Version 2.0b1:Changes:
- Require 10.6.8 as minimum Mac OS X system version.
- Change name from "Standard" to "Java" mode.
- Save opened/closed state of entries in the examples browser http://code.google.com/p/processing/issues/detail?id‚7
- Lots of internal changes to loadShape() and PShape.
- Work on making API more generic and consistent for cross-platform use. Font PFont.getFont() more...
Intel, Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later
Intel, Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later
ENTRE from Barbara Castro on Vimeo.
In BETWEEN, the provocation is the division of the body, which is reflected as half image, half data captured by Kinect. Both sides of this body alternate according to the orientation of the body, so that the interactor never see his face. The side that represents the body as data, displays a virtual body, along with the representation of the one that is present. The projection of these bodies is done in a frosted glass, the door of the gallery. Therefore, the experience is designed at the boundary between the gallery interior and exterior, making it possible to watch the performance of both physical and virtual bodies from the two viewpoints.
Mais informações sobre o processo de criação em: http://wp.me/p1tt4H-bJ
Video Soundtrack: 'Brill Bulinding, 4am' by Tear Ceremony (www.tearceremony.com)
particle study 02 from kayip on Vimeo.
made with Processing + Unreleased Demo(2011)
Audio by kayip
Taman Anggrek - Generative Visual Design by Fader from Fader on Vimeo.
The world's longest architecturally-integrated media facade - over 1,160 feet long.
Taman Anggrek - Jakarta, Indonesia
Media Facade Design: StandardVision http://www.standardvision.com
Generative Visual Design: Fader http://www.vjfader.com
Music: Nalepa - Daytime http://www.stevenalepa.com
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