

Hogy mik vannak New York-ban...

Na igen, ez nem semmi...A New York utcáin felállított hatalmas gömb felületére vetítenek belülről...A látvány önmagáért beszél.
Most Mac-es elfogultsággal sem vádolhattok, mert mindez Microsoft softokkal és hardokkal történik.

"For the launch of Windows Live Wave 2 late last year, Microsoft together with the non-profit organization “Operation Smile” hosted an event in New York with a dazzling art installation featuring a 60-feet wide white sphere. On this sphere, they projected a dynamically-generated visualization of smiling faces with thousands of smaller pictures. The end result if nothing of a sheer visual spectacle. And because everything was rendered in real-time, attendees at the event could even upload their own face pictures into the pool of faces although I’m sure it’ll be one hell of a “Where’s Waldo” to find."

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