


eMotion - Basic particles tool example from Adrien Mondot on Vimeo.

Már írtam az eMotion-ról ( itt találjátok ), de most végre letölthetővé vált a bétája!
A következőket tudja:
- Pen
- Particles (sprites)
- Text
- Quartz Compositions
-Movement brush
-Rendering options (motion blur, forces drawing, etc.)
- video texture particles and pen (coming soon).
- gravity
- wind
- springs/mass
- attractors/repulsor
- and much more
- using a Wacom tablet as standard input is really important to have enough precision
- wiimote is supported
- sudden motion sensor included in most MacBook and PowerBook is fully supported
- OSC controls (coming soon)
- audio inputs -> peak and frequency analysis (coming soon)
OpenGL/Quartz Composer
- fully coded with a mix of OpenGL and Quartz, graphics are fast and smooth
- it is currently possible to put under the layers any Quartz Composition.
- It will be possible to create a pipeline of compositions in order to provide more flexibility in the rendering style (coming soon).
- optimized for MMX/SSE

- by using modern programming APIs, eMotion provide multithreaded computing
- support about 200 000 particles at 60 fps on Core Duo 2 GHz

- define the scenario of your world
- connect captors to parameters
- choose the evolution in real time

- stand alone (futur feature)
- screen saver (futur feature)
- quicktime

eMotion on stage from eMotion for Animation on Vimeo.

És a működése:

eMotion Screencast : Quartz Composer Basics from eMotion for Animation on Vimeo.

1 megjegyzés:

Névtelen írta...

huuh, ez egy érdekes cucc, szedem is le :)