

CPU using 3L live

CPU, vagyis Bryant Place a Los Angeles-i Processing és VDMX user a 3L-lel is megpróbálkozott a Deepermoods underground dance party-n. CPU-ról többet holnap, most nézzük a videót!

3L live at Deepermoods 7.26.08 from CyberPatrolUnit on Vimeo.
" 3L explanation;
I have a object called a ‘plain’ - with it I have various video clips (previously captured
in 3L) mapped to the surface of the plain. XYZ size values of the ‘plain’ are reacting to
the mic audio input on my laptop.
Next, I have deformation ‘amount’ AND ‘random’ values mapped to the mid audio
frequencies. Giving the ‘plain’ object life.
I switch the object to a ‘circle’ with deformation still applied. I am also adding FX
‘edges’ to the output chain. "

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3L, vagyis Thrill. Ha kicsit visszaolvasol, találsz részleteket, elég sokat foglalkoztam vele...,de itt az oldaluk: