Pink Gold Cannabis from __________sosa on Vimeo.
Blue VJ Loop Stock Footage
Blue VJ Loop Stock Footage from Matt Deuse on Vimeo.
Visit for more info
MultiColour VJ Loop Stock Footage
MultiColour VJ Loop Stock Footage from Matt Deuse on Vimeo.
Visit for more info
Reactive / 03 / Boards of Canada
Reactive / 03 / Boards of Canada from Nick Alekhine on Vimeo.
04/23/2018 – Visual Performance Sketch. Audio-reactive layers created in Resolume.
Experimento con texto en VVVV / O I V I 2018
Experimento con texto en VVVV / O I V I 2018 from O I V I on Vimeo.
-Este experimento fue realizado en el Software VVVV, una herramienta de trabajo que cada día aprendo algo nuevo.-
Filmado por Homero Prodan, un gran compañero de laboratorio y hermano.
redgreenblue live at eeeem18
redgreenblue live at eeeem18 from Tumei Tejas on Vimeo.
redgreenblue performed at the event: "An evening of experimental electronic electroacoustic music." The event occurred at The William Carlos Williams Center in Rutherford, NJ on 4/13/18.
redgreenblue is Shane King.
Live visuals: Jim Tuite
VJ Set Sophie Le Meillour @Time Warp 18
VJ Set Sophie Le Meillour @Time Warp 18 from SOPHIE LE MEILLOUR on Vimeo.
Little extract of my vjset during Time Warp 18 to follow Marco Carola (IT) Solomun (LU) & Tale Of Us (IT). Installation by ATO (FR) Light by Benedikt Moser Bemo.
Special Thanks to Anatol and Cosmopop GmbH team
Music : Efdemin "America" (Terrence Dixon minimal detroit mix)
Sophie Le Meillour
Live Visuals - Street Parade Opera Stage 2017
Live Visuals - Street Parade Opera Stage 2017 from reckless collective on Vimeo.
Our work in front of a million people - what an experience!
Reckless Collective showing their skills on Street Parade's biggest stage 2017.
Live Mapping - Ghettoblaster 2017
Live Mapping - Ghettoblaster 2017 from reckless collective on Vimeo.
Our collaboration with Ghettoblaster at Plaza Club Zürich: Mapping Zürich's biggest ghettoblaster with custom video-content.
Reactive / 02 / Autechre
Reactive / 02 / Autechre from Nick Alekhine on Vimeo.
04/22/2018 – Visual Performance Sketch. Audio-reactive layers created in Resolume.
Devils Path - ( Meshuggah )
Devils Path - ( Meshuggah ) from VLOOPY on Vimeo.
Music : Meshuggah - Catch 33
Symmetry live at eeeem18
Symmetry live at eeeem18 from Tumei Tejas on Vimeo.
Symmetry performed at the event: "An evening of experimental electronic electroacoustic music." The event occurred at The William Carlos Williams Center in Rutherford, NJ on 4/13/18.
Symmetry is Jose Murcia.
More by Symmetry:,
Live visuals: Jim Tuite
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo from Stephane Poirier on Vimeo.
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo. Such Vorotrans Animation VJ Loops can be purchased directly from NakedSoftware.ORG website. (technical name: DSC00469_e01_copy_vorotrans-anim)
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo from Stephane Poirier on Vimeo.
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo. Such Vorotrans Animation VJ Loops can be purchased directly from NakedSoftware.ORG website. (technical name: DSC00878_e01_copy_vorotrans-anim)
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo from Stephane Poirier on Vimeo.
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo. Such Vorotrans Animation VJ Loops can be purchased directly from NakedSoftware.ORG website. (technical name: DSC02548_e01_copy_vorotrans-anim)
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo from Stephane Poirier on Vimeo.
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo. Such Vorotrans Animation VJ Loops can be purchased directly from NakedSoftware.ORG website. (technical name: DSC02838_e01_copy_vorotrans-anim)
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo from Stephane Poirier on Vimeo.
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo. Such Vorotrans Animation VJ Loops can be purchased directly from NakedSoftware.ORG website. (technical name: DSC04151_e01_copy_vorotrans-anim)
VJ/DEMOREEL_early2018_SwS from schwestern sisters on Vimeo.
Live footage mix from recent gigs.
IG: @pirate_sheep @flufflord
DM for commissions:
Music : Aldebaran (with Matt Tecson) - Thegn
Echo Mecca - What You Got
Echo Mecca - What You Got from Morning Glory Visuals on Vimeo.
