


Az OSCRemote egy ingyenes távvezérlő alkalmazás iPhon/iPod-ra Tölthető az App Store-ból.

" OSCRemote is an intuitive controller (using OpenSoundControl) that turns the iPhone/iPod into a remote control for any other piece of software on another system within the WiFi network.
Client software may e.g. be Max/MSP, Processing or Blender for which example code is provided on the OSCRemote's website below. This makes the application suitable for controlling performances of all kind.
OSCRemote is an application by Leo van der Veen, an interactive media artist based in the Netherlands.
Key features of OSCRemote :
• easily create custom controllers with the buit-in editor
• control client software using the OpenSoundControl protocol
• save files directly on the iPhone (future release will be able to upload controller files) "

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