VJ BOX | 2009
VJ BOX | 2009 from DubLab on Vimeo.
VJ Box is an interactive device designed to allow anyone to perform easily as a VJ with simple touch functions.
This year, the Genius Loci Weimar festival will take place from the 24th to the 26th of September 2021! After last year's event had to be cancelled due to the pandemic, this late summer video artists finally bring the historical facades of Weimar to light again. During the festival weekend, this year's winning works for Bastille and Altenburg as well as last year's winning works for Marstall, Goethe and Schiller Archives and also for Altenburg will be premiered. So for the 2021 festival, for the first time, five winning works will be presented at four locations. In addition, the festival route will feature further light installations and side acts. Everyone can participate in the Public Vote on this year's submissions for the two competition buildings Marstall and Altenburg, online until Sunday, 27th ofJune.
The Festival
As a festival for projection art and media architecture, the Genius Loci Weimar Festival combines many different genres: architecture, media art, design, performing arts and fine arts. In the past competitions, artists from all over the world have dealt with the historical sites of the classic city and the young art form of videomapping.
The history of Weimar is far broader than its “golden” and “silver” eras. Many a culture war has been fought within the city walls and countless tragic figures have passed through its dwellings and dungeons: In its 10th edition, Genius Loci dedicates itself to this dark side of Weimar with the annual theme "True Crime" and will begin the tour at the Bastille Ensemble, a veritable institution of princely power in Weimar. It is also where the young maid and child murderer Johanna Catharina Höhn was most likely incarcerated until her execution by beheading. The tour continues on the south facade of the Baroque Weimar City Castle and onward to the Marstall, the Former ducal stables with its former Gestapo cellars. Then it’s up to the Goethe- and Schiller Archive and finally to the Altenburg, where Franz Liszt hid the young Richard Wagner, who was wanted as a revolutionary, terrorist and subversive after the failed May uprising in Saxony in 1849.
Genius Loci Weimar takes place in cooperation with the festival organisation MXPerience gUG. The festival is also supported by the Thuringian Ministry of Economics, Science and Digital Society, the State Chancellery of Thuringia, the City of Weimar, the Sparkasse Central Thuringia, the Weimarer Wohnstätte GmbH, the Best Western Premier Grand Hotel Russischer Hof, Epson, Logando and rebeam.
Genius Loci Weimar | Festival for Videomapping and Facade Projection | September 24-26, 2021
Punto y Raya 2021 : Calls for Entries + News
This is a friendly reminder that the 2021 Punto y Raya Calls for Abstract (non-representational) Short Films are still open. But the deadlines are approaching fast, so don't miss out!
Educators and families wishing to produce films with their children are kindly invited to visit our Resource Centre, where we have published some WORKSHOP GUIDELINES for the creation of abstract films, illustrated with examples. By the way, haven't you seen the 'Making Of PyR JUNIOR 2019' yet? You will quickly understand why documenting the process is as important as the result. Please, help us convey the spirit of the festival to our youngest participants and in the process, sensitise and engage new audiences.

Punto y Raya launches its new PyRT!PS Series, where artists in the platform share one or various techniques for the creation of abstract animations, illustrating with examples from their own body of work. Check out the first episode here:

We will soon publish more guidelines and PyRT!PS featuring artists such as David Daniels (UK), Laura Ginès (ES), Diego Akel(BR), KinoManual (PL), and more.
VJ SK IV free sample VJ loop
VJ SK IV free sample VJ loop from Bart LAAK Verlaak on Vimeo.
Been working on VJ survival kit number IV: here's a quick sample. Hope you all like it and check my facebook for a showcase very soon: www.facebook.com/laakdesign. happy mixing!
SPACE EXPERIENCE #9 from WALK3000 on Vimeo.
Supported by Cocalero
2021/6/26 sat 18:00 START
at Debris Daikanyama
de-sheevo (VIDEOGRAM)
Toyko Mild Foundation
Flonky Plonk
Flonky Plonk from Neb Motion on Vimeo.
30 FPS VJ Loop, part of the June 2021 Collection
Dreaming of a big Break
Dreaming of a big Break from VJ Pamdemoniam on Vimeo.
DJ mix by DJ Vibe and Visuals mixed by VJ Pamdemoniam. No rights to the music and all VJ clips sourced are Royalty free.
