

Max for Live

Arpeggio Heaven (Dan Grain / june74) from Fabrizio Poce on Vimeo.
Music: Dan Grain (
Video: June74 (​)
Performed & computed in real-time using a self developed Max for Live (M4L) tool called V-Module (​max.html).
Fractals (ducks / julia) generated by GLSL shaders, several parameters manipulated through a MIDI controller in Live (juliaX/Y, colors), some modulated using Live's clip envelopes. Everything done within the Ableton Live / Max for Live environment.

Phthalo Blue (Dan Grain / june74) from Fabrizio Poce on Vimeo.
Music: Dan Grain (
Video: June74 (
Performed & computed in real-time using a self developed Max for Live (M4L) tool called V-Module (​max.html).
Audio from Live drives vertex generation of objects and volumes. Render-to-texture feedback used to create a "mirror" effect. Position and rotation in space, colors and "scene" groups controlled in real-time through Live (clip envelopes and MIDI).

Are you in control? (Dan Grain / june74) from Fabrizio Poce on Vimeo.
Music: Dan Grain (
Video: June74 (
Performed & computed in real-time using a self developed Max for Live (M4L) tool called V-Module (​max.html).
Audio drives cubes scale distortions and vertex generation. Everything is done within Ableton Live / Max for Live.

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