ELEKTROFACHADEL #30 (28.05.10)
ELEKTROFACHADEL #30 (28.05.10) from .mrt on Vimeo.
!!! NEXT EFA IS @ 01.10.10 in CELESTE!!! (sorry for the mistake in the vid...)
__Elektrofachadel #30
Ana Threat (Trash Rock Productions)
Roland von der Aist ( etage noir special/Backlab/A.G.Trio)
Prcls (Noise Park Activities)
Aka Tell (etage noir special/ Backlab/ A.G.Trio)
Rhythmus 42 (screaming bonsai)
Kon.txt (laridae)
___Ausstellung: Streetart -
amovible by Lascarr & ephemer
Billy Nasty & Lucidhouse
Billy Nasty & Lucidhouse part 1 from lucidhouse on Vimeo.
Billy Nasty & Lucidhouse part 2 from lucidhouse on Vimeo.
Extract from live audio visual performance at Riki Tik Brighton.
DJ: Billy Nasty
Visuals: Lucidhouse
Obscure and popular film samples:
Amadeus, Eyes of Laura Mars, Stigmata, The green hornet, Wife of Frankenstien, Gattaca, Monkey Business...
Video stage design at Carlos Acosta's Premieres
Video stage design at Carlos Acosta's Premieres from Bopa on Vimeo.
This video shows the video projections at Carlos Acosta's Premieres at the ENO summer of 2010. The video pieces were directed by Simon Elliott at Ahh... Igniting minds.
The video animations where designed and created by a team of people - Bopa (Anna Boberg), Barry Gene Murphy, Somu Mohapatra and Shaun O’Connor.
The dancers in the video piece is Carlos Acosta and Zenaida Yanowsky
Visionsonic 2010 - Live Cinema Fest
VisionSonic will be back soon!
next start in October 2010!! Line Up in progress!
" La 3ème édition du festival Visionsonic présente un large panorama de concerts et performances audiovisuelles qui explorent les relations entre image et son. Tous les courants de ce nouveau cinéma performatif, concerts live-cinema et autres performances audio/vidéo seront abordés de mi-octobre à début novembre 2010 dans 7 lieux d’Ile-de-France.
Visionsonic est un festival défricheur de la scène Live Cinéma international. La programmation navigue d’une ambiance feutrée cinématographique à une ambiance survoltée rock électro en passant par du noise visuel électrisant ou du graphisme mouvant au rythme de synthétiseurs planants. Nous n’oublierons pas les enfants, avec des ateliers et spectacles les après-midi!
Le festival ouvrira à La Cantine par une table ronde sur l’utilisation de l’outil technologique dans ses formes nouvelles. “Le placard – headphone festival”, propose 40h non-stop de concerts au casque.
Le festival Visionsonic ne s’arrête pas à une programmation pointue et s’investi, s’adapte dans les différents lieux qui l’hébergent. Une scène plutôt rock électro déjantée à mains d’oeuvres, où l’on verra aussi des projets Live Cinema dans la salle “Star Treck”, équipée spécialement d’un système sonore en 4.1 et d’un écran large pour une immersions totale.
Une programmation ouverte à tout public au Centre Rebérioux avec la volonté de respecter leurs engagements auprès des jeunes. Des installations intéractives et un cinéma dynamique dans une 4L donneront la possibilité au festival de s’ouvrir sur des nouveaux mediums.
Nous profiterons d’un lieu insolite dans le 19ème arrondissement, l’Imprimerie 168, près du bassin de la Villette pour une programmation un peu Outsider. Cette ancienne imprimerie accueillera une installation audio vidéo interactive, des romanciers / nouvellistes travaillant avec l’image, de la pellicule 16 mm retravaillée en direct, ainsi que deux ayatollahs de la guitare électrique. La confrontation de genre risque d’être explosive!
Le festival prend place pour sa conclusion au Centre FGO Barbara (paris 18) pour une ultime soirée électro-metal-ciné-vynil rayé. Le festival s’étendra de la salle de concert au bar restaurant avec des lives plus intimistes. Le dimanche nous terminerons par un Brunch avec toutes les personnes ayant participé au festival (techniciens, artistes, partenaires, public…), un spectacle pour enfant et d’ultimes performances surprises!
L’idée principale de cette édition est de mixer plusieurs scènes qui ont parfois du mal à se rencontrer : la musique, le cinéma, les arts numériques, le graphisme….tous ses arts en un seul festival afin de représenter au mieux la variété des créations du spectacle vivant contemporain. Le mélange de genre et de public permet à chacun de trouver son compte dans ce qu’il connaît tout en découvrant des artistes improbables.
La programmation tente de satisfaire le plus de monde possible tout en gardant une teinte forte suivant les lieux. Ces artistes, ces lieux, considérés comme des fragments, viennent se souder entre eux pour ne laisser qu’un bloc massif ne s’arrêtant jamais de grandir.
Yro&Rko "
VJ Meat @ Visionsonic 2009 from visionsonic on Vimeo.
VJ MEAT, this avatar from label vatak, is a true visual ecarissor: he hacks, crushes and laminates his different
sources to the last fragment. He mixes the videos of VAtak, Fame Fame,Madame Chao, Lovid and more, thus creating a subtly brutal, scathing and immersive atmosphere.
Cet avatar du label v-atak est un véritable
équarisseur audiovisuel, il cisaille, broie, lamine, jusqu’au plus petit fragment ses sources qu’il puise dans différents pays. Il mixe les vidéos de v-atak, Famefame, Madame Chao, Lovid, et d’autres artistes créant une ambiance délicatement brutale, sanglante, et immersive.
RVB EN ALPHA @ VISIONSONIC 2009 from visionsonic on Vimeo.
"RVB en alpha" est une performance multimédia mettant en scène Alpha, une femme vêtue de bleu. Par le moyen de l’incrustation vidéo, ce personnage, dont la captation en direct est projetée sur un écran, se voit plongé dans un scénario visuel et sonore extravagant, construit en temps réel.
Sur l’écran, Alpha est entourée et traversée de flux audiovisuels riches de significations plurielles qui ouvrent les voies de l’interprétation. Les signes visuels et sonores, issus de notre mythologie contemporaine, sont détournés de leur contexte initial et réorganisés dans une représentation poétique du « métro-boulot-dodo » d’une citadine.
Performeuse : Delphine Gouze
Vidéo live : Stéphane Privat, Thierry Besseling
Création sonore : Jacques Chevrel
Costume et accessoires : Marlène Rocher
Update @ Visionsonic 2009 from visionsonic on Vimeo.
Outcome of two visual artists from the label AIEPROD, BomBaKlaK and Azop Corp. During 2005, Update was created with the common desire to make a live set as immersive as possible. During the last two years, they spent their time filming, editing, composing, performing in Europe, always in search of cultural exchange and inspiration. UpDate is now coming back from Japan, and is proud to present their latest creation.
Résultat de la réunion de deux artistes audiovisuels BomBaKlaK et Azop Corp. Durant l’année 2005, UpDate fut créé avec la volonté commune de réaliser un live set le plus immersif possible.
Pendant les deux dernières années, ils ont passé leur
temps à filmer, monter, composer, se produisant en Europe, toujours à la recherche d’échanges culturels et d’inspiration. UpDate revient maintenant du Japon, et est fier de présenter leur dernière création.
Rko & Tasman Richardson - Temporary temple @ Visionsonic 2009 from visionsonic on Vimeo.
Performing as «mediums» pulling from recorded media, the power of the dead. Clips are collected to form video «dictionaries » of primary symbols or universal archetypes. The performers will improvise a duet made entirely of the video clips. The sounds will come from the source videos. The performance will create a temporary temple for the audience. A focal point filled with celebrities, static and gods. Video content will be selected in a stream of consciousness style of editing, music concrete meets video cut ups inspired by Burroughs and Gysin.
Jouant comme des “mediums” puisant le pouvoir de la mort dans divers matériaux enregistrés. La performance est nourrie de «dictionnaires» vidéos composés de symboles primitifs et d’archétypes universaux. Les participants improvisent un duo entièrement composé de vidéo clips. Le son provient des sources vidéo.
La performance construit un temple éphémère à destination du public. Avec une prédominance de célébrités, parasites et dieux. Le contenu des vidéos est choisi dans un style de montage proche du flux de conscience, la musique concrète côtoie des cut-up vidéo inspirés de Burroughs et Gysin.
Nohista - Nobody @ Visionsonic 2009 from visionsonic on Vimeo.
At the intersection of performance, video
art and concert, NOBODY is a show audio video. Locked in an empty universe, someone redefines its space and its boundaries to its perception and imagination. Confronting a minimal aesthetic to an aggressive and experimental treatment of the image and the sound, no-body is seen, heard and felt.
Au croisement de la performance, de l’art vidéo et du concert, NOBODY est un spectacle audio vidéo. Enfermé dans un univers vide, une personne redéfinit son espace et ses limites selon sa perception et son imagination. No-body se voit, s’écoute et se ressent.
next start in October 2010!! Line Up in progress!
" La 3ème édition du festival Visionsonic présente un large panorama de concerts et performances audiovisuelles qui explorent les relations entre image et son. Tous les courants de ce nouveau cinéma performatif, concerts live-cinema et autres performances audio/vidéo seront abordés de mi-octobre à début novembre 2010 dans 7 lieux d’Ile-de-France.
Visionsonic est un festival défricheur de la scène Live Cinéma international. La programmation navigue d’une ambiance feutrée cinématographique à une ambiance survoltée rock électro en passant par du noise visuel électrisant ou du graphisme mouvant au rythme de synthétiseurs planants. Nous n’oublierons pas les enfants, avec des ateliers et spectacles les après-midi!
Le festival ouvrira à La Cantine par une table ronde sur l’utilisation de l’outil technologique dans ses formes nouvelles. “Le placard – headphone festival”, propose 40h non-stop de concerts au casque.
Le festival Visionsonic ne s’arrête pas à une programmation pointue et s’investi, s’adapte dans les différents lieux qui l’hébergent. Une scène plutôt rock électro déjantée à mains d’oeuvres, où l’on verra aussi des projets Live Cinema dans la salle “Star Treck”, équipée spécialement d’un système sonore en 4.1 et d’un écran large pour une immersions totale.
Une programmation ouverte à tout public au Centre Rebérioux avec la volonté de respecter leurs engagements auprès des jeunes. Des installations intéractives et un cinéma dynamique dans une 4L donneront la possibilité au festival de s’ouvrir sur des nouveaux mediums.