This is live VJ demo done it Resolume. Morning Glory is a Vancouver BC based visuals project that has been doing visuals for 15years.
Check out more from Echo Mecca
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Or fallow me on FaceBook
Küzefest Festival de Luz de Stgo 2017 :: Premio Categoria Interpretación Formal
Küzefest Festival de Luz de Stgo 2017 :: Premio Categoria Interpretación Formal from VJ Eletroiman on Vimeo.
Proyecto Sacred Geometry :: VJ Eletroiman :: Küzefest Festival :: 2017
Premio Mapping:: Categoria Interpretación Formal
Musica :: Nzist
"Sacred Geometry" es una propuesta de Mapping para el Küzefest 2017 que trabaja y desarrolla el concepto de la energía de la naturaleza.
Hemos dividido nuestra narrativa en algunos temas que iremos a desarrollar en este mapping:
La primera parte del vídeo trata el concepto "Geometría Sagrada” como una ciencia matemática que explica las relaciones intrínsecas entre el ser humano y su entorno, o sea, la naturaleza y el universo en el que vive.
Para ilustrar este tema se hizo investigaciones sobre el trabajo de matemáticos e importantes filósofos de la historia y del desarrollo de las teorías geométricas, como Pitágoras, Hermes, Leonardo Da Vinci y otros.
En este sentido buscamos en las palabras de Hermes Trimegisto un incentivo para proponer la reflexión sobre cómo el hombre entendía su relación con la naturaleza:
“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…”
"Como es Arriba es Abajo, como es Adentro es Afuera, como el universo, el alma..."
Imágenes de constelaciones y planetas integran parte de una narrativa geométrica en la que las formas orgánicas y circulares bailan en el espacio construyendo imágenes e simbologías sagradas.
Revistar un conocimiento para entender la relación del hombre con la naturaleza.
Uno de los objetivos de este vídeo es también realizar un encuentro de tiempos y civilizaciones, visitando culturas ancestrales. La narrativa del vídeo trabaja con elementos del conocimiento tradicional, de la filosofía antigua y de la geometría sagrada. Uno de nuestros objetivos es realizar una traducción semiótica de ese universo simbólico de signos hacia un lenguaje contemporáneo.
Sacred Geometry es una travesía visual que pretende desarrollar una estética actual, trabajando un lenguaje audiovisual potente que combina diversas técnicas:
Animación 2d, 3d y collage con imágenes y referencias visuales del pasado.
Metáfora de la mezcla entre la naturaleza y el hombre
Para la última parte del vídeo destacamos la importancia de las cuestiones ecológicas y climáticas, creemos que este punto es fundamental para este mapping.
Graficamente trabajamos este concepto con personajes y símbolos que mezclan el humano y la naturaleza, resaltando la importante relación de respeto e interdependencia que existe entre el hombre y su entorno.
Having fun with EboSuite’s visual effects 1
Having fun with EboSuite's visual effects 1 from EboSuite on Vimeo.
EboSuite is a growing set of plug-ins that turn Ableton Live into an audiovisual production suite. Make music with visuals!
Les Six live at 1. Stock
Les Six live at 1. Stock from PPLC on Vimeo.
Music: Les Six
Visuals: PPLC
Location: 1. Stock, Stuttgart, Germany
Dentsu Isobar : interactive wall
Dentsu Isobar : interactive wall from TWISTCUBE on Vimeo.
CREATIVE CODING: Ken-ichi Kawamura (Dentsu Isobar)
PHOTO: Masahiro Miyakawa (Dentsu Isobar)
SOUND: saskiatokyo
Path to Enlightenment
Path to Enlightenment from THRILLOVISION on Vimeo.
Purchase the VJ LOOP at
VideoAudioReactiveRemix(A$AP Ferg)
VideoAudioReactiveRemix(A$AP Ferg) from naoki.ishizuka on Vimeo.
Prototype3 for Remixed Video for Realtime interactive VJ using Openframeworks(C++, Shader) - Audio Reactive, Shader
VideoMeshRemix(Nyck@Knight from Pro Era)
Prototype2 for Remixed Video for Realtime interactive VJ using Openframeworks(C++, Shader) - Point Cloud, mesh Masking
2018.4.22 sun HOMEPARTY
2018.4.22 sun HOMEPARTY from VideoBouillon on Vimeo.
