

vdmx mask test

2013/001 - vdmx mask test from moorooduc on Vimeo.
I am playing around with VDMX testing a project that involves audio reactive elements. As source 'clips', I used photographs taken at Ethnologisches Museum, Berlin. you can see some of the original images at my flickr account ( I cut the masks out of the their respective background and downsized the images to 700x700. within VDMX, I put them into a media bin which automatically cycles through the pictures. for this video, there are only 3 photos (work in progress). I applied a number of effects to the layer including vade's rutt/etra and motion blur, chroma mask, line screen, duotone, op tile and tracer. I added a rather coarse audio spectrum analysis and linked various effect variables to them. I switched some effect on/off with a midi controller. there is a screenshot of the VDMX project below.

the music is a short snippet from RCN's urban future mix ( highly recommended!!

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