Az első fílmben a Glastonbury 2008 Festival-on kiállított interaktív installásiójukat látjuk, a másodikban pedig a Toyota IQ kiállításán kitett paneljeiket. ( Szerintetek milyen progit használnak? Processing? )
" Seeper is an arts and technology collective. Founded in 1998 seeper’s nucleus is the pursuit of essence. Exploring natural user interaction and ubiquitous computing to create multi-sensory experiences and memories.
The integration of computers into our lives has seen us learn and develop physical skills and languages centered around the use of devices such as the mouse and the keyboard. Now we have the opportunity to reflect on this history and realise that we can interact with computers in much more intuitive and expressive ways. At seeper we are exploring the use of gestural air and touch integration to allow a new range of interfaces devices and experiences for users. "
Glastonbury 2008 - Pi Interactive Installation from seeper on Vimeo.
Arts and technology collective seeper baked a giant interactive Pi for the 2008 Glastonbury Festival. The filling being the audience.
Toyota IQ from seeper on Vimeo.
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