Spike Solutions
Spike Solutions #1 from Jacob Niedzwiecki on Vimeo.
Spike Solutions is an ongoing series of screen tests based on generative compositing techniques. This one features yours truly, rocking a bit of a hangover.
In this screen test, the video in any zone of the left half is sampled (from that same zone) from the video in the same location on the right half. All the clips start at a random point in the same source footage.
Made with Processing. Props to Lee Byron for his Mesh Library. Music is a vintage 1969 EMS VCS3, from Twenty Systems by Benge: http://bleep.com/index.php?page=release_details&releaseid=18286
Spike Solutions #2 from Jacob Niedzwiecki on Vimeo.
Spike Solutions is an ongoing series of screen tests based on generative compositing techniques. This one features yours truly, rocking a bit of a hangover.
In this screen test, the video in any zone of the left half is sampled (from that same zone) from the video in the same location on the right half. All the videos start almost in sync, with a slight offset, so you can see movements 'ripple' from the bottom right to the top left in the grid.
As they play, a stochastic (fancy word for 'random') process gradually jumps individual clips forward in time.
Made with Processing. Props to Lee Byron for his Mesh Library. Music is a 1972 Serge Modular synth, from Twenty Systems by Benge: bleep.com/index.php?page=release_details&releaseid=18286
Paint Up 2011 / Budapest
Hatezren nézték a „mozgó” Akadémiát
Az EU-s félévet záró Paint Up! verseny meghódította a nézőket
Több mint hatezer ember látogatott el a Paint Up! Visualpower virtuális épületfestő verseny döntőjére az MTA Széchenyi téri székházához június 26-án, vasárnap. Az épület homlokzatára vetített, lenyűgöző 2 és 3d-s animációkat ámulattal fogadta a közönség. A színvonalas rendezvény méltó lezárása volt a magyar EU elnökségnek.
A Duna party keretében megtartott látványos eseményen a Paint Up! pályázatra beérkezett, közel félszáz animációból kiválasztott 12 döntős alkotást értékelte a zsűri. Az épület középső homlokzatához illeszkedő, 3 perces, zenei aláfestéssel komponált pályamunkák 1000 nm-es (!) felületen rázták, tekerték, csavarták az oszlopokat és a homlokzat különböző elemeit. A felületen fogaskerekek, színes gömbök, geometriai alakzatok pásztáztak, égett a tűz, az ablakok mögött pedig zajlott az élet, természetesen mindez csak virtuálisan.
Az első díjat „Az egy éjszaka”, Balogh András Miklós és Kovács Zoltán alkotása kapta. Második „Nature of science” című munkájával Besenyői Ádám lett. A harmadik helyen Czigány László „Szimplikátum”-a végzett.
A közönség is szavazhatott. Ők a Pozsgay Benedek által készített „Hungarikum”-ot tartották a legjobbnak. Ezek mellett még két pályamunka különdíjban részesült.
Az est kuriózumaként a nemzetközi hírű architekturális vetítéssel foglalkozó Bordos László Zsolt ( HYPERLINK "http://bordos.eu/" \t "_blank" Bordos.Artworks) és meghívott alkotótársai: Kovács Ivó, Szalkó Dániel és Lóránt Demeter (ez utóbbi a 2010-es Paint Up! győztese) által, kifejezetten erre az alkalomra, készített bemutatófilmet tekinthették meg a nézők. Ezt az animációt az MTA teljes szélességében, azaz 2000 nm-es méretben vetítették.
A fentiek mellett, versenyen kívül még 5 további „épületmozgató” pályamunkát is láthattak a nézők.
Az architekturális vetítés történetében tavaly, a világon elsőként hirdetett versenyt a Visualpower Kft. Az idén második alkalommal megrendezett Paint Up! virtuális épületfestő verseny, ismét óriási sikert aratott.
Mint azt Vaskó Tünde főszervező elmondta, a Paint Up! egy sikertörténet. Nagy megtiszteltetés számukra, hogy a magyar EU soros elnökség félévét ez az egyedülálló virtuális épületfestő verseny zárta. Természetesen jövőre jön a folytatás.
A versennyel kapcsolatban minden információ elérhető a HYPERLINK "http://paintup.visualpower.hu/" http://paintup.visualpower.hu/ oldalon.
Night of the Museums 2011
Night of the Museums 2011 from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
Our mapping on the local museum - blaskovichmuzeum.hu - as a part of the Night of the Museums event - muzeumokejszakaja.hu/.
We used two basic 3000 ANSI Lumens office projectors with a DualHead2Go in 2048x768 resolution.
Music made by local artist Gabor Valasek aka Oldbrian.
Switchboy Workshop - Future Everything 2011
Switchboy Workshop - Future Everything 2011 from Johannes Timpernagel on Vimeo.
We were invited to be part of the Future Everything 2011 conference in Manchester, during which we were asked to build something from scratch. The result of this 3 day Open Workshop is an interactive audioreactive instrument built on the basis of Switchboy, a visual-framework for realtime A/V-performances in large venues.
By day we worked on this installation, by night we played an A/V-show in the famous venue The Factory (FAC251). Jacob Korn was in charge of the music, schnellebuntebilder provided the visuals.
Guerilla Mapping Dresden
Guerilla Mapping Dresden from Visual Drugstore on Vimeo.
The MMOV hitting Dresden with some more Guerilla mapping
Live performance at VJ Fest Istanbul 2011
Live performance at VJ Fest Istanbul 2011 with my friend Al.chemy from roborant on Vimeo.
Live performance at VJ Fest Istanbul.
Set to Flying Lotus's Drips / Auntie's Harp
Beyond The Fence
Beyond The Fence from Bill Millett on Vimeo.
Visual painting 2009, operates as a meditative work that examines the presence of being. Soundscape Luminous by John Foxx & Robin Guthrie
vj cube´s mapping experiment
vj cube´s mapping experiment from VJ CUBE on Vimeo.
iTunes2Syphon from instructions on Vimeo.
iTunes2syphon is a iTunes visualizer that sends track information as an image to Syphon so that you can display the info in other Syphon enabled softwares.
