

The Rub - trailer (with english subtitle)

The Rub - trailer (with english subtitle) from Péter Lichter on Vimeo.

World Premier: Berlin Critics' Week, 2018

The Rub is a psychedelic retelling of Shakespeare's Hamlet from within the mind of the protagonist. The film was created with hand painted and decayed 35 mm and 16 mm celluloid strips, to create a new vision of the brooding Dane's experience.

hungarian translation: Nádasdy Ádám

„As the film starts, the logos of the large US film studios can be discerned behind flickers, splotches and scratches. What follows are inner visions of the evolution and revolution of cinema. Péter Lichter and Bori Máté’s experimental “The Rub” summons Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”, rubbing profound words against filmic material. Strips of celluloid distort popular images and dance around dismal digital views of empty cinemas – a somnambulistic film brimming with resistance.”
Berlin Critics’ Week - 2018

total running time: 60 minutes

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