

VisionR VJ Festival 2018 - report

VisionR VJ Festival 2018 - report from Vision'R on Vimeo.

On Site in Dublin 3Arena with Hozier ‘No Plan’ stage visuals

On Site in Dublin 3Arena with Hozier 'No Plan' stage visuals from WES VIZ on Vimeo.

Nasty Lights (VJ Kit) | After Effects Project Files - Videohive template

Nasty Lights (VJ Kit) | After Effects Project Files - Videohive template from After Effects Project on Vimeo.

Download Nasty Lights (VJ Kit) -

Contact for customization (I made a video for you)

Item Description: Nasty Lights (VJ Kit) powerful design for great party. This kit contains more than 150 elements and complete set of components for creating TV shows. Enjoy! What’s Inside: - 150 Procedural VJ Loops (Duration: 2 seconds) - Opener (Duration: 10 up to 20 seconds) - Closing (Duration: 6 seconds) - 5 Transitions (Duration: 2 – 4 seconds) - 2 Flash Transitions (Duration: 1 seconds) - 4 Stretching Glitchs (Duration: 1 seconds) - Lower Third (Duration: 10 seconds) - Upper Third (Duration: 10 seconds) - 4 Animated Backgrounds (Duration: 10 seconds. Loop) - 2 Video Masks (Duration: 10 seconds) - Bug (Duration: 10 seconds. Loop) Technical Specifications: - Project for Adobe After Effects CC, CC2014, CC2015, CC2017, CC2018, CC2019 - Resolution: DCI4K 4096×2160 - Frame rate: 59.94fps - No plugins required - Easy to Customize and Colorize - Video Preview is not part of the item - Video is available here: Mixkit - Music is available here: Convey by XEFSketch - Font is available here: Disgusting Behavior by Misprinted Type - Video and Music used under Creative Commons License

Last Update 27 November 19 Created 27 November 19 After Effects Version CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2016, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC Files Included After Effects Project Files, Motion Graphics Template Files, Video Files Length 0:10, 0:10, 0:10, 0:10, 0:10 Resolution 4096x2160 File Size 2.94GB Media Placeholders 1 Text Placeholders 10 Tags abstract, audio meter, event, fractal vj, mapping, projection, resolume vj loops, vj animation loop, vj content, vj footage, vj loop, vj loop pack, vj mix, vj pack, wide vj loops

tags: abstract, audio meter, event, fractal vj, mapping, projection, resolume vj loops, vj animation loop, vj content, vj footage, vj loop, vj loop pack, vj mix, vj pack, wide vj loops

download Nasty Lights (VJ Kit) | After Effects Project Files - Videohive template

Contact for customization (I made a video for you)

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The products information and the links are only used to spread them.

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Everyday there is new buyers reaching to official page from our channel

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Suzanne 2 - Vj Loop

Suzanne 2 - Vj Loop from VLOOPY on Vimeo.
Music by Suzanne Ciani

VJ Loop Tunnel

VJ Loop Tunnel from Fabrice Isaï on Vimeo.


Decada 2 Parte 2 Blkvolt Festival VJ Vortex

Decada 2 Parte 2 Blkvolt Festival VJ Vortex from VJ Vortex on Vimeo.

NVS Fotonica 2019

NVS Fotonica 2019 from NVSexperience on Vimeo.

Audio Visual Digital Art Festival
III edizione

Una particella piccolissima ma in grado di dare origine a ogni forma di luce: il fotone, il più piccolo e brillante frammento luminoso dell’universo, di dimensioni microscopiche ma dall’enorme e multiforme potenza creatrice.

Ed è proprio partendo da questo concetto che si evolve FOTONICA, dal 29 Novembre al 7 Dicembre 2019 al Cinema Aquila nel quartiere Pigneto e al Fusolab 2.0 a Centocelle/Alessandrino a Roma.

FOTONICA è un festival GRATUITO che vuole indagare le forme d’arte legate all’elemento luce nel contesto contemporaneo. Per consolidare la pratica di networking e fare rete in un ambito di indagine artistica fra le più importanti del contemporaneo, il festival è realizzato in collaborazione con partner nazionali ed internazionali.

L’iniziativa è parte del programma di Contemporaneamente Roma 2019 promosso da Roma Capitale Assessorato alla Crescita culturale e in collaborazione con Siae.

Un festival unico nel panorama capitolino che vanta un’intensa e ricca programmazione: una selezione di artisti italiani e internazionali danno forma alle più diverse sfaccettature delle Audio Visual Digital Arts e le rendono fruibili a un pubblico sempre più vasto.

Cuore pulsante del progetto sono le performance audio video in collaborazione con Live Cinema Festival e le Installazioni Audio Video create in collaborazione con partner nazionali e internazionali.

Sul fronte della NetArt, organizzata in collaborazione con, è possibile visitare in modo interattivo le mostra di web art Net Paintings realizzata da nel 2005.

All’interno di FOTONICA trovano spazio anche i dj set di musica elettronica affiancati nella parte video da VJ Set curati da LPM Live Performers Meeting.

FOTONICA ha poi ideato un ampio spazio dedicato all’avvicinamento e all’approfondimento teorico e pratico del mondo delle audio-video e della digital art grazie alle lectures, ai workshop sulle tematiche e sugli strumenti riguardano le arti digitali e visive con Fusolab 2.0 e i laboratori per bambini che hanno l’obiettivo di avvicinare i più piccoli alla cultura digitale attraverso strumenti e stimoli creativi.
FOTONICA è prodotto da Flyer, che nel 2004 dà vita a LPM Live Performers Meeting, il più grande evento del settore delle Audio Visual Arts.


RomaModulare2019 from NVSexperience on Vimeo.

Perfomance NVS a/v

Mirror Reflections

Mirror Reflections from Lee Irwin on Vimeo.

Falling Reflections

Falling Reflections from Lee Irwin on Vimeo.



pixxxelación from Bruno Varela on Vimeo.

