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" Videoprojection monumentale sur tous types de supports. Easyweb.fr specialiste de la video projection spectaculaire et géante… "
Top 20 VJs of 2008 - Kyle Lyons (Spain)
+ Artist alias(es) and real name, age: Kyle Lyons, 31, born January 19th 1977 Capricorn.
+ Preferred URL links: http://www.myspace.com/vjloops, http://community.audiovisualizers.com/DmT
+ Primary country and area of influence: España “USA & Europe, 4th Dimension”
+ Primary label, affiliation, collective, and/or residency: VJ Loops (vjloops.tv)
+ Promo - upcoming gigs, releases, etc:
27th, 28th, 29th November at Wandû Palace - http://www.grupowandu.com
4th December at Wandû Palace - http://www.grupowandu.com
12th December at Club Baracca, Spain with Laurent Garnier - http://www.barracamusic.com/
13th December at Club Guru, Spain - http://www.gurudisco.com/
31st December NYE party with Club Zone in Valencia, Spain - http://www.clubzone.es/
2009 weekly residency at Club Pacha in Barcelona, Spain - http://www.pacha.com/
2009 weekly residency at MDF in Valencia, Spain - http://www.mdf.es/
AV Mix featuring Kyle Lyons & Dolom Zero from Kyle Lyons on Vimeo.
+ Type of work you do: VJ, Digital Media Artist, Photographer, Videographer and Editor for clubs, festivals, corporate & special events.
+ Your team and what people generally do (even if you’re solo, you usually work with certain people frequently - how does that work?):
Ana Villanueva - Flash animator & girlfriend <3
Pascal Kleiman - DJ that I tour with across Europe and parts unknown
Omar Carbona aka Dolom Zero - AV act in the works
Solly Levi - VJ, devoted father and business partner with VJ Loops
+ Best gig:
Disney Land in Paris, France
Desert Party in Israel
+ Most random thing that ever happened at a gig: I was attacked by 4 gypsies at a small club in Valencia, Spain called KeHouse. I got busted up pretty bad. O.o
VJ Loops AV mix featuring Kyle Lyons and DJ Electrobios from Kyle Lyons on Vimeo.
+ Non-VJ stuff you do: I manage DJ Pascal Kleiman. A very talented DJ who was born without arms and spins with his feet. He has overcome all obstacles and Pascal is a huge inspiration to me and my work.
+ Who you’d love to work with in the near future:
Visual wise:
I would love to work with OVT Visuals; these guys were my initial inspiration to become a VJ. The work they did at rave parties back in Chicago in 1995 were the leading cause of my visual madness.
I would enjoy working along side AntiVJ label, Crustea, Legoman, Easyweb and any other visual pioneers who are pushing the boundaries of visual creativity with video mapping and interactive installations.
It’s also been a lifelong dream of mine to travel to Asia and Australia. I think working with any Asian or Australian visual/motion graphics artists would be an amazing opportunity! Hint Hint
Audio wise:
I really enjoy all types of trance music and would love to get booked on a tour with a big act like Infected Mushroom.
No Alibi- Midimiliz from Kyle Lyons on Vimeo.
Top 20 VJs of 2008 (Girls) - Shantell Martin (Japan)
+ Preferred URL links:
+ Primary country and area of influence: The past four years Japan – Tokyo (Soon to relocate to New York)
+ Primary label, affiliation, collective, and/or residency:
Lightrhythm visuals (label)
London Calling (residency)
+ Promo - upcoming gigs, releases, etc:
Koob’s (My first solo album/DVD)
Koob’s (Press Link)
Wacom Case Study
David Report
Top 20 VJs of 2008 - VJ Dubassy (Barcelona)
+ Preferred URL links:
+ Primary country and area of influence: originally from london, moved to south of france and now based in barcelona
+ Primary label, affiliation, collective, and/or residency: working mostly with stock agenices selling my video, like getty images, shutterstock and vjloops, and resolume loops
Dubassy_visuals_dec07 from dubassy on Vimeo.
+ Promo - upcoming gigs, releases, etc:
my video collection represented at getty images >>
Gonna Get Ya, bootleg of House of Nonsense and the Gonna get ya vocal from dubassy on Vimeo.
+ Type of work you do: the majority of my time is spent on content creation, so this allows me to vj with 100percent my own created visuals. i love to show people at events the stuff that has come alive from my mind. currently my vjing work would be just the visuals, but i am working towards an audio visual project to take what i do to the next level.
i have performed as a vj for the past 7 years, originally i was based in london and played at most of london’s nightclubs at some point or other, including, a residency over two years at ministry of sound, plus clubs like fabric, cargo 93 feet east and the vibe bar. festivals included the big chill, glastonbury and homelands.
i moved to lie in the south of france and started working more around europe at clubs and festivals, and now for the last 6 months have been in spain. european highlights include, name festival in lille, kazantip in the ukraine, marsatac in marseille, urban artforms in austria. i also spent a month in india playing a elevate club in delhi and went to miami earlier this year to play some events at the winter music conference, including the beatport remix hotel event and miambient.
+ Best gig: best gig would either be opus vj event in marseille, or urban artforms in austria, just down to the sheer number of screens around the huge venues, visually eye popping.
+ Most random thing that ever happened at a gig: a lighting technician who became so messed up at the end of a clubnight that he started pissing in the lighting/sound booth, pretty close to my equipment!….
+ Non-VJ stuff you do: when im not doing something related to visuals, i’ll probably be on the beach, in the sea, or eating some nice food on a sunlit barcelona terrace with a fresh cervessa beer…or just sleeping..
+ Who you’d love to work with in the near future: in the future i hope to work more on more music videos, following on from this one ealrier in the year for maurro picotto, shot on location in ibiza -
also just expand my horizons into new areas. create new exciting visuals..hopefully can constantly evolve as an artist.
dubassy marseille film from dubassy on Vimeo.
Top 20 VJs of 2008 - 4youreye (Austria)
+ Artist alias(es) and real name, age: 4youreye, eva bischof & gery herlbauer
+ Preferred URL links: www.4youreye.at, www.myspace.com/4oureye
+ Primary country and area of influence: Austria / vienna
+ Primary label, affiliation, collective, and/or residency:
eye(con (our vj network) www.eye-con.tv
residency: flex club Vienna www.flex.at
4youreye 2005 demo reel
+ Promo - upcoming gigs, releases, etc:
- video for Ned Rise from Houztekk Records – was already played on Austrian TV some days ago. www.houztekk.com
- gig with Trentemøller next January
- sound:frame festival in Vienna www.soundframe.at - I am going to write an article for the festival catalogue about the beginnings of visuals and vj art and we are doing an exhibition there also about the same theme
- going to Peking next spring for performances and doing workshops there for Chinese vjs.
- Project “energy union” together with Coldcut – see www.myspace.com/energyunion
4youreye @ Flex Club Vienna
+ Type of work you do:
- Live Visuals in High Definition & Panorama Projections
- Video Installationen & VJ Art Projects
- VJ-Event series & Projekt “equaleyes” www.equaleyes.org
- Projektionsdesign / Bühnendesign
- VJ-Network eye|con www.eye-con.tv
- Projekt VJ-Camp Kreta (Crete / Greece) ww.myspace.com/vjcampcrete
- Maschine360 - 360 Grad Projektionen www.maschine360.at
- Salon Projektionist - Galerie für VJ-ART & PR POJEKTIONISMUS www.salon-projektionist.com (Vj art gallery)
- Houztekk - Visualising Sound 4 Houztekk Records www.houztekk.com
+ Your team and what people generally do (even if you’re solo, you usually work with certain people frequently - how does that work?): I don’t really have a team, but I enjoy teaming up with the lighttechnician or other technician of the party. That works great most of the time. I have a couple of friends that are also VJ’ing but we don’t team up much. We do battle sometimes, which is also good!
