Boiler Room
Boiler Room from Fluks on Vimeo.
Boiler Room is one of the most famous parties and music communities all over the world. In addition to the music program, a big part of the parties has a visual style, which creates the atmosphere. Our team was responsible for this part in some cities.
in different years we were responsible for the visual design of the Boiler Room in Moscow, Madrid, Krakow, Paris and London. And also for creating VJ presets and sponsorship integration for Adidas and Ballantines brands.
15 anos Júlia Pacheco - Palácio de Cristal - Uberlândia/MG #RapaSound
15 anos Júlia Pacheco - Palácio de Cristal - Uberlândia/MG #RapaSound from Rapa Sound on Vimeo.
Nós somos especialistas em tornar festas inesquecíveis! E na festa de 15 anos de @juliamapacheco, não poderia ser diferente.
Cuidamos de todos os detalhes técnicos, desde a concepção do projeto 3D até a sonorização, iluminação e estrutura, além de criar um projeto audiovisual com conteúdo exclusivo nos totems de LED, palco de festival, teto de LED, pista de LED interativa e efeitos especiais, inspirados no tema da festa que foi "Fundo do Mar". Agradecimentos aos pais @jussara_helena_machado e Pacheco pela confiança!
Confira no vídeo um resumo de como foi essa noite!
Sonorização, Iluminação, Estrutura, Exclusivo Projeto de Totens de LED, LED Palco e Teto, Pista de LED Interativa e Efeitos Especiais: @rapasound @leandrorapasound @dagma.lopes.silva
VJ, Mapping LED e Conteúdo Audio Visual: @daniel_souvile - Roteiro: @dagma.lopes.silva
Equipe, parceiros e fornecedores:
#RapaSound #ProjetoAudiovisual #PistaInterativa #Tecnologia #FundoDoMar #15anos #FestaDe15anos #debutante #AudioVisual
Rapa Sound é uma empresa especializada em sonorização, iluminação e efeitos especiais para festas de Casamentos, 15 anos, Formaturas, Confraternizações, Eventos Corporativos e Festas Particulares.
Siga nosso Instagram e conheça um pouco mais sobre nossa empresa e serviços:
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Reserve a sua data! Marque agora seu o atendimento:
Fone: (34) 3231-0632
E-mail: atendimento@rapasound.com.br
Rua Antônio Crescêncio, 310 - Bom Jesus - CEP 38400-636 - Uberlândia - MG
#RapaSound #Casamento #15Anos #Formatura #Corporativo #EventoCorporativo #EventoEmpresarial #FestaParticular #DJ #VJ #Som #VideoMapping #Mapping #Projeção #ProjeçãoPanorâmica #Iluminação #PistaDeLED #PainelDeLED #Palco #LuzCênica #IluminaçãoDecorativa
Winners of the Genius Loci Festival Competition
<< English version below >>
Der diesjährige Wettbewerb stand unter dem Motto „Bauhaus goes AI“ und Künstler hatten die Möglichkeit, ein 30 Sekunden langes Video zum Thema AI für die Fassade des Bauhaus Museums in Weimar zu gestalten. Dabei konnte sich der Inhalt mit dem Thema Künstliche Intelligenz (Artificial Intelligence, AI) auseinandersetzen, die Künstler konnten natürlich auch mediale Inhalte mit AI-Tools gestalten. Das Ergebnis waren zahlreiche spannende und kreative Einreichungen, die sich mit einem der aktuellsten Themen unserer Zeit auseinandersetzen. Wir bedanken uns an dieser Stelle bei allen Künstlern für ihre Beiträge und freuen uns, die drei Gewinner bekannt geben zu dürfen.
Insgesamt wurden über 50 Arbeiten aus aller Welt zum Thema AI eingereicht. Bis zum 25.07.2023 wurden die Preisträger durch eine öffentliche Abstimmung sowie durch eine Expertenjury ermittelt. Die Gewinnerteams des Videomapping Wettbewerbs können sich über ein Preisgeld in Höhe vonjeweils 5.000 Euro freuen, um ihre Konzepte im Rahmen des Genius Loci Weimar Festivals am Wochenende vom 15. bis 17. September 2023 zu realisieren. Im Rahmen des Festivals wird zudem aus den drei Teams ein Gesamtsieger aus den 5-10-minütigen Produktionen gekürt, der sich über weitere 5.000 Euro freuen darf.