Ejercicio de zaping “conceptual”, intento rítmico de montaje aleatorio, remix, pastiche post-TV a partir de materiales grabado en VHS de la televisión abierta y regrabado varias veces. Inventario de transiciones utilizadas como rasero de pixeles. La única pieza firmada por VJ tamal, fallido mezcla-imágenes en vivo, aproximación hacia eso que llamábamos video transgénico, la música es nuestra amalgama de varios hallazgos, incluidos samples para cajas de ritmos encontrados en unos CD en la basura. Se exhibió muy poquito, pero en lugares glam. 2003-2004.

A este proceso de desarrollo tecnológico se le conoce como revolución verde.
This process of technological development is known as the Green Revolution.

La cámara infrarroja grabó estos objetos luminosos pero el radar no los detecto. øEst·n a la misma altura Telles? SÌ afirmativo.
The infrared camera recorded these glowing objects, but the radar didnít detect them. Are they at the same height Telles? Thatís affirmative.

Lo que para esta niña es un sueño para las empresas es una realidad.
What is a dream for this girl is a reality for the businesses.

El mayor de la fuerza aérea mexicana piloto aviador Magdaleno Castañón Muñoz comandante de la aeronave que hizo esta grabación.
Magdaleno Castañón Muñoz, a Major and aviator pilot in the Mexican Air Force, was the commander of the airship that made this recording.

señor qué fue lo que vieron, cómo lo vieron, de qué se trata, ante qué estamos?
Sir, what was it that you all saw? How did you see it? What was it about? What confronts us?

Con aprobación de la secretaría de salud siembra cultivos genéticamente modificados en MÈxico se empezÛ a hacer pruebas con este maíz en 1993.
With the approval of the Secretary of Health genetically modified crops are sown in Mexico. Tests with this corn began in 1993.

Empezaron a surgir las técnicas moleculares se pudo demostrar que esta bacteria transfería información hereditaria a la planta.
Molecular techniques began to appear that could demonstrate that this bacteria transfers hereditary information to the plant.

Ya que en nuestro país se han presentado 109 solicitudes de patente para plantas modificadas genéticamente.
Already in our country, 109 patent applications have been presented for genetically modified plants.

No es justo que cada vez que te veas en el espejo veas a una persona que no te gusta, que te avergüenza, el secreto de las estrellas que te permite bajar hasta 5 kilos en dos días.
Itís not fair that every time you see yourself in the mirror, you see a person that doesnít please you, who embarrasses you. The secret of the stars permits you to lose 5 kilos in two days.

Protestas anuales pero que paren esto stop plis!!!
Annual protests, but just stop this please!

La justicia social se hace por la vÌa del egreso se hace por la vía del presupuesto.
Social justice is made by means of investment; it is made by means of budget.

Se aplica sobretodo en la base del seno comienzas desde el centro del pecho hacia fuera formando pequeños círculos.
Most importantly, it is applied at the base of the breast. You begin from the center of the chest, forming small circles.

¿ante qué estamos, ante un juego de luces, ante una ilusión Óptica o ante qué? Nosotros igualmente desconocemos que objetos sean realmente, son las imágenes que se tomaron con la cámara infrarroja.
What confronts us? A game of lights? An optical illusion? What? We are equally unsure if the objects are real, they are the images that were taken with the infrared camera.

Algo que había enfriado la relación con mi marido era mi cuerpo, con la edad después de dos embarazos mis senos habían perdido firmeza y se habían vuelto poco atractivos.
Something that had chilled the relation with my husband was my body. With age, after two pregnancies, my breasts had lost firmness and had become unattractive.

La gran bestia a destruido el aeropuerto y se acerca r·pidamente desafortunadamente no los tuvimos a la vista lo ˙nico que pudimos observar fue lo que esta en el vÌdeo.
The great beast had destroyed the airport and rapidly approached. Unfortunately, we couldn't see them; the only thing we can observe was what is in the video.

Luces únicamente la información fue entregada al Señor Mausan para el análisis correspondiente.
Lights only, the information was delivered to SeÒor Mausan for the corresponding analysis.

Guardias que pisaban por diversión dedos y manos de los iraquíes.
Prison guards that were stepping on the fingers and hands of the Iraqis, just for fun.

New Year Countdown 2020 | After Effects Project Files - Videohive template

New Year Countdown 2020 | After Effects Project Files - Videohive template from After Effects Project on Vimeo.

Download New Year Countdown 2020 -

Contact for customization (I made a video for you)

A Full HD, 1920×1080 Pixels, After Effects Template After Effects CC 2018 and above, No Plugins required All Texts shown in the Preview are editable, Change Font, and edit all the attributes Change the font of Countdown timer in single click Modular Count down structure, Start from any seconds as per the requirement 100 % After Effects Template, No 3rd Party Plugins required Single click off if Video/Image not required High Energy, Dynamic Count Down for Perfect New Year Party, Events, Reality Shows, Award Shows etc… Curtain Raiser for All Programs, Stage Shows Unique, Simple, Cinematic Style New Year Count Down for this New Year 7 Segments, 10 Text Placeholders, 1 Logo Placeholder Simple to edit, easy to render, Detailed PDF Help file included Audio used in Promo not included, You can buy it from here Audio Link Audio

Last Update 29 November 19 Created 28 November 19 After Effects Version CC 2019, CC 2018 Files Included After Effects Project Files Length 1:16 Resolution 1920x1080 File Size 391mb Text Placeholders 10 Tags award ceremony, celebrations, christmas, clock, countdown, dance club, Dj Shows, fireworks, GEOTREND2019, greetings wishes, happy new year, magic dust, midnight, vj party, year end party

tags: award ceremony, celebrations, christmas, clock, countdown, dance club, Dj Shows, fireworks, GEOTREND2019, greetings wishes, happy new year, magic dust, midnight, vj party, year end party

download New Year Countdown 2020 | After Effects Project Files - Videohive template

Contact for customization (I made a video for you)

There is none directly downloadable links in this Channel

All the links are refered to official website.

This Channel only indexs the products and links.

The products information and the links are only used to spread them.

Our Channel makes the products seen by more customers.

Everyday there is new buyers reaching to official page from our channel

If you do not want your products listing in our Channel , or want to delete them, please let us know. We will take them down as soon as possiable.

Feel free to contact us

Decada 2 Blkvolt Festival 2019 VJ set VJ Vortex

Decada 2 Blkvolt Festival 2019 VJ set VJ Vortex from VJ Vortex on Vimeo.

rainbowScape #4

rainbowScape #4 from Chris Coleman on Vimeo.

Abstract landscape, free to use. 3xHD wide. Made with Blender and rendered in Evee.

rainbowScape #6

rainbowScape #6 from Chris Coleman on Vimeo.

Abstract landscape, free to use. 3xHD wide. Made with Blender and rendered in Evee.


Jagged tunnel Free Vj loop

Jagged tunnel Free Vj loop from Catmac on Vimeo.

seamless pseudo-symmetry

Cubic Heart Beat - VJ LOOP

Cubic Heart Beat - VJ LOOP from VLOOPY on Vimeo.

LzyLad Vj intro Clip

LzyLad Vj intro Clip from Dheeraj Santosh Kollipara on Vimeo.

Loops from my debut visuals set of live audio reactive visuals

Our visuals & mapping on a Massive snake stage @ RUMORS TEL AVIV 2019

Our visuals & mapping on a Massive snake stage @ RUMORS TEL AVIV 2019 from Dorian Natan - Vj MasterDamus on Vimeo.

Rumors Tel Aviv 12.12.19​ : A unique Party label from Ibiza by Guy Gerber​ has come to Tel-Aviv! hosted by The Tripping​.
We were asked to do the impossible and project on a MASSIVE 360 degrees snake statue made by the talented: Gilad Kenan .
Challenge accepted! using x3 12k laser projectors we covered we've done many complex setups in our lives but this twisted snake is basically a projection surface that rotates around itself in a spiral... we used 3 methods to map this and create different effects using: GrandVJ, Resolume, & NOTCH, all to accurately map all aspects of this funky reptile using the right angles, and extra warping to perfection.
After a very very long setup we had all tools ready to blast visuals in many different methods at the tip of our fingers.
and finally the time has come to & we a blast of a show!
All Aspects (light, lasers, visuals, sound) working in unison to the Hypnotic and sexy beats of Rumors Ibiza​ Party label.

Production: The Tripping Bluestone Group​
thank you - Oren Heknin & Sagi zaarur - thank you for the initiative & trust : you have a Vision!

Visual show created & mixed by:
Dorian Natan VJ Masterdamus​
from Masterdamus Live Visual Production​.
& Alon Hammer​ from REM visuals​
(Thank you for the 3d mapping & reactive 3d scenes in notch!)

Unbelievable light show design by: Cochavi & Klein​,
Eran Klein​ , Omer Israeli​ & Jason.

Projectors & setup by: קולשר Kolshar & Special thanx to Mano the AV technician for all the help on location.

We Thank you All for a blast of a night & a spectacular show!

The outcome speaks for itself... so Enjoy the View,
& don't get Too close you might get bitten....


Rounds_ from Revilo on Vimeo.

Free 1080p visual source material released under Creative Commons.
Please see audio credits. All audio rights are retained by their respective owners.

Music: Four Tet - Two Thousand And Seventeen




VJ RIGCZ from Eon Visuals on Vimeo.


VJ RIGCZ from Eon Visuals on Vimeo.


Simple from Cecilia Madorno on Vimeo.

Realización Cecilia Madorno

MITTI 1.5.6

Mitti 1.5.6 has been released a couple of days ago, with a couple of handy new features and improvements, like
  • auto-extend mono files,
  • hide mouse cursor on outputs and
  • Pause at End is now default for new installations,
  • and more!
Plus bug fixes - there are some very rare but annoying stuff had been hunted down finally, yay! :)

VJ Reel - DeWolf Stein

VJ Reel - DeWolf Stein from Louis Stein on Vimeo.

Audio: Pascal Project Mix (Music Is My Sanctuary)



IDuq from Morten Dilevski on Vimeo.

Mapping - Parada de Natal Caixa Cultural 2019

Mapping - Parada de Natal Caixa Cultural 2019 from VOXEL DESIGN DE INTERAÇÃO on Vimeo.

Apresentado pela Caixa Econômica Federal foi o primeiro evento em celebração ao Natal realizado no Espaço Caixa Cultural em Salvador. O evento foi realizado pela Trevo Produções e contou com o patrocínio da Caixa e do Governo Federal.
Animações e Mapping - Caetano T.B. - KÆ (Voxel)
Filmagem - Bárbara Pessoa

Cinematheque 2019-12-07 (2nd Mix)

Cinematheque 2019-12-07 (2nd Mix) from Mike Celona on Vimeo.

360 Version -
Mixcloud - - A/V mix performed live in the studio by Mike Celona on December 7th, 2019. Video produced with VDMX, Paracosm Lumen and a LZX Vidiot analog synthesizer. Music mixed with Serato.

YouTube -
Facebook -
Instagram -
Twitter -

Track List:
Revolted - URFORM
Grave Depravia - DARKSKYE
Shrine (Early mix) - BASIL O'GLUE
Version - DOLD feat NEWA & SLV
Polivox - THE RARES
303 Acidos - Robert S
Rise And Fall - DOLD feat NEWA & SLV
Artefact - SRAMAANA
Cell ID (Alden Tyrell remix) - TML
Run Away With My Heart - Russell E.L. Butler
Moebius Trip - Joe Goddard

Cinematheque 2019-12-07 (1st Mix)

Cinematheque 2019-12-07 (1st Mix) from Mike Celona on Vimeo.

360 Version -
Mixcloud - - A/V mix performed live in the studio by Mike Celona on December 7th, 2019. Video produced with VDMX, Paracosm Lumen and a LZX Vidiot analog synthesizer. Music mixed with Serato.