Video 4 Silhouette Shades
+ Best gig:
a highlight every year is the URBAN ARTFORMS FESTIVAL http://www.uaf-festival.at/
gery is doing the projection design which is every year more than incredible (more than 400 square meter projection space) and I am doing the vj booking – its so nice to meet all “my vjs” every year and meet new ones of cause and see their work life!
Of course we are also performing - last year we did a corporation with chris liebing – a dvd will be available next year at urbanartforms
+ Non-VJ stuff you do: being just a vj
+ Who you’d love to work with in the near future: fritz fitzke, www.fitzke.at
Projection Design 4 Hewlett Packard
Oblong g-speak térbeli operációs rendszer
" Az Oblong g-speak a Különvélemény filmből ismert vizualizációs rendszer. Mivel biztosra veszem, hogy ma már mindenki látta filmet, ezért csak azokat a fontosabb részeket érdemes kiemelni, melyek a technológiai alapot nyújtják.
3D kezelőfelület: Bár egyértelműnek vesszük, a 3D térben való navigáció nem könnyű falat. A nagyon pontos navigációhoz nem túl használható, de a kényelmes, gyors használat is fontos jellemző.
Gesztusok felismerése és azok műveletekké konvertálása
Kollaboratív használat, többen egyszerre használhatják a rendszert
Információtömegben való navigáció, bár ez egyelőre inkább parasztvakítás mint valóban használható funkció, de a későbbiekben nagy potenciál lehet benne. A 3D-s képrendezés kell a fenének… "
( forrás: adsr )
g-speak overview 1828121108 from john underkoffler on Vimeo.
Ez akár forradalmasíthatja is a VJing-et!
Oblong weboldal
Mégegyszer Processing 1.0
" A Processing kreatív vizuális fejlesztőrendszer 162 béta verziója talán az egyik leghosszabb volt, bár ez egyáltalán nem riasztotta el a fejlesztőket és vizuális művészeket a használatától. A béta verziókat diákok, egyetemek, videoklipek, kiállítások, hirdetések és reklámok, grafikusok és videósok használták évek óta munkáikhoz - természetes volt a “béta” státusz, mely nem a kiforratlan állapotról, mint inkább a megcélzott funkcionalitásról mesélt.
Jó hír: a Processing elérte a hivatalos 1.0 verziót. Ben Fry és Casey Reas közös ötletéből született és teljesen ingyenes, open-source szoftver, mely a vizualizációt és a művészetet kapcsolja össze a Java programozással - hogy mennyire egyszerű vagy komplex eredmények születnek, az már csak a fejlesztők fantáziáján múlik, mert a környezet szinte mindenre képes.
Az utóbbi hetek munkája felgyorsult fejlesztéseket és újdonságokat hozott, közöttük:
a teljes képernyős mód komoly fejlődésen esett keresztül, korábban sokaknak okozott ez fejfájást
bitang jó OpenGL mód a GLGraphics library-n keresztül, ami kötelező letöltés mindenkinek, aki csak egy kicsit is komolyan veszi a munkáját
OpenGL anti-aliasing
a P2D render engine újra használható
Minim audio library a hanghoz
a library-k a szkeccsekkel együtt tárolódnak, mely megkönnyíti a hordozhatóságot és a megosztást
loadShape() helyettesíti a Candy-t vektor adatok importjához
az alap fejlesztőrendszer esetében a Tools menü bővíthető
egy rakás bugfix és korábbi beígért funkciók végre működnek
És persze a fejlesztés itt sem áll meg, hiszen az 1.0 sem tökéletes: fura OpenGL villogás, Mac-es Java bug-ok (Mac és Java - nem barátok) és egyéb apróságok keserítik még az életünket. A videó támogatáson is bőven van mit fejleszteni. Érdemes lenne lecserélni a QuickTime Java alapú videó library-t, ami nem konzisztens az összes platformon és helyette egy generikus, mindenhol működőt bevezetni helyette.
Az 1.0 verzió egy újabb korszak kezdetét mutatja. A Processing rengeteg díjban és elismerésben részesült eddig is, most pedig készen áll rá, hogy meghódítsa a világot. Ha a videó a XXI. század nagy dobása, akkor a Processing ennek egyik alappillére lehet - az interaktív, generatív vizuáloktól a DIY és ipari vizualizációs feladatokon keresztül és VJ/videós körökben az ötletektől, grafikáktól és mozgóképektől az utómunkáig és effektekig egyre többször fogunk találkozni vele. Szép új világ - tényleg.
További infók, letöltés, példák, kódrészletek, közösség és minden amit tudni szeretnél róla a Processing weboldalon."
( forrás: adsr )
.lov. hívta fel a figyelmemet a tegnapi bejegyzés kapcsán Memo egyik érdekes project-ére.
De előszőr nézzük meg, Memo mit mond magáról:
Memo: " My name is Memo (Mehmet) Akten and I'm a visual artist, musician and mad scientist based in London, UK.
On this site you can find examples of my commercial work and other audio/visual experiments. A balanced blend of interactive audio/visual demos & installations, motion graphics, visual effects, live visuals, tutorials, code snippets and other random toys for your viewing, hearing and/or playing pleasure.
While a lot of my earlier commercial work is generally pre-rendered video created in AfterEffects, Cinema 4D, Motion, Flash etc; lately I have moved more into (and my biggest passion is) interactive generative / programmatic audio & visuals - and that's mostly what I focus on now - Human-Computer Interactions, Computer Vision, Processing.org (& Java), openFrameworks ( & C++), Quartz Composer, VDMX, ActionScript 3.0 and related subjects. "
Gold dust demo from Memo Akten on Vimeo.
Testing a camera controlled golddust particle/interaction system for upcoming music video.
Programmed in C++ with openFrameworks/openCV/openGL running realtime at 1080 HD, 30fps with 20K particles, optical flow, contour analysis, fluid dynamics, FBOs and VBOs.
All particle interaction is controlled entirely by motion on camera.
Most of the particles and fine detail is lost in the video compression, you can see much more in the original quicktime in the bottom right.
És most egy másik project:
My Secret Heart - Excerpts from Memo Akten on Vimeo.
My Secret Heart is a music and film installation & performance commissioned by Streetwise Opera with music composed by Mira Calix. Working with video artists Flat-e, we created visuals for the 48 minute performance, as well as versions for an installation and short film.
The visuals were created primarily with custom software written with C++/openFrameworks, with some Quartz Composer elements, rendered AfterEffects sequences and live action footage. The custom C++ app is audio-reactive and user-interactive, allowing the visuals to be 'performed' live with full control over the behaviour of the virtual inhabitants of the cylindrical aquarium-like rig.
De előszőr nézzük meg, Memo mit mond magáról:
Memo: " My name is Memo (Mehmet) Akten and I'm a visual artist, musician and mad scientist based in London, UK.
On this site you can find examples of my commercial work and other audio/visual experiments. A balanced blend of interactive audio/visual demos & installations, motion graphics, visual effects, live visuals, tutorials, code snippets and other random toys for your viewing, hearing and/or playing pleasure.