2018.4.22 (sun) 17:00 ~ at 2158 HANEGI “REC ROOM”
DJs: DJ Monolith, TAPS, dqmania
VJ: Video Bouillon
DJ Monolith(Miston):
仙台市出身。パンクバンドでギターボーカルを担当しながら、アンダーグラウンドなハウスやヒップホップなどのパーティーで遊びまくって10代を過ごした。Miston主宰。2001年にレーベルコンピレーションCD発表後、 『TAO』を主に恵比寿MILKでオーガナイズ開始。その後、東高円寺グラスルーツにてレギュラーで2001年から8年間『TAI』をオーガナイズ。ターンテーブリストTAPSとのユニット『ZEFR』のMIX CD、90年代初頭のハウスミュージックをテーマにしたMIX CD、アシッドハウスの遺伝子を変態させたMIX CD『Magic Black』等をリリース。女装時の名義RafflesiaとしてはDommune等へ出演。
2017年8月には、90年代初頭ハウスの機械仕掛け感を詰め込んだ、新作DJ MIX『HOUSE MACHINE』をMastered Hissnoiseよりカセットテープでリリース。
1990年代にはHIPHOP DJとして当時SEEDAやヴィデオブイヨンやTAMUも在籍したmanuevaのメインDJとして活動する。その傍ら、渋谷Asia, Harlem, 青山Φで橋本徹らと共にレギュラーDJを務める。 その後、”ZEFR”, “Yapanology”などのユニットやShing02のジャパンツアーにおいてバックDJを務めるなど精力的に活動。またMASのリーダーTyme.とはTyme.+TAPSとして活動。アンダーグラウンド音楽雑誌「Massage」や「Collider」の編集や寄稿も行う。過去にZefr名義でMix CDをリリース。KK presents 「By Us」にもyapanology名義で参加。
royal flush"movin' on ya weak production"/mic geronimo"masta ic"
camp lo"coolie high inst(rmx)"
big red"created a monster"/nas"life's a bitch"
zeebra"untouchable"/meth"plo style"
redman"it's like that"/meth&red"how high"
jeru"how i'm livin"/nas&kool g rap"fast life"
real live"real live shit"/groop theory"tell me"
grass roots"drama"/tony thompson"i wanna love like that"
row dope posse"listen to my turbo" lazy lax"mystery" jvc force"strong island"/ellis”千の夜と一つの朝”
tds mob"tds bonus beats"/biz&kane"just rhtmin with biz"
bdp"poetry"&more/rakim"i know you got soul"
mc shan"bridge"/nas alicia keys rakim"new york state of mind"
LA ESTACION JOVEN #1 from Ant Marioni on Vimeo.
Visuales y Mapping hechos con Agustina Ingaramo para la inauguración de la Estación Joven de la ciudad de Perez, Argentina.
Fecha: 16/04/18
Filmación hecha con celular.
LA ESTACION JOVEN #2 from Ant Marioni on Vimeo.
Visuales y Mapping hechos con Agustina Ingaramo para la inauguración de la Estación Joven de la ciudad de Perez, Argentina.
Fecha: 16/04/18
Filmación hecha con celular.
dRachEmUsiK live at eeeem18
dRachEmUsiK live at eeeem18 from Tumei Tejas on Vimeo.
dRachEmUsiK performed at the event: "An evening of experimental electronic electroacoustic music." The event occurred at The William Carlos Williams Center in Rutherford, NJ on 4/13/18.
dRachEmUsiK is the solo project of Charles Shriner.
More about dRachEmUsiK:,
Live visuals by Jim Tuite
VIDEOMAPPING REEL-15-18 from Ondazerostudio on Vimeo.
-Real time VJing with videomapping
-Sound Reactive graphic
-Stage mapping
Purchase the VJ LOOP at
Purchase the VJ LOOP at
Purchase the VJ LOOP at
Purchase the VJ LOOP at
The Black Lodge
The Black Lodge from geraldine rivera on Vimeo.
An homage to Twin Peaks & David Lynch.
Shiny Things
Shiny Things from geraldine rivera on Vimeo.
Some ASMR for tonight baby.
Call Super - "I look like I look in a tinfoil mirror"
50Hz & Concept Art - Shadow ( Original Mix )
50Hz & Concept Art - Shadow ( Original Mix ) from Morning Glory Visuals on Vimeo.
For news and more tracks by 50Hz
Support me on Patreon
Or fallow me on FaceBook
ON CO.LTD. 6th Anniversary PARTY VJ
ON CO.LTD. 6th Anniversary PARTY VJ from Shuji Hirai on Vimeo.
Tool : TouchDesigner
music : Hackney Parrot(10_Ton_Mix) / Tessela
I did OL Killer's member "White Tiger" VJ. Due to his name I made the black and white graphics.
TEKFLIPPIN 4 MORE PINK from Switzon S. Wigfall, III on Vimeo.
