

SplatBox, the VJ app, on Microsoft Surface

Kevin Kennedy öt éve dolgozik a Microsoft Surface csapatában. Érdekkes alkalmazással foglalkozik, a neve: SplatBox. Ez egy VJ program, amit WPF-ben írtak. ( Hogy ez mi, ne kérdezzétek, mert fogalmam sincs. Ha valaki tudja, felvilágosíthatna bennünket! ) A megvalósítás még eléggé kiforratlan, de nagy lehetőségeket rejt magában.
Kevinnel Eric Havir készített interjút.

" Kevin Kennedy will have been with the Microsoft Surface team five years in January. On the blog, he's brought you How Creating Surface Apps is Different, parts one and two. You can see his intro too. It's hard to get developers out of their offices and on the blog sometimes, so I went to Kevin's office this time. We took a look at his application called SplatBox. It's a VJ application written in WPF. The design aspects are fairly raw, but it's full of possibilities. We walked through the app in the video below. "
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