The tutorial shows how to install the visualizer and how to display song name, artist, genre and year and show it in Modul8 and VDMX via Syphon. It also shows you how to modify the Quartz Composer visualizer source file to make it look the way you want.
Go to this page for more info and to download the iTunes2Syphon visualizer: http://themidithief.com/2011/06/tutorial-itunes2syphon/
Tutorial: Syphon input in Modul8
Tutorial: Syphon input in Modul8 from instructions on Vimeo.
This tutorial shows how to enable Syphon input in Modul8. The next version of Modul8 will have built in support for Syphon input which is faster. Meanwhile you can use this method.
Instructions - Nomaton / Volt 2011
Instructions - Nomaton / Volt 2011 from instructions on Vimeo.
Synthetics and The Midi Thief performing live visuals for Nomaton at the Volt 2011 festival in Uppsala, Sweden on June 11th. Camerawork by Anders Carleö. Blowjob with courtesy of the Vidiots.
Therapy Sessions test videomapping 24.9.2010
Therapy Sessions test videomapping 24.9.2010 from Kolabs Visual Artists on Vimeo.
- testing mapping in studio Kolabs Visual Artists
Extremity III
Extremity III from Emilio Gomariz on Vimeo.
This piece is part of the lastest Extremity loop series (http://www.emiliogomariz.net/search/label/extremity) - 2010.
FreeForm Pro - Generator
FreeForm Pro - Generator - 1. Powered by 3DNAE from mettle on Vimeo.
Created in After Effects with FreeForm Pro. This project consists of an animated After Effects "Stroke" sequence in a pre-comp. 4 color gradient and an animated Hue and Saturation is added to the pre-comp as well. Brought the pre-comp into a new HD res comp and added FreeForm Pro. Tweak, push, pull and voila....
As a finishing touch, Cycore FX CC Blobbylize is added on an adjustment layer
Creators of Digieffects FreeForm, FreeForm Flow, Shapeshifter AE + 3DNAE
FreeForm Pro | Generator 2 | Powered by 3DNAE from mettle on Vimeo.
Pre comp = AE Circle, 4 color Gradient, Hue + Saturation, Glow, CC Flo Motion + Radial Fast Blur.
Master Comp = FreeForm Pro, AE Mirror
Render Time = 2 minutes 53 seconds includes all effects mentioned above and time to write to disk.
Creators of Digieffects FreeForm, FreeForm Pro, ShapeShifter AE, FreeForm Flow + 3DNAE
FreeForm Pro - Generator 3 - Powered By 3DNAE from mettle on Vimeo.
We started with an AE text animation preset then added FreeForm Pro to the mix. On an adjustment layer we added 4 color gradient, Hue + Saturation and then cycled the H+S and voila...
Creators of Digieffects FreeForm, FreeForm Pro, Shapeshifter AE, FreeForm Flow + 3DNAE
FreeForm Pro | Generator 4 | Powered By 3DNAE from mettle on Vimeo.
3 Photoshop layers with transfer modes. Pre-comp is animated to loop.
Master Comp = FreeForm Pro, Add AE camera... adjust Camera position to taste + Render.
Tweak a few settings in the pre-comps or in the FreeForm Pro settings, adjust camera position and make it your own.
Creators of Digieffects FreeForm, FreeForm Pro, ShapeShifter AE, FreeForm Flow + 3DNAE
FreeForm Pro - Generator 5 - Powered By 3DNAE from mettle on Vimeo.
Same technique as the ˘Generator 4˘ example I posted but with a different Camera position. Added radial blur in the pre-comp. Desaturated and added AE's CC Glass.
Creators of Digeffects FreeForm, FreeForm Pro, Shapeshifter AE, FreeForm Flow + 3DNAE.
FreeForm Pro - Generator 6 - Powered By 3DNAE from mettle on Vimeo.
6 feathered masks on a Solid. AE Stroke. 4 Color Gradient. Animated Hue + Saturation. FreeForm Pro. Camera attached to Null object. Animate rotation on Y axis. Render.
Creators of Digieffects FreeForm, FreeForm Pro, Shapeshifter AE, FreeForm Flow + 3DNAE
grid lady
grid lady from vargasz abolcs on Vimeo.
coge -play qtz - voo2 rutt/etra || association || syphon recorder
Tétraèdres from Benjamin Chassagne (NYX Visual) on Vimeo.
NYX Visual presents: Tétraèdres (work in progress...)
Visual by Benjamin Chassagne
Surface designed by Laura Vander Elst & Benjamin Chassagne
Milena Pafundi (Argentina)
Punto y Raya festival from Milena Pafundi on Vimeo.
Ciudad Ve @ Panoramica - Espacio Fundación Telefónica from Milena Pafundi on Vimeo.
Middle - Size - Ideas Vj set 2004 from Milena Pafundi on Vimeo.
I think this is one of the First Vj set we did with Tekhnë.
We were working most of the footage from vhs videos mixing it with analog effects from resolume.
I love it !!! so vj stuff
In the mix, Mekas and Qik doing a DJ set, unique!!!!
Creo que este fue uno de los primeros A-V set que hicimos con tekhnë.
Trabajamos a partor de imagenes de vhs, procesadas tmabièn con efectos de calidad analogica del resolume.
El dj set lo hicieron Mekas y Qik, único!!!!
Vive - Santa fe 2008 from Milena Pafundi on Vimeo.
Sienestesia video music and dance festival in Santa Fe.
I was there, sitting in the floor mixing with 2 cameras the dancer and making abstarction from the lights and the space, also creating a never ending image ...
Está fue una edición de Sinenestesia en Santa Fe, Octubre del 2008.
