

STAG BEETLE_ Besouro Independente

STAG BEETLE_ Besouro Independente _ 1 / 3 from Allan Rodrigo on Vimeo.
Besouro: Lucanus Cervus
Característica: Mandibula grande similar a chifres usado em batalhas
Animação frame a frame

BESOURO INDEPENDENTE Is a graphic experiment reflection mixing different kinds of media in order to create dynamic animated 2D frame by frame visual loops presented by video-mapping installation, also graphic design posters wearable silkscreen (prints and clothing). The work faces the modern tecnology and digital\analogical process integratation. The animations use visual learning to create motion.

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GOLIATHUS _ Besouro Independente _ 2 / 3 from Allan Rodrigo on Vimeo.
Besouro: Goliathus
Característica: Tamanho (até 15cm) e peso (+/- 100g) com par de asas membranosas e flexíveis
Animação frame a frame
BESOURO INDEPENDENTE Is a graphic experiment reflection mixing different kinds of media in order to create dynamic animated 2D frame by frame visual loops presented by video-mapping installation, also graphic design posters wearable silkscreen (prints and clothing). The work faces the modern tecnology and digital\analogical process integratation. The animations use visual learning to create motion.

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BATTUS BARBICORNIS_ Besouro Independente _ 3 / 3 from Allan Rodrigo on Vimeo.
Besouro: BATTUS Barbicornis
Característica: Longo par de antenas que se extendem pelo corpo. Sua coloração aposemática serve para afastar predadores.
Animação frame a frame

BESOURO INDEPENDENTE Is a graphic experiment reflection mixing different kinds of media in order to create dynamic animated 2D frame by frame visual loops presented by video-mapping installation, also graphic design posters wearable silkscreen (prints and clothing). The work faces the modern tecnology and digital\analogical process integratation. The animations use visual learning to create motion.

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