

Kinect Mapping and VJ for outdoor festival

"From author:
Neuquén, Argentina, Februray 2011
We did a couple apps for the Art and Technology festival “TDI 04- Umbral”.
This is the first live test we did as Pixel Perez (dogrush + visuales manuel) using VVVV + Kinect during the festival of new trends in art, TDI, Argentina.
We made 2 applications, the first consisted of a displacement map that distorted the wall’s plane of the museum, with interactive silhouette of a person that casted shadows to accentuate the three-dimensional volume.
The control of the virtual light over the building was directed with the right hand of the subject, thus virtual light affected the shadows casted by the volumetric letters that identify the facade of the Museum of Fine Arts Neuquén “MNBA”
Finally we did an interactive app with particles generated by interpreting the three dimensional volume of the public that approached the stage for dancing. Impeccable music by Bad Boy Orange and interactivity of the dancers broke out in an instant turning the show into a fun party
The use of Kinect outdoors in summer in the south of the planet is probably the most beautiful thing that has happened to technology in recent times.
Thanks to the friends of TDI by launching such a cool festival."
(Igor Barinov)

Pixel Perez @ TDI 04 Neuquen Argentina, Kinect Mapping from dogrush on Vimeo.
Esta es la primer prueba en vivo que realizamos con Pixel Perez (dogrush + visuales manuel), usando Kinect y VVVV en el festival de Nuevas Tendencias en el arte, TDI, Argentina.
Hicimos 2 aplicaciones, la primera consistia en un mapa de desplazamiento interactivo que deformaba el plano del edificio con la silueta interactiva de una persona, la cual arrojaba sombras para acentuar el volumen tridimencional.
Con la mano derecha, esta persona podia controlar una luz virtual que afectaba las sombras arrojadas por las letras corporeas que identifican la fachada del Museo de Bellas Artes Neuquen.
Finalmente hicimos una app interactiva que generaba particulas al interpretar el volumen tridimensional del publico que se acercaba a bailar. La musica impecable de Bad Boy Orange y la interactividad de los bailarines explotaron en un instante convirtiendo la muestra en una fiesta acalorada y divertida.
Poder usar kinect al aire libre, en verano, en el sur del planeta es lo mas lindo que le ha pasado a la tecnologia en los ultimos tiempos.
Gracias a los amigos de TDI por poner en marcha un festival tan genial.

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