[Free 1080p visual source material released under Creative Commons.]
Music: Djemba Djemba - "Giag" /
More free VJ clips:
Daily artwork: |
Twitter: | Tumblr:
More at:
Zsolnay Light Festival 2018
We are pleased to announce that between June 28th and July 1st the next “light celebration” will be organized again by the City of Pécs, this time for four days, flooding the city from Thursday to Sunday night with its spectacular attractions and street art productions.
On Thursday, the multimedia dance-circus performance with the title Charge by the British Motionhouse group launches the festival at the Kodály Center. The production coming alive from the exciting combination of art and science was created by the British group in collaboration with the University of Oxford. The performance played in front of a digital background was inspired by the discoveries on the role of electricity in the human body.
On Friday, the Lightgadgeteer which debuted with a great success this year opens its gate again together with the hair-sculptors of the Spanish Sienta La Cabeza group, who are happy to join again those festival attendants who are eager to get their glittering designs out of the events. Next year the specialty of the Light Carnival will be the magical musical vehicle of Rodafonio, this rolling wonder will definitely invite the festival audience to dance.
The monumental facade of the Cathedral will be the venue of the international Zsolnay Light Art mapping competition, which will certainly be the most interesting program of Saturday night. Again our professional partner and host of the competition is the team of Glowing Bulbs.
In expanded area, even bigger and more spectacular works than last year will be seen on the city's most well-known buildings and in exciting, hidden alleys creating the 25 stations tour of the Way of Light.
We would also like to draw the attention of creative artists to the publication of more applications coming in January, and to follow our communication channels.
A year ago, the Zsolnay Light Festival won the "Event of the Year" prize on the voting of the Made In Pécs city magazine, and this recognition was boosted by a prestigious European rating at the beginning of summer, with the European Festival Association awarding the event with a special prize. We are delighted that recently, in early November, the Hungarian Festival Association appreciated the festival among the highlighted events.
With their opinions and thoughts, we conclude our series of announcements and also the whole year: Thank you for your attention, interest and we look forward to welcoming all the festival participants in Pécs next June!
"The uniqueness of the festival is no doubt. The world-conquering genre has also come to us: people who get to the Zsolnay Light Festival can attend a world-class event. Not only exciting light paintings, projections but also artistic performances (street theater, new circus, concerts, slam poetry, etc.) will guarantee their joyful entertainment. There are countless occasions for active-participation, creation, self-expression, as well as for collecting a wealth of information about the nature, rules and operation of light. Kids and adults can only win if they visit this festival! Excellent idea, excellent concept, excellent program structure, excellent interaction with the audience. For them, with them. "
MUZEvent 2018 - 124º aniv. Museu Municipal de FARO, Portugal
MUZEvent 2018 - 124º aniv. Museu Municipal de FARO, Portugal from SanSan on Vimeo.
missSanSan DJ & VJ set
Aftermovie Paula Temple @ l’Aéronef
Aftermovie Paula Temple @ l'Aéronef from digital vandal on Vimeo.
Paula Temple + Tommy Four Seven + David Asko
Aéronef - Lille - 24/03/2018
Stage design + mapping by Digital Vandal
FlatMapper : full demo
FlatMapper : full demo from frankie zafe on Vimeo.
Demo of the main functionalities of the code.
Project is available here:
FlatMapper is a processing sketch pushed a bit further by using native java.
DUBIES // ANTOLOGÍA #1 from Ant Marioni on Vimeo.
Visuales en exterior para Dubies en el Aniversario de Antología.
Fecha: 11/11/17
DUBIES // ANTOLOGÍA #2 from Ant Marioni on Vimeo.
Visuales en exterior para Dubies en el Aniversario de Antología.
Fecha: 11/11/17
Olho Negro - Back to Candy
Olho Negro - Back to Candy from Olho Negro on Vimeo.
Olho Negro Visuals
≧❂◡❂≦ Candy ≧❂◡❂≦
Music: Expedizion & Sixis - Awakening World (Ecometric Redrift)
Retro Loop VJ_MR41218
Retro Loop VJ_MR41218 from Michael Rinnan on Vimeo.
Inspired by Beeple's VJ clips, this was created using C4D and AE.
Music: Carpenter Brut - Invasion A.D. (Sped up to 150% for loop)
T R I A N G L E | M A P I N G
T R I A N G L E | M A P I N G from de kay on Vimeo.
The project “triangle” is focusing on mapped video projection with a strict reference to architectural structure and a product. The construction is modeld in 3D space, to adopt realistic and surreal effects on it. Later the captured video content is projected on the sculpture and redefine its being.