Die Gewinnerbeiträge 2023
Bauhaus-Museum – „Deep.Redux“ von „Latenter Raum“
Deep.redux reflects AI advancements, merges visualization techniques, explores data representation, and questions human-AI relationship. Deep.redux is an audio-visual work that critically reflects on the advancements of machine learning and artificial intelligence. It merges aesthetic techniques from data visualization, simulation, 2D/3D animation, and incorporates contemporary and historical generative AI models. It explores the evolving representation of data and learning, providing glimpses into the underlying relationships within the latent space. The visual journey spans from early analytical machine learning to deep-fakes, super-resolution, and generative models like ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion. It examines the relationship between humans and AI, avoiding the human versus machine notion, raising questions of familiarity and repetition within these models.
Link zum Video: https://vimeo.com/843829632?share=copy
Artist Facts:
We, the Latent Space collective, are a group of Bauhaus University alumni who came together during and after our studies to work together across Germany. Although we are active as individual artists, designers and computer scientists, we increasingly question the meaningfulness of singular authorship in larger projects and in the context of modern media art. Therefore, we bring ourselves together as agents of a system to realize large transmedial projects beyond academic and disciplinary boundaries. A critical examination of the relationship between human and machine is essential in a world where the boundaries between the digital and real worlds are no longer just dissolved, but even non-existent.
Latent Space Collective: August Guccione, Clemens Hornemann, Elisabeth Scholz, Joel Schäfer, Leon-Etienne Kühr, Phil Hagen Jungschlaeger, Torben Zsagar
Bauhaus-Museum – „Symmetry Unveiled“ von „Vali Chincișan“
"Symmetry Unveiled" is a piece that combines poetry in the style of Bauhaus with music and animation generated by artificial intelligence. The poem is entirely written by ChatGPT and will be narrated by an AI voice. Both the animation and music are generated based on the verses of the poem, using Mubert and Stable Diffusion technologies.
Link zum Video: https://vimeo.com/843833100?share=copy
Artist Facts:
Vali Chincișan lebt und arbeitet in Bukarest, Rumänien und studierte an der University of Arts in Bukarest.
Bauhaus-Museum – „Bauhaus Resonance – Past Presence Future“ von „Lucid Collective“
"Bauhaus Resonance” is a partly AI generated 3D video mapping piece that presents iconic Bauhaus concepts, such as the integration of art and technology. In the opening scene graphic lines will follow the shape of the building, creating a network that slowly reveals more and more objects that look like Bauhaus-inspired furniture and houses. Slowly, these wireframe-like figures turn into 3D objects with coloured shapes that morph into ever new designs in the typical AI-generated video style. The background remains simple with the black and white graphic network until the shapes form an entire city, which also transforms into a colourful volumetric AI-generated landscape.
Now the whole scenery is coloured in the primary colour palette and we zoom out of the futuristic city, that is completely generated by AI. How would AI imagine a world shaped by Bauhaus principles in the years to come? The Zoom will be slow and steady with many details to discover and explore, as we move through different scenarios and design landscapes.
Link zum Video: https://vimeo.com/843836142?share=copy
Artist Facts:
Combining our love for technology, art and nature the LUCID collective creates video mapping projections and immersive installations that paint optimistic narratives about the future and inspire new unexpected urban scenarios. The Berlin based collective aspires to collaborate with Artists from all over the world and create bridges internationally. By augmenting reality with light, we create transformative illusions and new collective experiences. From the revival of forgotten places to the creation of optimistic narratives about the future, from educative pieces for museums and historic monuments to interactive installations, we are passionate about telling compelling stories and inspire thought-provoking conversations.