El video lo hice con dos cámaras en vivo que tomaban los movimientos de los bailarines, así también como el espacio y las luces del teatro, generando abstación, sin fin, detalles corporales, etc... Utilicé un mixer y una computadora para realizar la mezcla y darle efectos-
2min of Vj Linden in Cocoliche - Classic Party
2min of Vj Linden in Cocoliche - Classic Party from Milena Pafundi on Vimeo.
This was a March Vjing night in Cocoliche at Violett party.
Violett was djing and Dandy Jack seducing as with his exotic and rythmic live set
VJ LOOPS by MOVIETOOLS.INFO http://www.movietools.info/
Full Pack Download @ http://vjloopsd.blogspot.com/
Fantasztikus „épületmozgató” animációk 1000 nm-en az MTA-nál
A Paint Up! döntő zárja az EU-s félévet
A versenyről
Paint Up! Visualpower virtuális épületfestő verseny címmel második alkalommal hirdette meg a világon egyedülálló pályázatát animáció és mozgókép készítőknek a Visualpower Kft.
A nyílt versenybe az architekturális vetítés stílusában készült, 3 perces, zenei aláfestéssel ellátott filmmel lehetett nevezni.
Az „épületmozgató” animációkat ez alkalommal a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Széchenyi téri székházának középső homlokzatára kellett megálmodniuk az alkotóknak. A pályázatra az előzetes kiírás alapján közel félszáz izgalmas pályamunka érkezett.
A döntőről
A Paint Up! döntőt 2011. június 26-án, vasárnap 22 órától, az MTA Széchenyi téri Székházánál, az EU Tanácsának Magyar Elnöksége - Hivatalos Záróeseményének Kapcsolódó Programjaként, a „Duna party” keretében rendezik meg. Az egyedi és megismételhetetlen eseményen az előzsűrizés során kiválasztott legjobb 12 pályaművet, továbbá a nemzetközi hírű architekturális vetítéssel foglalkozó Bordos László Zsolt (Bordos.Artworks) és meghívott alkotótársai által erre az alkalomra készített bemutatófilmet tekinthetik meg az érdeklődők,
Azoknak a pályázóknak, akiknek animációját a vizuális kultúra neves hazai szakértőiből álló zsűri beválogatta a 2011. június 26-i döntőbe, ritka kuriózumnak számító élményben lesz részük, munkájukat 1000 nm-es méretben vetítik ki az MTA homlokzatára.
De, nem csak a megmérettetés, hanem az értékes tárgynyeremények is motiválták a pályázókat a versenyen való részvételre. Ezek odaítéléséről az első három helyezett esetében a zsűri, a Közönségdíjról pedig a nézők döntenek, a helyszíni vetítést követően.
A tavalyiakhoz hasonlóan, ezúttal is a szervezők szakmai partnere, egyben a zsűri oszlopos tagja, az az architekturális vetítéseiről ismert világhírű Bordos László Zsolt (Bordos.ArtWorks) akinek a nevéhez fűződik többek között, a dubai Pálma-sziget hivatalos avatóünnepségének vetítéséhez készített óriás felbontású 3D animáció.
A versennyel kapcsolatban további információk, képek, videók a http://paintup.visualpower.hu/ oldalon találhatók.
A virtuális épületfestésről (architekturális vetítésről) röviden
A virtuális épületfestés rendkívül látványos, különleges műfaja a kivetítésnek. Az épületek architekturájával összhangban elkészített mozgóképek (pl.: animációk) óriás fényerejű projektorokkal történő vetítése a kortárs vizuális kultúra egyik legfiatalabb megjelenítési formája.
A szórakoztatás e válfaja világszerte nézőcsalogató eseménynek számít. Külföldön az ilyen és hasonló jellegű vetítések népszerűsége, a kreatív tartalmakból eredő lehengerlő látványnak és a monumentalitásnak köszönhetően, egyre nő.
Az architekturális vetítés (szakmai nevén video projection mapping vagy building projection mapping) a Paint Up! verseny 2010-es megjelenéséig hazánkban kevéssé ismert művészeti ág volt.
A műfaj lényege, hogy egy adott épületre olyan mozgóképet – animációt – készítenek az alkotók, amely igazodik annak architekturális elemeihez. Az ilyen típusú alkotás kreatív módon használja a fényt, az árnyékot és a teret, melynek köszönhetően térmódosítást lehet létrehozni. A vetített anyag, tehát nem csak fénnyel színezi, hanem „virtuálisan mozgatja” is az épületet. Az igazán profi animációk 3D-sek.
Más technológián alapuló, állóképes kezdeményezésekkel korábban Budapesten már találkozhattak a nézők (Matáv Székház, Deák tér, Erzsébet híd), de az első magyarországi projektoros kivetítésekhez készített mozgóképes, óriás felbontású 3d animációk a Bordos.ArtWorks (http://bordos.eu) nevéhez fűződnek.
A versenyről
Paint Up! Visualpower virtuális épületfestő verseny címmel második alkalommal hirdette meg a világon egyedülálló pályázatát animáció és mozgókép készítőknek a Visualpower Kft.
A nyílt versenybe az architekturális vetítés stílusában készült, 3 perces, zenei aláfestéssel ellátott filmmel lehetett nevezni.
Az „épületmozgató” animációkat ez alkalommal a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Széchenyi téri székházának középső homlokzatára kellett megálmodniuk az alkotóknak. A pályázatra az előzetes kiírás alapján közel félszáz izgalmas pályamunka érkezett.
A döntőről
A Paint Up! döntőt 2011. június 26-án, vasárnap 22 órától, az MTA Széchenyi téri Székházánál, az EU Tanácsának Magyar Elnöksége - Hivatalos Záróeseményének Kapcsolódó Programjaként, a „Duna party” keretében rendezik meg. Az egyedi és megismételhetetlen eseményen az előzsűrizés során kiválasztott legjobb 12 pályaművet, továbbá a nemzetközi hírű architekturális vetítéssel foglalkozó Bordos László Zsolt (Bordos.Artworks) és meghívott alkotótársai által erre az alkalomra készített bemutatófilmet tekinthetik meg az érdeklődők,
Azoknak a pályázóknak, akiknek animációját a vizuális kultúra neves hazai szakértőiből álló zsűri beválogatta a 2011. június 26-i döntőbe, ritka kuriózumnak számító élményben lesz részük, munkájukat 1000 nm-es méretben vetítik ki az MTA homlokzatára.
