

Glimpse (teaser)

Glimpse (teaser) from Alexander Wallin on Vimeo.

With its impressive capabilities to restore and transform, machine learning is a most exciting craft for moving things between the real and digital world, and for imagining things that aren't. Glimpse invites the computational creativity of a neural network to explore the aesthetics of seeing the apparent and tangible as something else.

By capturing dance and piping live footage through neural network models trained to recognise and interpret different features of our world, Glimpse aims to give a pleasurable and joyful sneak peek of a visual expression that blurs boundaries of the real and the fictitious.

A key creative aspect of Glimpse lies in the interplay between physical performer, camera operator, VJ and machine. The unpredictability of the neural network models paired with dance and movement reacting directly to live music makes for truly interesting and improvisational visual performances.

For Sónar Reykjavik, models will be trained using images that portray the artist and match their style, and images that relate to Reykjavik and the festival.

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Glimpse is created by:

Ragnar Hrafnkelsson, audiovisual developer based in London

Ali Heffetz, artist and dancer based in Berlin

Alexander Wallin, developer and musician based in Järvsö, Sweden

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