How and why to connect VDMX to an analog synth
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Processing > Tooll3 Live AV performance
Processing > Tooll3 Live AV performance from Jamie Gledhill on Vimeo.
The MIDI and sounds are generated by hardware synths - Roland SH-4D and Electron Model Cycles. Processing is used to create and manipulate animated geometric shapes that correspond to notes produced by individual synth tracks. Processing forwards the live image using the Spout library to Tooll3, a free VJ platform, which is used to add post effects.
BAD BUNNY / Xitelabs 2019 Tour Designs
BAD BUNNY / Xitelabs 2019 Tour Designs from XiteLabs on Vimeo.
Xitelabs' VJ content and Coachella fabrication designs/implementations for Latin trap star Bad Bunny
Gewinner des Wettbewerbes 2024 stehen fest
Mahnmal Buchenwald
„Gefühlt ist es 5 vor 33“. Unter diesem Motto rief das Genius Loci Weimar Festival im April diesen Jahres zu einem internationalen Künstlerwettbewerb auf: Gesucht waren Beiträge für Projektionen am Mahnmal Buchenwald, das an die 56.000 Toten des Konzentrationslagers erinnert, die aus ganz Europa nach Weimar verschleppt wurden. Gemeinsam mit der Stadt Weimar und der Gedenkstätte Buchenwald will das Projektionsfestival, nicht ganz unberührt von aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen, neue Wege einer verantwortungsbewussten und nachhaltigen Erinnerungskultur suchen.
Insgesamt wurden fast 100 Arbeiten aus aller Welt eingereicht. Die Gewinnerteams des Videomapping Wettbewerbs erhalten nun ein Budget in Höhe von insgesamt 30.000€ um ihre Arbeiten im Rahmen des Genius Loci Weimar Festivals am Wochenende vom 30. August bis 1. September 2024, dem Wochenende der Landtagswahl in Thüringen, zu präsentieren.
Die Gewinnerbeiträge 2024:
1. Mahnmal Buchenwald Stelen – „Ghostpoets“ von „mammasONica“/ IT
2. Mahnmal Buchenwald Pylonen – „Empathy“ von „Area Composer“ / DE
3. Mahnmal Buchenwald Glockenturm – „Die Stille“ von „Marina Konther“ / FR
Weitere Informationen finden Sie im angehängten PDF.
Das Festival 2024
Das Genius Loci Festival 2024 widmet sich in diesem Jahr dem „Mahnmal Buchenwald“. Die Lehren der Vergangenheit sind unser Kompass für eine friedliche und freie Gesellschaft, auch jetzt in Zeiten, in denen Extremismus und Populismus neuen Auftrieb erhalten.
Das KZ Buchenwald war eines der größten Konzentrationslager in Deutschland. Bis zum Tag der Befreiung am 11. April 1945 gab es dort etwa 56.000 Todesopfer. Im Jahr 1958 errichtete die DDR auf dem Südhang des Ettersberges, bei den drei Massengräbern des Konzentrationslagers, ein monumentales Denkmal. Es thematisiert vor allem den Widerstandskampf kommunistischer Häftlinge. Zur Aufgabe des Wettbewerbes gehörte es, in den Projektionen auf die Bauten des Mahnmals jene Schicksale und Ereignisse aufscheinen zu lassen, an die das Mahnmal nicht erinnert. Die Ringgräber selbst sowie die Figurengruppe von Fritz Cremer waren nicht Teil des Wettbewerbes.
Die Illuminationen am Mahnmal Buchenwald sollen, gerade am Wochenende der Thüringer Landtagswahlen 2024, eindringlich die Bedeutung eines angemessenen Blicks auf die Vergangenheit für eine bessere gemeinsame Zukunft in Europa zeigen.
Genius Loci Weimar wird von der Festivalorganisation MXPerience gUG organisiert . Das Festival wird von der Gedenkstätte Buchenwald, dem Land Thüringen, der Kulturstadt Weimar, dem Weimarer Sommer, ReBeam, Logando und der Sparkasse Mittelthüringen unterstützt.
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Buchenwald Memorial
„It feels like 5 to 33“. Under this motto, the Genius Loci Weimar Festival launched an artists’ competition in April of this year: Contributions were sought for an illumination of the buildings at the Buchenwald Memorial in Weimar. Together with the city of Weimar and the Buchenwald Foundation, the projection festival will realize an inscination of this highly symbolic site.
Nearly 100 entries were received from all over the world. The winning teams of the video mapping competition will now receive a total budget of 30,000 euros to realize their works as part of the Genius Loci Weimar Festival on the weekend of August 30 to September 1, 2024; the weekend of the Thüring 2024 Landtag vote.
The winning entries 2024:
1. Buchenwald Memorial Stelen – „Ghostpoets“ from „mammasONica“ / IT
2. Buchenwald Memorial Pylonen – „Empathy“ from „Area Composer“ / DE
3. Buchenwald Memorial Glockenturm – „Die Stille“ from „Marina Konther“ / FR
Further information can be found in the attached PDF.
The Festival 2024
This year's Genius Loci Festival 2024 is dedicated to the theme "Buchenwald Memorial". The lessons of the past are our compass for a peaceful and free society, even today, when extremism and populism are gaining new momentum.
Buchenwald was one of the largest concentration camps in Germany. By the day of the liberation in 1945, approximately 56,000 people had died. In 1958, the Buchenwald Memorial was opend on the site to commemorate the deeds of that time.
