

Cubo x 6

Egy kocka 6 oldala vetítve 2 projectorral, a Modul8-nek köszönhetően... Érdekes! Vajon hogyan csinálja a perui Rafael Pereira (Peru)?

Cubo x 6 from Rafael Pereira on Vimeo.
This cube is proyected by it's 6 sides using only 2 video proyectors, thanks to modul8.
Este cubo proyectado por los 6 lados solo utiliza 2 proyectores gracias al Modul8.
Colectivo Auxiliar
Lima - Perú

10 megjegyzés:

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A megoldás a videomapping :)

VJL(ab) írta...

:))) költői kérdés volt ( provokáció ), hogy valaki válaszoljon.
kösz, .lov.!

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Pedig azt hittem nyerni lehet valamit :)

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Hello, Im Rafael Pereira, i one of the responsables for this instalation. I wish i could understand your comments guys, but the online translators that i found where no good.
If you liked this instaltion checkout our site, where you can view more of them and download free music!!

Névtelen írta...

Hello, i was really suprised to find some of my work in this site, i really wish i could understad you guys, i tried a few online translators with no luck.
if you liked the cube please checkout our site: where you cand download freemusic and view more videos

Sacapunta írta...

Hello, i was really suprised to find some of my work in this site, i really wish i could understad you guys, i tried a few online translators with no luck.
if you liked the cube please checkout our site: where you cand download freemusic and view more videos

Sacapunta írta...

Hello, i was really suprised to find some of my work in this site, i really wish i could understad you guys, i tried a few online translators with no luck.
if you liked the cube please checkout our site: where you cand download freemusic and view more videos

Névtelen írta...

Hello, i was really suprised to find some of my work in this site, i really wish i could understad you guys, i tried a few online translators with no luck.
if you liked the cube please checkout our site: where you cand download freemusic and view more videos

Névtelen írta...

Hello, i was really suprised to find some of my work in this site, i really wish i could understad you guys, i tried a few online translators with no luck.
if you liked the cube please checkout our site: where you cand download freemusic and view more videos

VJL(ab) írta...

Thank You, Rafael!
Sorry for online translate...:(