


Demonstration of the theory 'Audible and Visible Spectrums - a proposal of correspondence'
SoLu was designed to demonstrate André Rangel's theory of correspondence between sound and light at the 'EVA Conference - Electronic Visualisation and the Arts' which took place at the BCS - British Computer Society, London 2010. The proposed theory of correspondence can be accessed here. SoLu is a smaller and simplified version of the previous Colmus produced early in 2009. SoLu gives its users the control over a audiovisual algorithmic composition generated in real-time. This hyperinstrument was designed and produced at 3kta studios. Visual documentation was produced at 'Sala do Coro' from Portuguese Catholic University - UCP.
SoLu - Multisensorial Hyperinstrument from Arm on Vimeo.
Demonstration of a theoretical correspondence between sound frequency and color light frequency. Theory proposed by André Rangel. Design and Production by 3kta, Art directed by André Rangel and Anne-Kathrin Siegel

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