De, nem csak a megmérettetés, hanem az értékes tárgynyeremények is motiválták a pályázókat a versenyen való részvételre. Ezek odaítéléséről az első három helyezett esetében a zsűri, a Közönségdíjról pedig a nézők döntenek, a helyszíni vetítést követően.
A tavalyiakhoz hasonlóan, ezúttal is a szervezők szakmai partnere, egyben a zsűri oszlopos tagja, az az architekturális vetítéseiről ismert világhírű Bordos László Zsolt (Bordos.ArtWorks) akinek a nevéhez fűződik többek között, a dubai Pálma-sziget hivatalos avatóünnepségének vetítéséhez készített óriás felbontású 3D animáció.
A versennyel kapcsolatban további információk, képek, videók a http://paintup.visualpower.hu/ oldalon találhatók.
A virtuális épületfestésről (architekturális vetítésről) röviden
A virtuális épületfestés rendkívül látványos, különleges műfaja a kivetítésnek. Az épületek architekturájával összhangban elkészített mozgóképek (pl.: animációk) óriás fényerejű projektorokkal történő vetítése a kortárs vizuális kultúra egyik legfiatalabb megjelenítési formája.
A szórakoztatás e válfaja világszerte nézőcsalogató eseménynek számít. Külföldön az ilyen és hasonló jellegű vetítések népszerűsége, a kreatív tartalmakból eredő lehengerlő látványnak és a monumentalitásnak köszönhetően, egyre nő.
Az architekturális vetítés (szakmai nevén video projection mapping vagy building projection mapping) a Paint Up! verseny 2010-es megjelenéséig hazánkban kevéssé ismert művészeti ág volt.
A műfaj lényege, hogy egy adott épületre olyan mozgóképet – animációt – készítenek az alkotók, amely igazodik annak architekturális elemeihez. Az ilyen típusú alkotás kreatív módon használja a fényt, az árnyékot és a teret, melynek köszönhetően térmódosítást lehet létrehozni. A vetített anyag, tehát nem csak fénnyel színezi, hanem „virtuálisan mozgatja” is az épületet. Az igazán profi animációk 3D-sek.
Más technológián alapuló, állóképes kezdeményezésekkel korábban Budapesten már találkozhattak a nézők (Matáv Székház, Deák tér, Erzsébet híd), de az első magyarországi projektoros kivetítésekhez készített mozgóképes, óriás felbontású 3d animációk a Bordos.ArtWorks (http://bordos.eu) nevéhez fűződnek.
Mapping Festival 2011: Workshop – How to assemble a HD Mixer
iMixHD demo video from Neuromixer on Vimeo.
VJ Leo showing iMixHD, a controller and MIDI bridge software designed to control TV One 1T-C2-750 Dual DVI scaler/mixer. Source code (Processing) and documentations are available at http://code.google.com/p/imixhd/
For more info please visit: http://www.neuromixer.com/imixhd
Hardware Requirement:
- TV One 1T-C2-750 (Dual DVI Scaler)
- USB to RS232 cable
This project is initiated by Fader and VJ Leo.
Mapping Festival 2011: A/V Performance – Impermanent Synchronic
IMPERMANENT SYNCHRONIC pt 1 from Eddy Vajarakitipongse on Vimeo.
IMPERMANENT SYNCHRONIC is an audio visual experimental performance that uses synergy to explore the rhythm hidden within a human body. Five performers, a visual artist, an choreographer, an electronic musician, and two dancers from three countries will gather to create a temporal space that's consist of sound, animation, and dance.
A music sequence is notes spread out in time. This logic can be translated into physical distances, where the distance between multiple points is a visual representation of a music sequence. Using custom software, by combining the techniques of video mapping, music sequences can be drawn based on a three dimensional object. In our case the subject is the human body, by visually plotting points in real-time onto a dancer, the human anatomy becomes a template for music.
Another level of interaction is introduced. Where the movement of a dancer, through computer vision, is affecting the audio visual environment sculpted around them. For example, when a dancer jumps, a splash of color spray onto the dance floor with a matching sound.
VJ Fader, Adrian Sierra Garcia, Aya Irizuki, Elsée Dall'ava, Tilman Porschuetz
IMPERMANENT SYNCHRONIC pt 2 from Eddy Vajarakitipongse on Vimeo.
IMPERMANENT SYNCHRONIC is an audio visual experimental performance that uses synergy to explore the rhythm hidden within a human body. Five performers, a visual artist, an choreographer, an electronic musician, and two dancers from three countries will gather to create a temporal space that's consist of sound, animation, and dance.
A music sequence is notes spread out in time. This logic can be translated into physical distances, where the distance between multiple points is a visual representation of a music sequence. Using custom software, by combining the techniques of video mapping, music sequences can be drawn based on a three dimensional object. In our case the subject is the human body, by visually plotting points in real-time onto a dancer, the human anatomy becomes a template for music.
Another level of interaction is introduced. Where the movement of a dancer, through computer vision, is affecting the audio visual environment sculpted around them. For example, when a dancer jumps, a splash of color spray onto the dance floor with a matching sound.
vjsuave / mapping festival 2011 from vjsuave on Vimeo.
vjsuave participate in vjcontest mapping festival 2011.
This is our first round!
KOBORED from Thailand at MAPPING FESTIVAL 2011 !! from Eddy Vajarakitipongse on Vimeo.
KOBORED from Thailand at MAPPING FESTIVAL 2011 during the VJ CONTEST..homie took it home!!
Vj Granda & Ã’scar Babani @ VJFest Istanbul 2011
Vj Granda & Ã’scar Babani @ VJFest Istanbul 2011 from vj granda on Vimeo.
