


Aki eddig kételkedett a Mac Mini-k képességeiben, annak most le fog esni az álla - nekem is leesett:) -.
MJ (Netherland) installációit látjuk projektorokkal és Mac Mini-kkel, melyeken Max+Jitter fut.

videomapping de helling at summerdarkness08 from MJ on Vimeo.
" videomapping the foyer at tivoli de helling during summerdarkness 2008, using two videoprojectors and a mac mini "

videomapping a dj booth from MJ on Vimeo.
" videomapping a dj booth @ a darkunderground dancenight @ club ekko in utrecht in the netherlands
using 2 beamers and a macmini , the picture in the center is done by a third beamer and an other macmini. all max+jitter "

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