YouTube -
Facebook -
Instagram -
Twitter -

Track List:
Nowwhat - ASOK
Activation - LO SHEA
January's End - Nigil Caenaan
Outbreak - FAC3OFF
Test Tubes (Mind Against Celestial dub) - SCB
Dreamscapes - SLV
Regular People - D'Marc Cantu
Group Cohesion - MYK DERILL
Mastelloni - LUCA LA ROCCA
Paretos Law (Robert S (PT) remix) - Rebekah
Revar - FLUG
Eye To Eye (Subjected remix) - MICHAEL KLEIN
Apollo (Cassegrain remix) - JEFF DERRINGER
Origin In Orbit - DESNA

Fvckrender x Softest Hard VJ Visuals

Fvckrender x Softest Hard VJ Visuals from H+ Creative on Vimeo.

Fvckrender x Softest Hard VJ Visuals


Fvckrender x Softest Hard VJ Visuals

Fvckrender x Softest Hard VJ Visuals from H+ Creative on Vimeo.

Fvckrender x Softest Hard VJ Visuals

Fvckrender x Softest Hard VJ Visuals

Fvckrender x Softest Hard VJ Visuals from H+ Creative on Vimeo.

Fvckrender x Softest Hard VJ Visuals

Fvckrender x Softest Hard VJ Visuals

Fvckrender x Softest Hard VJ Visuals from H+ Creative on Vimeo.

Fvckrender x Softest Hard VJ Visuals

Birthday Party in Szabadkikötő

Birthday Party in Szabadkikötő from VJL(ab) on Vimeo.

Fvckrender x Softest Hard VJ Visuals

Fvckrender x Softest Hard VJ Visuals from H+ Creative on Vimeo.

Fvckrender x Softest Hard VJ Visuals


rainbowScape #2

rainbowScape #2 from Chris Coleman on Vimeo.

Abstract landscape, free to use. 3xHD wide. Made with Blender and rendered in Eevee.

Audio Reactive Black Hole

Audio Reactive Black Hole from Mike McGuirk on Vimeo.

Black Hole Sun & Black Hole

In Between

In Between from Dorothea Sophie Franz on Vimeo.

Tryout for a project mapping as part of a VJ project // Self-recorded footage of analog music visualization // 2D, 3D Animations and realfootage // Created by Thea Franz // Music: "Them" by Nils Frahm

NOTE: This video was created with no commercial intention. No copyrights infrigments intended. I will remove it immediately on request via message.

hexagons @ RoSa HGW

hexagons @ RoSa HGW from Rosa Beams on Vimeo.

Nasty Lights (4K Set 7)

Nasty Lights (4K Set 7) from Dyomin on Vimeo.

DCI 4K version:

DCI 2K version:

View Portfolio:

Item Description:
Nasty Lights this set contains 12 looped clips for high-quality video production, music videos, video art, glitch art, party, led screens, video projection mapping show. Experimenting with Nasty Lights and have fun!

What’s Inside:
- 12 Different Clips

Technical Specifications:
- Works great in: Apple Motion, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Edius, Final Cut Pro
- Resolution: DCI4K (4096×2160)
- Frame rate: 59.94fps
- Video Encoding: Apple ProRes (HQ), 10bit
- Music and Video Preview is not part of the item
- Music used under Creative Commons License

Music is available here: Warzone by Q-Sik

Font is available here: Downcome by Misprinted Type


Nasty Lights (4K Set 4)

Nasty Lights (4K Set 4) from Dyomin on Vimeo.

DCI 4K version:

DCI 2K version:

View Portfolio:

Item Description:
Nasty Lights this set contains 12 looped clips for high-quality video production, music videos, video art, glitch art, party, led screens, video projection mapping show. Experimenting with Nasty Lights and have fun!

What’s Inside:
- 12 Different Clips

Technical Specifications:
- Works great in: Apple Motion, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Edius, Final Cut Pro
- Resolution: DCI4K (4096×2160)
- Frame rate: 59.94fps
- Video Encoding: Apple ProRes (HQ), 10bit
- Music and Video Preview is not part of the item
- Music used under Creative Commons License

Music is available here: Hyperdrive by Q-Sik

Font is available here: Downcome by Misprinted Type

Shugi Vs Chuu

Shugi Vs Chuu from Eric Medine on Vimeo.

Live set with music by Shugi, visuals by VJ Chuu. Shot at the pin

Haper’s Bazaar Korea Loves Party DJ Session

Haper's Bazaar Korea Loves Party DJ Session from Wonsk on Vimeo.

Loves Party DJ Session LIVE VJ

New Year 2020 Countdown 2020 | After Effects Project Files - Videohive template

New Year 2020 Countdown 2020 | After Effects Project Files - Videohive template from After Effects Project on Vimeo.

Download New Year Countdown 2020 -

Contact for customization (I made a video for you)

A Full HD, 1920×1080 Pixels, After Effects Template After Effects CC 2018 and above, No Plugins required All Texts shown in the Preview are editable, Change Font, and edit all the attributes Change the font of Countdown timer in single click Modular Count down structure, Start from any seconds as per the requirement 100 % After Effects Template, No 3rd Party Plugins required High Energy, Dynamic Count Down for Perfect New Year Party, Events, Reality Shows, Award Shows etc… Curtain Raiser for All Programs, Stage Shows Unique, Simple, Cinematic Style New Year Count Down for this New Year 7 Segments, 8 Text Placeholders, 1 Logo Placeholder Simple to edit, easy to render, Detailed PDF Help file included Audio used in Promo not included, You can buy it from here Audio Link Audio

Last Update 3 November 19 Created 13 December 17 After Effects Version CC 2019, CC 2018 Files Included After Effects Project Files Length 1:12 Resolution 1920x1080 File Size 849mb Media Placeholders 1 Text Placeholders 7 Tags bokeh glitters, celebrations, christmas, clock, countdown, dance club, Dj Shows, fireworks, greetings wishes, happy new year, luxury awards, magic dust, midnight, vj party, year end party

tags: bokeh glitters, celebrations, christmas, clock, countdown, dance club, Dj Shows, fireworks, greetings wishes, happy new year, luxury awards, magic dust, midnight, vj party, year end party

download New Year Countdown 2020 | After Effects Project Files - Videohive template

Contact for customization (I made a video for you)

There is none directly downloadable links in this Channel

All the links are refered to official website.