While a lot of my earlier commercial work is generally pre-rendered video created in AfterEffects, Cinema 4D, Motion, Flash etc; lately I have moved more into (and my biggest passion is) interactive generative / programmatic audio & visuals - and that's mostly what I focus on now - Human-Computer Interactions, Computer Vision, Processing.org (& Java), openFrameworks ( & C++), Quartz Composer, VDMX, ActionScript 3.0 and related subjects. "
Gold dust demo from Memo Akten on Vimeo.
Testing a camera controlled golddust particle/interaction system for upcoming music video.
Programmed in C++ with openFrameworks/openCV/openGL running realtime at 1080 HD, 30fps with 20K particles, optical flow, contour analysis, fluid dynamics, FBOs and VBOs.
All particle interaction is controlled entirely by motion on camera.
Most of the particles and fine detail is lost in the video compression, you can see much more in the original quicktime in the bottom right.
És most egy másik project:
My Secret Heart - Excerpts from Memo Akten on Vimeo.
My Secret Heart is a music and film installation & performance commissioned by Streetwise Opera with music composed by Mira Calix. Working with video artists Flat-e, we created visuals for the 48 minute performance, as well as versions for an installation and short film.
The visuals were created primarily with custom software written with C++/openFrameworks, with some Quartz Composer elements, rendered AfterEffects sequences and live action footage. The custom C++ app is audio-reactive and user-interactive, allowing the visuals to be 'performed' live with full control over the behaviour of the virtual inhabitants of the cylindrical aquarium-like rig.
Tracking Head Gestures
Avagy fejmozgással irányított computer. A programot Torben Schou készítette.
A végén még megérjük, hogy táncolva készítjük a vizuált :))
" In my PhD, I am exploring the idea of augmenting traditional forms of computer game interaction using unconventional, commercially viable approaches. " ( Torben Schou )
A végén még megérjük, hogy táncolva készítjük a vizuált :))
" In my PhD, I am exploring the idea of augmenting traditional forms of computer game interaction using unconventional, commercially viable approaches. " ( Torben Schou )
Top 20 VJs of 2008 - Eyesupply (Netherlands)
Carlo Ruijgers, 1981
Kevin Walenciak, 1978
Marijn Jessat, 1974
Martijn Janssen, 1973
Pieter van Rijen, 1974
+ Preferred URL links:
+ Primary country and area of influence: The Netherlands, the electronic music scene.
+ Primary label, affiliation, collective, and/or residency:
We’ve done many events for many promoters, dj’s etc. see: http://www.eyesupply.tv/2008/where.php.
Residencies at Awakenings, Cocoon goes Amsterdam, Extrema.
Also we supplied material for the Armin van Buuren world tour.
Eyesupply - 2008REEL from Eyesupply on Vimeo.
+ Promo - upcoming gigs, releases, etc:
We’ve got some big gigs lined up the next few weeks.
We kick-off the up coming weekend with Awakenings on Friday which is a techno party in an old gas storage facility with an amazing visual setup with 4 different types of LED. The next day it’s our 35th! edition of Awakenings with the same setup but a different line-up. For more info check - www.awakenings.nl
Also on Saturday we have Fabulous in the Brabanthallen. Which is a glamorous house party for around 15.000 people spread over 6 different area’s. We created special show introductions and animations for dj’s and acts like Jazzy Jeff, Eric Prydz, Junkie XL, Tocadisco, Remy and Rene Amesz. For more info check - www.fabulousworld.eu
On the 29th of November we will be vj-ing at the first big Time Warp party in The Netherlands. One of the biggest German techno parties organizations will be hosting an edition at the Maassilo in Rotterdam. This party will last from 20.00 at night till 12.00 the next morning so bring on the energy drinks Check the line-up here: http://www.time-warp.de/e2/e4551/index_eng.html
Then in the beginning of December we will vj at a brand new festival called Essence. Which will bring 15.000 house, techno and trance lovers together to party till dawn. Not only are we suppling the visuals and custom made intro’s for the festival and some of it’s acts but we are also part of the design team for the stages and visual setup together with Blixxem (www.blixxem.nl) and we created the tv commercial which you can check here - http://www.eyesupply.tv/2008/projects/essence/
And for future info on what we are doing and where we will be vj-ing check our agenda at http://www.eyesupply.tv/2008/where.php
+ Type of work you do: VJing and motion design, as well as designing show elements and stages.
+ Your team and what people generally do (even if you’re solo, you usually work with certain people frequently - how does that work?): We’ve been a collective since we started in 2003, Some of us are more into tech stuff, some of us are more into making motion graphics, some of us are more into scripting, so it will result in a wide range of interests that will crossover to eachother. Sometimes we collaborate with other people we’ve met in the dance scene. We’ve done projects with lightjockeys, decoration designers, stagedesigners, and graphic designers.
+ Best gig: A clubnight in the Loft upstairs in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. We were part of a cultural program that highlighted the dutch dance scene. It was the first ever VJ gig in that club and the crowd gave a tremendous response.
+ Most random thing that ever happened at a gig: People trying to buy drinks at the VJ booth.
+ Non-VJ stuff you do:
Among us are a:
Web/Software developper
Industrial design engineer
Manager at a wholesale department
DJ/raregroove collector
and two motion designers
+ Who you’d love to work with in the near future:
We’ve recently met Huoratron from Finland. A very nice guy, that we’d love to do more stuff with.
In general we would like to do more for big events such as MTV’s european music awards for instance.
Top 20 VJs of 2008 - Ne1co (UK)
Skilled teams of video artists, illustrators, programmers and designers come together under Ne1co – on a project-by-project basis – to produce compelling works and events in partnership with musicians, brands and public events of all kinds.
Self-produced personal projects are also acknowledged within Ne1co, and showcased via The AV Social, a sporadic event well attended by media savvy audiences. Whilst offering great networking opportunities for creative professionals, The AV Social always packages a balanced line-up of invited performers with artists from Ne1co’s own roster.
+ Preferred URL links:
+ Promo - upcoming gigs, releases, etc:
Subject Zero on Mixmash (DVD)
decollag.tv on VMS (DVD)
various AV Singles on download websites (TBC)
The AV Social at Tate Liverpool 27 Nov
Mid-E conference 17 Dec
Ibiza Underground 31 Dec
+ Type of work you do: We work with big brands in and out of clubland like Bacardi, Nokia, Global Gathering, Ministry of Sound and many more. this enables us to self finance more experimental projects which are mainly showcased at media festivals like Optronica, Hypersonica, Machinista, Cimatics, etc as well as our own event called The AV Social. all these range from installations to AV performances, screening and commissions.
+ Best gig: Top100 DJ countdown 2008 / Ministry of Sound
+ Your team and what people generally do (even if you’re solo, you usually work with certain people frequently - how does that work?):
Oli Sorenson
Born in L.A., Oli Sorenson AKA VJ Anyone started performing at Sona, Tiga’s club in Montreal back in 1997. Soon after moving to London in 1999, he got his big international break going on the road with Talvin Singh’s Untouched tour. He since never stopped travelling from Berlin to Tokyo, Miami to Dubai, providing visuals for the likes of Layo and Bushwacka, Danny Tenaglia, Riccardo Villalobos and many more. Recently Oli’s been working more closely with specific musicians again, as when providing visuals for Meat Katie’s AV Vibrator album, or Sander Kleinenberg’s 2007 world tour.
Countless brands have commissioned him to perform at sponsored events, including Ray Ban, Intel, Motorola, Bacardi and more. On a more personal level, he has produced numerous AV performances and film remixes, thus getting a lot of attention at top media festivals like NokiaTrends, Optronica and Soundframe.
