

sanch (europe)

Sanch, vagyis David Dessens a vvvv ( csapatát erősítő művész.
" I´m David Dessens generative artist know as Sanch, I do most of my work with vvvv, a software from the vvvv group ( ). It is a toolkit for real time video synthesis. It is designed to facilitate the handling of large media environments with physical interfaces, real-time motion graphics, audio and video that can interact with many users simultaneously. "

VA/Orbit @ ClubTransmediale from sanch on Vimeo.
“Orbit” is our new project, it´s a journey into an interactive realtime audiovisual solar system ,
In this computer generated 3d world , sound and visual are synchronise for a full audiovisual experience. The graphics and the movement of this abstract generative system is driven by a deep minimal dancefloor beat with a strong emphasis on realtime interaction. Orbit is a high resolution audiovisual experience. A panoramic trip into a futuristic organic 3d space …

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