

Re-Edit Video & Sound Coffee & Cigarettes

Julie Meitz ( Link, Link, Link, Link, Link ) Újrafogalmazta Jim Jarmusch híres fílmjét, a "Coffee & Cigarettes"-t.

Re-Edit Video & Sound Coffee & Cigarettes from Julie Meitz on Vimeo.
" A re-edit of video & sound of Jim Jarmusch's "Coffee & Cigarettes", sequence 'Jack Shows Meg His Tesla Coil'.
To understand what I did, it's best to watch the original sequence, for it starts off slower, stays on long shots more, relies on characters to convey the mood - the 'real life' that i adore in Jim Jarmusch's films...and damn if he doesn't do it so damn well...
Since I VJ and I'm interested in new forms of video expression (remixing, etc.), I found this film to be ideal for that, why?
Well there are 11 sequences and one can mix them up together creating other meanings, complexities, etc. in a more flamboyant way, kinda like a music video + a visual-musical score/structure in space...admiring the work of Jim Jarmusch, i wanted to play with his art, putting it into another perspective, sharing my influence as spectator of his film ;)
I'm not sure I'm making a lot of sense, so let's get to the main points I want to make:
The plan was to play with images from a narrative film across 3 screens. and after watching "Jack & Meg", I found the narrative to have an under-lying commentary about male and female relationships (maybe not so under-lying, more obvious?) and then with the title of the sequence, in conjunction with the failure of the machine (Tesla Coil), well, I read sexual implications into it and so i tried to bring that out in 3 screens (and I'm not a feminist film theorist).
I also wanted to cut out some of the 'word' explication of the Tesla coil by Jack and try to say it in images, at least try to quickly convey a feeling of it's importance to Jack, yet, maybe not as interesting to Meg, but at the same time, her being sensitive to his feelings and asking him about it...and then later her joking, etc. ...the back and forth, up & down, in sync out of sync, life of conversations between couples.
Lasty, I added to this sequence, the beautiful classical music from the last sequence in the film called "Champagne" (the 2 older men, janitors, having a coffee break).
Almost forgot: since moving to France, I've had to learn the language and well, I still suck at it and my frustration with not being able to communicate very well here has influenced my art. And honestly, I don't like watching dubbed films, I like original versions with sub-titles, but I found it very interesting, insightful and fun intertwining 2 languages together. I Also wanted to make the project more universal with 2 languages + subtitles...and Jack is sexier with a french tongue anyway, ha! ;)
By the way, it's Jack and Meg from the White Strips and guess what?! They started out at my friend Neil Yee's bar in Detroit called, "The Gold Dollar" - a great place for artists.
Phew! Too many words, no time, stop, back to work julie!
ps: This idea lead into collaboration with the collective Le MaTriCe and performed at the Electro Choc 3 Music Festival in Bourgoin-Jallieu, France, 2008. "

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