Nous profiterons d’un lieu insolite dans le 19ème arrondissement, l’Imprimerie 168, près du bassin de la Villette pour une programmation un peu Outsider. Cette ancienne imprimerie accueillera une installation audio vidéo interactive, des romanciers / nouvellistes travaillant avec l’image, de la pellicule 16 mm retravaillée en direct, ainsi que deux ayatollahs de la guitare électrique. La confrontation de genre risque d’être explosive!
Le festival prend place pour sa conclusion au Centre FGO Barbara (paris 18) pour une ultime soirée électro-metal-ciné-vynil rayé. Le festival s’étendra de la salle de concert au bar restaurant avec des lives plus intimistes. Le dimanche nous terminerons par un Brunch avec toutes les personnes ayant participé au festival (techniciens, artistes, partenaires, public…), un spectacle pour enfant et d’ultimes performances surprises!
L’idée principale de cette édition est de mixer plusieurs scènes qui ont parfois du mal à se rencontrer : la musique, le cinéma, les arts numériques, le graphisme….tous ses arts en un seul festival afin de représenter au mieux la variété des créations du spectacle vivant contemporain. Le mélange de genre et de public permet à chacun de trouver son compte dans ce qu’il connaît tout en découvrant des artistes improbables.
La programmation tente de satisfaire le plus de monde possible tout en gardant une teinte forte suivant les lieux. Ces artistes, ces lieux, considérés comme des fragments, viennent se souder entre eux pour ne laisser qu’un bloc massif ne s’arrêtant jamais de grandir.
Yro&Rko "
VJ Meat @ Visionsonic 2009 from visionsonic on Vimeo.
VJ MEAT, this avatar from label vatak, is a true visual ecarissor: he hacks, crushes and laminates his different
sources to the last fragment. He mixes the videos of VAtak, Fame Fame,Madame Chao, Lovid and more, thus creating a subtly brutal, scathing and immersive atmosphere.
Cet avatar du label v-atak est un véritable
équarisseur audiovisuel, il cisaille, broie, lamine, jusqu’au plus petit fragment ses sources qu’il puise dans différents pays. Il mixe les vidéos de v-atak, Famefame, Madame Chao, Lovid, et d’autres artistes créant une ambiance délicatement brutale, sanglante, et immersive.
RVB EN ALPHA @ VISIONSONIC 2009 from visionsonic on Vimeo.
"RVB en alpha" est une performance multimédia mettant en scène Alpha, une femme vêtue de bleu. Par le moyen de l’incrustation vidéo, ce personnage, dont la captation en direct est projetée sur un écran, se voit plongé dans un scénario visuel et sonore extravagant, construit en temps réel.
Sur l’écran, Alpha est entourée et traversée de flux audiovisuels riches de significations plurielles qui ouvrent les voies de l’interprétation. Les signes visuels et sonores, issus de notre mythologie contemporaine, sont détournés de leur contexte initial et réorganisés dans une représentation poétique du « métro-boulot-dodo » d’une citadine.
Performeuse : Delphine Gouze
Vidéo live : Stéphane Privat, Thierry Besseling
Création sonore : Jacques Chevrel
Costume et accessoires : Marlène Rocher
Update @ Visionsonic 2009 from visionsonic on Vimeo.
Outcome of two visual artists from the label AIEPROD, BomBaKlaK and Azop Corp. During 2005, Update was created with the common desire to make a live set as immersive as possible. During the last two years, they spent their time filming, editing, composing, performing in Europe, always in search of cultural exchange and inspiration. UpDate is now coming back from Japan, and is proud to present their latest creation.
Résultat de la réunion de deux artistes audiovisuels BomBaKlaK et Azop Corp. Durant l’année 2005, UpDate fut créé avec la volonté commune de réaliser un live set le plus immersif possible.
Pendant les deux dernières années, ils ont passé leur
temps à filmer, monter, composer, se produisant en Europe, toujours à la recherche d’échanges culturels et d’inspiration. UpDate revient maintenant du Japon, et est fier de présenter leur dernière création.
Rko & Tasman Richardson - Temporary temple @ Visionsonic 2009 from visionsonic on Vimeo.
Performing as «mediums» pulling from recorded media, the power of the dead. Clips are collected to form video «dictionaries » of primary symbols or universal archetypes. The performers will improvise a duet made entirely of the video clips. The sounds will come from the source videos. The performance will create a temporary temple for the audience. A focal point filled with celebrities, static and gods. Video content will be selected in a stream of consciousness style of editing, music concrete meets video cut ups inspired by Burroughs and Gysin.
Jouant comme des “mediums” puisant le pouvoir de la mort dans divers matériaux enregistrés. La performance est nourrie de «dictionnaires» vidéos composés de symboles primitifs et d’archétypes universaux. Les participants improvisent un duo entièrement composé de vidéo clips. Le son provient des sources vidéo.
La performance construit un temple éphémère à destination du public. Avec une prédominance de célébrités, parasites et dieux. Le contenu des vidéos est choisi dans un style de montage proche du flux de conscience, la musique concrète côtoie des cut-up vidéo inspirés de Burroughs et Gysin.
Nohista - Nobody @ Visionsonic 2009 from visionsonic on Vimeo.
At the intersection of performance, video
art and concert, NOBODY is a show audio video. Locked in an empty universe, someone redefines its space and its boundaries to its perception and imagination. Confronting a minimal aesthetic to an aggressive and experimental treatment of the image and the sound, no-body is seen, heard and felt.
Au croisement de la performance, de l’art vidéo et du concert, NOBODY est un spectacle audio vidéo. Enfermé dans un univers vide, une personne redéfinit son espace et ses limites selon sa perception et son imagination. No-body se voit, s’écoute et se ressent.
Giant visuals at The Royal Library
Giant visuals at The Royal Library from Obscura on Vimeo.
Obscura contributed to this event with the 'projector tree' - an installation of 20 video projectors as well as providing the majority of the visuals throughout this 5 hour programme of music, art and poetry.
A lot of the visual material was gathered in the antique collections of the library.
The visuals covered a large area of the giant library hall (which is 29 meters from floor to ceiling) and in the eyes of the audience it probably was a totally immersive experience.
Balconies and walls became the canvas of ever changing visual themes and the many glass walls became an active part of the installation as they rendered beautiful reflections on other surfaces.
Big thumbs up to everybody at the library for asking us to create the visuals for this event.
The Royal Library, Copenhagen, Sep 17 2010.
intangible states
intangible states short teaser 1 from legoman (AntiVJ) on Vimeo.
Intangible States short teaser 2 from legoman (AntiVJ) on Vimeo.
Intangible States short teaser 3 from legoman (AntiVJ) on Vimeo.
Intangible States short teaser 4 from legoman (AntiVJ) on Vimeo.
Intangible States
Live audiovisual performance by Stray Dogs & Legoman
Intangible States evokes the world of the urban nomad. Always in transit, everything seems a series of dreamlike states in which memories, the real and the imaginary collide.
Stray Dogs (Frederik Meulyzer & Koenraad Ecker) / music
Legoman (Yannick Jacquet) / visuals, lighting, scenography
Simon Geilfus / creative coding
Spectacular Illusions using 3D Projection
A video presentation showing the spectacular illusions that can be done using 3D projections. For more info visit www.illumania.net
Grafform X3
Grafform X3 from Joe Catchpole on Vimeo.
Three test renders of a new qtz patch. Although built to be sound reactive, these were rendered with with no audio input.
"Through the Eyes of Aliens" - Guitar improv - VJ Art
"Through the Eyes of Aliens" - Guitar improv - VJ Art from James Hollingsworth on Vimeo.
James Hollingsworth improvises an instrumental guitar epic using a monster sound from his pedal-board (mkII), adding percussion later. Shadow Puppet Visuals by Jonathan Hayter of Figure of Speech. figureofspeech.org.uk, edited by James Hollingsworth.
Though the title comes from Jasmine Lee O'Neill's book about Autism (amazon.co.uk/Through-Eyes-Aliens-Jasmine-ONeill/dp/1853027103), the visuals tell the story of love through the eyes of Rama and Sita from the Hindu epic Ramayana, their struggle with the demon king Ravana, and eventual union in the mind of the Universal spirit of Visnu.
News from jameshollingsworth.com - 19/08/2010 - to mark the passing of 9th months, 9 weeks and 9 days since the launch of the Narcissus album on 09/09/2009, James has announced the posting of a free download of 'Through the Eyes of Aliens' another improvisation, like the 9 minute, 99 second 'Paradise Lost' from the same album. 'Through the Eyes of Aliens' features Tone-Accelerated Acoustic Guitar and Hand-drums dynamically massaged with an electronic Compressor and includes spontaneous nods to Igor Stravinsky's 'Rite of Spring' and King Crimson's '21st Century Schizoid Man'. Visit jameshollingsworth.com for more info, free mp3's, gig listings etc.
LTMX Liz Tena Music - Just Shut up & Play The Music
LTMX Liz Tena Music - Just Shut up & Play The Music from vj decoder on Vimeo.
A track by Liz Tena check out her music out at myspace.com/lizthemodess
Visuals by vj de©oder created in one night with the fantastic modul8 software.
Front Pictures (Ukraine)
Front Pictures is a leading provider of interactive solutions for Ukrainian professional markets: events, advertising and entertainment.
Three-dimensional content specifically designed by Front Pictures was projected onto three screens to accompany chapters of the report. The entertainment technology fleshed up the conference. And, most importantly, it made the audience gasp in amazement and keep this memory for long.
Developed by Front Pictures Studio, Kiev, Ukraine. frontpictures.com
Client: Nebo Event Agency
Projection equipment by Screen Production
The intricate inner layout made the task both interesting and challenging. Three passages wide, two passages deep, nine archways, floor, walls, pillars were all turned into a single screen of 900 sq.m.
We created and customized video content with regard to the interior details to avoid distortion. Thanks to our Screenberry software package and seven Christie projectors, we managed to build an illusion of the virtual space with water streaming down the walls and with the ceiling either hiding in the clouds, or bursting with colors.
Developed by Front Pictures Studio located in Kiev, Ukraine.
August 24, 2008, Odessa, Ukraine. The Maneken performs on i.m.table. Interactive media table is a multi-user musical instrument that helps artists to create music by moving special markers on the table's surface. Having started with sound we are constantly broadening the capabilities of its multi-purpose tangible interface for any multimedia components - sound, video, light.
Front Pictures is a leading provider of interactive solutions for Ukrainian professional markets: events, advertising and entertainment.
3D mapping | life:) Info Day from Front Pictures on Vimeo.
