A Media Facades Festival konferencia, kiállítás és workshop július eleje óta tart berlinben és az urbánus környezet és a multimédiális müvészetek kapcsolatát, lehetőségeit vizsgálja.
A legközelebbi programok ( ebben a közeli városban ):
Exhibition: October 16 - December 12 2008
Conference: October 17 - 18, 2008
Urban Screenings: 17. October - 3. November 2008
" The MEDIA FACADES FESTIVAL BERLIN 2008 is an innovative project, engaging a wide range of stakeholders with distinctive interests in the public space. Through round tables, a workshop, panel sessions, lectures, urban screenings on media facades and an architecture exhibition the event will promote a multi-disciplinary action research approach to technology, architecture and media art in modern cities.
Exhibition: October 16 - December 12 2008
Conference: October 17 - 18, 2008
Urban Screenings: 17. October - 3. November 2008 "
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