Abstract Alien
Abstract Alien from VJ Pamdemoniam on Vimeo.
Visuals created and mixed by VJ Pamdemoniam. Music mix by DJ Habitual Sound. No rights to the music.
DOWNLOAD : www.vjwmal.blogspot.com
TWITTER: twitter.com/vjwmal
FACE BOOK : facebook.com/vjwmal
Human head from rotating cubes. 3D head with moving cube. VJ loop video. VFX effects. Video footage for show and animation.
Human head from rotating cubes. 3D head with moving cube. VJ loop video. VFX effects. Video footage for show and animation. from Eduard on Vimeo.
Please, visit my accounts to order a custom video:
Or you can order my works without of Fiverr and Upwork login here:
You pay nothing for using this service; you only pay the cost of the project.
Your payment is protected in escrow and is released upon your approval of the project.
You don’t need an account to create proposals and fund contracts.
VJ Krunch projection art in Brooklyn
VJ Krunch projection art in Brooklyn from Kurt Ritta on Vimeo.
Creating fun, sexy imagery for the I Feel event group at large venues in NYC
Particles Sea Free Vj Loop
Particles Sea Free Vj Loop from Catmac on Vimeo.
Free vj Loop. Made with blender, feel free to download and using it on your projects.
Daft Punk VJ Loop (Tribute)
Daft Punk VJ Loop (Tribute) from Daft Band on Vimeo.
Using After Effects with Element 3D
Contrtechno_VJ_pre from Алена Осипова on Vimeo.
VJ-pre to the "Contrtechno" party
“LINE STRUCTURES” [v.1 x bonus clip]
"LINE STRUCTURES" [v.1 x bonus clip] from Switzon S. Wigfall, III on Vimeo.
"LINE STRUCTURES" [v.1 x bonus clip] - from the "SUPREME CYPHERS" [Soulful x Nature Edition - VOL.3]
[Free visual source material released under Creative Commons.]
Download for the entire pack "Supreme Cyphers" [Soulful x Nature Edition - vol.3] at: switzonwigfall.com/vjclips w/ an extra bonus clip from the pack + slap-tons of more throwback visuals!!!
Music: Lowdoses, Amy G. Dala, Kurliii - "End"
More free VJ clips: switzonwigfall.com/vjclips
Info: switzonwigfall.com/about-sswlll/
Daily artwork: facebook.com/sswlll
Twitter: twitter.com/SSWIII
Tumblr: switzon.tumblr.com/
VJ set Sophie Le Meillour | Lethargy Festival 2019
VJ set Sophie Le Meillour | Lethargy Festival 2019 from SOPHIE LE MEILLOUR on Vimeo.
Stage Design & Decoration for Lethargy Festival 2019 with the beautiful team at Rote Fabrik | Zurich CH
THANKS MICHEL, TIM, PAMELA, PETER for the invitation and all the decoration team for the magic week.
Design + Performance:
Syntosil, Verinnerlicht, Lichtpiraten, Discosmetic, Lukas Truninger, Sophie Le Meillour, Honigtiger
• 100 disco balls hanged from the celling
• 3 video projectors
• Mapping with @mad_mapper and live visual with @modul_8
• 1 Rocket at the middle of the dance floor bubbles machine & cosmic light inside
Visual : Sophie Le Meillour
Music : DREXCIYA "Triangular Hydrogen Strain" - Neptunes Lair 2010
Weval (Live)
Octave One (Live)
Vox Low (Live)
Pional Musiq
Mytron & Ofofo
Damon Jee
WaqWaq Kingdom (Live)
Yula Kasp (Live)
André Marvin
Mia Kaltes
Knor pres. Planet
Chrigi G. us Z.
Kevin Saunderson
Big Zis (Live)
Ceephax Acid Crew (Live)
Hugo Massien
Cyril Cyril (Live)
S/Z (Live)
Niels Broos (Live)
Tofu Resistance (Live)
Die Galoppierende Zuversicht (Live)
Mika Dutsch - der Holländer
Evelyne Volta
Ander (Live)
Rosa Luxemburg
Dadaglobal (Live)
V0ll & Boss
Mosh & Möhre
“SLAPPLE SWAP” [version-3]
"SLAPPLE SWAP" [version-3] from Switzon S. Wigfall, III on Vimeo.