Music by Ã’scar Babani
Visuals by Vj Granda
“Hundeschnecke” audiovisual drawing mapping in Tresor by VJ Chindogu + Alfalfa
“Hundeschnecke” audiovisual drawing mapping in Tresor by VJ Chindogu + Alfalfa from VisualBerlinFestival 2010 on Vimeo.
Special thanks to our huruguayan friends -VJ Chindogu & Alfafa- who made an amazing drawing audio visual mapping in the tresor, great work, spirit and vibs!!!
Shed Light by VJ Steve G
Shed Light by VJ Steve G from VJ SteveG on Vimeo.
Shed Light by VJ Steve G
VJ Loops available soon at www.vjloops.tv
HD loops 1920x1080
Nero's Dubstep Symphony (FULL), VJ FLOOD live video mix
Live VJ mix to Nero's Dubstep Symphony.
Video by VJ Flood - http://www.facebook.com/vj.flood
Listen to the original here -
Video by VJ Flood - http://www.facebook.com/vj.flood
Listen to the original here -
R11 - racket sound art experiment
R11 - racket sound art experiment from Jem the Misfit on Vimeo.
Racket - sound\\art\\experiment
R11 2 June 2011 the June monthly instalment of Racket the audio visual night held at Miss Libertines in Melbourne.
Visuals by Jem the Misift and Vj Inxile
Music - Spice by Surge
Check out the Racket facebook page for more information here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Racket-Sound-Art-Experiments/145719912109052?ref=ts
tri celebrating everything
tri celebrating everything from Elliott on Vimeo.
VJ - Elliott Stallion (Video Olympic). Here are some Modul8 loops I put together for this years Mapping Festival in Geneva. The loops are based on live performance and the celebration of movement and flesh. Also, inspired by sacred geometry and the Fibonacci sequence.
Music - Mount Kimbie -- Baves Chords.
Trinidad - Miquel Galogre
UK - Max Baccanello
Choreography : Simone Gilliatt
Dancers : Simone Gilliatt & Michelle Isava
With great thanks to.
Simone Gilliatt
Michelle Isava
Charlotte Elias
Miquel Galogre
Max Baccanello
Laurence Moore
Gareth & Alex at the Above Group
Peter Doig
bubbs-tri.pe from beeple on Vimeo.
Free source material released under Creative Commons.
Cinema 4D project file: http://beeple-crap.com/resources.php
video: beeple / sound: tokimonsta - Little Pleasures (feat. Gavin Turek)
more: http://vimeo.com/channels/beeple
info: http://www.beeple-crap.com
daily artwork: http://facebook.com/beeple
music: http://www.tokimonsta.com
Video Mapping Workshop by Fader
Video Mapping Workshop by Fader - Part 1 of 5 from VJFader on Vimeo.
Video Mapping Workshop by Fader - Part 2 of 5 from VJFader on Vimeo.
Video Mapping Workshop by Fader - Part 3 of 5 from VJFader on Vimeo.
Video Mapping Workshop by Fader - Part 4 of 5 from VJFader on Vimeo.
Video Mapping Workshop by Fader - Part 5 of 5 from VJFader on Vimeo.
Demonstrating video mapping technique using Photoshop and Aftereffects @ Fablab SD.
Los Angeles Video Artists http://www.la-va.org/
Fab Lab San Deigo http://www.fablabsd.org/
Media Arts Center
San Diego, CA
Nuevo! Meet Melok
Nuevo! Meet Melok from Heroinax on Vimeo.
El nuevo video de Heroinax,
realizado junto a Germán Sacanell.
Actriz invitada: Melok
Música: "Floating" de Dnitexthekidz (una edición más breve)
real time photo mix session.
DJ&MUSIC: aslan+
Muzik 02.06.11
VJ Shoken @ Muzik 02.06.11 from VJ Shoken on Vimeo.
Excerpts from Yosteks Ableton students performance at Muzik.
GENERIC PEOPLE & ENFPvisuals at Life Festival 2011
GENERIC PEOPLE & ENFPvisuals at Life Festival 2011 from ENFPvisuals on Vimeo.
A few clips of myself, ENFP and Generic People playing at Life Festival at Belvedere house on Saturday 28th of May 2011. Special thanks to Gayle D'souza for recording it, Conor Lyons for taking some photos (you can see them on our pages) and the lads for hearcolours for being to obliging and letting my visuals play.
Cykl Granularny 0.1_PUZZLE 2011
[IP] IDENTITY PROBLEM GROUP / Cykl Granularny 0.1_PUZZLE 2011 from Jakub Lech on Vimeo.
sound: Bogumił Misala http://soundcloud.com/ip-identity-problem
video: Jakub Lech http://vimeo.com/user4302309/videos
TENSOR 48°11'33.67"N / 16°20'44.00"E / 2010.03.27 18:00
TENSOR 48°11'33.67"N / 16°20'44.00"E / 2010.03.27 18:00 from Stefan Kainbacher on Vimeo.
Das Ziel der Installation ist die experimentelle Auseinandersetzung mit Spannungen. Im Interesse der Untersuchungen liegen die Spannungsverhältnisse zwischen Raum und Objekt, Objekt und Modul, Materialität und Struktur, Oberfläche und Medium, Bild und Ton, Realität und Illusion sowie Kunstwerk und Betrachter.
Feldversuch ab 27.03.2010; 18:00; im Soundframe Headquarter (48°11'33.67"N ; 16°20'44.00"E). Die Installation ist eine Kooperation der Visualisten-Crews Motionlab und Neon Golden mit der Unterstützung von Franz Piffl von Microgiants – Industrial Design. Soundcollage von Audiodevice.
DJ SLON 02/06/2011
DJ SLON 02/06/2011 from VisualSound Studio on Vimeo.
Recorded live at VisualSound.TV Studio 02/06/2011
Museum night mapping
Museum night mapping from AWESOME NAME on Vimeo.
