


"Oh yes, a new release of the notorious CoGeWebKit Quartz ComposerPlugin just released, with some fixes and little additions:
  • adds a new isActive parameter, for toggle the rendering on/off
  • removes the restriction of the maximum rendering size
  • fixes a page loading, and some other minor issues
If you missed this plugin, and you are familiar with Quartz Composer, you definitely give some attention to this plugin: it uses the WebKit engine to rendering web pages to texture (transparency supported), including Java and Flash (Adobe Flash plugin needs to be installed) content, also supports mouse interaction (you can scroll, click, etc.), also have a mini built-in web-browser window to make browsing easier. You can pass Javascript to the webpage and the plugin also make a structure for you with the images used on the current site. Sounds great, isn’t is?
Here is an – bit old – example video showing the plugin in action:

An other example, where George Toledo shows how simple is usingThree.js - a super Javascript 3D engine - with CoGeWebkit in Quartz Composer:

And finally an other – old – example using Youtube’s JS API to control playback of a video on Youtube with CoGeWebKit plugin:

However, with Flash plugin11 or greater, you must disable hardware acceleration in the Flash plugin preferences (right-click on a Flash content in Safari and choose settings) to make it working!

That’s all for now, folks! Grab the CoGeWebKit Quartz Composer pluginand try yourself, and check out the forum on CoGe site for some other examples!"

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