Also an accomplished writer, Oli wrote numerous VJ related articles in DJ Mag, essays in dedicated VJ books for Paul Spinrad, D-Fuse and Xarene Eskandar, as well as a six part series on the international audiovisual scene for Roland. Over the years, Oli took part in promoting visual events like Vectors at AKA Bar, AVIT UK, the VJ Cult screenings at the ICA, VJ workshops at 01 in Soho, and now The AV Social.
Ed Shaw
Ed Shaw AKA VJ Movement has been creating and showcasing his work for the past eight years in the UK, at such venues as AIR, The Gallery, Ministry of Sound, The Arches and The Paper Club. He’s currently holding residencies with Global Gathering, Godskitchen and Polysexual, playing at their home events and on their numerous international festival, arena and club tours.
Movement has been a member of Ne1co since early 2007, and has worked on most client briefs including Angel Music Group, Sander Kleinenberg, Calvin Harris, Eristoff, Motorola, Speedo, VANDAL(LOT49) and Ministry of Sound.
2008 gave him a busy festival season with dates in Poland, Balarus, Ukraine, Russia and Turkey. Other recent international dates included USA, Greece, Slovenia, Hungary & Germany.
decollage.tv aka Diane Karner and Roland Lindner quickly shot to prominence in 2002, from a makeshift club in Austria. Audiences were captivated by their use of video cameras, to directly grab movie clips from their laptop monitors, strait onto the main venue screens. Since then, their success as visual performers and designers has endured, thanks to a solid background as architects and product designers. They value above all the development of a personal and distinctive style, which can be equally flexible and diverse.
Besides vjing in clubs and venues of all types, they have also performed at arena-size events like Mapping festival (CH), Urban Artforms (AT) and Spring festival (AT) alongside international artists like Princess Superstar, Goldie, DJ Marky, Kraak & Smaak and many others.
Az eMotion ( link, link ) fejlesztője is kiadott egy frissítést:
" eMotion is a tool for creating interactive motions of objects for live visual performances. Electronic motion seems often artificial, synthetic... well... in fact it does not convey any emotions. By defining new rules to create movements, eMotion is a new kind of software made for visual live animations. As it is based on real world physics law, all motions seems natural, full of emphasis. It allows to manipulate different kind of objects like still image, videos, text, drawing. Targeted mainly for theatre/dance performances, it can be used in broader situations.
Main concepts : eMotion is based on objects (like particles, text, drawing strokes, quartz compositions). The creation of motion in the program is laid on a physical model, aka physical forces that are applied to the objects. The forces can be created by using “movement brushes”, or by defining a relation between a controller and a set of objects (for example a wiimote and some text). The objects are organized in layers, and each object can have his own sets of physical rules. The evolution of the physical rules along the time can be recorded in the script window. A script is the only way to record/save your animations.
To summarize:
physically based animation rules
multi representation particle system
layered behaviour
incredibly smooth
support multi inputs interactions including Wiimote + nunchuk, sudden motion sensor, wacom tablet, midi, audio analysis, and by using Open Sound Control (osc) it can be extended virtually to any kind of controller.
link any physical parameters to the inputs
all is LIVE
It can be used for interactive installations, live performance, visual arts, strange subtitling, and so much more. imagination is your only bound. It can be seen as a "live-photoshop", and it want to be a simple but powerful solution to construct and explore the world that new technologies bring to live performances.
Written in cocoa, exclusively for Mac (10.5/intel), eMotion is still in alpha stage, some functionalities are not fully implemented, and the user interface needs a lot of work. "
Main concepts : eMotion is based on objects (like particles, text, drawing strokes, quartz compositions). The creation of motion in the program is laid on a physical model, aka physical forces that are applied to the objects. The forces can be created by using “movement brushes”, or by defining a relation between a controller and a set of objects (for example a wiimote and some text). The objects are organized in layers, and each object can have his own sets of physical rules. The evolution of the physical rules along the time can be recorded in the script window. A script is the only way to record/save your animations.
To summarize:
physically based animation rules
multi representation particle system
layered behaviour
incredibly smooth
support multi inputs interactions including Wiimote + nunchuk, sudden motion sensor, wacom tablet, midi, audio analysis, and by using Open Sound Control (osc) it can be extended virtually to any kind of controller.
link any physical parameters to the inputs
all is LIVE
It can be used for interactive installations, live performance, visual arts, strange subtitling, and so much more. imagination is your only bound. It can be seen as a "live-photoshop", and it want to be a simple but powerful solution to construct and explore the world that new technologies bring to live performances.
Written in cocoa, exclusively for Mac (10.5/intel), eMotion is still in alpha stage, some functionalities are not fully implemented, and the user interface needs a lot of work. "
New Beta: Resolume Avenue 3 rev1110
Megjelent a Resolume Avenue 3 új bétája. Talán a legfontosabb ujdonsága a Live video recording!
A frissítés többek között ezeket tartalmazza:
New features:
- Live video recording!
- Contextual keyboard & MIDI mapping for the entire deck, so it works more like Resolume 2
- Scale clip to composition size (SHIFT + F)
- Timeline on pictures & sources
- Check for updates in the preferences
- About screen
Bug fixes:
Fixed: "The Nvidia Bug" Frozen video ouput on second display when using nvidia card on the pc
Fixed: OSC input (see the manual for details)
Fixed: Some ASIO devices do not work
Fixed: Only 75 .avi files can be opened at the same time
Fixed: Mask makes image darker
Fixed: Vsync in windows does not work
Fixed: Switching to BPM sync causes crash with video clips
Fixed: Quartz Composer file rendered to Quicktime movies don't work
Fixed: Loading a transparent quicktime (animation codec) crashes Avenue
Fixed: Crash when switching decks while preview monitor is playing a clip
Fixed: MIDI clock does not always work
Fixed: Bounce and Play Once don't work for video in BPM mode
Fixed: Audio & video go out of sync when using shortcuts to toggle < >.
Fixed: Flickering output when using pictures and feedback
- Don't update the clip property panel for each clip when loading a deck or composition
- Show proper device names for the capture input sources
- Much less cpu usage on Quicktime video files with uncompressed audio
A frissítés többek között ezeket tartalmazza:
New features:
- Live video recording!
- Contextual keyboard & MIDI mapping for the entire deck, so it works more like Resolume 2
- Scale clip to composition size (SHIFT + F)
- Timeline on pictures & sources
- Check for updates in the preferences
- About screen
Bug fixes:
Fixed: "The Nvidia Bug" Frozen video ouput on second display when using nvidia card on the pc
Fixed: OSC input (see the manual for details)
Fixed: Some ASIO devices do not work
Fixed: Only 75 .avi files can be opened at the same time
Fixed: Mask makes image darker
Fixed: Vsync in windows does not work
Fixed: Switching to BPM sync causes crash with video clips
Fixed: Quartz Composer file rendered to Quicktime movies don't work
Fixed: Loading a transparent quicktime (animation codec) crashes Avenue
Fixed: Crash when switching decks while preview monitor is playing a clip
Fixed: MIDI clock does not always work
Fixed: Bounce and Play Once don't work for video in BPM mode
Fixed: Audio & video go out of sync when using shortcuts to toggle < >.