This Channel only indexs the products and links.

The products information and the links are only used to spread them.

Our Channel makes the products seen by more customers.

Everyday there is new buyers reaching to official page from our channel

If you do not want your products listing in our Channel , or want to delete them, please let us know. We will take them down as soon as possiable.

Feel free to contact us

Cya Design | Digital Arts

Cya Design | Digital Arts from Cya Design on Vimeo.

[Type your text here...]

Fractals, Glitch, and Lipstick ���
Digital Arts, Visual Effects, VJ-ing, Live Production, Exhibitions, Projection, and Interactive Installations.

Cya Design, [...], Jade Ha Chang.


Christmas 2020 Element Pack | After Effects Project Files - Videohive template

Christmas 2020 Element Pack | After Effects Project Files - Videohive template from After Effects Project on Vimeo.

Download Christmas Element Pack -

Contact for customization (I made a video for you)

After Effects Project Art Deco Element Pack Art Deco Element Pack Tropical Plant Pack Modern Floral Pack Fashion Promo Background & VJ Loop Background Alpha

Last Update 4 December 18 Created 4 December 18 After Effects Version CS5 Files Included After Effects Project Files Resolution Resizable File Size 1.1MB Media Placeholders 0 Text Placeholders 63 Tags beautiful, christmas, christmas ellement, christmas pack, christmas title, floral, joy, merry christmas, modern, santa, snow, title, wedding, winter, xmas

tags: beautiful, christmas, christmas ellement, christmas pack, christmas title, floral, joy, merry christmas, modern, santa, snow, title, wedding, winter, xmas

download Christmas Element Pack | After Effects Project Files - Videohive template

Contact for customization (I made a video for you)

There is none directly downloadable links in this Channel

All the links are refered to official website.

This Channel only indexs the products and links.

The products information and the links are only used to spread them.

Our Channel makes the products seen by more customers.

Everyday there is new buyers reaching to official page from our channel

If you do not want your products listing in our Channel , or want to delete them, please let us know. We will take them down as soon as possiable.

Feel free to contact us

M3 Club

M3 Club from Darkroom Motion Graphics on Vimeo.

We installed the playback system and created VJ content for this Night Club in Hangzhou. It occurred to us that sometimes, more is more.

courtship_a vjing experiment

courtship_a vjing experiment from Andre Faria on Vimeo.

PÉPITE - Les Bateaux (POLOCORP remix)







[VJing] Paradise Stage @ FM4 Frequency Festival 2019

[VJing] Paradise Stage @ FM4 Frequency Festival 2019 from LumaLux mapping on Vimeo.

Final cut of my collaboration with Spirit Society at the PARADISE FESTIVAL stage of this years FM4 Frequency Festival.

Visuals - Spirit Society
Audio reactive stuff & video edit - LumaLux

Track: Vini Vici & Astrix - Adhana



Burst from Stephanie Curry on Vimeo.

Created a line with a trim path and used the ease in and out expression, with a 24*index expression on the rotation. Precomposed layers, then time remapped them, and looped them. Seems like a quick and flexible way to create secondary animation.

WELTMEISTER Beijing Motor Show – Auto China (2018)

WELTMEISTER Beijing Motor Show – Auto China (2018) from VJ RYO on Vimeo.

VJ performance with DJ and drum live

Bouncing Lines

Bouncing Lines from Stephanie Curry on Vimeo.

This one is a fun one that has a scale property adjusting by an expression that starts at 1 second and ends at 10 seconds. Allowing it to be a complete loop. Yeah. This will be a handy expression to use.

Synthwave 80s Style Animation

Synthwave 80s Style Animation from shotgone on Vimeo.

Downloaded Blender today, this was my first project.

Foreground audio responsive visuals were created in post using TouchDesigner

Music: DJ Boring - Goodbye Michael

Blender is an open source 3D creation suite used for 3D and 2D animation, editing, VFX and more.


MIDI Controlled Experimental Visuals (attempt #1)

MIDI Controlled Experimental Visuals (attempt #1) from Sam Chilton on Vimeo.

My first attempt at an experimental visual set - to my 140-1 mix


Owl Looks

Owl Looks from Stephanie Curry on Vimeo.

Just thought this guy for an upcoming training was cute. So, wanted to share.

Inspired by Shutter stock Owl:

Decoding Magic: Es Vedrà VJ Loop by

Decoding Magic: Es Vedrà VJ Loop by from Masha Troitskaya on Vimeo.



SPUN from Devon Rodvold on Vimeo.

A geometric animation

Intergalatic Pineapples

Intergalatic Pineapples from Devon Rodvold on Vimeo.

Looping animation of pineapples in space

Expensive Soul - Altice Arena

Expensive Soul - Altice Arena from Phries on Vimeo.

The past few weeks were insane!
I was invited to direct, alongside Aidan Kless, some visuals for the latest Expensive Soul show,
at one of the biggest venues in Portugal, Altice Arena.

This was indeed a challenge, that I really enjoyed being part of!
Biggest shout out to Tiago Marinho and Catarina Loja for the help creating these visuals!
Hope you like it!

Pedro Custódio "Phries" | Instagram - | Website - | Behance -
Larj | Instagram -
Aidan Kless | Instagram -

Tiago Marinho | Instagram -
Catarina Loja | Instagram - | Artstation -


Audio Reactive Circle

Audio Reactive Circle from Stephanie Curry on Vimeo.

Somtimes it's not what is done, but how it's done. This circle was created with a couple of sliders, and an expression that allows a max and min scaling. Which means creating circles really fast without having to size them myself. Apparenlty other properties can be affected as well. Also mapped the scale to the audio after I keyframed it. Excited to play with this more!!!


spikeScape #4

spikeScape #4 from Chris Coleman on Vimeo.

Abstract landscape, free to use. 3xHD wide. Made with Blender and rendered in Evee.

spikeScape #3

spikeScape #3 from Chris Coleman on Vimeo.