Circle Shape - Live Videomapping
Circle Shape - Live Videomapping from Resonance Visuals on Vimeo.
Live videomapping set for an business party in Belgium.
Track: Dominic Banone - 1607
LPM 2018 Rome is from June 7 to 10, 2018 in Rome, in the spaces of Mattatoio.
Don't miss the opportunity to meet av people coming from so many countries!
Send us your project or performance and join the big meeting on
Audio Visuals Performing Arts!
- AV Performances
- Live Mapping Contest
- VJ Sets
- Project showcases
- Workshops
- Interactive Installations
See you in Rome!!!
LPM Team"
Artificial Nature Preview
Artificial Nature Preview from LOOP Visuals on Vimeo.
Live Veejay performance preview
Visuals made by Robin van Creij / LOOP visuals
Music by Tip van den Bos
Org Formaturas 2017 - VJ + Video Mapping
Org Formaturas 2017 - VJ + Video Mapping from Mobius Studio on Vimeo.
Live VJing + Video Mapping - Formaturas
Awakenings Festival 2016 day1 stage Y
Awakenings Festival 2016 day1 stage Y from UNIT44 on Vimeo.
Awakenings Festival 2016 day1 stage Y
For more info go to
…::: Berlin Kulturbrauerei :::…. @Panda
...::: Berlin Kulturbrauerei :::.... @Panda from Ola Wasilewska on Vimeo.
VJ-ing at a private event
Line Up
Visuals Live …::: VJ-ing :::… Zofia Bałdyga
Visuals Live ...::: VJ-ing :::... Zofia Bałdyga from Ola Wasilewska on Vimeo.
Women's Poetry!
After designing ZF's book of poetry, she had an opening night with reading live to music and visuals.
Zofia Bałdyga, Polish poet and translator from Czech and - recently - Armenian; she published three volumes.
"Foreign countries welcome us with downpours and a plate of cold starters.
We are walking down an alley. Trees lined up in a hedge full of green cats.
We point to them with fingers deprived of nails.
Dust settling on the sky. Narrow lines of distribution, gestures count."
A fragment of a poem translated by Marek Kazmierski
Read more at MK's:
Rich B ft Levi Kreis - I Cant Go For That (Rich B Enriched Club Mix) - PNP Videomix
Rich B ft Levi Kreis - I Cant Go For That (Rich B Enriched Club Mix) - PNP Videomix from Swishcraft Music on Vimeo.
London House Music pioneer and owner of Enriched Records, Rich B teams up with Tony Award Winning Actor, Country Singer-Songwriter and piano man, Levi Kreis, for a dance floor update to the Hall & Oats classic “I Can’t Go For That.” Known for his electrifying charisma both onstage and off, Kreis brings a vocal swagger to this cover that will both charm you and electrify you. Combined with Rich B’s classic piano house style on the Original Mix, as well as his additive beats and locomotive baseline on the Rich B Enriched Mix, “I Can’t Go For That” is set to be one of the summers biggest dance floor hits.
Released on Swishcraft Music in conjunction with Enriched Records in May 2018, a curated group of clubland’s biggest talent has been tapped to reinterpret this soon to be classic. With additional club remixes spread over three EP’s by Jerry Ropero, Dirty Disco, Lee Harris, Division 4 & Matt Consola, Gene King, Felipe Angel, Suga, Graxx & Kradd, The Vauxhall Boys, and Larry Peace, “I Can’t Go For That” has remixes for just about every dance floor.
Rich B ft Levi Kreis - “I Can't Go for That” will be available across all digital platforms and streaming sites beginning May 11th with 5 promotional videos featuring the remixes Club Mix, Rich B Enriched Mix, Division 4 & Matt Consola, Dirty Disco, and Lee Harris. To hear all of the remixes now, click the links below to preview each upcoming EP.
“I Can't Go for That” (Part One) -
“I Can't Go for That” (Part Two) -
“I Can't Go for That” (Part Three) -
Special thanks to Paul Norman or PNP (Paul Norman Productions) for his Video Editing and Additional Production. For additional information on this release, please visit Swishcraft Music at And be sure to ‘Like’ and “Follow” us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr @Swishcraft
©2018 Swishcraft Music / Enriched Records
MOVING ON from RED DOG on Vimeo.
Letting go, moving on, release, accept - all the good stuff that's so hard to learn and isn't taught.
Concept / creation: Ben Mason
Music: Boa Sorte by Vanessa de Mata with Ben Harper
Ink in water and early X-particles experiments.
