

TRAKT (Slovakia) + Civil association TRAKT is organized formation aim at activities in connection with arts and culture. Tradition of a big organizations supply with young spirit, innovation and activity members, who in this association works. Main aims are projects focused on artistic activities, mainly aim at new media as video, installations, events, vj-ing projections, environments, and things like that. Combination of unconventional style, forms and concepts is not for TRAKT foreign, but support and work too with traditive creative technics and accesses. Membership TRAKT are as well as this association, young people, and theirs effort is revive and variegate artistic lifetime in the regions of Slovakia and also in
 foreign teamworks.

Skyway (2011) from TRAKT on Vimeo.
Video by akjetam produkt.
Skyway 2011 in Torun, Poland.
TRAKT represented Lukas Matejka (Slovak artist).
In its third edition, Skyway ’11 draws the analogy between the richness of the experience that light based art delivers and wonders of the world opened up through our understanding of the Elements of the Universe.
The classical four elements – Earth, Water, Air, and Fire – are common to many philosophical traditions around the world and form powerful metaphors of forces fundamental to life on Earth. In the imagination of culture, where pagan traces never are totally dissolved, these elements refer to ancient beliefs inspired by the observation of natural phenomena.
In Western classical thought, there has been a strong conviction of the existence of four elements Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. A fifth element is at times added. The Greeks called it Aether. Following Aristotle’s reasoning that fire, earth, air, and water were earthly and did not provide an exact explanation for all phenomenon happening in the heavenly regions. The stars cannot be made out of any of the four elements and must therefore be made of a different, unchangeable, heavenly substance. So it is this Aether idea that links us to the Cosmos. For contemporary scientific community Aether serves as a touchstone for discussions. For us it’s an inspiring metaphor for cultural production.
The relationship with more scientifically founded categories can be probed deeper. Even today, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire are everyday symbols for the states of matter such as solid, liquid, gas. While empirical Science has arrived at new conceptions, in the field of Belief or in certain Physics tendencies these elements are still important today as a poignant metaphor for the oneness of everything.
Skyway’s 2011 artistic programme once again celebrates Human imagination in a world which is becoming more and more infinite but also more and more proximate to our reasoning, by means of contemporary science, namely astronomy, astrophysics, astrobiology. Since the stars are closer and in reaching for them again we want to understand also our own fundamental “elements” – forces and interactions ruling inside us. And of course that even if the “five elements world” is far from current knowledge about the Universe, still it can be a great contribution to an open discussion about our role in this “cold place” we used to call Cosmos.
Mário Caeiro
Artistic director

Veľkoplošné "živé" projekcie (2011) from TRAKT on Vimeo.
V rámci festivalu Artorium 2011 v Banskej Bystrici.

Mapping Cinematik (2011) from TRAKT on Vimeo.
Koncepcia a realizácia / conception and realization by Lukáš Matejka a Boris Vitázek
Kamera / Photography by Filip Zbojek
Strih / Edit by Lukáš Matejka

Workshop Aktivity interaktivity (2011) from TRAKT on Vimeo.
V rámci projektu Artorium 2011 sa na FDU AU v Banskej Bystrici, konal workshop Aktivity Interaktivity. Lektor workshopu Boris Vitázek (VŠVU BA) edukoval základy práce v softvéri VVVV. Za fakultu výtvarných umení AU BB (Katedra Intermédií a digitálnych médií) sa zúčastnili 11 študenti, konkrétne Zuzana Badinková, Henrich Banáš, Richard Čecho, Matej Ivan, Katarína Karafová, Lukáš Matejka, Štefan Oliš, Juraj Ondráš. Za FDU Martin Vronský a z košickej Technickej univerzity - Fakulty umení Lenka Kurimská a Veronika Uramová. Výstupy z workshopu sa prezentovali vo večerných hodinách formou VJingu a mappingu na fasáde FDU.

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