“Sculpture of Dance. Dance of Sculpture”
OKNO dance project
Viktor Grachev,sculptore
AWESOME NAME - mapping
Ночь музеев 2011
делали совместный проект в музее имени А.С. Попова
mapping test #01 | 2011
mapping test #01 | 2011 from box36 on Vimeo.
some tests with friends, trying to understand ways and techniques to map surfaces with video contents.
this was realized in about 3 hours using:
- a photo from the p.o.v. of the projector.
- illustrator to trace the map
- after effect to mask video contents
- vlc only to stream contents
- modul8 to stream and manipulate contents in real time
audio credited to dat politics | no copyright infringement intended.
video taken using digital harinezumi
∞volkan ergen∞sevket akinci COTTON A/V∞
∞volkan ergen∞sevket akinci COTTON A/V∞ from VOLKAN ERGEN on Vimeo.
∞Cotton a/v "Live Cinema Nights"∞
Dovregubben (NUT CRACKER)
This video has a funny ending. Check the Nut Cracker theme in the sample of this electro banger and the video edit...
Anomalous Visuals by Michael Ostermann
Anomalous Visuals by Michael Ostermann from Anomalous Visuals on Vimeo.
VITOR ZANINI VJ SET / SÃO PAULO-BR from Vitor Zanini on Vimeo.
Vj set made by Vitor Zanini
music by birdy nam nam (too much skunk tonight)
celloBeatPulse from vargasz abolcs on Vimeo.
Visualz made by CoGe (www.cogevj.hu)
recorded with Syphon (www.syphon.v002.info)
Some parameters in the music synced with visulaz by my midi sender made for CoGe in QC
project site:
Bassjackers "Mush, Mush"
Bassjackers "Mush, Mush" - VJ CHRIS LANDRY VIDEO EDIT from CHRIS LANDRY on Vimeo.
This is a top 5 beatport electro jam. Made this visual to go along with it.
Remastered VJ-performance EarthDance 1999
Remastered VJ-performance EarthDance 1999 from Slightly Overdone on Vimeo.
This is a short reconstruction of my live VJ-performance at EarthDance 1999, in the Cybertheatre Brussels.
Music Credits: Pigs In Space by Solar
Faderfox LV3, Compact Boutique Controller, to be Ableton Live 8-Savvy
"While Ableton’s logo is stamped on Novation’s Launchpad and Akai’s APC, there’s a lot to be said for the tried and trusted Faderfox as a controller for Live. The work of one man – German designer Mathias – these controllers run a bit pricier than some of their rivals but deliver great-feeling controls and ultra-compact designs. They’ll fit into cramped quarters when the APC won’t, and they offer features like high-quality joysticks. The models could be used with any software you like, but they are designed with certain tools in mind. Following an update for DJ-centric, Traktor-ready models, Ableton users now get their new Micromodul: the LV3.
Mathias sends CDM a first look at the new specs:
ultra compact
usb bus powering (no additional power adapter needed)
simultaneous control of 8 tracks
24 programmable keys
4 multifunctional push encoders
scene/clip selection and launching by dedicated encoder & display
optimum clip status indication by 2 leds (off = empty slot, on = load,
blink = clip runs, red stop led = on for stopped track)
2 joysticks for convenient control of XY-fields
more obvious device control (only rack parameters controlled)
two times better resolution on all parameters by encoders (256 steps
instead 128)
encoders with detents (better feeling especially for stepped parameters
like quantization)
automap functionality in Ableton live 8"
live controller LV3
compared to LV1 & LV2
"Find more details on the official Faderfox site:
Faderfox LV3
ALPS supplies the faders and encoders, and the joysticks resemble those on model airplane remote controls. My experience with these controls has been exceptionally positive. I’ll miss one feature on my earlier-model Faderfox: I get standard 5-pin DIN for MIDI. But in its place, you get more finger-friendly rubber caps on the knobs, and USB bus power. Those 33, multi-colored LEDs also mean you can really use this for effective clip control – the first Faderfox of which I’d say that.
Speaking of other apps, this controller seems ripe for adaptation by an intrepid Renoise hacker; it’s even class-compliant for use on Linux if you’re a Linux Renoiser.
EUR 210 before VAT; 250 with."
(BY PETER KIRN, createdigitalmusic)
Mathias sends CDM a first look at the new specs:
ultra compact
usb bus powering (no additional power adapter needed)
simultaneous control of 8 tracks
24 programmable keys
4 multifunctional push encoders
scene/clip selection and launching by dedicated encoder & display
optimum clip status indication by 2 leds (off = empty slot, on = load,
blink = clip runs, red stop led = on for stopped track)
2 joysticks for convenient control of XY-fields
more obvious device control (only rack parameters controlled)
two times better resolution on all parameters by encoders (256 steps
instead 128)
encoders with detents (better feeling especially for stepped parameters
like quantization)
automap functionality in Ableton live 8"
live controller LV3
compared to LV1 & LV2
"Find more details on the official Faderfox site:
Faderfox LV3
ALPS supplies the faders and encoders, and the joysticks resemble those on model airplane remote controls. My experience with these controls has been exceptionally positive. I’ll miss one feature on my earlier-model Faderfox: I get standard 5-pin DIN for MIDI. But in its place, you get more finger-friendly rubber caps on the knobs, and USB bus power. Those 33, multi-colored LEDs also mean you can really use this for effective clip control – the first Faderfox of which I’d say that.
Speaking of other apps, this controller seems ripe for adaptation by an intrepid Renoise hacker; it’s even class-compliant for use on Linux if you’re a Linux Renoiser.
EUR 210 before VAT; 250 with."
(BY PETER KIRN, createdigitalmusic)
AMON TOBIN´S ¨ISAM¨ from Mutek Spain on Vimeo.
/mutekes">Mutek Spain on Vimeo.
Visual Music: Send Audio, MIDI to Live Visuals with GrandVJ 1.5, VST
Synch Experiment...
"On Create Digital Motion today, I write about the 1.5 release of ArKaos GrandVJ, the latest version of the popular Mac and Windows VJ tool. The big innovation: insert a VST plug-in into software like Ableton Live, and you can pipe MIDI and audio to your live visuals for easy synchronization and collaboration. You can even, as the video demonstrates, run an Ethernet cable between two machines. (This works on both Mac and Windows, despite the appearance of only Apple laptops in the video.)
GrandVJ is doubly interesting for readers on the music site, as it’s long featured a music-centric interface (a black-and-white piano keyboard was a feature of the earliest versions of ArKaos), alongside easy MIDI assignment. (APC20 support was recently added alongside out-of-the-box, bi-directional control with Akai’s APC40.) GrandVJ also boasts terrific, media server-quality performance at the price of a VJ app.
Stay tuned for more tests, and a round-up of live visual tools. (Or, if you like, volunteer to help us out or make requests on the kind of information you’d like to see.)
This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as what we’re covering in the live visual scene, so if you aren’t already reading Create Digital Motion with your Create Digital Music feed, come check it out / follow both sites on Twitter and Facebook. And believe me; I’m not just being self-promotional here — a lot of us want to see more live visuals when we go out to shows! Vive le revolution audiovisual."
(BY PETER KIRN, createdigitalmusic)
"On Create Digital Motion today, I write about the 1.5 release of ArKaos GrandVJ, the latest version of the popular Mac and Windows VJ tool. The big innovation: insert a VST plug-in into software like Ableton Live, and you can pipe MIDI and audio to your live visuals for easy synchronization and collaboration. You can even, as the video demonstrates, run an Ethernet cable between two machines. (This works on both Mac and Windows, despite the appearance of only Apple laptops in the video.)
GrandVJ is doubly interesting for readers on the music site, as it’s long featured a music-centric interface (a black-and-white piano keyboard was a feature of the earliest versions of ArKaos), alongside easy MIDI assignment. (APC20 support was recently added alongside out-of-the-box, bi-directional control with Akai’s APC40.) GrandVJ also boasts terrific, media server-quality performance at the price of a VJ app.
Stay tuned for more tests, and a round-up of live visual tools. (Or, if you like, volunteer to help us out or make requests on the kind of information you’d like to see.)
This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as what we’re covering in the live visual scene, so if you aren’t already reading Create Digital Motion with your Create Digital Music feed, come check it out / follow both sites on Twitter and Facebook. And believe me; I’m not just being self-promotional here — a lot of us want to see more live visuals when we go out to shows! Vive le revolution audiovisual."
(BY PETER KIRN, createdigitalmusic)
Download loops packs
GEARS from COLOR BLIND on Vimeo.
Download loops pack "GEARS" in 1280x720 pixels @ http://vjloophd.blogspot.com/
Blog will be update regularly.
VJ LOOPS BY Analog Recycling (2006) from COLOR BLIND on Vimeo.
1 VJ loops for your use released under BSD type license.
These are some video clips to be used in your favourite VJ program, to teach VJ'ing or as examples of modern digital art.
The size of the clips are between 320x240 and 368x288 all Quicktimes/PhotoJPEG.
VJ Mediavictim Video Blog
VJ Mediavictims Video Blog - Origins- No Country for Old Memes from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
The orgins of my VJ career was in doing videography work for indie music- This was one of the first nights I VJd at and did live video performance to music. It was a DVD release party show for the Tour Documentary video I had collaborated on with Joey Only - This night marked a shift from one who documents the night to one who performs on it.
VJ Mediavictim Video Blog #3 - Enlighten:Us III :Singularity - Psy Trance Party from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
The Video blog of the vj gig of the Enlighten:US III spring Equinox party I did in March of 2009 for DJ mars
VJ Mediavictims Video Blog #5 - Sequential Circus 5 from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
Sequential Circus is the night of Live PA electronic music performance at Open Studios in Vancouver BC - Drew Smith (Mux) and DJ Granolaboy invited us down to be the first guest VJs they have had
VJ Mediavictims Video Blog #7- The Gathering of Video Artists from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
A VJ meet and Greet party organized by VJ Dred and James Deane. A gathering, mmetup and geekout club for VJs and those who would like to learn to VJ
VJ Mediavictims Video Blog #8 - Soundproof from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
This time we hook up the the Soundproof collective - an old school underground rave type group that still throws parties by word of mouth. This party had a Communist theme so I created a visual VJ set based on a socialist / comunist esthetic with a tiny bit of Orwell flavor in it.
VJ MEDIAVICTIM VIDEO BLOG #9 - Rise Of the Hypnopolis from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
The Rise of the Hypnopolis was a fundraiser party to raise funds for the Hypnopolis Project, A Burning Man 2010 mobile video art installation
VJ Mediavictims Video Blog 10 - Recompression X from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
A journey to a getaway camp on the Sunshine Coast of BC to document and do video (visuals) for the Recompression ten year anniversary party. Featuring interviews with Disaster Area, artists and some Key GVIAS/ Burning Man Vancouver Regional members
VJ Mediavictim Video Blog 11 - Organix 3D from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
A pool full of all branches of art and of all artists;
A pool of sound and silence, forming from an exchange of sounds and looks and collisions,
An exchange based on enacting, on staging and on sharing,
A pool of dreams…
As for the stage, it will fill you up.
Volkan Ergen: Bass Tabor, Frame Drum, Sound Design /Şevket Akıncı: Guitar / Hüseyin Sarısaltıkoğlu: Guitar / Giray Gürkal: Guitar / Ozan Akıncı-Kaya Hacaloğlu: Live Image Operation,vjing (cottton a/v)
A pool full of all branches of art and of all artists;
A pool of sound and silence, forming from an exchange of sounds and looks and collisions,
An exchange based on enacting, on staging and on sharing,
A pool of dreams…
As for the stage, it will fill you up.
