

1n0ut (Austria)
1n0ut is an artist duo that works both collaboratively and individually on a variety of video and interactive art projects with a focus on generating synesthetic experiences. The artists mix analogue and digital processes in their work to achieve a perfect aesthetic blend which can be understood as a reflection upon all of our lives. Cross-disciplinary by nature, their approaches reach from a self programmed real-time multimedia system based on Robert Praxmarer's code experiments to the charming photo stills and composed video works from Reinhold Bidner. Both like to think in shades of grey - between black and white - which gives the audience an experience of fuzziness, fault and, despite algorithmic perfection, harmony.

CPU (Central Processing Unit) - 13min Version from 1n0ut on Vimeo.
A stereoscopic Realtime Performance based on Kafka´s "The Trial"
by 1n0ut (Robert Praxmarer, Reinhold Bidner)
Winner of the Media Art Award Salzburg
In Franz Kafka’s THE TRIAL, 1n0ut found a world full of loops, repeats, instructions and protocols which are familiar parts of every computer programme. This classic text becomes the springboard for a stereoscopic real-time dance theatre piece. The images of the performers are gathered digitally, manipulated and remixed live to plunge an audience each wearing 3D cinema glasses headlong into a thrilling and disturbing illusory world. What steers mankind, what goes, what is lie, what is the logic of the absurd and what the illogicality of reality?
A remarkable adventure, which discovers new forms of expression to question the nature of reality and personal identity.
Artistic Direction
1n0ut (Robert Praxmarer, Reinhold Bidner)
Dance - Acting - Choreography:
Michael Kuttnig (Josef K.)
Ulrike Hager
Kathrin Wankelmuth
Nanina Kotlowski
Doku Cam: Ramsy Gsenger (Ars Electronica Futurelab)

CONfusions from 1n0ut on Vimeo.
CONfusions is an experimental realtime video sound portrait of Prague. With algorithmic deconstruction of architectural photographs the city is reconstructed in a visual flow which serves as a metaphor for transition and change. This work tries to catch the vibe and speed of Prague, steadily reconstructed, torn apart for new shopping centers, blending all together and leaving the illusion of beauty in a monotone but colorful self-consuming void.
It is an exploration departing from urban microstructures to a more general view onto our lifestyles of speed, consumption and visual entertainment. Analog fragments are melted with digital algorithms to question what is left ?
Sound produced and authorised by "the ecstasy of saint theresa" (Prague/CZ)
Thanks to Palac Akropolis Prague, CIANT Prague, Pepinieres pour les jeunes artistes, EU Culture 2000, Prague City Hall, MAP XXL, Prague Ministry of Culture
This work was first shown at the Digital Transit show of ARCO Madrid (ESP).

1Dentity from 1n0ut on Vimeo.
Live Performance, Paris 2009, VisionSonic Festival
1d_entity is a live interactive dance performance which explores the paradigm of recordings and playback of a dancer. The work reflects methaphorical on topics of data mining (googleism), simulation and surveillance in the digital realm and counterphrases it with us as human beings.
Sampling of life will go beyond DNA analysis, so this work tries to focus on the aspects of sampling human patterns and emotions, and remix and deconstruct them.
Can human behaviour be coded as a chain of granular recordings and synthesis of us, is there a microcosm of feelings which can be arranged like atoms in molecules ? Did all start in one point and are we converging to this first dimension again? This is no answer but an experiment...
by 1n0ut
Dancer: Yasmine Hugonnet

MOVE - Installation from 1n0ut on Vimeo.
„Move“ ist eine interaktive Installation, die es den Besuchern erlaubt Teil einer endlosen Choreographie zu werden. Konkret kann jede/r 3 Sekunden seine besten „Tanzmoves“ zeigen, die Installation speichert diese, verbindet sie mit bereits vorhandenen Tanzmustern von anderen Besuchern und zeigt eine immer neu collagierte Choreographie aus dem gesammelten Bewegungsmaterial.
Eine spielerische Auseinandersetzung mit Tanz und Choreographie, die auch nicht professionellen Tänzern Spaß an Bewegung vermitteln soll. Endprodukt ist ein kollektiver Tanz aller Besucher, der sich ständig neu erfindet.
Darüber hinaus hinterfragt die Installation Themen wie Sampling, Remix und Artificial Life. Ist es möglich durch Speicherung von menschlichen Mustern, einer Maschine so etwas wie Kreativität einzuhauchen?
MOVE entstand im Rahmen der Ausschreibung Podium09 des Landes Salzburg.

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