Abstract landscape, free to use. 3xHD wide. Made with Blender and rendered in Evee.

Face projection mapping

Face projection mapping from Moamen mohamed on Vimeo.

#Face #projection #mapping
#Just_try �
Alaa Abd Elfatah Elghmrawy


音像VJ from 阿曾 on Vimeo.


Eye of the Beholder - AV Improvisation

Eye of the Beholder - AV Improvisation from Mowgli on Vimeo.

Audiovisual improvisation. All visuals are 100% generative content created with Resolume. Audio created with analogue hardware.


Moodish from Eligijus Povilauskas on Vimeo.

Fast one at work.

Blender, EEVEE

【Stage Visuals】Taylor Swift - ME!

【Stage Visuals】Taylor Swift - ME! from DNT on Vimeo.

Stage visuals for the song ME! by Taylor Swift were design by Team DNT during this years Tmall Double 11 Shopping Gala. For this performance, we used a hexagonal pattern for the main design elements. The colorful stage design, visuals, and stage props such as the usage of umbrellas together creates a multidimensional space.

Cat Tail

Cat Tail from Stephanie Curry on Vimeo.

Whelp, paste layers didn't work in AI sound had to do some time consuming copy pasting, but got it to work. Little glitch in the come back. I'll keep working.

Mandala Monster

Mandala Monster from Stephanie Curry on Vimeo.

Pretty fascinated with this effect right now. The simplicity of it is amazing for what you get.


Crash cymbal (VJ snippet)

Crash cymbal (VJ snippet) from kynd on Vimeo.

mandala star burst

mandala star burst from Stephanie Curry on Vimeo.

Took the original Mandala and applied the starburst affect in AE. I think it looks pretty cool.


Mandala from Stephanie Curry on Vimeo.

There's always something beautiful about watching a mandala. Loved this tutorial for my #everyday.

Nasty Lights (VJ Kit)

Nasty Lights (VJ Kit) from Dyomin on Vimeo.

This item is available here:

View Portfolio:

Item Description:
Nasty Lights (VJ Kit) powerful design for great party. This kit contains more than 150 elements and complete set of components for creating TV shows. Enjoy!

What’s Inside:
- 150 Procedural VJ Loops (Duration: 2 seconds)
- Opener (Duration: 10 up to 20 seconds)
- Closing (Duration: 6 seconds)
- 5 Transitions (Duration: 2 – 4 seconds)
- 2 Flash Transitions (Duration: 1 seconds)
- 4 Stretching Glitchs (Duration: 1 seconds)
- Lower Third (Duration: 10 seconds)
- Upper Third (Duration: 10 seconds)
- 4 Animated Backgrounds (Duration: 10 seconds. Loop)
- 2 Video Masks (Duration: 10 seconds)
- Bug (Duration: 10 seconds. Loop)

Technical Specifications:
- Project for Adobe After Effects CC, CC2014, CC2015, CC2017, CC2018, CC2019
- Resolution: DCI4K 4096×2160
- Frame rate: 59.94fps
- No plugins required
- Easy to Customize and Colorize
- Video Preview is not part of the item
- Video and Music used under Creative Commons License

Video is available here: Mixkit

Music is available here: Convey by XEFSketch

Font is available here: Disgusting Behavior by Misprinted Type

Face Frame by Frame

Face Frame by Frame from Stephanie Curry on Vimeo.

Thought I would do a little frame by frame animation today. Did this animation on 2's. 12 total images. liking the jitter feel of the hand drawing. Will take practice to get better at frame by frame.


Visiones Art Festival 005 en el Planetario Digital de Lima en el Morro Solar de Chorrillos Recap!

Visiones Art Festival 005 en el Planetario Digital de Lima en el Morro Solar de Chorrillos Recap! from Up Creativos on Vimeo.

revive los mejores momentos de los shows fulldome en #VisionesArtfestival en el Planetario Digital de Lima con los artistas Medusa Lab y Vj Gorilla. Video Mapping afuera del Planetario por Francesca Dasso

ASCII Visualizer

ASCII Visualizer from shotgone on Vimeo.

Audio visualization represented by text symbols such as ( . , / o 0 + - )

Music: Seasons by Six Foe

Created within TouchDesigner

Monotron VJs - Memorymixtape.

Monotron VJs - Memorymixtape. from Diego Olmo on Vimeo.

Memorymixtape is a visual mixtape created by Monotron VJs.

1- Preoccupations - Memory.
2- Cut City - Like Ashes Like Millions.
3-Future Islands - Ran.
4- Wild Beasts - Wanderlust.
5- The Horrors - Sea Within A Sea.
6- Portishead - We Carry On.
7- Massive Attack - Inertia Creeps.
8- Radiohead - Idioteque.
9- Depeche Mode - Barrel Of A Gun.
10- The Mary Onettes - Lost.
11- Interpol - PDA.
12- TOY - Fun City.
13- LCD Soundsystem - Someone Great.
14- Foals - Red Socks Pugie.
15- Bloc Party - Like Eating Glass.
16- Moderat - Running.
17- Caribou - Can´t Do Without You.
18- Squid - Houseplants.
19- The Rapture - The House Of Jealous Lovers.
20- Soulwax - E-Yalking.
21- Battles - Atlas.
22- !!! - Me and Giuliani Down by the School Yard.
23- Hot Chip - Hungry Child.
24- Anika - I Go To Sleep.

November, 2019.

VJ LOOP PACK - 17 CLIPS DXV3 - 120BPM - Cubic Porcelain

VJ LOOP PACK - 17 CLIPS DXV3 - 120BPM - Cubic Porcelain from Numersive on Vimeo.

17 Beat Matched Clips

120 BPM 30FPS

Full Transparency on all applicable clips

Made in Cinema 4d With Octane

Contact Me for other file types

Plush- Solomun

Plush- Solomun from Daniel Zee on Vimeo.

Visuals+ Vj Set 10 hs



VJ sample nature mix

VJ sample nature mix from Romy Arden on Vimeo.