Fixed: Flickering output when using pictures and feedback
- Don't update the clip property panel for each clip when loading a deck or composition
- Show proper device names for the capture input sources
- Much less cpu usage on Quicktime video files with uncompressed audio
Top 20 VJs of 2008 - 2nd Nature ( Atlanta )
+ Preferred URL links: http://www.dj2ndnature.com, http://www.myspace.com/dj2ndnature
+ Primary country and area of influence: Atlanta, GA
+ Primary label, affiliation, collective, and/or residency: 2nd Nature Productions
+ Promo - upcoming gigs, releases, etc: Working on a project with Ben Sollee the celloist from KY
Dj Expo 2008
+ Type of work you do: DVJ gigs, corprate shows and a/v setup, remixing audio and video
+ Your team and what people generally do (even if you’re solo, you usually work with certain people frequently): Eclectic Method, Magic Mike, Monk, Don Lynch, D. L. Jones
+ Best gig: Recently I’d say the DJ Expo set at House Of Blue, crowd was nutty
+ Most random thing that ever happened at a gig: Power shut off on the whole city block during a show in Toronto
+ Non-VJ stuff you do: Music production, sound design, playing with my son
+ Who you’d love to work with in the near future: Eclectic Method, been talking to Jonny for the longest time, looking forward to working soon
2ND NATURE's electro/funk /bass/rap VIDEO
Top 20 VJs of 2008 - Okinawa 69 ( Germany )
+ Artist alias(es) / name(s): bruno tait, shumi & tasso okinawa
+ Preferred URL links: www.myspace.com/tasso_okinawa
+ Primary country and area of influence: germany, europe
+ Primary label, affiliation, collective, and/or residency: Kompakt rec. cologne, mobilee rec. berlin, eyecon vienna, vms vienna, bandreite cologne
supermayer secret show
+ Promo - upcoming gigs, releases, etc:
15 years kompakt tour (kompakt-net.de)
Artist in residenz, museumsquartier, vienna (mqw.at)
PollerWiesen Zirkus (pollerwiesen.org)
+ Type of work you do: live vj club shows (DJVJ), Live Tours (supermayer (together with lichtfront veejays), kompakt)
VideoMovingSystem programing (vms-at.com)
+ Your team: collective of visual artists working in motion and print grafik
+ Best gig:
melt! festival with pfadfinderei
loveparade final acarde with 4yourEye
all nights at 11 amsterdam
+ Most random thing that ever happened at a gig: the question: “what, you need a table? you need power?”
+ Non-VJ stuff you do: mixtour.org
+ Who you’d love to work with in the near future: everyone that takes it ea
Processing 0157
Version 0157:
P2D has returned for the first time since alpha (release 0069). It's probably not yet complete, please test and file bugs if you find things that are missing or not behaving correctly.
Bug fixes
Show sketch folder failing for directories containing umlauts. http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1010
Find in Reference does not open Firefox in 0156 for Linux. http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1012
Fixed a problem where the default per-platform preference settings were not being set properly, resulting in sadness like ugly default fonts in the editor. You may want to remove your preferences.txt file to reset your settings if your afflicted by an ugly monospaced font in your editor.
SVG polygon shapes not drawing since loadShape() and PShape changes. http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1005
image(img, x, y) was not honoring imageMode(CENTER), now fixed. http://dev.processing.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1013
Download link
Top 20 VJs of 2008 - cb shaw ( Vancouver )
+ Artist alias(es) and real name: ”cb shaw” (lowercase) - short for Christopher Berkeley Shaw
+ Preferred URL links:
+ Primary country and area of influence: Vancouver, Canada. Mostly popular in America ie: California / Vegas / Texas. Also, (thanks to Youtube) I now have followers from all over the world, with a few places like The UK, Germany, China, Japan and Australia being especially found of my stuff.
+ Primary label, affiliation, collective, and/or residency: I mostly do fly dates. I have a crew of mates from America that I like to hang with, we like to gather in Las Vegas.
Promo - upcoming gigs, releases, etc:
Lots of new mixes coming out on Youtube.com/cbshaw this coming year, featuring my own vocals, as well as Pioneer showcases, a full American tour (30 dates in 60 days!) plus dates in Asia and Europe.
Top 20 VJs of 2008(Girls) - Ray-V - Israel
Ray-V has been performing live as a VJ for over 7 years now at Art festivals, Music Concerts, parties and club nights, side by side with the greatest DJ's & musicians world-wide, as well as at corporate events, fashion shows & company presentations, creating video content & commercial product launches, in charge of the visual packaging by creating "tailor made content".
Ray-v VJ Reel 2007 from rayv on Vimeo..
2004- Ray-V Live VJ showreel from rayv on Vimeo.
Ray-v's reel 2003 from rayv on Vimeo.
Top 20 VJs of 2008 - Addictive TV
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Származási hely: vj labor |
+ Artist alias(es) and real name, age: GRAHAM & TOLLY
+ Preferred URL links:
+ Primary country and area of influence: PLAY INTERNATIONALLY, AV (both the music and video)
+ Primary label, affiliation, collective, and/or residency: NONE, TOTALLY INDEPENDENT
• Promo - upcoming gigs, releases, etc:
+ Type of work you do: AUDIOVISUAL (create original music and remixes from sounds within the AV samples)
+ Your team and what people generally do: LOTS OF FILE SWAPPING!
+ Most random thing that ever happened at a gig: FLOODING A HOTEL ROOM IN GERMANY!!
+ Who you’d love to work with in the near future: THE PRODIGY OR DIRECTOR TERRY GILLIAM
Processing 0156
Top 20 VJs of 2008 - VJ Air (UK)
+ Artist alias(es) and real name, age: VJ Air, Arran Rothwell-Eyre, 32
+ Preferred URL links: at the moment i just have myspace.com/vjair but i have a website under development at the moment.
+ Primary country and area of influence: living in south east England, working mainly in the London and south coast area, but making regular appearances across the UK and Europe.
+ Primary label, affiliation, collective, and/or residency: essentially a solo artist but often found working alongside Inside Us All and The Pixel Addicts. Residency’s at The Synergy Project ( now known as Luminopolis ) Future Music and F(r)action and regular appearances at events for Nuskoolbreaks.co.uk,Outofthevoid.co.uk, Breakspoll.com and festivals such as Glade, Waveform and Secret Garden Party.
VJ Air Summer Showreel 2008 from VJ Air on Vimeo.
Top Girls VJs of 2008 - 2
LotteZ - Netherlands
+ Artist alias(es) and real name, age: My real name is Lotte Zuydwijk, but as a VJ I am known as LotteZ. I used to do gigs under the name ‘Jetty Kiz’ (’Would Jetty Kiz?’ is an anagram of my real name), but people started to put me on flyers as Lotte Z. I am 26 years of age. I started VJ’ing at the age of 22.
+ Preferred URL links: www.lottez.com, MySpace, YouTube, Vimeo, meaculpababy.com
+ Primary country and area of influence: I live in the Netherlands and that’s also where I do most of my gigs. I live in the city of Utrecht, but funny enough they don’t know me as a VJ there very well. I am booked in Amsterdam most of the time.
+ Primary label, affiliation, collective, and/or residency: Venue P60 used to be my residency, but that changed when I started to have more bookings. Now I teach people to VJ at venue P60 and now I only VJ there a couple of times a year. I perform regalarly at Awakenings, Heroes of Techno, Utrecht Literary Festival, Club 8, Muiderpoort Dance Theatre, etc.
VJ LotteZ @ VJ Fest Istanbul 2008 from LotteZ on Vimeo.
+ Promo - upcoming gigs, releases, etc:
Nov 18 - Dec 18: I am currently organising the public video art project on the townsquare of Amstelveen, called Moving Buildings.
I am working on a series of conceptual parties, which I cannot tell to much about because I am still getting my funding straight, but it will be great and it will happen in 2010.
Apart from that I am currently making 5 music videos with a good friend of mine that will be released in January 2009.
