

Ryan McCann (Vancouver BC)

Ma Ryan McCann Vj riportjaiból válogatok. Folyt.köv.

A video artist from Vancouver BC Ryan does live visual performances and creates video installations for music and events under the handle VJ Mediavictim. Ryan is also a part time documentary videographer

VJ Mediavictim Video Log #1 Sleepless at Seacompression in Seattle from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
A video documentary log of my VJ adventure in Seattle at the Seacompression Party With my good friend Jimmy Dean.

VJ Mediavictim video Log #2 Vancouver Outer Limits Live Ambient Show from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
In Jan 09 I joined live Ambient music artist Terry Obrien (Anomalous Disturbances) to put on the Vancouver City limits show at the Beaumont (renamed the Vancouver Outer limits) - this is my video log of the night

VJ mediavictim Video log #4 Entheos/Burn In The Forest from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
A documentary video log of my travels , projects and other artist I meet while creating visuals for events. This June 09 I went up to the Squamish Valley to do Visuals and setup for BURN IN THE FOREST and the ENTHEOS Gathering - two parties that ended up 1 mile away from each other in the same location deep in the woods

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