I wanted to make something that celebrated the incredible good fortune we have to be here, and that was an antidote to the news and general drudge that we are presented with daily.
I heard this track for the first time while walking behind the hearse that carried my friend Henk Targowski, a gentle, intelligent and inspirational man. RIP Henk - sadly missed.
Joker (Loop VJ) - Free Download
Joker (Loop VJ) - Free Download from Wilson Ribeiro on Vimeo.
Joker (Loop VJ) - Free Download
Clique em baixar / Click on download
Lion_x_Visuals: Aparde - Loom
Lion_x_Visuals: Aparde - Loom from Benjamin Lion on Vimeo.
The VJ creates a symbiosis of image and sound, mixing video just as audio DJs mix music.
This was created as a project for my study. I created the loops in After Effects and the backgrounds are mostly macro filmed clips. It is my second project in the field of VJing, but I´m not done yet. I am now part of a collective called Immersion and we will work together in the future. In the past six months I played on several parties and it was the most inspiring experience. I love VJing and everything about it! There will be more in the future. So stay updated!
Many thanks to everyone helping me filming, building the structure or even setting it up on partys.
Music: Aparde - Loom
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo 3
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo from Stephane Poirier on Vimeo.
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo. Such Vorotrans Animation VJ Loops can be purchased directly from NakedSoftware.ORG website. (technical name: IMG_6540_e01_copy_vorotrans-anim)
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo from Stephane Poirier on Vimeo.
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo. Such Vorotrans Animation VJ Loops can be purchased directly from NakedSoftware.ORG website. (technical name: DSC02364_e01_copy_vorotrans-anim)
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo from Stephane Poirier on Vimeo.
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo. Such Vorotrans Animation VJ Loops can be purchased directly from NakedSoftware.ORG website. (technical name: P1130338_e02_copy_vorotrans-anim)
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo 2
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo from Stephane Poirier on Vimeo.
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo. Such Vorotrans Animation VJ Loops can be purchased directly from VOROTRANS.ORG website. (technical name: P1690321_e02_copy_vorotrans-anim)
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo from Stephane Poirier on Vimeo.
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo. Such Vorotrans Animation VJ Loops can be purchased directly from VOROTRANS.ORG website. (technical name: DSC03997_e01_copy_vorotrans-anim)
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo from Stephane Poirier on Vimeo.
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo. Such Vorotrans Animation VJ Loops can be purchased directly from NakedSoftware.ORG website. (technical name: DSC07258_e01_copy_vorotrans-anim)
Ableton Live and Modul8 in sync
Ableton Live and Modul8 in sync from luis natali on Vimeo.
Finally got into syncing Modul8 and Ableton Live. All visuals and soundtrack created for this first test.
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo from Stephane Poirier on Vimeo.
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo. Such Vorotrans Anim VJ Loops can be purchased directly from VOROTRANS.ORG website. (technical name: _DSC1108_e01_copy_vorotrans-anim)
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo from Stephane Poirier on Vimeo.
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo. Such Vorotrans Anim VJ Loops can be purchased directly from VOROTRANS.ORG website. (technical name: _DSC9289_e01_copy_vorotrans-anim)
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo from Stephane Poirier on Vimeo.
Vorotrans Animation VJ Loop Demo. Such Vorotrans Anim VJ Loops can be purchased directly from VOROTRANS.ORG website. (technical name: _DSC3004_e01_copy_vorotrans-anim)
RandomLab // ACIDism
RandomLab // ACIDism from rajatonvimma on Vimeo.
RandomLab //
random VJ loops
rajatonvimma archives
pax pax
RandomLab // ACIDism from rajatonvimma on Vimeo.
RandomLab //
random VJ loops
rajatonvimma archives
pax pax
RandomLab // ACIDism from rajatonvimma on Vimeo.
RandomLab //
random VJ loops
rajatonvimma archives
pax pax
RandomLab // ACIDism
RandomLab // ACIDism from rajatonvimma on Vimeo.
RandomLab //
random VJ loops
rajatonvimma archives
pax pax
vj#7_Marzia from marzia braggion -editor- on Vimeo.
music by Strong_Suit_09_Sebastian
vj#8_Marzia from marzia braggion -editor- on Vimeo.
music by Digi_G_Alessio_07_Illusioniste
ECO (loop)
ECO (loop) from Alexander Bartolomey on Vimeo.
Free visual source material released under Creative Commons.
Music: zoomoid - Wild World (Original Mix)
XIX edition of LPM Live Performers Meeting
Don't miss the opportunity to meet people coming from 35 countries!
