

Punto y Raya Ferstival

thumb_fidelFidel Dolorier: All-seeing eyes
Fidel Dolorier is an unusual photographer, who doesn’t seem to miss any details and finds abstraction wherever he goes. Despite being a quite private person, he holds nothing back when talking about the values that move him as an artist. Read further  
thumb_torrentsDavid Torrents. Avant-garde geometric design and much more
David Torrents runs his own multidisciplinary design studio in Barcelona since 2002. His designs are characterized by avant-garde geometric compositions breaking classic schemes through a system of enveloping layers, textures and colors composed on multiple planes. Read further 
thumb_papunyaPapunya Tula: Dreaming stories and Australian Aboriginal dot-paintingThe Papunya Tula art movement -with its ancestral myths or Dreaming stories- was born in the early 1970s in a desolate settlement in central Australia, when the school teacher at the community encouraged the natives to paint their motifs on canvas and walls, and not only on their bodies or the sand. This changed a whole society and the knowledge we have of it. Read further  
thumb_zaloa_ipinaZaloa Ipiña’s new solo exhibit at the Sala de Cultura de Urretxu (Guipúzcoa)
Zaloa Ipiña's latest project, Eguzki-printzak ikusgai / Visible sunrays, opened on May 4th 2012 at the Sala de Cultura de UrretxuJuan de Lizarazu (Guipuzcoa). It emerges from two photographic series: Argia ezta ikusten? / Can’t you see the light? and Argi distirak / Light flashes.Read further  
thumb_graffiti_analysisGraffiti Analysis v.3.0, designed for documenting more than just ink
Graffiti Analysis is an extensive ongoing study in the motion of graffiti. Custom software designed for graffiti writers creates visualizations of the often unseen gestures involved in the creation of a tag. Read further  
thumb_engel“The Jules Engel Project” by the iotaCenter
Anyone who studied experimental animation at CalArts between 1969 and 2001 knows how important Jules Engel was as a teacher and mentor. Engel created the Experimental Animation program and directed it for over 30 years. But in addition to his role as educator, he was recognized as one of the most important figures in abstract animation. Read further  
thumb_yayoi_kusamaYayoi Kusama's amazing obsession
Currently on view at the Tate Modern is the first major retrospective ofYayoi Kusama's work in the UK. Covering a practice that has spanned nearly six decades, the fourteen-room exhibition reveals the wide range of the artist's explorations into media and mediation. Read further  

What is Punto y Raya Festival? 2007-2011 from Punto y Raya Festival - dot&line on Vimeo.
Find out what Punto y Raya Festival (the festival of the Dot & the Line) is all about. Excerpts from the activities carried out during the three editions and through the PyR international platform.

Descubre de qué se trata Punto y Raya Festival (2007-2011), con extractos de las actividades realizadas durante sus tres ediciones y a través de su plataforma internacional.

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