VJ mix 2 _ Dub Corruption _ Levontin TLV

VJ mix 2 _ Dub Corruption _ Levontin TLV from Romy Arden on Vimeo.

VJ mix 1 _ Dub Corruption _ Levontin TLV

VJ mix 1 _ Dub Corruption _ Levontin TLV from Romy Arden on Vimeo.

flocking cubes Free Vj loop

flocking cubes Free Vj loop from Catmac on Vimeo.

Looks like a flocking behaviour, but it is not.

Dancing with the Stars - Opening Credits

Dancing with the Stars - Opening Credits from Nayloon on Vimeo.

Director: Samir Syriani
Creative Director: Nayla Tawil
DOP: Joe Saade
Editing / Visual effects: Farid Yared
Executive Producer: Helena Oueiss
Wardrobe Stylist: Wael Boutors
Music: Harry Hadeshian
Colorist: Belal Hibri


Psy Liquids VJ Pack

Psy Liquids VJ Pack from Taras Gesh on Vimeo.

Psy Liquids is pack of 8 HQ 4K motion graphics animations for music videos, video-installations, fashion show, night clubs, media art projects and more.
Product page:

MIDSYNC Sergio Puppio + VJ/JT

MIDSYNC Sergio Puppio + VJ/JT from joaco mackenzie on Vimeo.

VJ Schloeterpeter_showreel

VJ Schloeterpeter_showreel from SchloeterPeter on Vimeo.

New Year 2020 Countdown 2020 | After Effects Project Files - Videohive template

New Year 2020 Countdown 2020 | After Effects Project Files - Videohive template from After Effects Project on Vimeo.

Download New Year Countdown 2020 -

Contact for customization (I made a video for you)

A Full HD, 1920×1080 Pixels, After Effects Template After Effects CC 2018 and above, No Plugins required All Texts shown in the Preview are editable, Change Font, and edit all the attributes Change the font of Countdown timer in single click Modular Count down structure, Start from any seconds as per the requirement 100 % After Effects Template, No 3rd Party Plugins required Single click off if Video/Image not required High Energy, Dynamic Count Down for Perfect New Year Party, Events, Reality Shows, Award Shows etc… Curtain Raiser for All Programs, Stage Shows Unique, Simple, Cinematic Style New Year Count Down for this New Year 7 Segments, 5 Video Placeholders, 10 Text Placeholders, 1 Logo Placeholder Simple to edit, easy to render, Detailed PDF Help file included Audio used in Promo not included, You can buy it from here Audio Link Audio Skyscraper Images used for promo purpose only, Not included

Last Update 1 November 19 Created 13 December 18 After Effects Version CC 2019, CC 2018 Files Included After Effects Project Files Length 1:18 Resolution 1920x1080 File Size 182mb Media Placeholders 6 Text Placeholders 10 Tags award ceremony, bokeh, celebrations, christmas, clock, countdown, dance club, Dj Shows, fireworks, greetings, happy new year, magic glitters, midnight, vj party, year end party

tags: award ceremony, bokeh, celebrations, christmas, clock, countdown, dance club, Dj Shows, fireworks, greetings, happy new year, magic glitters, midnight, vj party, year end party

download New Year Countdown 2020 | After Effects Project Files - Videohive template

Contact for customization (I made a video for you)

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AUCELUM rodín I Chloé Desmoineaux I “ai vist”

AUCELUM rodín I Chloé Desmoineaux I "ai vist" from companhia NEBLUM on Vimeo.

“Aucelum” (oiseaux) conte en deux dimensions

Cette création en forme de conte numérique est le fruit de la rencontre de deux poètes. Rodin Kaufmann, chanteur occitan et créateur de musiques futuristes y apporte le son, qui se promène dans l’espace à travers un système de diffusion multiple.
Chloé Desmoineaux, plasticienne numérique au regard ludique y amène l’image qui, projetée sur plusieurs écrans, enveloppe le spectateur.
Les oiseaux sont au centre de leurs échanges. Chants, animations graphiques, cris, mouvements, paysages sonores et observations filmées de la faune aviaire camarguaise forment la matière première de cette fable environnementale. Désireux de créer une perspective temporelle, ils ont mêlé leurs inventions contemporaines à de libres emprunts au récit antique de L’Odyssée d’Homère et à Le Cantique des Oiseaux de Farid al-Din Attar, poète soufi persan du 12ème siècle.
Aucelum questionne la place et le rôle de l’homme à l’aube d’une crise biologique majeure. Augures contemporains, Chloé Desmoineaux et Rodin Kaufmann se font ici observateurs et interprètes des oiseaux, rares survivants de la précédente extinction de masse. Inspirateurs du rêve de liberté de l’humanité et victimes de sa névrose de possession, les volatiles volent, plongent, puis re-décollent. Pourront-ils nous aider à nous relever ?




Description about all mappings and my works.

« HÔTEL-DIEU » in Château-Thierry - June 2019 - LOOMPROD
For Video Mapping Festival #2

I create 1 minute 40 sec of video : Introduction [00:00 and 01:37], Ellipsis[01:41], wood [01:31] and metal [00:17]

What I did :
- Concept
- Modeling (exept for the wood under license for commercial)
- Texture, Shading (exept for the wood under license for commercial)
- Animation
- Lighting, Render
- Basic compositing

Free theme and shared art direction.

For Video Mapping Festival #2


I create 1 minute 15 sec of video : Introduction [00:15], wood, bricks and metal [00:45], Escher style cubes [01:47]

What I did :
- Pre-production research
- Concept
- Modeling (exept for the wood under license for commercial)
- Texture, Shading (exept for the wood textures under license for commercial)
- Lay out
- Animation
- Lighting, Render
- Basic compositing

Art director : Patrick GRANDI - Themes : Material change and Escher.