209 artists from Czech Republic, Italy, Japan, Germany, Mexico, United Kingdom, Spain, Vietnam, Finland, Argentina, Estonia, Brazil, Slovakia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, United States, France, Austria, Turkey, Greece, Ukraine, Hungary, Latvia, Slovenia, Serbia, Belgium, Romania, Uruguay, Belarus, Solomon Islands, Australia already joined us playing 104 performances, workshops and showcases!
- AV Performances
- VJ Sets
- Live Mapping Performances
- Interactive Installations
- Project showcase
- Workshops
- Lectures
- Live Mapping Contest
the subscriptions will be accepted until April 18, 2018.
LPM Team"
sound: Yamil Rezc (
Heart Box (VJ Loop)
Heart Box (VJ Loop) from Hunter Hempen on Vimeo.
Free-to-download VJ Loop made using C4D / Octane Render / AE. If you do, let me know what you end up using it in, enjoy!
Music: Fade - No Mana
“Some_Small_Synth” by Igor Kefalidis
"Some_Small_Synth" by Igor Kefalidis from akipix on Vimeo.
Realtime visuals: Andrew Quinn
- TouchDesigner
performed 27/3/2018 in Moscow
Musician's Union Concert hall
percussion - Elisei Dregalin
electric violin - Sergei Poltavskii
Mapping Festival : full program
“Music Machine” - Mosolov/Popov
"Music Machine" - Mosolov/Popov from akipix on Vimeo.
realtime visuals: Andrew Quinn
performed 27/3/2018 at House of Composers
flute - Marina Rubinshtein
clarinet - Nikita Agafonov
keyboard - Mona Khaba
violin - Gleb KHokhlov
cello – Julia Migunova
percussion - Elisei Dregalin
TouchDesigner WorkShop v3 MetroKyoto
TouchDesigner WorkShop v3 MetroKyoto from Takanori Yoshioka on Vimeo.
Cl.ock..ock (.Hontan)
Cl.ock..ock (.Hontan) from project. Hontan on Vimeo.
Created by . Hontan
混乱 ConfuseKoenji vol.14 VJ by Inaba masaya
混乱 ConfuseKoenji vol.14 VJ by Inaba masaya from Thomyorko on Vimeo.
Next our party is May 12th 2018 @Knock Koenji
Confuse Koenji 14th Party 2018/03/31(SAT)
Open 22:00- /1000yen 1D
Re-entry Free
Let’s all be chaotic with the sound/ places/ unique people
Vorotrans Anim VJ Loop Demo
Vorotrans Anim VJ Loop Demo from Stephane Poirier on Vimeo.
Vorotrans Anim VJ Loop Demo. Such Vorotrans Anim VJ Loops can be purchased directly from VOROTRANS.ORG website. (technical name: zero zero 01scaled down DSC8973 e01 copy 10fps vorotrans anim)
Kaleidoscopic Flower VJ Background Motion Graphics
Kaleidoscopic Flower VJ Background Motion Graphics from Motion Array on Vimeo.
Get this here:
This motion graphics video features a seamless loop of curled patterns that continuously form into new floral shapes. Use this kaleidoscope clip for music videos, audiovisual show, events, night clubs, stage design, and other creative options. Available in HD resolution.
sound: Yamil Rezc (
VjAcademy Introductiedag 2018
Spectaculaire videoshows: wil jij ook leren hoe je die maakt? Dan is onze opleiding VjAcademy echt wat voor jou! Schrijf je nu in voor de Introductiedag op zaterdag 19 mei in de Sugarfactory. En wie weet win je op 14 juni onze talentenjacht… De perfecte start van jouw VJ-carrière!
Je krijgt de hele dag introductieworkshops van succesvolle VJ's. Over livemixen, visuals maken, mapping, concepting en meer. Na afloop gaan we samen eten en naar een cool feest in de Melkweg... uiteraard met VJ show. VjAcademy is onderdeel van, en de grootste en bekendste opleiding voor VJ's. Winnaars van de talentenjacht krijgen een jaar lang intensieve training aan de VjAcademy, en gaan mee naar de meest fantastische optredens.
020 - 625 10 19
06 Mandelbrots End Star Wars Anthem 3D SD 320x240
06 Mandelbrots End Star Wars Anthem 3D SD 320x240 from Destiny Of Fate on Vimeo.
What happens when you pair Star Wars with techno and the discovery of the end of a Mandelbrot fractal? You get this deep zoom that I made. Video resolution only 320x240. Please subscribe today to access over 23,600 royalty-free fractals and up to 16,800 VJ Loops/Background Visuals at:
BOILER ROOM CPT from Inka Kendzia on Vimeo.