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Származási hely: vj labor |
+ Artist alias(es) and real name, age: My real name is Lotte Zuydwijk, but as a VJ I am known as LotteZ. I used to do gigs under the name ‘Jetty Kiz’ (’Would Jetty Kiz?’ is an anagram of my real name), but people started to put me on flyers as Lotte Z. I am 26 years of age. I started VJ’ing at the age of 22.
+ Preferred URL links: www.lottez.com, MySpace, YouTube, Vimeo, meaculpababy.com
+ Primary country and area of influence: I live in the Netherlands and that’s also where I do most of my gigs. I live in the city of Utrecht, but funny enough they don’t know me as a VJ there very well. I am booked in Amsterdam most of the time.
+ Primary label, affiliation, collective, and/or residency: Venue P60 used to be my residency, but that changed when I started to have more bookings. Now I teach people to VJ at venue P60 and now I only VJ there a couple of times a year. I perform regalarly at Awakenings, Heroes of Techno, Utrecht Literary Festival, Club 8, Muiderpoort Dance Theatre, etc.
VJ LotteZ @ VJ Fest Istanbul 2008 from LotteZ on Vimeo.
+ Promo - upcoming gigs, releases, etc:
Nov 18 - Dec 18: I am currently organising the public video art project on the townsquare of Amstelveen, called Moving Buildings.
I am working on a series of conceptual parties, which I cannot tell to much about because I am still getting my funding straight, but it will be great and it will happen in 2010.
Apart from that I am currently making 5 music videos with a good friend of mine that will be released in January 2009.
Top Girls VJs of 2008 - 1
Olga Mink - Netherlands
+ Artist alias(es) and real name, age: Olga Mink (before vj oxygen), born in 1974 NL
+ Preferred URL links: www.videology.nu, myspace.com/olga_mink, YouTube
+ Primary country and area of influence: NL. (Netherlands)
+ Primary label, affiliation, collective, and/or residency: Lightrhythmvisuals, NoTV, Meakusma
The Nature Of Being from Olga Mink on Vimeo.
+ Promo - upcoming gigs, releases, etc:
• Upcoming release on Meakusma Label (Belgium)
• Recently a remix for Lightrhythmvisuals Notations 2
• Nov 18: Moving Buildings workshop at P60 with Roel Verlinden
• Dec 6: Brussels (Beursgebouw) ” Intimate Strangers” together with Hahn Rowe( NYC).
• Dec 20: The Nature of Being, Ljubjiana in Slovenia together with Scanner.
• Dec 25-26-27: Contemporary dance-video piece at TAC, Eindhoven.
• Jan 23: ‘The Nature of Being’ with Scanner.
• Mar 2009: Biennale of Canarian Islands together with Scanner
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Származási hely: vj labor |
+ Preferred URL links: www.videology.nu, myspace.com/olga_mink, YouTube
+ Primary country and area of influence: NL. (Netherlands)
+ Primary label, affiliation, collective, and/or residency: Lightrhythmvisuals, NoTV, Meakusma
The Nature Of Being from Olga Mink on Vimeo.
+ Promo - upcoming gigs, releases, etc:
• Upcoming release on Meakusma Label (Belgium)
• Recently a remix for Lightrhythmvisuals Notations 2
• Nov 18: Moving Buildings workshop at P60 with Roel Verlinden
• Dec 6: Brussels (Beursgebouw) ” Intimate Strangers” together with Hahn Rowe( NYC).
• Dec 20: The Nature of Being, Ljubjiana in Slovenia together with Scanner.
• Dec 25-26-27: Contemporary dance-video piece at TAC, Eindhoven.
• Jan 23: ‘The Nature of Being’ with Scanner.
• Mar 2009: Biennale of Canarian Islands together with Scanner
Girls: VJmina

" Mina started her video journey in techno music in 2004. Live video mixes with the best DJs and party activists: she invites you in her world, made of machines, angels, magic and wires, using music as a spell leading you to electronic dreams. Wired and girly when she plays, beat turns in bits in her hands, waves change into pixels and music becomes light. Mina shows you the future that is already here: any kind of images, pictures, or videos, can and will be used for your eyes! Cradled since an early age by the science fiction litterature, Mina is impassioned by machines. Fascinated by cyber cultures, she started studying about computers, which opened the doors of a budding universe : the multi-media creation. That’s how she started an atypical VJ path into an environment she knew: the electronic scene. Since 2004, she plays with famous DJs and bands like The Nubians ; she also worked with performer Juliette Dragon. Developing a sharp and rhythmical style, she uses her collection of samples and elaborates scenarios to illustrate her vision of the music. Often playful and colourful, her cybernetic mixes can get acid on a rougher mix. During the show you can discover the whole panel of emotions that her creation generates live, like pictures painted under our eyes, the message evolutes along the night. She was seen at the Rex Club, Nouveau Casino and Bataclan, amongst others in Paris, she also played in Spain (Rachdingue) and Switzerland (Lake Parade)… From festivals to private parties, her visual scenarios always renew. Assiduous to Drum’n’Bass parties, she was involved in the the live video mix for Elisa Do Brasil’s DVD “So Massive”. She now presents, with the photographer Elo B, a VJ collection for the Follow the Bass concept. Work in progress improving everyday, her urban and happy set emphasizes the DJ & MC performance and the photo exhibition. "
Juliette Dragon et VJMina, show performance
Dance / Geisha Acting / Videoprojection sur corps
[Special Geisha Blanche Video Set]
Végül VJmina munka közben. Valaki felismeri ezt a keverőt?
Az OpenTZT a TransZendent VJ szoftver forráskódjára épített szoft és ezzel a TransZendent VJ megszünik. További infók:
SourceForge Project Page
Download The Latest Betas and Updates
OpenTZT Reference (Documentation on Wikipedia)
SourceForge Docs Page
SourceForge OpenTZT Forums
VJForums (search for TZT or TransZendenT)
Esotic's page with TransZendenT Effectors
Download the initial build of OpenTZT
OpenTZT is a project to build on the opensourced code of TransZendent VJ software (which is now defunct), using TZT source as our base we plan to enhance the software and include new features VJs request while maintaining the stability and integrity.
OpenTZT Tutorial on Content from Esotic on Vimeo.
OpenTZT Quickstart Tutorial from Esotic on Vimeo.
Low North
A pár nappal ezelött megismert holland művész, Low North pár érdekes munkáját nézzük ma meg.
Voix Égales (excerpt) from Low North on Vimeo.
" Section of video from the piece Voix Égales by Visisonor productions.
Inspired by Samuel Beckett's "Not I".
Video: Marcel Wierckx
Music: Roderik de Man
Hands: Jorge Isaacs "
Marionette from Low North on Vimeo.
" Jorge Isaac plays "Marionette" at the Amsterdam Muziekgebouw, 31 August 2008
Music by Roderik de Man
Video images by Marcel Wierckx
Visisonor Media Productions: visisonor.org/multisonor.html
In "Über das Marionetten Theater" (On the Puppet Theatre, 1810) Heinrich von Kleist, through his protagonist Herr C., discourses on the infinite grace of inanimate objects. The Puppet Theater was not written for marionettes to play, but as a description of their function and value. He compares the capacities of live performers and marionettes according to romantic aesthetics.
Kleist argues that objects, unlike people, need not behave affectedly. He says the marionette, unfettered by the need to touch the ground (since it's strumming to the tune of strings pulled from the top), is far more graceful than the human dancer. Only a god or possibly an animal such as a bear, Herr C. proclaims, could equal the grace of inanimate matter, whereas humans are clumsy, weighed down by consciousness. In his argumentation for the superiority of the marionette Kleist shows a belief in the cognitive and creative superiority of the unconscious over the conscious, of spontaneity and intuition over reason.