Lucid Collective: Amir Mokhber, Charlotte Bach, Joshua Raphael Roth
Das Festival 2023
Das Genius Loci Weimar Festival verbindet als Festival für Projektionskunst und Medienarchitektur viele unterschiedliche Genres: Architektur, Media Art, Design, Performing Arts und Bildende Kunst. Künstler.innen aus aller Welt haben sich in den letzten Wettbewerben mit den historischen Orten der Klassikerstadt und der jungen Kunstform Videomapping beschäftigt.
Das Genius Loci Festival 2023 widmet sich in diesem Jahr dem Jahresthema „Bauhaus Goes AI“ und damit einem der aktuellsten Themen unserer Zeit - der KI. In diesem Jahr werden insgesamt drei Gewinnerarbeiten an einem Ort, dem Bauhaus Museum Weimar, präsentiert.
Vor 100 Jahren fand in Weimar die legendäre Bauhaus Werkschau, die Bauhausausstellung von 1923 statt. Das Bauhaus lud erstmalig ganz Deutschland zu einer Ausstellung und Leistungsschau, zu seiner Bauhauswoche ein. Im Rahmen dieser Ausstellung wurde unter anderem die weltbekannte Architekturikone "Das Haus am Horn" präsentiert. Dieser visionäre Entwurf repräsentierte das kreative und gestalterische Potential, das hinter dem Demokratischen Aufbruch der jungen Weimarer Republik und der Maxime „Gestaltung für Alle“ stand.
100 Jahre später steht ein weiterer Schub in der Demokratisierung von Design und Kunst in der Welt der Gestaltung bevor: die technologische Entwicklung im Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Sogenannte Generative Neuronale Netze (GAN) sind in der Lage, aus einfachen Texten Pixel-perfekte Grafiken und ganze Animation von beeindruckender Qualität und technischer Perfektion zu erstellen. Erneut macht die Demokratisierung der Kunst macht einen weiteren, diesmal geradezu dramatischen Schritt: jeder kann durch maschinelle Hilfe grafischer Künstler sein. Ist die klassische Design- und Kunstausbildung obsolet? Weiter noch: mit Deepfakes kann jeder jederzeit jedem jedwedes Ereignis präsentieren. Ist sogar schon die Realität obsolet?
Genius Loci Weimar | Festival für Videomapping und Fassadenprojektion | 15.-17. September 2023
This year's competition was themed "Bauhaus goes AI" and artists had the opportunity to create a 30-second video on the topic of AI for the façade of the Bauhaus Museum in Weimar. The content could deal with the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the artists could of course design media content with AI tools. The result was numerous exciting and creative submissions dealing with one of the most current topics of our time. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all artists for their contributions and are pleased to announce the three winners.
In total, more than 50 works from all over the world were submitted on the topic of AI. Until July 25, 2023, the winners were determined by a public vote as well as by a jury of experts. The winning teams of the video mapping competition can look forward to prize money of 5,000 euros each to realize their concepts as part of the Genius Loci Weimar Festival on the weekend of September 15-17, 2023. As part of the festival, an overall winner from the three teams will also be chosen from the 5-10 minute productions, who can look forward to receiving a further 5,000 euros.
The winning contributions 2023
Bauhaus-Museum – „Deep.Redux“ from „Latenter Raum“
Deep.redux reflects AI advancements, merges visualization techniques, explores data representation, and questions human-AI relationship. Deep.redux is an audio-visual work that critically reflects on the advancements of machine learning and artificial intelligence. It merges aesthetic techniques from data visualization, simulation, 2D/3D animation, and incorporates contemporary and historical generative AI models. It explores the evolving representation of data and learning, providing glimpses into the underlying relationships within the latent space. The visual journey spans from early analytical machine learning to deep-fakes, super-resolution, and generative models like ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion. It examines the relationship between humans and AI, avoiding the human versus machine notion, raising questions of familiarity and repetition within these models.
Link to the video: https://vimeo.com/843829632?share=copy
Artist Facts:
We, the Latent Space collective, are a group of Bauhaus University alumni who came together during and after our studies to work together across Germany. Although we are active as individual artists, designers and computer scientists, we increasingly question the meaningfulness of singular authorship in larger projects and in the context of modern media art. Therefore, we bring ourselves together as agents of a system to realize large transmedial projects beyond academic and disciplinary boundaries. A critical examination of the relationship between human and machine is essential in a world where the boundaries between the digital and real worlds are no longer just dissolved, but even non-existent.