CITY HALL in Aix-les-Bains - December 2018 - VIZUAL INVADERS


I create 2 minutes of video for architectural final : living temple [00:26] and colorful divisions [01:45]

What I did :
- Concept
- Modeling (exept for geometries on the roman temple, under license for commercial)
- Lay out
- Basic rigging [living temple] and Motion Design Tools [colorful divisions]
- Animation
- Shading, Lighting, Render
- Basic compositing

Free theme and shared art direction with Isaure Baraud

for Video Mapping Festival #2

I create 4 minutes 15 sec of video : Introduction [01:07], mouvement into the church [01:15], Final [01:22].

What I did :
- Lay out
- Textures mapping
- Shading
- Animation
- Lighting, Render
- Basic compositing

Art director : Gervaise DUCHAUSSOY
2D design : Laurence DE WILDE

for "la Fête des éléphants" 2017


I create 1 minute 30 sec of video : Origami [01:52]

What I did :
- Concept
- Modeling
- Texture, Shading
- Origami rigging
- Animation
- Lighting, Render
- Basic compositing

Shared art direction. Themes: Origami, Futurism

FLYING ELEPHANT for mobile projection in Chambéry - July 2018 - VIZUAL INVADERS
for "la Fête des éléphants" 2018

I create some statics loops for a mobile projection. This video [02:07] is an animation to present my elephant rig from my previous demoreel.

What I did :
- Retopology, UVs
- Texture, Shading
- Rigging, Skinning
- Animation
- Lighting, Render

Modeling by Isaure Barraud

Krishna Landscape

Krishna Landscape from Stephanie Curry on Vimeo.

Stardust plugin & AE. Inspired by Krishna pictures.Abstract Landscape Tutorial by Roland Hartmann.

Cubical Landscape

Cubical Landscape from Stephanie Curry on Vimeo.

Used the stardust plugin with the Stardust Abstract Landscape Tutorial by Roland Hartmann. The stardust plugin is amazingly powerful but amazingly complex.

VJ set recording 2

VJ set recording 2 from Digital Media Jockey on Vimeo.

VJ set recording

VJ set recording 6

VJ set recording 6 from Digital Media Jockey on Vimeo.

VJ set recording



VJ set recording 2

VJ set recording 2 from Digital Media Jockey on Vimeo.

VJ set recording

VJ set recording 13

VJ set recording 13 from Digital Media Jockey on Vimeo.

VJ set recording

VJ set recording 14

VJ set recording 14 from Digital Media Jockey on Vimeo.

VJ set recording.


ATELIER 210 EXTRAITS from Carlux prod on Vimeo.

Extraits du concert de GLÜ à l'atelier 210 - Bruxelles en Novembre 2019
Visuels sur tule: Charles Bruere
Lumière: Clément Papin


Eyes from Stephanie Curry on Vimeo.

Little bit walleyed, but could be cool. Created shapes in AE, used the gradient on eyes and the gaussian blur, keyframed movement, then matted eye. Just duplicated layer in new comp, then time remapped for the loop.


SciFi VJ Loop

SciFi VJ Loop from APJ Intelligence Group on Vimeo.

Flying through the sytem

The Visuals @ DESERT ADVENTURE 2019

The Visuals @ DESERT ADVENTURE 2019 from Dorian Natan - Vj MasterDamus on Vimeo.

his is our super trippy Visual set for the annual desert adventure rave in Kfar Nokdim 2019. A great rave for us older panthers, by the one & only dj DARWISH.
Such a pleasure it was to play there, with the most rewarding crowd we've ever encountered (standing ovation for the vj show and everything!).
with amazing lineup just for us: NADI, GULA K, OFORIA, ANIMATO, ASTRIX, FREAK SHOW, OFF-LIMITS, & Kostaceuss....
Stage design: DOLEV
Music in this clip: Off Limits, Emok, Vini Vici, Martin Vice - In & Out

Vídeo mapping diciembre 2017

Vídeo mapping diciembre 2017 from samuel ridruejo on Vimeo.

Video mapping realizado sobre fachada de castillo para boda.

Samuel Ridruejo


Metro from Ari Dykier on Vimeo.

Ari Dykier Visuals at Metro Świętokrzyska in Warsaw. Music: User Friendly

Roller Coaster - REVIS

Roller Coaster - REVIS from VLOOPY on Vimeo.

Re- visualized Roller Coaster Loop.
Donwload @
Music : Lock86 by Two Fingers


splodgy loop2 - free vj loop

splodgy loop2 - free vj loop from jon sharpe on Vimeo.

Dripping light cube one_1 - free vj loop

Dripping light cube one_1 - free vj loop from jon sharpe on Vimeo.

reflective drippy cube - Free VJ Loop

reflective drippy cube - Free VJ Loop from jon sharpe on Vimeo.

Ant Farm (VJ Loop)

Ant Farm (VJ Loop) from Suraj Barthy on Vimeo.

VJ Loop for free download.

Licensed under CC-BY 4.0

Red Tunnel Pulse

Red Tunnel Pulse from Stephanie Curry on Vimeo.

In AE created multiple polygon layers, applied glow effect, and offset dashes. Added some influence on the scale and the offset to ease the speed. Precomped layers, and time remapped them to loop clip.#everyday


Capsule 01 - Disperso

Capsule 01 - Disperso from Tiago Torres soria on Vimeo.

This project stems from the passion for two arts, the visual arts in the sound arts.
In this first part, DispersO will be in charge of the selection of 4 musical themes.

On this occasion we upload one of those selected tracks.

Aoki Takamasa - Doki Doki Last Night
"28" - FatCat Recording

Visuals by Tiago Torres aka DispersO

Kaleidoscope 2

Kaleidoscope 2 from Stephanie Curry on Vimeo.

Kaleidoscope 1

Kaleidoscope 1 from Stephanie Curry on Vimeo.

Playing around with AE's built-in Kaleidoscope effect.

Flaming Butterfly

Flaming Butterfly from Stephanie Curry on Vimeo.

VJ Loop Fireset

Live at VOLT 2011 - Instructions + Nomaton

Live at VOLT 2011 - Instructions + Nomaton from Synthetics on Vimeo.

Synthetics and The Midi Thief performing live visuals for Nomaton at the Volt 2011 festival in Uppsala, Sweden on June 11th 2011