"SLAPPLE SWAP" - [v.3] - from the "SUPREME CYPHERS" [Soulful x Nature Edition - VOL.3]
[Free visual source material released under Creative Commons.]
Download for the entire pack "Supreme Cyphers" [Soulful x Nature Edition - vol.3] at: switzonwigfall.com/vjclips w/ an extra bonus clip from the pack + slap-tons of more throwback visuals!!!
Music: Lowdoses, Amy G. Dala, Kurliii - "End"
More free VJ clips: switzonwigfall.com/vjclips
Info: switzonwigfall.com/about-sswlll/
Daily artwork: facebook.com/sswlll
Twitter: twitter.com/SSWIII
Tumblr: switzon.tumblr.com/
Vessel - A Projection Mapping Pitch for Genius Loci Weimar 2021 - Jason Nuroptics
Vessel - A Projection Mapping Pitch for Genius Loci Weimar 2021 - Jason Nuroptics from Jason Nuroptics on Vimeo.
Vessel is a triptych art work. A Nuroptics & Bill Greenhalgh collaboration. Audio is provided by Richard Bradbury.
Nuroptics is the creative video outlet for Jason Telford. Bill Greenhalgh is an artist based in the real, nondigital, world.
Jason Telford's story, in part:
Post university, wondering what to do with the rest of his life, and a little drunk at a UK festival, Jason Telford makes a wager with Richard Bradbury to quit working at a record store and follow through on the dream of providing visuals (aka being a VJ) to London’s hedonistic nightclubs. Soon after the first gig was in a barn in the countryside for 30 people, two weeks later Nuroptics provided visuals at an event in the iconic Brixton Academy, London, for 1000’s of people. He promptly quit his day job and in turn he became one of the very very few full time VJs at the time.
That conversation was over 2 decades ago. Jason Telford has since worked with the biggest clubs and festivals from Torture Garden to Glastonbury. More recently he has been touring with bands such as Coldplay and Metallica. Yet still finds time to work at intimate festivals such as FolkEast.
Richard Bradbury
Starting out as a sound engineer across London’s live venues. This paved the way to a decade at the heart of the music production for the advertising world. If you owned a television in the UK a few years back, you would have heard his work. Then lure of the UK theatres attracted his attention. Disillusioned with London he has since relocated to tranquillity of Wales.
Bill Greenhalgh
An artist working in paint, texture, colour, and wood relief. Over the years he has developed his own language away from traditional gallery route. Carving a path through public art to include a piece stretching 150m through a hospital corridors. Or the taking over of public spaces, such as the installation of over 50 pieces display around a swimming centre.
“Greenhalgh’s icons and images might hit the retina like fireworks, but they also describe a lonely, frightening world, in which horror nestles up alongside happiness.”
Paul Greenhalgh / Curator
Jason Telford has been experimenting with Bill Greenhalgh’s work over many years. In the early days as content the club visuals. Then they were commissioned to provide a 10 minute piece for MixMasters / ITV (UK Television station). This was several years ago but cemented the concept of using Bill Greenhalgh’s shapes and language to tell a story through video. We now have the awe- inspiring tool of projection mapping. This is a medium they want to explore.
This is a triptych of skill sets coming together to make one piece. It is an opportunity not to miss out on.
Bill Greenhalgh
Seamless thing Free Vj loop
Seamless thing Free Vj loop from Catmac on Vimeo.
Done with blender and eevee.
“SLAPPLE SWAP” [version-2]
"SLAPPLE SWAP" [version-2] from Switzon S. Wigfall, III on Vimeo.
"SLAPPLE SWAP" - [v.2] - from the "SUPREME CYPHERS" [Soulful x Nature Edition - VOL.3]
[Free visual source material released under Creative Commons.]
Download for the entire pack "Supreme Cyphers" [Soulful x Nature Edition - vol.3] at: switzonwigfall.com/vjclips w/ an extra bonus clip from the pack + slap-tons of more throwback visuals!!!
Music: Lowdoses, Amy G. Dala, Kurliii - "End"
More free VJ clips: switzonwigfall.com/vjclips
Info: switzonwigfall.com/about-sswlll/
Daily artwork: facebook.com/sswlll
Twitter: twitter.com/SSWIII
Tumblr: switzon.tumblr.com/
MadMapper 4.1 Released