I love mixing for the BOILER ROOM events especially for the fantastic line up and beats.... This one was a real pleasure playing for K-$, YOUNGSTACPT, AUXWOMDANTSO, DJ LYLE & DOPE SAINT JUDE. The great immersive screen set up with projections onto bending soft screens was developed by the great guys at THINKING.
Immersive Projection Installation - ATARAXIA - 2018.03.31
Immersive Projection Installation - ATARAXIA - 2018.03.31 from Mojo Video Tech on Vimeo.
Immersive Projection Installation
collaboration by Vj DoctorMojo & Kyle McMahon
for 'ATARAXIA : Tesseract' exhibition / event 2018.03.31
at Q Studios LIC NYC
Cozmik Eye 20
Cozmik Eye 20 from Mark Kunoff on Vimeo.
One of 3 free VJ clips from this set -
Cozmik Eye 17
Cozmik Eye 17 from Mark Kunoff on Vimeo.
One of 3 free VJ clips from this set -
Cozmik Eye 9
Cozmik Eye 9 from Mark Kunoff on Vimeo.
One of 3 free VJ clips from this set -
Sketchup sculpture into video mapping templates tutorial
Sketchup sculpture into video mapping templates tutorial from Zebbler on Vimeo.
This is a quick tutorial for my video mapping class at Berklee College of Music.
It may only make sense within the context of the class progress.
1. Open your project in Sketchup
2. Center your 3d sculpture, ideally using one of the standard camera views
3. Visualize where your projector will be in space, and make sure you’re “looking” at your 3d sculpture from that perspective
4. For a clean / neutral projection template, it may be worth turning on “parallel projection” under “camera” menu option.
5. Make sure you shut off any edges in the “view” menu option, and make sure your sculpture is brightly colored, with each important facet being of a different color.
6. After you are sure you’re looking at it from projector perspective, and everything is perfectly centered and nice, it’s time to export your image.
7. Go to “file - export - 2d graphic”, and export your image as a png with transparent background, make it at least 3000 pixels wide.
8. Open your image in Photoshop, select-all and copy.
9. Create a new file in Photoshop, exact size of your projection project (in this example we’ll use full HD, 1920x1080 as our project resolution).
10. Paste the image into the new file, center it, and make it as big as possible without touching the edges. Turning on rulers, and using guides can help you center it. When transforming ALWAYS hold down “shift” key to make sure you are not distorting the image, also hold down “option” key to keep it centered. It is super important not to distort it.
11. Create a new fully black layer to use as your background.
12. Save your project as a master psd template.
13. Save a png with no background, to use as a mapping template, but also an overall mask of the sculpture outlines.
14. Merge the image with black background, select facets that you want cut out with magic wand tool, then press delete (or choose “cut” from “edit” menu).
15. Go to “image - adjustments - levels” and bring whites all the way down to 0, to turn the full image black besides the cutouts.
16. Save each resulting mask, properly labeled, as a png image.
17. Undo and repeat with a different set of facets.
18. After being done with this process, you can test your masks in Resolume.
19. Create a new full HD set in Resolume.
20. Seed a few clips or sources into Resolume layers (one layer for each mask you have).
21. Put masks on the layer panel, find it and select “alpha” under mask type, and choose “invert” to make them work properly.
22. This setup allows you to map the sculpture fully from one composition, without routing separate layers into your advanced mapping routings.
23. These masks can also be useful for animation in After Effects.
24. Use a template to create a new composition, mess around with transparency button to make sure you’re seeing your alpha channel properly.
25. You can convert alpha into mask vectors, which can be used to automate various effects (by selecting an image mask with alpha cutouts, going to “layer - auto-trace”).
26. One effect that’s really easy to test is under “effects - generate - stroke”.
27. Test it out by making sure “all masks” is selected in stroke preferences (after you apply it to the layer with vector masks), animate beginning and end, line thickness, color, etc.
28. Doing all of this will put you in a really good place to create some custom content for your video mapped sculpture, as well as ensure that your Resolume VJ set for your sculpture will be easy to build.
Music by Bija
Ben Sheppee : Lightbringer - Splice Festival 2017
Ben Sheppee : Lightbringer - Splice Festival 2017 from Splice Festival on Vimeo.
Sheppee’s audiovisual performance brings together his recent visual studies set to an audio backdrop of dubstep and ambient electro. It’s designed as a multi-screen set-up where he mixes across two video signals, blending audio samples into his AV set.