The Life mobile communications provider marked its fifth anniversary on 24 April, with the management using this opportunity to share the company’s annual strategy with 1,300 employees. The event agency decided to give them a fresh perspective on regular corporate events by making the official part more vibrant and memorable. To achieve this, we used 3D video mapping for the first time ever in the history of business conferences in Ukraine.Three-dimensional content specifically designed by Front Pictures was projected onto three screens to accompany chapters of the report. The entertainment technology fleshed up the conference. And, most importantly, it made the audience gasp in amazement and keep this memory for long.
Developed by Front Pictures Studio, Kiev, Ukraine. frontpictures.com
Client: Nebo Event Agency
Projection equipment by Screen Production
Front Pictures | The Best of 2009-2010 from Front Pictures on Vimeo.
Лето 2010 выдалось для Front Pictures запредельно жарким из-за количества и сложности проектов. Мы апгрейдили Желтые чемоданы, участвовали в L&M Stereo party и вечеринках Marlboro; показали свои интерактивные решения и панорамную купольную проекцию на Казантипе; рисовали грандиозные видеодекорации для конференции AVON; съездили с The Maneken i.m.table show в Литву, Италию, Одессу, Пуэрто-Рико и дали несколько концертов в Киеве; сделали несколько игрушек, видяшек и 3D-шек; работали на открытии Гогольфеста на Майдане и концерте ДахаБраха. О каждом из этих проектов мы еще подробно расскажем, а сейчас покажем наш The Best of за 2009 и первую половину 2010 года.3D video mapping | Best Fashion Award from Front Pictures on Vimeo.
April 20 was an important day for two Ukrainian industries – fashion and interactive technologies – thanks to the Best Fashion Awards (BFA). The venue was the Art Arsenal exhibition centre in Kyiv. We contributed to the event by providing panoramic architectural 3D mapping, one of the most massive Ukraine has ever seen and definitely the first one of this kind to be projected indoors.The intricate inner layout made the task both interesting and challenging. Three passages wide, two passages deep, nine archways, floor, walls, pillars were all turned into a single screen of 900 sq.m.
We created and customized video content with regard to the interior details to avoid distortion. Thanks to our Screenberry software package and seven Christie projectors, we managed to build an illusion of the virtual space with water streaming down the walls and with the ceiling either hiding in the clouds, or bursting with colors.
Developed by Front Pictures Studio located in Kiev, Ukraine.
Monumental mapping | Kozyrnaya party from Front Pictures on Vimeo.
28 мая сеть ресторанов «Козырная карта» устроила традиционную вечеринку на территории Национального Экспоцентра Украины, бывшего ВДНХ. Хотя Козырная маёвка Party была стилизована под советское ретро, видеодекорации создавались с помощью самых современных технологий Front Pictures. Наше 5-минутное видео с абстрактными эффектами транслировалось на фасад 1-го павильона ВДНХ. В кульминационный момент вечеринки над ним расцвели взрывы салюта, объединившиеся с проекцией в одно красочное полотно.August 24, 2008, Odessa, Ukraine. The Maneken performs on i.m.table. Interactive media table is a multi-user musical instrument that helps artists to create music by moving special markers on the table's surface. Having started with sound we are constantly broadening the capabilities of its multi-purpose tangible interface for any multimedia components - sound, video, light.
Lucid house 06:2009 - chapters 7 & 8
Lucid house 06:2009 - chapters 7 & 8 from lucidhouse on Vimeo.
Another cut taken from “Lucid house June 2009” - Twelve bite-sized portions, starting from the back of 27 minute piece and retaining original 4:3 aspect ratio.So here's “Chapters 7 & 8”.
Audio visual mix > Lucidhouse
Doris Day, Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe,
Film Samples:
El Cid (1961)
Lover Come Back (1961)
Monkey Business (1952)
The Bride Of Frankenstein (1935)
Lucas Tesselhoff-Body's Perfect
Tom Clark & Daniel Dreier-Smells Like
visual clips: lucidloops.com
watch full length piece here>> vimeo.com/5797292
Telenoika Audiovisual Mapping @ Festival Eutopia, Cordoba 17_09_10
Telenoika Audiovisual Mapping @ Festival Eutopia, Cordoba 17_09_10 from Telenoika on Vimeo.
Audiovisual mapping for the Festival Eutopía 2010, held in Córdoba, Spain [17 September 2010].>> CRÈDITS
Omar Alvarez, Miki Arregui, Albert Callejo, Miguel Gozalbo, Sergi Kasero, Santiago Vilanova
Benito i Pedro Jimenez
Festival Eutopía
myspace.com/ ksero
· video contents produced using 2D video composition and 3D rendering softwares.
· projected with a 15.000 lumens video beamer at 1024x768.
· used WarpMap as video warper and player. WarpMap is a surface warping and video-player software developped by Eloi Maduell from PlayModes.com with Openframeworks libraries.
Music Device - Crystal Distortion
Music Device - Crystal Distortion from VNBC on Vimeo.
Live visuals by VNBC for Crystal Distortion during Chip Jockey Party at l'Élysée Montmartre
VJ Fader @ Club Anthrazit [HD]
VJ Fader @ Club Anthrazit [HD] from VJFader on Vimeo.
Club Anthrazit
Frankfurt Germany 9/18/2010
DJ Tom Schön
VJ Fader
Video: Arturo Gil
Audio: Guillermo Guevara a.k.a Kampion
Ganador, segundo lugar. Concurso Nacional de Video Experimental 2007. Auspiciado por el Instituto de Cultura de Baja California. Winner, second prize. 2007 Experimental Video Contest. Baja California Cultural Institute.
A video travelogue of the ancient Popotla barrio in México City. An emotionally charged place, it hosts the burned remains of “the sad night tree”: a giant ahuehuete said to mark the place where Spanish Conquistador Hernán Cortés collapsed weeping after suffering a humilliating defeat at the hands of Tenochtitlán´s inhabitants. This video attempts to paint a picture of my mental state while walking across the streets of Popotla, juxtaposing images from the past and present to the music of Guillermo Guevara a.k.a Kampion.
Silvan Dawn Excerpt
Silvan Dawn Video Excerpt #1 from VJ Epochapex on Vimeo.
Silvan Dawn Video Excerpt #2 from VJ Epochapex on Vimeo.
Silvan Dawn Excerpt #3 from VJ Epochapex on Vimeo.
Silvan Dawn Excerpt #4 from VJ Epochapex on Vimeo.
Silvan Dawn, the rise of the elves. An experimental video narrative featuring light and dark elves, set to electronic music (techno and trance).
:NÄ: Mapping Festival
:NÄ: Mapping Festival
Uploaded by a-li-ce. - Arts and animation videos.A-li-ce (video) / Musique (Mectoob)
Mapping Festival, ZOO, Genève, mai 2010
captation /filming : carlito banana
montage / editing : a-li-ce
Rejection - An Installation by Sofia Goscinski 2010
Rejection - An Installation by Sofia Goscinski 2010 from Willy Wysoudil on Vimeo.An Installation by Sofia Goscinski 2010
Selected by Alois Bernsteiner, welll known Austrian Art Collector.
Shot in RAW format with a Nikon D300. Put together in AFX as a time lapse in 24fps
Music by Mühlbacher´s USW Orchestra
Numark NuVJ Video Controller Produktvideo Effekte
www.laconic-records.de | Der Traum des Video-DJ
Der NuVJ ist das perfekte Tool für DJs, die Videos mit ihrer musikalischen Performance synchronisieren wollen. Der NuVJ ist das Ergebnis einer Kooperation von Numark und ArKaos und fügt sich als Hardware/Software Produkt problemlos in ein DJ-Setup ein.
DJs können mit dem NuVJ Bilder und Video-Clips in derselben Weise mixen wie Musik. Der NuVJ erlaubt VJs Bilder und Videos zu triggern, Effekte einzusetzen, sie mit einem integrierten Crossfader zu mischen und so eine einzigartige und spektakuläre visuelle Show zu gestalten.Das intuitive User Interface des NuVJs bietet eine sehr leichte Bedienung und macht im Live-Einsatz einfach nur Spaß. Mit dem „Automatic Mode“ erstellt der NuVJ die Show selbständig zum Beat der Musik.
Der Hardware Controller fügt sich nahtlos in bestehende DJ-Setups ein. Die Software ist kompatibel zu den meisten Computern und Laptops. Der NuVJ ist kurz gesagt einfacher, besser und preiswerter als jedes existierende VJ-Produkt.
Der NuVJ ist das perfekte Tool für DJs, die Videos mit ihrer musikalischen Performance synchronisieren wollen. Der NuVJ ist das Ergebnis einer Kooperation von Numark und ArKaos und fügt sich als Hardware/Software Produkt problemlos in ein DJ-Setup ein.
DJs können mit dem NuVJ Bilder und Video-Clips in derselben Weise mixen wie Musik. Der NuVJ erlaubt VJs Bilder und Videos zu triggern, Effekte einzusetzen, sie mit einem integrierten Crossfader zu mischen und so eine einzigartige und spektakuläre visuelle Show zu gestalten.Das intuitive User Interface des NuVJs bietet eine sehr leichte Bedienung und macht im Live-Einsatz einfach nur Spaß. Mit dem „Automatic Mode“ erstellt der NuVJ die Show selbständig zum Beat der Musik.
Der Hardware Controller fügt sich nahtlos in bestehende DJ-Setups ein. Die Software ist kompatibel zu den meisten Computern und Laptops. Der NuVJ ist kurz gesagt einfacher, besser und preiswerter als jedes existierende VJ-Produkt.
Alpha-ville 2010 17th & 18th September London
Festival of Digital Arts and Culture
Zan Lyons - Live from Big Face Art on Vimeo.
Zan Lyons (UK)
Violinist, electronic composer and filmmaker, his live show fuses live viola looping with frenetic distorted beats and real-time remixing of his own stunning films, some of which have been screened at Cannes and Raindance.
Melophase - The Space in Between from Alba G. Corral on Vimeo.
‘The Space in Between’
Alba G. Corral + Nikka (ES)
Creative collaboration between two female artists working across different disciplines in which digital music and generative art embark upon a unique relationship. ‘The Space in Between’ is an impressive example of how visual compositions created with real time processing graphics and melancholic digital sounds can create complex new performance phenomena.
Melophase - The Space In Between
El tema Melophase es un Remix creado por Nikka incluido dentro del álbum Trigger Event de ATMOGAT del sello impulsive Art.
Visual generada en tiempo real con la herramienta processing. Unicamente tiene postproducción el corte final a negro.
La manera en la que se ha grabadao ha sido con un capturador de pantalla. Sin ningun tipo de corte o retoque digital. Tal y como hacemos en los directos The Space In Between.
Audio: Nikka
Visual: Alba G. Corral
The Space In Between
Zan Lyons - Live from Big Face Art on Vimeo.
