of perceiving art, and new codes of interaction between art and contemporary societies.
AVAF extends an open invitation to artists who are interested in developing their ideas by experimenting on the platform of new technologies, under no thematic restrictions, in 7 categories:
Video Art
By the use of recording and editing devices and computer code the artist creates a composition of moving pictures and sound
Moving drawn images. The illusion of movement: the rapid succession of slightly differing drawn images which the mind unifies into a cohesive motion
Appropriation of space incites the viewer’s sensory activation and, by incorporating creatively the surrounding space elements that interact dialectically with the artistic elements, offers him/her a full-fledged space-time experience
Digital Image
Still images processed by means of computer code
Web Art
A characteristically alternative evolution of digital arts: using as a platform its “ancestors” and also the Internet, gives the viewers the possibility to interact with the work of art, thus getting around the restrictions of traditional museum and art gallery environments
Single reproduction action that is accomplished through appropriation of the body
Through artistic experimentation, sound has evolved into an essential tool of free expression; from lengthy compositions to the briefest of sample sounds, from natural sounds to the sounds of improvised musical instruments, anything can constitute a form of communication
For further details visit our website: http://www.athensvideoartfestival.gr/
Athens Video Art Festival 2010 Showreel from Happy Artists on Vimeo.
Το AVAF είναι το μόνο γεγονός το οποίο έχει κερδίσει την υποστήριξη περισσότερων από 7.200 καλλιτεχνών από 50 χώρες από όλον τον κόσμο, κάνοντας την διοργάνωση μια από τις μεγαλύτερες και πλέον συμμετοχικές, τόσο ως προς την επισκεψιμότητα, όσο και ως προς τις υποψηφιότητες, έχοντας αναπτύξει μια database έργων η οποία ξεπερνάει τα 11.500 από ολόκληρο το φάσμα της δημιουργίας (Video Art, Animation, Digital Image, Web Art, Installation Art, Performance Art). Αναφέρουμε χαρακτηριστικά πως μόνο για το AVAF 2010 οι δηλώσεις συμμετοχής, ξεπέρασαν τις 2.700 σε αριθμό.
Within the project LPM 2012, which includes the organization of LPM promotional events in Europe together with foreign partners, the Athens Video Art Festival and LPM invite you on 18th and 19th February at K44 of Athens, for two days of screenings, workshops, installations, performances, debates and where you can snoop among exihibitors stands and, most of all, attend the presentation of the new edition of Live Performers Meeting 2012.
Everything will be accompanied by an explosive evening party on Sat 18th and a massive dj/vs set during sun 19th at K44, one of the most interesting venues in the alternative scene in Athens. Programm Saturday, February 18th Projections: Miscellaneous Greek video art works: (4:00 - 6:00 pm) This section of our program is going host a short compilation of video art works provided by Greek artists that have participated in the past editions of Athens Video Art Festival. The curatorial work was inspired by the concept "Origins and Destinations," referring to the development of human societies in relation to contemporary technological innovations. The public will have the opportunity to choose between 2 collections of 20 selected videos and to choose for a traditional view, in a cinematic format, or in individual monitors with headphones to enjoy it in parallel with the other ongoing activities. Workshop: "Constructing a VJ software with PureData" (4:00-09:00 pm) by Servando Barreirohttp:// "Mapping installations" - TOMAKO (7:00 - 9:00 pm) www.tomako.gr Presentations: Live Performers Meeting XI edition - Rome, 31 May-3 June 2012. (9:00 - 9:30 pm)http:// Video Performance: Athens' Video Art Festival Performance (9:30 - 10:00 pm) http:// "Escapism" by Riga (10:00 - 10:30 pm) http://www.myspace.com/ Dj / vjset (11:30 pm - 4:00 am) Party dedicated to electronic music, dubstep and d'nb, together with the visuals of Tomake crew (GR) Sunday, February 19th Expo Area (3:00 - 7:00 pm) The second day is devoted to new technologies and platforms used in contemporary media arts. Brands, research institutes, academies, professionals and enthusiasts will have the opportunity to present their products and ideas to the great Athenian public. Bonn study | Korg (Greece) Roland Ableton Cinema 4D After Effects PureData Ira Media | VIZO (Greece) 360 Cheoptics SAE Dj / vjset (3:00 - 7:00 pm) In parallel with the expo DJ sets will be produced, broadcasted and streamed by the 360 record store space through our social media platforms fully loaded with bass sounds. info: http:// http:// http://www.k44.gr/ |
NEW CODES */ from Happy Artists on Vimeo.
Athens Video Art Festival (AVAF) is an annual digital arts and new media festival taking place in Greece, mainly Athens. Being part of an international art network, it reflects a wide range of ideas and developments in the art world.
It aims at bringing together experimental projects of contemporary artists and at promoting free expression, exchange of ideas, and creative interaction while exhibiting new media and new technologies application in arts.
Through a variety of creative forms, it presents alternative ways of “viewing” urban landscape and of perceiving art, and new codes of interaction between art and contemporary societies.
AVAF extends an open invitation to artists who are interested in developing their ideas by experimenting on the platform of new technologies, under no thematic restrictions, in 7 categories:
Video Art
By the use of recording and editing devices and computer code the artist creates a composition of moving pictures and sound
Moving drawn images. The illusion of movement: the rapid succession of slightly differing drawn images which the mind unifies into a cohesive motion
Appropriation of space incites the viewer’s sensory activation and, by incorporating creatively the surrounding space elements that interact dialectically with the artistic elements, offers him/her a full-fledged space-time experience
Digital Image
Still images processed by means of computer code
Web Art
A characteristically alternative evolution of digital arts: using as a platform its “ancestors” and also the Internet, gives the viewers the possibility to interact with the work of art, thus getting around the restrictions of traditional museum and art gallery environments
Single reproduction action that is accomplished through appropriation of the body
Through artistic experimentation, sound has evolved into an essential tool of free expression; from lengthy compositions to the briefest of sample sounds, from natural sounds to the sounds of improvised musical instruments, anything can constitute a form of communication
For further details visit our website: http://www.athensvideoartfestival.gr/
Athens Video Art Festival 2010 Showreel from Happy Artists on Vimeo.
Το AVAF είναι το μόνο γεγονός το οποίο έχει κερδίσει την υποστήριξη περισσότερων από 7.200 καλλιτεχνών από 50 χώρες από όλον τον κόσμο, κάνοντας την διοργάνωση μια από τις μεγαλύτερες και πλέον συμμετοχικές, τόσο ως προς την επισκεψιμότητα, όσο και ως προς τις υποψηφιότητες, έχοντας αναπτύξει μια database έργων η οποία ξεπερνάει τα 11.500 από ολόκληρο το φάσμα της δημιουργίας (Video Art, Animation, Digital Image, Web Art, Installation Art, Performance Art). Αναφέρουμε χαρακτηριστικά πως μόνο για το AVAF 2010 οι δηλώσεις συμμετοχής, ξεπέρασαν τις 2.700 σε αριθμό.
Bejegyzések (Atom)