Kleist's enthusiasm for the marionette theatre was shared by many yet the weight of his words and the endless possibilities he saw in the puppet world were not be recognized until long after his death, adding justification to the notion that Kleist was a man born before his time.
The music consists of an instrumental part for sopranino, tenor and contra-bass recorder (Paetzold) and an electronic part on CD.
Part I for Sopranino is a musical representation of the sometimes grotesque at other times playful character of the marionette, part II a lyrical reflection on 'the grace of inanimate matter' for tenor and in part III the Paetzold (contrabass recorder) translates controlled and uncontrolled movements in a chaotic fantasy. The cd part was made of samples taken from the instruments, played by Jorge Isaac .
Marionette was commissioned by the Visionor Foundation and is dedicated to Jorge Isaac . "
Voix Égales (excerpt) from Low North on Vimeo.
" Section of video from the piece Voix Égales by Visisonor productions.
Inspired by Samuel Beckett's "Not I".
Video: Marcel Wierckx
Music: Roderik de Man
Hands: Jorge Isaacs "
Marionette from Low North on Vimeo.
" Jorge Isaac plays "Marionette" at the Amsterdam Muziekgebouw, 31 August 2008
Music by Roderik de Man
Video images by Marcel Wierckx
Visisonor Media Productions: visisonor.org/multisonor.html
In "Über das Marionetten Theater" (On the Puppet Theatre, 1810) Heinrich von Kleist, through his protagonist Herr C., discourses on the infinite grace of inanimate objects. The Puppet Theater was not written for marionettes to play, but as a description of their function and value. He compares the capacities of live performers and marionettes according to romantic aesthetics.
Kleist argues that objects, unlike people, need not behave affectedly. He says the marionette, unfettered by the need to touch the ground (since it's strumming to the tune of strings pulled from the top), is far more graceful than the human dancer. Only a god or possibly an animal such as a bear, Herr C. proclaims, could equal the grace of inanimate matter, whereas humans are clumsy, weighed down by consciousness. In his argumentation for the superiority of the marionette Kleist shows a belief in the cognitive and creative superiority of the unconscious over the conscious, of spontaneity and intuition over reason.
Kleist's enthusiasm for the marionette theatre was shared by many yet the weight of his words and the endless possibilities he saw in the puppet world were not be recognized until long after his death, adding justification to the notion that Kleist was a man born before his time.
The music consists of an instrumental part for sopranino, tenor and contra-bass recorder (Paetzold) and an electronic part on CD.
Part I for Sopranino is a musical representation of the sometimes grotesque at other times playful character of the marionette, part II a lyrical reflection on 'the grace of inanimate matter' for tenor and in part III the Paetzold (contrabass recorder) translates controlled and uncontrolled movements in a chaotic fantasy. The cd part was made of samples taken from the instruments, played by Jorge Isaac .
Marionette was commissioned by the Visionor Foundation and is dedicated to Jorge Isaac . "
Az Entropie három tagu audio-vizuális csoport:
. Fender Rhodes, Roland SH 101 et programmations - Johann Bourquenez
. Vinyls, mixage et effets - Francisco Berchenko
. video live mix - Milosh Luczynski
. Fender Rhodes, Roland SH 101 et programmations - Johann Bourquenez
. Vinyls, mixage et effets - Francisco Berchenko
. video live mix - Milosh Luczynski
Az Addictive TV új műve:
" Sampling Cole Porter, along with the entire film, Noel Coward's sharp witted comedy EASY VIRTUE gets the Addictive TV treatment.
Easy Virtue is directed by Stephan Elliot (Priscilla, Queen of the Desert) and stars Jessica Biel, Colin Firth and Kristin Scott Thomas. "
" Sampling Cole Porter, along with the entire film, Noel Coward's sharp witted comedy EASY VIRTUE gets the Addictive TV treatment.
Easy Virtue is directed by Stephan Elliot (Priscilla, Queen of the Desert) and stars Jessica Biel, Colin Firth and Kristin Scott Thomas. "
CoGe: Open Source, Semi-Modular Mac VJ Software
Jó hír a CoGe rajongóknak és a szimpatizánsoknak, hogy a net legnagyobb, digitális zenei- és látványmédiával foglalkozó lapja, a createdigitalmotion is felfigyelt rá és cikket szentelt neki, amit most egy az egyben idemásolok:
CoGe 0.85b - Quick Start Guide from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
CoGe 0.85b - Quick Start Guide from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
" Apple’s visual goodies and modular patching tool Quartz Composer provide some building blocks for live visuals. But to actually connect these into something you can use live requires some work. Quartonian by Roger Bolton was an early effort to do just that, but while it’s a fascinating application, the interface and underlying patches are more than a little idiosyncratic.
CoGe, an open-source, semi-modular visual app, takes a more conventional approach. The interface focuses on clip triggering and effects and mixing modules. It now even uses the playback module from CDMo contributor vade’s own v002 app. I’m not personally crazy about the interface, but I do like that it’s open source, and if you’re a fan of Quartz Composer it certainly seems worth a look. It’s yet another tool Mac users can add to their visual arsenal.
Quick start video above; after the jump, a video of the new features in the 0.93b build released at the end of last month.
CoGe Site (lots of info inside in the forums)
Full disclosure: I’m enjoying my shiny, new, absurdly cheap PC laptop, so I’ll be busy rocking out on vvvv and some cross-platform / OpenGL-based tools and not getting so into the Mac-only stuff. But then, I also upgraded the MacBook to Leopard… hmmm… "
CoGe, an open-source, semi-modular visual app, takes a more conventional approach. The interface focuses on clip triggering and effects and mixing modules. It now even uses the playback module from CDMo contributor vade’s own v002 app. I’m not personally crazy about the interface, but I do like that it’s open source, and if you’re a fan of Quartz Composer it certainly seems worth a look. It’s yet another tool Mac users can add to their visual arsenal.
Quick start video above; after the jump, a video of the new features in the 0.93b build released at the end of last month.
CoGe Site (lots of info inside in the forums)
Full disclosure: I’m enjoying my shiny, new, absurdly cheap PC laptop, so I’ll be busy rocking out on vvvv and some cross-platform / OpenGL-based tools and not getting so into the Mac-only stuff. But then, I also upgraded the MacBook to Leopard… hmmm… "
( forrás: createdigitalmotion )
Pico Pocket Projector
Hát igen, a világ két irányba halad: az óriás kivetítők és a micro projectorok irányába. Ha nem is VJ álom, de immár valóság a Pico Pocket Projector-a. Prezentációhoz, TV, DVD nézésére megfelelő kissebb lakásokban, együttműködik az iPhone-nal és videó iPod-okkal. Házibuliba, barátoknak megmutatni cuccot, vagy csak gyakorolni kiváló lehet. Ki kellene próbálni!
Addig egy cikk róla a The New York Times-ból:
" Shazam! A Projector Is Shrunk
Come on, admit it: is there anything more awesome than miniaturization?
The Walkman put a stereo system in your pocket and changed the game forever. A modern digital watch has the computing power of a roomful of 1950s computer gear. And people are watching TV shows these days on iPods about the size of a business card... "
Music videos in VJ style
Venetian Snares - "szamár madár" from Datamouth on Vimeo.
" "szamár madár" from Venetian Snares "rossz csillag alatt született" LP. i know you likey. "
Plus Minus - "This is all (I have left)" from Datamouth on Vimeo.