Zan Lyons (UK)
Violinist, electronic composer and filmmaker, his live show fuses live viola looping with frenetic distorted beats and real-time remixing of his own stunning films, some of which have been screened at Cannes and Raindance.
Melophase - The Space in Between from Alba G. Corral on Vimeo.
‘The Space in Between’
Alba G. Corral + Nikka (ES)
Creative collaboration between two female artists working across different disciplines in which digital music and generative art embark upon a unique relationship. ‘The Space in Between’ is an impressive example of how visual compositions created with real time processing graphics and melancholic digital sounds can create complex new performance phenomena.
Melophase - The Space In Between
El tema Melophase es un Remix creado por Nikka incluido dentro del álbum Trigger Event de ATMOGAT del sello impulsive Art.
Visual generada en tiempo real con la herramienta processing. Unicamente tiene postproducción el corte final a negro.
La manera en la que se ha grabadao ha sido con un capturador de pantalla. Sin ningun tipo de corte o retoque digital. Tal y como hacemos en los directos The Space In Between.
Audio: Nikka
Visual: Alba G. Corral
The Space In Between
Animetro - Teaser from ESP on Vimeo.
Live AV Mapped Performance.
17th September
Animetro from ESP on Vimeo.
Alphaville Festival 2010
Whitechapel Gallery, London.
A short edit from a 15 minute performance.
The theme was Visionary Cities..
Alpha-ville is the new London Festival of Digital Arts, Music and Culture that will take place at the Whitechapel Gallery and Rich Mix Cultural Foundation on the 17th & 18th September 2010.
CG20 from COLOR BLIND on Vimeo.
Download loops pack "GRAPHIC CIRCUIT PART2" in 1280x720 pixels @ vjloophd.blogspot.com/Please,if you download packs,make one or two clicks on the ads by google.
Blog will be update regularly.
11 Clips Download Link
Icyd (Worzlaw)
Icyd [Krzysztof K. Pańtak] young video & graphic artist, based in Wroclaw (pl). Collaborate in video clips, live vj performance, installations and visual set-up.
Education master degree in sociocultural animation in video, film and photography, after diploma studies on Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław.
Substacja - Rusty from Icyd on Vimeo.
New vid. & site icyd1.com
vj set LPM Roma 2010 from Icyd on Vimeo.
vj set LPM Roma 2010, side screens front screen vj Ionix, camera Borys Tronko
Education master degree in sociocultural animation in video, film and photography, after diploma studies on Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław.
Substacja - Rusty from Icyd on Vimeo.
New vid. & site icyd1.com
vj set LPM Roma 2010 from Icyd on Vimeo.
vj set LPM Roma 2010, side screens front screen vj Ionix, camera Borys Tronko
Syphon Teaser
Syphon Teaser from vade on Vimeo.
Syphon, 720p mixing from VDMX to Unity 3.0 Beta. A taste of whats to come. Applications are incidental.
memory spank
memory spank from Lee on Vimeo.
Memories past and memories last ... watch, enjoy, let me know what you think :)
Resolume Avenue 3.3.1 and DXV Codec 2.2.1 Released
"There is a Dutch expression that says "Those who do not honor the small, are not worthy the big". So today we are releasing a small update for Avenue and a (not so small) update for the DXV codec.
Avenue 3.3.1 fixes a number of small bugs that have been annoying us for while and we're happy to iron those out. DXV 2.2.1 fixes quite a few compatibility issues when rendering video with various applications. It now works great with Adobe After Effects, Media Encoder, Sony Vegas, Ableton Live (yes, Live edits video too) and our personal favorite: Apple Motion!
Hit the download, and remember to honor the small things in life
The Resolume Team
Release Notes Resolume 3.3.1
[FIXED] Feedback sources don't remember their size settings
[FIXED] Unregister DMX unregisteres Resolume serial
[FIXED] New effects added to effects tab don't show in gui
[FIXED] Mapping for bpm tap buttons are not saved in composition key map
[FIXED] Invert for composition beats doesn't do anything
[FIXED] No alpha in feedback
[FIXED] The first time a clip is triggered after startup the clip
thumbnail isn't shown in the layer
[FIXED] Timeline zoom shows incorrect clip after zoom out
[FIXED] Can't register dmx serial offline
[FIXED] Register offline, some text overlaps after registration
[FIXED] Switched channel 5 and 7 in DMX Automap
Release Notes DXV Codec 2.2.1
[FIXED] Apple Motion crashes when rendering with DXV
[FIXED] Can't access DXV settings in Sony Vegas
[FIXED] Sometimes frames in wrong order in Adobe Media Encoder CS4
[FIXED] Crash QT 7.6.6 on WIN7 64
[FIXED] Sometimes flipped frames
[FIXED] DXV 2.1 crashes some apps on windows when loading older DXV files
[FIXED] DXV 2.1 does not render alpha correctly in Vegas
[FIXED] DXV 2.2 still gives quicktime error on AE CS4 (image sequences)
[FIXED] Windows 7 AE CS5 does not remember the codec settings"
Avenue 3.3.1 fixes a number of small bugs that have been annoying us for while and we're happy to iron those out. DXV 2.2.1 fixes quite a few compatibility issues when rendering video with various applications. It now works great with Adobe After Effects, Media Encoder, Sony Vegas, Ableton Live (yes, Live edits video too) and our personal favorite: Apple Motion!
Hit the download, and remember to honor the small things in life
The Resolume Team
Release Notes Resolume 3.3.1
[FIXED] Feedback sources don't remember their size settings
[FIXED] Unregister DMX unregisteres Resolume serial
[FIXED] New effects added to effects tab don't show in gui
[FIXED] Mapping for bpm tap buttons are not saved in composition key map
[FIXED] Invert for composition beats doesn't do anything
[FIXED] No alpha in feedback
[FIXED] The first time a clip is triggered after startup the clip
thumbnail isn't shown in the layer
[FIXED] Timeline zoom shows incorrect clip after zoom out
[FIXED] Can't register dmx serial offline
[FIXED] Register offline, some text overlaps after registration
[FIXED] Switched channel 5 and 7 in DMX Automap
Release Notes DXV Codec 2.2.1
[FIXED] Apple Motion crashes when rendering with DXV
[FIXED] Can't access DXV settings in Sony Vegas
[FIXED] Sometimes frames in wrong order in Adobe Media Encoder CS4
[FIXED] Crash QT 7.6.6 on WIN7 64
[FIXED] Sometimes flipped frames
[FIXED] DXV 2.1 crashes some apps on windows when loading older DXV files
[FIXED] DXV 2.1 does not render alpha correctly in Vegas
[FIXED] DXV 2.2 still gives quicktime error on AE CS4 (image sequences)
[FIXED] Windows 7 AE CS5 does not remember the codec settings"
Gertrude Projection Festival 2010
TEXTAVISION from Kit Webster on Vimeo.
Responding to the 2010 Gertrude Projection Festival theme 'You,Me,Us', Textavision allows anyone to text a word and have associated images emblazoned across the Gertrude Hotel.
Abraham Manzanares
Chris Plant
Björn Schwarzer
Projection hire and calibration:
Olaf Meyer
iRiS - Immediate Remote Interaction System
iRiS - Immediate Remote Interaction System from awiethoff on Vimeo.
By combining a recently developed mobile software application with the multimedia facade of the ARS Electronica building we intend to lower participation barriers for end users when interacting with such facades.
We developed two prototypes: in the first application, users can paint interactively on the building using touch input on the mobile device. In a second application, users are able to solve a jigsaw puzzle displayed on the facade.
iRiS (Immediate Remote Interaction System) is a joint research project from the Univeristy of Saarbrücken, Germany and University of Munich, Germany.
iVJ - for iPhone
The VJ (video jockey) application for iPhone appears!
Video mixing ability in the palm of your hand.
You can in real time manipulate the images,as you feel it.
iVJ allows performances and presentations that include images to be made more expressive than ever before.
If you have iPhone4, the visual performance can be projected to the screen.
iPhone4 becomes a complete VJ machine!
・Swinging alpha blend mix.
・Equipped with the text layer that can input the characters in real time.
・The speed of vodes can be controlled.
・iVJ be able to select movies from the iTunes library and the CameraRoll, and image sources can be quickly forwarded from iTunes by way of the USB cable.
・Video formats supported:
H.264 video: (.m4v, .mp4)
MPEG-4 video: (.m4v, .mp4)
Motion JPEG: (M-JPEG) (.mov)
・Encouragement of video of 480×320 resolution.
You can play VJing while hearing the tune of iPod on the back ground.
・iVJ corresponds to an external output to the projector etc.
An external images can be output by buying the Apple's accessories.
※An external output becomes correspondence only of iPhone4.
Other 3GS,3G,2G iPhone/iPodTouch doesn't correspond.
Apple Composite AV Cable
Apple Composite AV Cable
Apple iPad Dock Connector to VGA Adapter
Now on release sale!
Please acknowledge it though the price is scheduled to be raised by the function upgrade.
iVJ Support
View in iTunes
Video mixing ability in the palm of your hand.
You can in real time manipulate the images,as you feel it.
iVJ allows performances and presentations that include images to be made more expressive than ever before.
If you have iPhone4, the visual performance can be projected to the screen.
iPhone4 becomes a complete VJ machine!
・Swinging alpha blend mix.
・Equipped with the text layer that can input the characters in real time.
・The speed of vodes can be controlled.
・iVJ be able to select movies from the iTunes library and the CameraRoll, and image sources can be quickly forwarded from iTunes by way of the USB cable.
・Video formats supported:
H.264 video: (.m4v, .mp4)
MPEG-4 video: (.m4v, .mp4)
Motion JPEG: (M-JPEG) (.mov)
・Encouragement of video of 480×320 resolution.
You can play VJing while hearing the tune of iPod on the back ground.
・iVJ corresponds to an external output to the projector etc.
An external images can be output by buying the Apple's accessories.
※An external output becomes correspondence only of iPhone4.
Other 3GS,3G,2G iPhone/iPodTouch doesn't correspond.
Apple Composite AV Cable
Apple Composite AV Cable
Apple iPad Dock Connector to VGA Adapter
Now on release sale!
Please acknowledge it though the price is scheduled to be raised by the function upgrade.
iVJ Support
View in iTunes
dev_null2k10 [vj-demo koan01] from koan01 on Vimeo.
This vj-set is achieved by a mix of analogue and digital technologies for real-time sound spectrum analysis. Overlaid to this animations of deforming human models in an unstable dance.
video: koan01
audio Afterdark Raw
tecnologies: waveform monitor, cathodic tube in feedback, 2 laptop, 2 webcam, mixer-video
This vj-set is achieved by a mix of analogue and digital technologies for real-time sound spectrum analysis. Overlaid to this animations of deforming human models in an unstable dance.
video: koan01
audio Afterdark Raw
tecnologies: waveform monitor, cathodic tube in feedback, 2 laptop, 2 webcam, mixer-video
amoeba v kazantip_Z17/Z18_thee darkside
amoeba v kazantip_Z17/Z18_thee darkside from amoeba on Vimeo.
kazantip Ukraine [Z17/Z18] on screen visual emissions
_ministers of visual information
inVISIBLErain [eps+antokhio]
_artists for the people
amoeba/devonmiles/digital slaves/pixelroyal/mr vux/
fellow lightrhythmvisuals content [flux/sheppee/tom wall]
audio_original andrei oid restrukture ov a.av
this remix is amoeba shredding andrei oid remixing a.av taken from an audio remix of an amoeba.av video track from the aple.ep DVD of amoeba visualmusic out on lightrhythmvisuals.com
kazantip Ukraine [Z17/Z18] on screen visual emissions
_ministers of visual information
inVISIBLErain [eps+antokhio]
_artists for the people
amoeba/devonmiles/digital slaves/pixelroyal/mr vux/
fellow lightrhythmvisuals content [flux/sheppee/tom wall]
audio_original andrei oid restrukture ov a.av
this remix is amoeba shredding andrei oid remixing a.av taken from an audio remix of an amoeba.av video track from the aple.ep DVD of amoeba visualmusic out on lightrhythmvisuals.com
FIELD (London, UK)
FIELD uses code to expand the graphical toolbox,
and designs custom software to express an idea cross-media.
Red Bull 3D Soundclash from FIELD on Vimeo.
Short documentation of the Red Bull Music Academy 3D Soundclash, Warp Records vs. Ninja Tune.
February 19, Royal Albert Hall Loading Bay
more info:
Thanks to Thomas Traum for the edit!
Project Credits:
Directed by Minivegas (Nexus Productions)
Content Producer: Beccy McCray
Production: oedotzero industries
Producer: Shane RJ Walter
Assistant Producer: Jordan Stokes
3D Sound: Illustrious Company
Quayola (quayola.com)
Thomas Traum (thomastraum.com)
Field (field.io)
Line up:
Plaid (Warp)
DJ Food (Ninja Tune)
Clark (Warp)
King Cannibal (Ninja Tune)
Mira Calix (Warp)
The Bug with Flow Dan
& Daddy Freddy (Ninja Tune)
patashnik a/b - full recording from FIELD on Vimeo.
Here is a full 37 min recording of our live drawing performance patashnik a / b.
The two parts of the piece tell a story about an uncertain voyage into space.
Without any prepared video material the story is told in figurative images and abstract visuals, combined with a soundtrack of granulated field recordings and electronic music tracks.
All visuals are created in realtime with our animation tool NervousInk.
See pictures on flickr:
The "Loop" animation effect is partly inspired by Golan Levin's Yellowtail (1998).
LDN24 from FIELD on Vimeo.
LDN24 is a public art installation for the Museum of London. It draws filmic impressions and the facts and figures of London life into a picture of 24 hours in the life of the city.
more info at field.io/project/ldn24
A Light Surgeons Production
Commissioned by Museum of London in collaboration with Film London.
Documentation by Saskia Schmidt, saskiaschmidt.com
Gestures On Sound from FIELD on Vimeo.
Live performance using custom drawing software, made in processing.
Music by Arran Poole
William Roy: Visual Alchemist Demo Reel - September 2010
William Roy: Visual Alchemist Demo Reel - September 2010 from william roy on Vimeo.
Highlights from recent project portfolio for William Roy. More digital art, video, and booking info. at william-roy.com .
Peace and Love to All Beings. Namaste.
Special thanks and credit go to Peter Parker (Love Mask) and Glenn Weikart of Archedream for Humankind as well as Lucent Dossier, Elevate Film Festival, Scott Draves of Drempels, and Brian Rullman of OVT/ Rabbit in the Moon.
Music Credits:
part 1: Electric Ladder - Robert Rich
part 2: Teenage Spaceman - Booka Shade
Highlights from recent project portfolio for William Roy. More digital art, video, and booking info. at william-roy.com .
Peace and Love to All Beings. Namaste.
Special thanks and credit go to Peter Parker (Love Mask) and Glenn Weikart of Archedream for Humankind as well as Lucent Dossier, Elevate Film Festival, Scott Draves of Drempels, and Brian Rullman of OVT/ Rabbit in the Moon.
Music Credits:
part 1: Electric Ladder - Robert Rich
part 2: Teenage Spaceman - Booka Shade
Senās Mūzikas festivāls - Rundāles Pils 2010
Senās Mūzikas festivāls - Rundāles Pils 2010 from Viktors Keino on Vimeo.
visual: Roberts Rubīns, Viktors Keino, Dzintars Krūmiņš
visual: Roberts Rubīns, Viktors Keino, Dzintars Krūmiņš
VJ Torna 2010
Akik figyelmesen olvasták A Cinetrip kalandjai Dél-Amerikában - összefoglaló című bejegyzést, azok a vége felé találkozhattak ezzel a mondattal: " A verseny első két helyezettje meghívást kapott a soron következő nemzetközi VJ Tornára, amelyet a Cinetrip csapata rendez október 18. és 22. között Budapesten, a Merlinben. "
Bővebb információ sajnos még sehol sincs.
Lehet kezdeni a felkészülést, ha hinni lehet a leírtaknak!
Bővebb információ sajnos még sehol sincs.
Lehet kezdeni a felkészülést, ha hinni lehet a leírtaknak!
City day vigil mapping
City day vigil mapping from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
Our mapping project as a part of the City Day Vigil on a mansion in the city.
The video shot isn't the best, its too dark, sometimes the projected picture not visible, sorry for that.
We used a 7000 ANSI lumens Christie beamer - thanks for VisualPower - to projecting to 12m long 'screen'.
Music made by local producer Gabor Valasek aka Oldbrian: myspace.com/oldbrian
Our mapping project as a part of the City Day Vigil on a mansion in the city.
The video shot isn't the best, its too dark, sometimes the projected picture not visible, sorry for that.
We used a 7000 ANSI lumens Christie beamer - thanks for VisualPower - to projecting to 12m long 'screen'.
Music made by local producer Gabor Valasek aka Oldbrian: myspace.com/oldbrian
a story of light
a story of light from Jerome Monnot on Vimeo.
cam op / editing : jerome monnot
extra cams : vania jaikin miyazaki / ilan katin / camille dedieu / boris edelstein
music taken from 'ancestors' by Gonjasufi - prod by flying lotus
... documentary in pre-production
cam op / editing : jerome monnot
extra cams : vania jaikin miyazaki / ilan katin / camille dedieu / boris edelstein
music taken from 'ancestors' by Gonjasufi - prod by flying lotus
... documentary in pre-production
FFRend is a Renderer for FreeFrame plugins. It allows you to chain any number of plugins together, automate their parameters using oscillators, and record the output to an AVI file. The input is a video, still image, or source plugin.
You can download file releases of ffrend project from here.
1st test with ffrend2.0 from theLABvisuals on Vimeo.
A quick test render with the new version of ffrend and the Syzygy polaroid plugin (major content creation phase ahoy!).
You can download file releases of ffrend project from here.
1st test with ffrend2.0 from theLABvisuals on Vimeo.
A quick test render with the new version of ffrend and the Syzygy polaroid plugin (major content creation phase ahoy!).
Burning Man 2010
09.02.2010 - Burning Man 2010 - View From Opulent Temple Visuals Rig from archo_p on Vimeo.
A pan around inside the 'spaceship' that was our visuals dome at Opulent Temple this year at Burning Man. VJ Max Nova is guesting on the screens, with Jeff Smith and I setup on either side of him ready to go on.
08.31.2010 - Burning Man 2010 - View From Opulent Temple Visuals Rig from archo_p on Vimeo.
A pan around inside the 'spaceship' that was our visuals dome at Opulent Temple this year at Burning Man. Jeff Smith and I are setup inside, with Jeff mixing between our two feeds.
09.02.2010 Burning Man 2010 - Visuals @ OT from archo_p on Vimeo.
Quick close up of one of my visual scenes during Thursday nights Opulent Temple festivities.
A pan around inside the 'spaceship' that was our visuals dome at Opulent Temple this year at Burning Man. VJ Max Nova is guesting on the screens, with Jeff Smith and I setup on either side of him ready to go on.
08.31.2010 - Burning Man 2010 - View From Opulent Temple Visuals Rig from archo_p on Vimeo.
A pan around inside the 'spaceship' that was our visuals dome at Opulent Temple this year at Burning Man. Jeff Smith and I are setup inside, with Jeff mixing between our two feeds.
09.02.2010 Burning Man 2010 - Visuals @ OT from archo_p on Vimeo.
Quick close up of one of my visual scenes during Thursday nights Opulent Temple festivities.
VDMX live input >audio analysis
VDMX live input >audio analysis from bestbefore on Vimeo.
Live video capturing controlled via audio.
ScreenPlay: after the end
Software: VDMX
Live video capturing controlled via audio.
ScreenPlay: after the end
Software: VDMX
Multiple VJ's needed for DVD project (Worldwide)
" Hello
My name is JJ Soderling and I am the A&R director for RogueDubs. We are a Dubstep, Juke and 2step label based in America and we have been releasing quality material since 2008.
We have started a new Project called RogueVision and we are looking for several VJ's to create short videos for an upcoming DVD project.
We will be creating short mixes about 5-6 minutes in length, consisting of 3 tunes from the label with and we need visual representation.
Our intention is to promote the VJ equally, alongside the producers that have created the original music.
The pay for project will include royalties and an advance upon signing.
Feel free to PM me on this forum or send an email to roguedubs@gmail.com
thanks in advance,
here is an example video in case my post isn't quite clear enough "
RogueVision:01 Space and Time from RogueDubs on Vimeo.
Travel through space and time with the RogueDubs crew. Lift off with the heavy bass sound of Janner, Driver Unknown (RogueDubs 022) and when you reach the outer edges of the known universe, Boot takes you even further with his interstellar rhythm, Intifada (RogueDubs 021). Then Sook brings it in for a smooth landing with his galactic release, Controlling Your Environment (RogueDubs 023). All three songs will be available Fall 2010, everywhere digital music is sold.
My name is JJ Soderling and I am the A&R director for RogueDubs. We are a Dubstep, Juke and 2step label based in America and we have been releasing quality material since 2008.
We have started a new Project called RogueVision and we are looking for several VJ's to create short videos for an upcoming DVD project.
