

COLORS #view

COLORS #view from JfR - Jean Francois Réveillard on Vimeo.

CROSS MEDIA #videoart by Jean-François Réveillard. Aout 2018.

Cross media installation COLORS - videoart ,light, music, sculpture and live performance by Jean-François Rèveillard - First Preview during Basel Art 2018 @ Rhy, show up @ Zurich art international September 2018.

After big thema contemporary art installation : - "civilisation of control" inspired by Gilles Deleuze, - "human" inspired by Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger, - "nature, particles" inspired by Steve Hawking .... Jean-François Réveillard throught his new crossmedia installation *COLORS*, delivers a message of hope for the future by dropping colors to bring life and freedom again , here and now, in front of all injustice, racisme, homophobia, antisemitism and ignorance act of our civilisation.

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