" sweet video for a sweet song. "All i have left" can be found on "Let's build a fire" LP. great album. they gotta nice website too plusmin.us "
from Datamouth
Time Machine - Virtual Journey / Időgép - virtuális utazás
Most nem egy programról, hanem a zene ( zajok ) ritmusára generált képekről lesz szó, visszafelé utazva az időben.
Az első alkotó egy mai fiú: Low North.
You pixel-per-pixel mapping of an audio track:
Black Noise White Silence from Low North on Vimeo.
You pixel-per-pixel mapping of an audio track:
Black Noise White Silence from Low North on Vimeo.
Low Northnak ez a munkája tiszteletadás Lillian Schwartz előtt, akinek egy 1970-es fílmje következik.
Low North pay homage to Lillian Schwartz. Here’s one of her seminal films - Pixillation (1970):
Ez a 38 évvel ezelötti darab az első volt a digitális fílmek közül, amit műalkotásként elfogadtak. Ennek eredményeként Lillian Schwartz a Bell Laboratories tanácsadója és kutatója lett.
This nearly 30 years ago, Pixillation was one of the first digital films to be shown as a work of art.
It was the result of groundbreaking work by Lillian Schwartz as a consultant and researcher in visual and colour perception at Bell Laboratories.
As she says in The Computer Artists’ Handbook:
“A computer can have (be!) an unlimited supply of brushes, colors, textures, shadings, and rules of perspective and three-dimensional geometry. It can be used to design a work of art or to control a kinetic sculpture.”
But Ken Knowlton, her Bell Labs colleague and author of the BEF LIX (Bell Flix) animation programme, spoke of a troubling dichotomy. Whereas artists - human animators - were “intuitive… sensitive and vulnerable”, programmers were “constricted… cold and inscrutable”.
Néhány évvel korábban John Whitney:
Like Lillian Schwartz, John Whitney has immense stature in the history of the digital arts. He’s sometimes credited (see the Wiki) as one of the fathers of computer animation. And his vision was simple:
“Above all, I want to demonstrate that electronic music and electronic colour-in-action combine to make an inseparable whole that is much greater than the parts.”
In the 1980s, Whitney was responsible for the invention of an AV “synthesizer for the future”, the Whitney-Reed RDTD. But earlier in his career he worked with Saul Bass on title sequence for Vertigo (1958).
Az elektrónika, a digitalizáció, a számítógép elötti időből való Oskar Fischinger Optikai költeméne, 1940-ből. Meglepő, hogy a látvány, a gondolkodás mennyire mai.
Imagine Whitney’s vision pre-electronic. Pre-computers. When you watch the minutely synchopated animation of Fantasia (1940), for example, you don’t imagine a computer in sight. You might, however, when you watch Oskar Fischinger’s Optical Poem - because it has that level of detail and timing:
An Optical Poem (1938) from plasticsheep on Vimeo.
Fischinger rajzfilmkészítőként Disneynél dolgozott. Faszenet és papírt használt a korai munkáiban. Közben játszott színes folyadékokkal és egy "Wax Slicing Machine"-nal ( hogy ez mi lehet?:) ), és feltalálta a Lumigraphot (fényorgonát) 1950-ben.
As the date will tell you, this animation involved no computer. Fischinger worked for Disney as an animator on Fantasia. He’d used charcoal-on-paper for his early works. He’d played with coloured liquids and a “Wax Slicing Machine” in between, and invented the Lumigraph (a colour organ) in 1950.
A dadaista Hans Richter 1920-ban készítette fílmjét. Itt igazában nem beszélhetünk audió vezérelt látványról, hiszen még csak némafílm létezett, de a koncepció tettenérhető. ( A zenét valaki később kreálta hozzá, ez a stílusán is hallatszik. )
Some of the most visionary animators and filmmakers of the pre-digital era laboured with incredible precision to synchronize visuals with music. There’s a separate strand of film history - one that competed against narrative cinema, the talkie, but appeared to have lost.
You’ll see origins of this battle in the early 1920s, with films by the Dadaists and particularly Hans Richter.
Ha többre vagy kíváncsi a témából, akkor látogass el a Center for Visual Music oldalra!
Feel like some more? Check out the Center for Visual Music.
Low North pay homage to Lillian Schwartz. Here’s one of her seminal films - Pixillation (1970):
Ez a 38 évvel ezelötti darab az első volt a digitális fílmek közül, amit műalkotásként elfogadtak. Ennek eredményeként Lillian Schwartz a Bell Laboratories tanácsadója és kutatója lett.
This nearly 30 years ago, Pixillation was one of the first digital films to be shown as a work of art.
It was the result of groundbreaking work by Lillian Schwartz as a consultant and researcher in visual and colour perception at Bell Laboratories.
As she says in The Computer Artists’ Handbook:
“A computer can have (be!) an unlimited supply of brushes, colors, textures, shadings, and rules of perspective and three-dimensional geometry. It can be used to design a work of art or to control a kinetic sculpture.”
But Ken Knowlton, her Bell Labs colleague and author of the BEF LIX (Bell Flix) animation programme, spoke of a troubling dichotomy. Whereas artists - human animators - were “intuitive… sensitive and vulnerable”, programmers were “constricted… cold and inscrutable”.
Néhány évvel korábban John Whitney:
Like Lillian Schwartz, John Whitney has immense stature in the history of the digital arts. He’s sometimes credited (see the Wiki) as one of the fathers of computer animation. And his vision was simple:
“Above all, I want to demonstrate that electronic music and electronic colour-in-action combine to make an inseparable whole that is much greater than the parts.”
In the 1980s, Whitney was responsible for the invention of an AV “synthesizer for the future”, the Whitney-Reed RDTD. But earlier in his career he worked with Saul Bass on title sequence for Vertigo (1958).
Az elektrónika, a digitalizáció, a számítógép elötti időből való Oskar Fischinger Optikai költeméne, 1940-ből. Meglepő, hogy a látvány, a gondolkodás mennyire mai.
Imagine Whitney’s vision pre-electronic. Pre-computers. When you watch the minutely synchopated animation of Fantasia (1940), for example, you don’t imagine a computer in sight. You might, however, when you watch Oskar Fischinger’s Optical Poem - because it has that level of detail and timing:
An Optical Poem (1938) from plasticsheep on Vimeo.
Fischinger rajzfilmkészítőként Disneynél dolgozott. Faszenet és papírt használt a korai munkáiban. Közben játszott színes folyadékokkal és egy "Wax Slicing Machine"-nal ( hogy ez mi lehet?:) ), és feltalálta a Lumigraphot (fényorgonát) 1950-ben.
As the date will tell you, this animation involved no computer. Fischinger worked for Disney as an animator on Fantasia. He’d used charcoal-on-paper for his early works. He’d played with coloured liquids and a “Wax Slicing Machine” in between, and invented the Lumigraph (a colour organ) in 1950.
A dadaista Hans Richter 1920-ban készítette fílmjét. Itt igazában nem beszélhetünk audió vezérelt látványról, hiszen még csak némafílm létezett, de a koncepció tettenérhető. ( A zenét valaki később kreálta hozzá, ez a stílusán is hallatszik. )
Some of the most visionary animators and filmmakers of the pre-digital era laboured with incredible precision to synchronize visuals with music. There’s a separate strand of film history - one that competed against narrative cinema, the talkie, but appeared to have lost.
You’ll see origins of this battle in the early 1920s, with films by the Dadaists and particularly Hans Richter.
Ha többre vagy kíváncsi a témából, akkor látogass el a Center for Visual Music oldalra!
Feel like some more? Check out the Center for Visual Music.
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