We will be creating short mixes about 5-6 minutes in length, consisting of 3 tunes from the label with and we need visual representation.
Our intention is to promote the VJ equally, alongside the producers that have created the original music.
The pay for project will include royalties and an advance upon signing.
Feel free to PM me on this forum or send an email to roguedubs@gmail.com
thanks in advance,
here is an example video in case my post isn't quite clear enough "
RogueVision:01 Space and Time from RogueDubs on Vimeo.
Travel through space and time with the RogueDubs crew. Lift off with the heavy bass sound of Janner, Driver Unknown (RogueDubs 022) and when you reach the outer edges of the known universe, Boot takes you even further with his interstellar rhythm, Intifada (RogueDubs 021). Then Sook brings it in for a smooth landing with his galactic release, Controlling Your Environment (RogueDubs 023). All three songs will be available Fall 2010, everywhere digital music is sold.
Fashion Mapping @ La Générale, Paris 8/30/2010
Fashion Mapping @ La Générale, Paris 8/30/2010 from VJFader on Vimeo.
Projection Mapping on fashion models followed by the making of.
: La Générale, Paris 8/30/2010
: Fashion by Elsée Dall'ava
: Models Elsée Dall'ava & Sue
: Production Design Adrian Sierra
: Projection Mapping VJ Fader
Projection Mapping on fashion models followed by the making of.
: La Générale, Paris 8/30/2010
: Fashion by Elsée Dall'ava
: Models Elsée Dall'ava & Sue
: Production Design Adrian Sierra
: Projection Mapping VJ Fader
Lucid house 06:2009 - chapters 9 & 10
Lucid house 06:2009 - chapters 9 & 10 from lucidhouse on Vimeo.
“Lucid house June 2009” Cut into twelve bite-sized portions, starting from back of 27 minute piece, retaining original 4:3 aspect ratio.
here's “Chapters 9 &10”
Ethan Hawke, Bruce Lee, Omar Sharif
Film Samples:
A Man Called Horse (1970)
Gattaca (1997)
Genghis Khan (1965)
Jumanji (1995)
The Green Hornet (1966)
Marco Menichelli-Special D
Kalahari Surfers-Sustainable Development
Constructus - It Don't Mean A Thing If You A
Audio visual mix > Lucidhouse
.visual clips: lucidloops.com
“Lucid house June 2009” Cut into twelve bite-sized portions, starting from back of 27 minute piece, retaining original 4:3 aspect ratio.
here's “Chapters 9 &10”
Ethan Hawke, Bruce Lee, Omar Sharif
Film Samples:
A Man Called Horse (1970)
Gattaca (1997)
Genghis Khan (1965)
Jumanji (1995)
The Green Hornet (1966)
Marco Menichelli-Special D
Kalahari Surfers-Sustainable Development
Constructus - It Don't Mean A Thing If You A
Audio visual mix > Lucidhouse
.visual clips: lucidloops.com
Le Petit Orb / Volt 2010
Le Petit Orb / Volt 2010 from instructions on Vimeo.
Synthetics and The Midi Thief performing live visuals to Le Petit Orb (The Orb) at the Volt 2010 festival in Uppsala, Sweden on June 5th.
Read more about the gig at instructions.se/2010/07/le-petit-orb-volt-2010/
Synthetics and The Midi Thief performing live visuals to Le Petit Orb (The Orb) at the Volt 2010 festival in Uppsala, Sweden on June 5th.
Read more about the gig at instructions.se/2010/07/le-petit-orb-volt-2010/
Batofar, Paris France 8/31/2010
Mapping @ Batofar, Paris 8/31/2010 from VJFader on Vimeo.
Impromptu projection mapping at club Batofar (floating boat) in Paris France 8/31/2010
VJ Fader @ Batofar, Paris France 8/31/2010 from VJFader on Vimeo.
A short VJ set at a very cool floating bar/club Batofar in Paris France. 8/31/2010
Impromptu projection mapping at club Batofar (floating boat) in Paris France 8/31/2010
VJ Fader @ Batofar, Paris France 8/31/2010 from VJFader on Vimeo.
A short VJ set at a very cool floating bar/club Batofar in Paris France. 8/31/2010
drawing-looping-rythm machine
>abunchofexperiments<> from rux on Vimeo.
prototype for a recording-looping-drawing-sequencer-machine!
user can draw and record a path that is and looped.
more info:
playing with 'it' while listening to:
Jim Avignon - evolution is easy with your shoes on
Perrey-Kingsley -swan's splashdown
Lindstrom -limitations
Fine Cut Bodies -huncut hacuka
made with OpenFrameworks
prototype for a recording-looping-drawing-sequencer-machine!
user can draw and record a path that is and looped.
more info:
playing with 'it' while listening to:
Jim Avignon - evolution is easy with your shoes on
Perrey-Kingsley -swan's splashdown
Lindstrom -limitations
Fine Cut Bodies -huncut hacuka
made with OpenFrameworks
Vjfest Istanbul 2010
Prince off & vj Granda @ Vjfest_Istanbul_2010 from vj granda on Vimeo.
Shumi (kompakt) visuals: Okinawa69 (Kompakt) & vj Granda @ Vjfest_Istanbul 2010 from vj granda on Vimeo.
Shumi (Kompakt records) at vjfest Istanbul in 2010, visuals by Okinawa69 (Kompakt records) and vj Granda
Vjunk & Bessumi Live@VJ FEST 20.05.2010 from Vjunk on Vimeo.
VJ FEST 2010
International VJ Festival Istanbul:www. vjfestist.org
Venue: Dogzstar
Shumi (kompakt) visuals: Okinawa69 (Kompakt) & vj Granda @ Vjfest_Istanbul 2010 from vj granda on Vimeo.
Shumi (Kompakt records) at vjfest Istanbul in 2010, visuals by Okinawa69 (Kompakt records) and vj Granda
Vjunk & Bessumi Live@VJ FEST 20.05.2010 from Vjunk on Vimeo.
VJ FEST 2010
International VJ Festival Istanbul:www. vjfestist.org
Venue: Dogzstar
Koch - Ouverture
Koch - Ouverture from Jean-Baptiste Di Marco on Vimeo.
Koch is a project developed by Jean-Baptiste Di Marco as a crossover between audio-visual practices. Koch - Ouverture introduces a progressive audio-visual narrative influenced by a VJing practice and experimental cinema. This video is representing one possibility and one step of a data based / loop based narrative.
Koch - Ouverture will be shown as an audio-visual performance from the 14th to the 18th of July 2010 in Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts London.
Koch est un projet developpé par Jean-Baptiste Di Marco comme une passerelle entre plusieurs pratiques audiovisuelles. Koch - Ouverture présente une narration audiovisuelle progressive influencée par la pratique du VJing et le cinéma expérimental. Cette vidéo démontre une possibilité, une étape d'une narration construite à partir d'une banque de données, de boucles narratives.
Koch - Ouverture sera présenté sous la forme d'une performance audiovisuelle du 14 au 18 Juillet au Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts London.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Special thanks to NURB who designed the humanoid rig.
cloud brushes designed by Javierzhx
Koch is a project developed by Jean-Baptiste Di Marco as a crossover between audio-visual practices. Koch - Ouverture introduces a progressive audio-visual narrative influenced by a VJing practice and experimental cinema. This video is representing one possibility and one step of a data based / loop based narrative.
Koch - Ouverture will be shown as an audio-visual performance from the 14th to the 18th of July 2010 in Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts London.
Koch est un projet developpé par Jean-Baptiste Di Marco comme une passerelle entre plusieurs pratiques audiovisuelles. Koch - Ouverture présente une narration audiovisuelle progressive influencée par la pratique du VJing et le cinéma expérimental. Cette vidéo démontre une possibilité, une étape d'une narration construite à partir d'une banque de données, de boucles narratives.
Koch - Ouverture sera présenté sous la forme d'une performance audiovisuelle du 14 au 18 Juillet au Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts London.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Special thanks to NURB who designed the humanoid rig.
cloud brushes designed by Javierzhx
Pepe from retroViSOR on Vimeo.
Vj Mix with video Mapping for retroViSOR's new Video
Mapping, edition & Mix: Carmen Gil Vrolijk
Music: Luis Alfonso Cruz & Camilo Giraldo Angel
Vj Mix with video Mapping for retroViSOR's new Video
Mapping, edition & Mix: Carmen Gil Vrolijk
Music: Luis Alfonso Cruz & Camilo Giraldo Angel
3D mapping experiment
3D mapping experiment from Tetragrammaton Project on Vimeo.
experiments with a video beamer and styrofoam garbages
experiments with a video beamer and styrofoam garbages
VideoAtaq Mapping Festival - Promo
VideoAtaq Mapping Festival - Promo from jodele larcher on Vimeo.
VideoAtaq Mapping Festival - Promo
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
August 2010
VideoAtaq Mapping Festival - Promo
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
August 2010
A Cinetrip kalandjai Dél-Amerikában - összefoglaló
" A Cinetrip kicsordult az otthonául szolgáló budapesti termálfürdőkből, és augusztus során ellátogatott Dél-Amerikába! Az Európa-szerte közkedvelt VJ Torna vizuálversenyünket Sao Paulóba exportáltuk, valamint részt vettünk Rio de Janeiroban a Videoataq elnevezésű videoart fesztiválon.
VJ Torna Brasil 2010
A legutóbbi budapesti VJ Tornán az akkori nyertes brazil duó – VJ Spetto és VJ Zaz - fejéből pattant ki az ötlet, hogy a dél-amerikai kontinensen is beindítsunk a budapesti rendezvényhez hasonló sorozatot.
A versenyt az igencsak buzgó helyi VJ közösség körében rendezték meg Sao Pauloban. A VJ Torna Brasil előkészületei hat hónappal ezelőtt kezdődtek el, és augusztus végén került sor a sao paulo-i premierre. A zsűri nemzetközi összetételű volt: a svájci Mapping Fesztivál szervezői és az elsőszámú számítógépes VJ program, a Modul8 program készítői, Boris Edelstein és Ilan Katin, a brazil VJ veterán, Palumbo, a TV producer Jodele Larcher, VJ Spetto és Pedro Zaz valamint a Cinetrip főkitalátora, Laki L. László vettek részt a pályamunkák véleményezésében.
A VJ Tornát Brazília fővárosában, Sao Paulo kedvelt buli negyedében tartották meg. A több mint 100 indulóval elkezdődött Green Projekt online verseny után 24 VJ kapott lehetőséget arra, hogy a szakmai grémium előtt élőben is megmutathassa, mit tud. Két VJ Kolumbiából, a többi résztvevő pedig Brazília 10 különböző államából érkezett.