Latent Space Collective: August Guccione, Clemens Hornemann, Elisabeth Scholz, Joel Schäfer, Leon-Etienne Kühr, Phil Hagen Jungschlaeger, Torben Zsagar
Bauhaus-Museum – „Symmetry Unveiled“ from „Vali Chincișan“
"Symmetry Unveiled" is a piece that combines poetry in the style of Bauhaus with music and animation generated by artificial intelligence. The poem is entirely written by ChatGPT and will be narrated by an AI voice. Both the animation and music are generated based on the verses of the poem, using Mubert and Stable Diffusion technologies.
Link to the video: https://vimeo.com/843833100?share=copy
Artist Facts:
Vali Chincișan lives and works in Bucharest, Romania and studied at the University of Arts in Bucharest.
Bauhaus-Museum – „Bauhaus Resonance – Past Presence Future“ from „Lucid Collective“
"Bauhaus Resonance” is a partly AI generated 3D video mapping piece that presents iconic Bauhaus concepts, such as the integration of art and technology. In the opening scene graphic lines will follow the shape of the building, creating a network that slowly reveals more and more objects that look like Bauhaus-inspired furniture and houses. Slowly, these wireframe-like figures turn into 3D objects with coloured shapes that morph into ever new designs in the typical AI-generated video style. The background remains simple with the black and white graphic network until the shapes form an entire city, which also transforms into a colourful volumetric AI-generated landscape.
Now the whole scenery is coloured in the primary colour palette and we zoom out of the futuristic city, that is completely generated by AI. How would AI imagine a world shaped by Bauhaus principles in the years to come? The Zoom will be slow and steady with many details to discover and explore, as we move through different scenarios and design landscapes.
Link to the video: https://vimeo.com/843836142?share=copy
Artist Facts:
Combining our love for technology, art and nature the LUCID collective creates video mapping projections and immersive installations that paint optimistic narratives about the future and inspire new unexpected urban scenarios. The Berlin based collective aspires to collaborate with Artists from all over the world and create bridges internationally. By augmenting reality with light, we create transformative illusions and new collective experiences. From the revival of forgotten places to the creation of optimistic narratives about the future, from educative pieces for museums and historic monuments to interactive installations, we are passionate about telling compelling stories and inspire thought-provoking conversations.
Lucid collective: Amir Mokhber, Charlotte Bach, Joshua Raphael Roth
The festival 2023
As a festival for projection art and media architecture, the Genius Loci Weimar Festival combines many different genres: architecture, media art, design, performing arts and visual arts. In the last competitions, artists from all over the world have dealt with the historical sites of the classic city and the young art form of video mapping.
This year, the Genius Loci Festival 2023 is dedicated to the annual theme "Bauhaus Goes AI" and thus to one of the most current topics of our time - AI. This year, a total of three winning works will be presented at one location, the Bauhaus Museum Weimar.
100 years ago, the legendary Bauhaus Werkschau, the Bauhaus Exhibition of 1923, took place in Weimar. For the first time, the Bauhaus invited all of Germany to an exhibition and showcase, its Bauhaus Week. Among other things, the world-famous architectural icon "Das Haus am Horn" was presented as part of this exhibition. This visionary design represented the creative and design potential behind the democratic awakening of the young Weimar Republic and the maxim "Design for All".
100 years later, another push in the democratization of design and art in the world of design is imminent: the technological development in the field of artificial intelligence. So-called Generative Neural Networks (GAN) are capable of creating pixel-perfect graphics and entire animations of impressive quality and technical perfection from simple texts. Once again, the democratization of art is taking another, this time downright dramatic step: anyone can be a graphic artist through machine assistance. Is classical design and art education obsolete? Even more: with deepfakes, anyone can present any event to anyone at any time. Is even reality already obsolete?
Genius Loci Weimar | Festival for Videomapping and Facade Projection | September 15-17, 2023