A kiállításom Greenaway tárgyakon, zenén, videón és filmtrükkökön keresztül kelti életre a mozit. A kiállítást 92 bőrönd jellemzi, melyeket természetes és mesterséges, filmtrükkökkel csomagol be. Egy teljes multimédiás enciklopédiát mutat be tárgyakon és minden audiovizuális ábrázolásain keresztül, miközben meghatározza az Atomkor elemeit. Mindegyik kiállítás az adott múzeumhoz/országhoz alkalmazkodik.
" After succesful events in Gent (Belgium), Compton Verney Warwickshire (UK), Fort Asperen (The Netherlands) and Sao Paulo (Brasil) the Tulse Luper Suitcases Exhibition will now visit new places in the world in a 3 year tour (2008 - 2011).
92 suitcases
In the exhibition Greenaway brings all the drama of cinema to life through objects, music, video and special effects. The exhibition will feature all 92 suitcases, natural and man-made, packed with amazing special effects and artefacts. A complete multi-media encyclopedia emerges through objects and audiovisual representations of all determining elements of life in the Atomic Age. Each exhibition will be made in a unique way for each museum/country, offering the audience through modern technology a unique peek into Luper’s local findings during his travels.
On Friday June 17 2005 Peter Greenaway on invitation by NoTV performed his first VJ act.
On music by DJ Serge Dodwell (aka Radar), ‘VJ’ Greenaway used for his set a specially developed VJ system consisting of a large plasma screen with touchscreen. Utilizing this system, Greenaway projected the 92 Tulse Luper stories on the 12 screens of Club 11 in a multi-screen way and mixed the images ‘live’. "
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