Az egy hetes esemény első napjaiban hagyományosan, szakmai workshop-okon vehettek részt az érdeklődők. Az utolsó két napon, a tornán induló képmesterek különböző stílusú zenék alá kevertek vizuális aláfestést, miközben a közönség tombolt a teremben.
A VJ Torna Brasil élénk sajtóérdeklődés és lelkes fogadtatás mellett, kiváló légkörben zajlott. A brazil szervezők már a jövő évi VJ Torna Dél-Amerika megrendezését szervezik és további közös brazil-magyar VJ és vizuál projektek előkészítése zajlik.
A verseny első két helyezettje meghívást kapott a soron következő nemzetközi VJ Tornára, amelyet a Cinetrip csapata rendez október 18. és 22. között Budapesten, a Merlinben.
A VJ Torna Brasil győztesei:
1.VJ BALDE (Sao Paulo),
2. VJ ERMS (Brasilia)
3. 1MPAR (Belo Horizonte)
Rögtönzött helyszíni közvélemény kutatásunkból kiderült, hogy a brazilok eddig leginkább a szép magyar lányokról és a Cinetrip bulikról értesültek. "
TV riport:
VJ Torna Brasil 2010
A legutóbbi budapesti VJ Tornán az akkori nyertes brazil duó – VJ Spetto és VJ Zaz - fejéből pattant ki az ötlet, hogy a dél-amerikai kontinensen is beindítsunk a budapesti rendezvényhez hasonló sorozatot.
A versenyt az igencsak buzgó helyi VJ közösség körében rendezték meg Sao Pauloban. A VJ Torna Brasil előkészületei hat hónappal ezelőtt kezdődtek el, és augusztus végén került sor a sao paulo-i premierre. A zsűri nemzetközi összetételű volt: a svájci Mapping Fesztivál szervezői és az elsőszámú számítógépes VJ program, a Modul8 program készítői, Boris Edelstein és Ilan Katin, a brazil VJ veterán, Palumbo, a TV producer Jodele Larcher, VJ Spetto és Pedro Zaz valamint a Cinetrip főkitalátora, Laki L. László vettek részt a pályamunkák véleményezésében.
A VJ Tornát Brazília fővárosában, Sao Paulo kedvelt buli negyedében tartották meg. A több mint 100 indulóval elkezdődött Green Projekt online verseny után 24 VJ kapott lehetőséget arra, hogy a szakmai grémium előtt élőben is megmutathassa, mit tud. Két VJ Kolumbiából, a többi résztvevő pedig Brazília 10 különböző államából érkezett.
Az egy hetes esemény első napjaiban hagyományosan, szakmai workshop-okon vehettek részt az érdeklődők. Az utolsó két napon, a tornán induló képmesterek különböző stílusú zenék alá kevertek vizuális aláfestést, miközben a közönség tombolt a teremben.
A VJ Torna Brasil élénk sajtóérdeklődés és lelkes fogadtatás mellett, kiváló légkörben zajlott. A brazil szervezők már a jövő évi VJ Torna Dél-Amerika megrendezését szervezik és további közös brazil-magyar VJ és vizuál projektek előkészítése zajlik.
A verseny első két helyezettje meghívást kapott a soron következő nemzetközi VJ Tornára, amelyet a Cinetrip csapata rendez október 18. és 22. között Budapesten, a Merlinben.
A VJ Torna Brasil győztesei:
1.VJ BALDE (Sao Paulo),
2. VJ ERMS (Brasilia)
3. 1MPAR (Belo Horizonte)
Rögtönzött helyszíni közvélemény kutatásunkból kiderült, hogy a brazilok eddig leginkább a szép magyar lányokról és a Cinetrip bulikról értesültek. "
TV riport:
'Video! Video! I'm in love.''
‘We were so high on this stuff. It was like ‘Video! Video! I’m in love.”
From the psychedelic light shows of the 1960’s to the heady, early days of experimental video art and New York’s nascent Soho Scene to today’s techno underground, ‘Video Out’ explores the world of live video.
Underground artists and entertainers from today’s club and rave scene talk about their creative roots, their tribulations and their dreams. Madame Chao recalls a narrow escape from incineration in a mylar bubble at the hands of a flamethrower-wielding drug addict. Bill Etra recalls his physiological experiments on human beings at his performances. The stunning, otherworldly work of these space age light artists plays throughout, interspersed with recollections and odd technical details, along with the inevitable complaints and heartbreak of a life spent in an art form that’s still thought of as ‘wallpaper.’
A broken cable causes a signature special effect, artists from across the spectrum talk about their obsession with knobs and buttons, early video pioneers recall making things up as they went along. All this andmore, as avant-garde video artists and clubland VJ’s tell the story of live video art over the last thirty years.
At times funny, at others poignant, ‘Video Out’ follows a crooked path of triumph and disaster, all while following the muse of light art. ‘Most VJ’s are dangerous loners,’ Feedbuck says, ‘the main thing we have in common is that we’re all attracted to that bright, shining rectangle up there on the wall.’
From the psychedelic light shows of the 1960’s to the heady, early days of experimental video art and New York’s nascent Soho Scene to today’s techno underground, ‘Video Out’ explores the world of live video.
Underground artists and entertainers from today’s club and rave scene talk about their creative roots, their tribulations and their dreams. Madame Chao recalls a narrow escape from incineration in a mylar bubble at the hands of a flamethrower-wielding drug addict. Bill Etra recalls his physiological experiments on human beings at his performances. The stunning, otherworldly work of these space age light artists plays throughout, interspersed with recollections and odd technical details, along with the inevitable complaints and heartbreak of a life spent in an art form that’s still thought of as ‘wallpaper.’
A broken cable causes a signature special effect, artists from across the spectrum talk about their obsession with knobs and buttons, early video pioneers recall making things up as they went along. All this andmore, as avant-garde video artists and clubland VJ’s tell the story of live video art over the last thirty years.
At times funny, at others poignant, ‘Video Out’ follows a crooked path of triumph and disaster, all while following the muse of light art. ‘Most VJ’s are dangerous loners,’ Feedbuck says, ‘the main thing we have in common is that we’re all attracted to that bright, shining rectangle up there on the wall.’
chiral | documentation projection & paper sculpture | MOCA Taipei 2010
chiral | documentation projection & paper sculpture | MOCA Taipei 2010 from Robert Seidel on Vimeo.
Chiral | Projection & Paper sculpture | Taiwan/Germany 2010
Please check here for the Projection Artwork:
Projection & Paper Sculpture: Robert Seidel
Soundtrack: Richard Eigner
Chirality is a scientific term describing a structure that is not identical to its mirror image. “Chiral” collects cinematic etudes, which develop various conceptual approaches in order to expand the two-dimensional image into space. They are projected onto a sculpture (510 x 260 x 370 cm) and a screen (250 x 200 cm) made from handmade Taiwanese paper and develop very different lives on these configurations of the same material.
The amalgamation of volumetric lights sets ideas from Chinese calligraphy into motion and melts them with influences from European Art Informel as well as impasto painting to an abstract-organic sculpture. The installation is completed by a soundtrack by Austrian composer Richard Eigner (www.ritornell.at). With the premiere in MOCA Taipei the first iteration of the long-term project was presented…
Premiered at Tripolar Exhibition - 3 Positions of German Video Art
Museum of Contemporary Art (Taipei, Taiwan)
Date June 15th 2010 - July 18th 2010
Supported by Council of Culture Affairs Taiwan, Taipei Culture Foundation, Goethe-Institute Taipei, Eden Book Store
Sponsored by Optoma, Transcend, Asus
More info
visualist duo.
visual performances. installations.
C+T+analog signal from STATO. on Vimeo.
working on v-set stato.tv
music_ I Am Made of Chalk by Crystal Castles
*unofficial video*
C+T+L+analog signal from STATO. on Vimeo.
working on v-set stato.tv
Music Moderat@A new error
*unofficial video*
isla de las montañas from STATO. on Vimeo.
stato.tv WORKING ++
music_ tiene que parar ahi by Isla de los estados
*unofficial video*
STATO. mapping@Visionnaire from STATO. on Vimeo.
09.07.10 unlock night!
Visionnaire wall mapping
Tetragrammaton Project (Sion)
i’m Rodrigue Pellaud, visual artist and i started this page to share some of my experiments in the field of visual and musical interaction.
I live in Zion, a small city of Switzerland.
extraits - light & sound performance @ ECAV from Tetragrammaton Project on Vimeo.
Festival Art de Rue - Sion from Tetragrammaton Project on Vimeo.
pixel & oil on canvas from Tetragrammaton Project on Vimeo.
Atelier de vj from Tetragrammaton Project on Vimeo.
video projections - mapping experiments
old school vjing - gears from Tetragrammaton Project on Vimeo.
animation of simples shapes
Shiva shanti from Tetragrammaton Project on Vimeo.
mapping 3d sur un mannequin
vj live mix
vj live mix part 1 from Tetragrammaton Project on Vimeo.
vj live mix part 2 from Tetragrammaton Project on Vimeo.
vj live mix at the "Villa Rose". Most of the creatures and robots are modeled by code (L-system). Recorded from the videomixer output.
MMX Rodrigue Pellaud (ΣNTΣR THΣ TΣTRΛGRΛMMΛTON) music by dj Emok
vj live mix part 2 from Tetragrammaton Project on Vimeo.
vj live mix at the "Villa Rose". Most of the creatures and robots are modeled by code (L-system). Recorded from the videomixer output.
MMX Rodrigue Pellaud (ΣNTΣR THΣ TΣTRΛGRΛMMΛTON) music by dj Emok
The Zebras from Peenemuende
The Zebras from Peenemuende from BpOlar on Vimeo.
A video about intellect § destruction ... featuring Zebras , Von Braun , an unknown radar operator , a V1 test pilot § BpOlar [ also made the soundtrack]
A video about intellect § destruction ... featuring Zebras , Von Braun , an unknown radar operator , a V1 test pilot § BpOlar [ also made the soundtrack]
Stefano Rigano (Catania, Italy)
Stefano has been interested in the creation and development of images since a young age, and presented his first works, both analogue and digital, at festivals and competitions.
Following this, he undertook study at university as well as his first professional experiences, including collaborations with international film production societies:
During 2006 he realised the backstage sets for “I Vicerè” by Roberto Faenza, and “L’uomo di vetro” by Stefano Incerti.
In 2007 he returned to independent production and video art: “Ti sento me”, a self-produced short film presented at the Border Film Festival (Festival Internazionale del cinema di Frontiera), and won selection to ARDEO, international exhibition of independent video art.
Following cinema, Stefano dedicated himself to theatre.
