

Time Warp 2011

Time Warp 2011 from Visual Drugstore on Vimeo.
Time Warp is an electronic festival held annually in Mannheim, Germany. Since launch in 1994, it has become a tradition and home to some of the world's greatest DJs and visual designers throughout.
5 floors in total (main floors being 1 & 2) with Visual Drugstore occupying Floor 1 with VJ Mar-K.os playing alongside DJs Steffan Baumann, Laserkraft 3D, Lexy & K-Paul, Moonbootica, Slam, Carl Cox, Planetary Assault Systems, Len Faki and Chris Liebing.
Live performance by Mar-K.os for duration of 14 hours in total. Both live mixed content and into real time generated contents were used, which were crafted through a software specifically programmed for Visual Drugstore's stage design in this years event.

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