KuberiasTechnocreati 1.0 from Carolien Teunisse on Vimeo.
KuberiasTechnocreati is about inspiration and creation. It shows the invisible communication between our inner imaginary world and the bodily physical outside it has effect on. The outside world is trapped in structures where only media, the digital image, the creating cube, can set it free in organic forms.
The sides of the kinetic cube open and close with help of a servo-motor and is like the smoke machine, connected to a arduinoboard.
You can check this video to see the inside:
This installation is made by Jeroen Cluckers and me during my half year study atelier media-art abroad, on the academy of Ghent.
It still needs a bit of work to make the machinery more reliable and better the timing, sound and images. In June we will finish a next version. All tips and comments are welcome:)
check version 1.5 on behance.net/gallery/Kuberias-Technocreati/381081
Installation meets MusicVisualisation from Carolien Teunisse on Vimeo.
The first part is a registration of the space-specific installation "Tussenin" at the basement of the Kunsttoren in Ghent.
The tubes visualize the energy in between subjects that cannot be seen. This turns into a visualisation of connections that are made in the actual space in between.
Audio: Robin Koek
Source code graphics: github.com/mrdoob/harmony
"Waarkijk" an Interactive Video sculpture from Carolien Teunisse on Vimeo.
"Waarkijk" which means something like "Truesee" is a video-installation which reacts to the position of the user and explores the different ways we see things.
This was filmed at the exposition "ikwilruimte" at the Temporary Art Centre in Eindhoven.
The sculpture is intuitivly made out of wood and bed sheets.
There are three visualizations of the three realms of reality (by Slavoj Žižek) the user can navigate thru.
The first is the Symbolic real visualized by found-footage,
second is the Imaginary real visualized by morphing photo’s,
the third and last stage is the Real reality, an abstract and direct world.
Hardware: 2 projectors, dualhead2go, sonar sensor, arduino, laptop
Software: Max/MSP/Jitter
I didn’t use the original sound of the recorded footage because it was too noisy.
Made together with Jessica Dreu
Church inside out from Carolien Teunisse on Vimeo.
Space specific video-installation on the St. Willibrordus church in Utrecht.
Two projectors were used to illuminate the church with its own graphical art from the inside, projected on the outside.
It shows the changing identity of the church and religion, the old and physical put next to the nieuw and virtual way of contact between people.
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