Between 2007 and 2008 he collaborated with the theatre company Statale114 in the production of shows with an interactive audivisual component. Of these, “Filottete” and “Van Gogh” were selected for the competition OPERA IMAIE 2008.
At the theatre, he researched new forms of image creation in real time, actualised along with the music.
This was not so much a visual frame for the concerts, but rather a real interaction with the musicians themselves.
Thanks to the experience gained in the realm of video direction, the performances acquired a well-defined, oneiric and evocative, narrative weight.
In 2009, Stefano collaborated with musicians and djs in the national and international scene, including FIERCE, JAMES ZABIELA, ALEXANDER KOWALSKI, SAFFRONKEIRA, FRANCESCA MERLONI and many others.
In Rome he won the competition LPM 09, an international meeting of video-performers.
In Barcellona he played with Saffonkeira at “LA FARINERA DEL CLOT” during STORUNG in November 2009, and with Alexander Kowalski at RAZMATAZZ.
Stefano is the resident VJ at the renowned summer club Marabù in Taormina-Giardini Naxos, where he plays with the biggest names in the international house scene.
Stefano lives and works in Catania where he creates commercial videos and holds course in cinematography.
Sample Texture Pattern 2 from Stefano Rigano on Vimeo.
another test with SR_Ghost Plugin
Music by Giancarlo Trimarchi
Live at Farinera del Clot (Extended) from Stefano Rigano on Vimeo.
Live at Farinera del Clot, Barcelona, Spain,19th Nov.
Music by Saffronkeira
Acaro from Stefano Rigano on Vimeo.
Music by Saffronkeira.
Quarz composer and vade's Rutt Etra plugin
Vjing at Razzmatazz, Barcelona (Spain), 20th November 2009 from Stefano Rigano on Vimeo.
Will'em Gator - Jò napot Buda! from Stefano Rigano on Vimeo.
Videoclip realized painting clips (taked from different sources) in VDMX. Final editing in Final Cut Pro.
music by Will'em Gator
CSTNG-SHDWS x King Loses Crown from CSTNG-SHDWS on Vimeo.
Produced in 2009 for King Loses Crown. KLC opened for industrial band Nitzer Ebb and decided to add CSTNG-SHDWS live video to the mix. We built a series of audio reactive, high contrast, graphic, and immediate punk rock motion graphics for the band, who wore all white stage outfits transforming them into a kinetic, screaming canvas.
Michael Cobra, guitar and vocals of KLC art directed.
CSTNG-SHDWS @ Cal Academy of Sciences from CSTNG-SHDWS on Vimeo.
CSTNG-SHDWS was invited to participate in the popular Nightlife event at the California Academy of Sciences. We knew we need to do something special, so we decided to do a custom installation on the suspended blue whale skeleton. Projecting on the flat, 20 + foot skull with a bit of custom VDMX and Quartz Composer trickery to do the masking and mapping, we built an oscillating and undulating seascape that hovered over a live performance of electronic musical maestro Moldover.
The next step - projection map the whole 96 foot skeleton.
Thanks to Cat at the CAS who flat-out rocks, and Rich at Lovetech for booking us. Music by Moldover.
Produced in 2009 for King Loses Crown. KLC opened for industrial band Nitzer Ebb and decided to add CSTNG-SHDWS live video to the mix. We built a series of audio reactive, high contrast, graphic, and immediate punk rock motion graphics for the band, who wore all white stage outfits transforming them into a kinetic, screaming canvas.
Michael Cobra, guitar and vocals of KLC art directed.
CSTNG-SHDWS @ Cal Academy of Sciences from CSTNG-SHDWS on Vimeo.
CSTNG-SHDWS was invited to participate in the popular Nightlife event at the California Academy of Sciences. We knew we need to do something special, so we decided to do a custom installation on the suspended blue whale skeleton. Projecting on the flat, 20 + foot skull with a bit of custom VDMX and Quartz Composer trickery to do the masking and mapping, we built an oscillating and undulating seascape that hovered over a live performance of electronic musical maestro Moldover.
The next step - projection map the whole 96 foot skeleton.
Thanks to Cat at the CAS who flat-out rocks, and Rich at Lovetech for booking us. Music by Moldover.
Piramides Modulares
Piramides Modulares from Rafael Pereira on Vimeo.
Instalacion mappeada con videos que reaccionan al audio
La estructura conformada por volúmenes geometricos modulares, cuenta con una morfología facilmente adaptable, permitiendole así mutar en cada oportunidad.
Participaron en esta oprtunidad:
Estructura: Esteban Coronel
Video y mapping: Rafael Pereira & Sixta
Audio: Felipe Salmon
Instalacion mappeada con videos que reaccionan al audio
La estructura conformada por volúmenes geometricos modulares, cuenta con una morfología facilmente adaptable, permitiendole así mutar en cada oportunidad.
Participaron en esta oprtunidad:
Estructura: Esteban Coronel
Video y mapping: Rafael Pereira & Sixta
Audio: Felipe Salmon
andrew benson (San Francisco, CA)
Andrew Benson is a video artist. Live Visuals. Audio-Visual Performance. Experimental Video Works. Music Video
I like you. from andrew benson on Vimeo.
This is one is just for you. Hope you are feeling ok.
Long Summer (excerpt) from andrew benson on Vimeo.
This is a short sampling of my newest video work, Long Summer (6 min, 40 sec), which will be presented at the ROJO ®NOVA festival in Sao Paolo, Brazil. rojo-nova.com
Until Every Shape Has Found Its City...(excerpt 1) from andrew benson on Vimeo.
This is an excerpt from an interactive video installation that was installed at Johansson Projects gallery in Oakland,CA 2009.
kermanimal from andrew benson on Vimeo.
There is something amazing about the way that muppets move. It is inspiring to me. In this series of videos I'm interested in extracting movement and color from videos and pushing it, manipulating it. This uses a custom process designed to extract the movement of pixels and misuse it in various ways. The imperfection of the "motion estimation" mixed with other image processing routines creates an image that is hybrid, extremely distorted, authentically digital, but still retains something of the original video's feeling, color, animation. Content is stripped away to reveal pure motion and color. This is part of a longer video that I'm working on for a video/print project
Through Sparkling Fields, Bitter and Bright
Through Sparkling Fields, Bitter and Bright from andrew benson on Vimeo.
Extended Play
June 11, 2010
Live Video Performance with Joshua Churchill (guitar+electronics)
Southern Exposure
San Francisco, CA
Videography: Mike Lai
Courtesy Southern Exposure
Extended Play
June 11, 2010
Live Video Performance with Joshua Churchill (guitar+electronics)
Southern Exposure
San Francisco, CA
Videography: Mike Lai
Courtesy Southern Exposure
Live VJ Mix by VJ Love Mushroom
This is my old live VJ mix recorded on DV tape in August, 2001. Mixing 3,4 layers of 320x240, cinepack movies on VJ software "Composite Station" using Sony Vaio, Pentium II 450Mhz, 128MB RAM, 16MB video memory with only 13.4GB HDD.
Feel Mystic Moorpark College March 4, 2010 Performance
Feel Mystic Moorpark College March 4, 2010 Performance from Matt Loniero on Vimeo.
This is the video of the performance done by the group of artists known as "Feel Mystic" during a Humanities class on their annual "Squigglefest".
This is the video of the performance done by the group of artists known as "Feel Mystic" during a Humanities class on their annual "Squigglefest".
Lucid house 06:2009
Lucid house 06:2009 - chapter 11 from lucidhouse on Vimeo.
Am cutting up “Lucid house June 2009” into twelve bite-sized portions, starting from the back of 27 minute piece and retaining original 4:3 aspect ratio.
here's “Chapter 11”
Pierce Brosnan, Faye Dunaway, Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman,
Film Samples:
The Green Hornet (1966)
The lawnmower Man (1992)
Eyes of Laura Mars (1978)
Cinema Paradiso (1988)
Stigmata (1999)
Gattaca (1997)
online sample- Polar 2007 by: Pierre Michel
Marco Menichelli-Special D
Constructus-It Don't Mean A Thing If You A
Krushed & Sorted-Interlude 1
.Audio visual mix > Lucidhouse
Lucid house 06:2009 - chapter 12 from lucidhouse on Vimeo.
Am cutting up “Lucid house June 2009” into twelve bite-sized portions, starting from the back of 27 minute piece and retaining original 4:3 aspect ratio.
So here's “Chapter 12”.
Patricia Arquette, Maggie Cheung, Richard Harris, Tony Leung
Film Samples:
Gattaca (1997)
In the Mood for Love (2000)
Stigmata (1999)
A Man Called Horse (1970)
.Audio visual mix > lucidhouse.com
Am cutting up “Lucid house June 2009” into twelve bite-sized portions, starting from the back of 27 minute piece and retaining original 4:3 aspect ratio.
here's “Chapter 11”
Pierce Brosnan, Faye Dunaway, Ethan Hawke, Uma Thurman,
Film Samples:
The Green Hornet (1966)
The lawnmower Man (1992)
Eyes of Laura Mars (1978)
Cinema Paradiso (1988)
Stigmata (1999)
Gattaca (1997)
online sample- Polar 2007 by: Pierre Michel
Marco Menichelli-Special D
Constructus-It Don't Mean A Thing If You A
Krushed & Sorted-Interlude 1
.Audio visual mix > Lucidhouse
Lucid house 06:2009 - chapter 12 from lucidhouse on Vimeo.
Am cutting up “Lucid house June 2009” into twelve bite-sized portions, starting from the back of 27 minute piece and retaining original 4:3 aspect ratio.
So here's “Chapter 12”.
Patricia Arquette, Maggie Cheung, Richard Harris, Tony Leung
Film Samples:
Gattaca (1997)
In the Mood for Love (2000)
Stigmata (1999)
A Man Called Horse (1970)
.Audio visual mix > lucidhouse.com
SoLu was designed to demonstrate André Rangel's theory of correspondence between sound and light at the 'EVA Conference - Electronic Visualisation and the Arts' which took place at the BCS - British Computer Society, London 2010. The proposed theory of correspondence can be accessed here. SoLu is a smaller and simplified version of the previous Colmus produced early in 2009. SoLu gives its users the control over a audiovisual algorithmic composition generated in real-time. This hyperinstrument was designed and produced at 3kta studios. Visual documentation was produced at 'Sala do Coro' from Portuguese Catholic University - UCP.
SoLu - Multisensorial Hyperinstrument from Arm on Vimeo.
Demonstration of a theoretical correspondence between sound frequency and color light frequency. Theory proposed by André Rangel. Design and Production by 3kta, Art directed by André Rangel and Anne-Kathrin Siegel
Bejegyzések (Atom)