

Después de todos los cristos / After all christs

Después de todos los cristos II / After all christs II from Chris Coleman on Vimeo.
Part of a series of 7 animations I created for Gina Valenti and her performance at EL FONDO NACIONAL DE LAS ARTES in Buenos Aires Argentina. It was created with Aftereffects and Plexus.
These were created to be long slowly evolving backdrops - feel free to use and remix them and let me know if you make them part of your shows.

Después de todos los cristos III / After all christs III from Chris Coleman on Vimeo.
Part of a series of 7 animations I created for Gina Valenti and her performance at EL FONDO NACIONAL DE LAS ARTES in Buenos Aires Argentina. It was created with Aftereffects and Plexus.
These were created to be long slowly evolving backdrops - feel free to use and remix them and let me know if you make them part of your shows.

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