Particularly on the weekend of the Thuringian state elections in 2024, an illumination at the Buchenwald Memorial is intended to send a message. Not entirely unaffected by current developments, neither the past nor the future should be lost sight of.
Genius Loci weimar is organized by MXPerience gUG. The festival is supported by the Buchenwald Memorial Foundation, the city Weimar, the Weimarer Sommer, ReBeam, Logando and the Sparkasse Mittelthüringen.
VJ CONCEPT Neverending Story
VJ CONCEPT Neverending Story from Katia Petrova on Vimeo.
Presentation of TWO new VJ-loop samples with alfa-chanel.
Made by Katia Petrova.
Music by: LIMAHL- Neverending Story (Ian Coleen Remix 2018)
ILLUSORY CIRCUS | Visual Jockey from Mai Lieu on Vimeo.
Illusory Circus is our Projection Mapping experiment through a Visual Jockey (VJ) project. We paired captivating visual assets with the music "Lazarski Dream", "Gardarike" by Tri-Tachyon, "Racing Energetic Electronic | Racing" by Alex Productions, to create a VJ live session.
Our project tells a story about teddy bunnies kidnapped by a witch and trapped in a "fake circus." Hypnotized for a spiritual ritual, the bunnies eventually awaken and attempt to escape but are ultimately caught. The music’s mysterious and spiritual vibe, combined with energetic electronic elements, enhances the thrilling experience of our performance.
Objet Scène
Objet Scène from Marjolaine Guillaume on Vimeo.
• RETOUR EN IMAGE SUR MON OBJET-SCENE ✨ Il évoque mon rapport à la scène en tant que scénographe mais aussi en tant que spectatrice.
Le terme « projection » à ici, une double signification.
La première, la plus directe, est celle de la projection vidéo. Elle fait écho à ma pratique de VJ lors de soirées electro qui consiste à mixer des images en live au rythme des BPM des DJs. Les vidéos que je projette sur des supports divers donnent naissance à une scénographie vivante réunissant pour quelques heures ambiances lumineuses, espaces et individus en mouvement.
La deuxième signification est celle de la projection mentale du spectateur. Comment, en fonction de son passé, de ses expériences personnelles, le spectateur va pouvoir s’identifier à un personnage ou une situation montrée ?
Mes films négatifs de toute une année, trace de mon passé et de mes expériences vécues, ont été le point de départ pour réaliser un rideau de gélatine sur lequel je viens projeter une pluie de négatifs. En passant à travers le rideau, la vidéo devient espace et lumière à la fois. ✨ Musique : All Melody - Nils Frahm
VJ for 竇靖童Leah Dou - Chimes
VJ for 竇靖童Leah Dou - Chimes from YEECHI PRODUCTION on Vimeo.
#vj #digitalart
Visual Artist : YEECHI PRODUCTION(@yeechi_production)
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/yeechi_production/
Behance : https://www.behance.net/YeechiProduction
Voxel Creation/Destruction Free Vj Loop
Voxel Creation/Destruction Free Vj Loop from Catmac on Vimeo.
Free vj Loop. This license allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator. The license allows for commercial use. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must license the modified material under identical terms.
Dancing Nature Ya Allah
Dancing Nature Ya Allah from Katia Petrova on Vimeo.
Videoart work made by VJ CONCEPT.
This video does not require my copyright and it's free for non-commercial use.
Music: The Nagore Brothers - Ya Allah (Suduaya Rmx) ⚛FREE DOWNLOAD ⚛ @Suduaya
Finally, I managed to do what I had been telling everyone I knew about for so long - I used the “live video loops” technique. Please note - there is not an ounce of computer graphics in this video - only prepared video footage of natural processes and video special effects. Every time I am surprised and fascinated by the fact that even the tiniest details of a captured natural process (such as raindrops on glass, sparks of a fire in the sky, the flight of sand over the ridge of a dune) instantly give an idea of this entire process. That is, this video experiment proves that a natural process does not need to be seen in full screen, from beginning to end, in order to understand what is happening; Just 1/24 of the screen and a few moments are enough for your imagination to unmistakably move to the place where the filming took place. That is why I have done my best to confuse you as much as possible. It seems to me that this is the real magic of a moving frame: its rhythm, curves of lines, color transitions.
It took a lot of effort to create this video: 15 days of creativity and the work itself, during which about fifty compositions were created in AE, more than 300 video layers (from 7 to 30 seconds) and the result was the final rendering, which lasted almost 20 hours . And now the moment of truth has come: I’m interested in knowing a sincere opinion about whether neurogeneration is capable of replacing human creative work, whether my game was worth the candle or ???
In general, my main goal was and remains to saturate the sense of beauty of those who like to nourish it; an attempt at visual hypnosis to stop internal dialogue, for those who know how to pray and meditate in silence and, most importantly, the task of reminding everyone how vulnerable our nature is, that each of us needs to respect and take care of it every second!
Don't litter! And collect other people's garbage so that the planet becomes cleaner after us!
-- In the name of Peace over the World!
P.S. - to the authors of the video: I apologize to everyone who is dissatisfied with the use of your video materials. If you want them to be removed from this video art, please write to me about it, I will replace them, but in my opinion the global goal of life is distribution and reproduction, with all the ensuing consequences. It seems to me that your wonderful shots, when crossed with others, blossomed in a new way and gave their new fruits in this video. Thank you!! God Bless You!