


.lov. hívta fel a figyelmemet a tegnapi bejegyzés kapcsán Memo egyik érdekes project-ére.

De előszőr nézzük meg, Memo mit mond magáról:

Memo: " My name is Memo (Mehmet) Akten and I'm a visual artist, musician and mad scientist based in London, UK.
On this site you can find examples of my commercial work and other audio/visual experiments. A balanced blend of interactive audio/visual demos & installations, motion graphics, visual effects, live visuals, tutorials, code snippets and other random toys for your viewing, hearing and/or playing pleasure.
While a lot of my earlier commercial work is generally pre-rendered video created in AfterEffects, Cinema 4D, Motion, Flash etc; lately I have moved more into (and my biggest passion is) interactive generative / programmatic audio & visuals - and that's mostly what I focus on now - Human-Computer Interactions, Computer Vision, (& Java), openFrameworks ( & C++), Quartz Composer, VDMX, ActionScript 3.0 and related subjects. "

Gold dust demo from Memo Akten on Vimeo.
Testing a camera controlled golddust particle/interaction system for upcoming music video.
Programmed in C++ with openFrameworks/openCV/openGL running realtime at 1080 HD, 30fps with 20K particles, optical flow, contour analysis, fluid dynamics, FBOs and VBOs.
All particle interaction is controlled entirely by motion on camera.
Most of the particles and fine detail is lost in the video compression, you can see much more in the original quicktime in the bottom right.

És most egy másik project:

My Secret Heart - Excerpts from Memo Akten on Vimeo.
My Secret Heart is a music and film installation & performance commissioned by Streetwise Opera with music composed by Mira Calix. Working with video artists Flat-e, we created visuals for the 48 minute performance, as well as versions for an installation and short film.
The visuals were created primarily with custom software written with C++/openFrameworks, with some Quartz Composer elements, rendered AfterEffects sequences and live action footage. The custom C++ app is audio-reactive and user-interactive, allowing the visuals to be 'performed' live with full control over the behaviour of the virtual inhabitants of the cylindrical aquarium-like rig.

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