Volkan Ergen: Bass Tabor, Frame Drum, Sound Design /Şevket Akıncı: Guitar / Hüseyin Sarısaltıkoğlu: Guitar / Giray Gürkal: Guitar / Ozan Akıncı-Kaya Hacaloğlu: Live Image Operation,vjing (cottton a/v)
Cotton AV @ / Volkan Ergen's Vindictive / Babylon Lounge Istanbul
Cotton AV @ / Volkan Ergen's Vindictive / Babylon Lounge Istanbul 02/11/09 / Part 01 from Kaya Hacaloglu on Vimeo.
Volkan Ergen's Vindictive / Babylon Lounge / 02-11-2009
Cotton AV / kaya hacaloglu & ozan akinci - live video performance
volkan ergen / percussions and sound improvisation
sevket akinci / guitars
Recorded live at Babylon Lounge - 2009
Cotton AV @ / Volkan Ergen's Vindictive / Babylon Lounge Istanbul 02/11/09 / Part 02 from Kaya Hacaloglu on Vimeo.
Volkan Ergen's Vindictive
Babylon Lounge Istanbul 02/11/2009
Live Visuals : Cotton AV - Kaya Hacaloglu // Ozan Akinci
Live Music: Volkan Ergen // Sevket Akinci
CoGe 1.0 Sneak Peek – The new concept
The most important change in the upcoming CoGe release is the new concept. In the previous versions, CoGe had the 2 layers called Synths, and a Mixer for mixing/compositing that 2 channels. All Synths had a built-in sequencer, 3 slots for using Player moduls plus 1 specially for Quartz Composer files, and we could apply 2 effects on each Synths. This basic 2 channel mixer concept just worked well, but sometimes we just want to use more the 2 layers, more then 2 effects, some people never used sequencer, and so on. When i’ve started to design the new CoGe, the most important thing was make the app arbitrary as far as possible, and allow as to create or load saved interface elements in runtime.
I divided the Synths to 3 division, you can create any number of them dinamically :
ClipSynth: the synth itself. Contains the Media Slots and an area to load the modules. The ClipSynth still has 16 Media Slots as normal, but in collapsed mode, it contains only one slot with 2 buttons to allow triggering previous/next slots – and contains the Player module apply area as well. When you drop a Quartz Composer composition into a Media Slot, CoGe automatically detect the published input parameters, and create a special player for the composition in the Player module area. When you select a slot contains Quartz Composer composition, CoGe will auto-switch to the created special player in the background.
This means you can use 16 Quartz Compositions per Synth with assigned Midi/OSC/Key bindings for each parameter, not just one like in the previous version. You can apply an Effect Chain and a Sequencer for each ClipSynth, and can save the Media Slots as a CoGe Media Preset like in the previous version. An other new thing is you can copy the ClipSynth – this function creates the exact same ClipSynth as a new just without the Midi/OSC/Key bindings. An other new option is all ClipSynth could be saved for later use, the file created by CoGe is Quicklook-able in Finder, and easy loadable from Finder with a double-click. An other good point is you can swap Media Slots between ClipSynths with a simple Shift+Click.

Effect Chain:
simply element with a module apply area, could contains any number of effects, and all items are re-arrangable. Effect Chains could be assigned to ClipSynths and the Master Mixer – one Effect Chain could be assigned to different ClipSynths and for the Master Mixer too – and just like ClipSynths, you can save/load Effect Chains also.

Sequencer: works like the previous version. The only change is you should specify a Driver which is the time source for the sequence running.


For now, thats all, i’ll writing more about the new CoGe soon
Mapping vj set @Mapping Festival - Geneva
Mapping vj set @Mapping Festival - Geneva from alessandra leone on Vimeo.
Mapping vj set @Mapping Festival - Geneva
by NahuiOllin
Fonderie Kugler - 27th May 2011
Luca Agnanil Mapping
Due A - Architectural Mapping from luca.agnani on Vimeo.
Open Day TRENT'ANNI DUE A - Dicembre 2010
Luca Agnani Architectural Mapping
Music: Aquilone - Aeleria
Arena Sferisterio Architectural Mapping from luca.agnani on Vimeo.
Macerata - 14/16 Aprile 2011
Visual Design: Luca Agnani
Music: None blacks alps (Helios)
Vj/Mapping @ Rashomon Club 21.05.2011 from luca.agnani on Vimeo.
LuckyAssembler ( pixelville.org/luckyassembler )
luca.agnani (www.131076.com )
Vj/Mapping Rashomon Club
STRCTa from PHORMATIK on Vimeo.
STRCTa is a project (installation,video,photos), based on software called Structured light (Kyle Mcdonald) and 3D scanning.
"A structured-light 3D scanner is a device for measuring the three-dimensional shape of an object using projected light patterns and a camera system."(wiki)
We researched several animals in National Museum of Natural History, Sofia and shooted a photo story with them.After that we use a software Processing to create a 3D virtual environment to manipulate these images and create a motion story linked with sound and served such as an abstract improvisation, each time in a different way.
This is the first experimental preview, recorded live from audio/visual performance, called "Structured Life" Phormatik Visual Lab, Sofia
concept and video::Vladislav Iliev
photo::Mihail Novakov
Nacht der Farben, BMW Welt
Nacht der Farben, BMW Welt from Visual Drugstore on Vimeo.
In one of the most difficult mapping locations possible, Visual Drugstore launched the beginning of 2011 with Nacht der Farben in collaboration with BMW in Munich.
Projections were done from different angles with 16 projectors used in total. This was in combination with our specific mapping software that was designed for the challenging interiors of the BMW Welt.
vjsuave / mapping festival 2011
vjsuave / mapping festival 2011 from vjsuave on Vimeo.
vjsuave participate in vjcontest mapping festival 2011.
This is our first round!
Phormatik | LPM,Rome
Phormatik | LPM,Rome from PHORMATIK on Vimeo.
Phormatik LIVE @ LPM, Rome, Italy 2011
Cinematic Derives / 30min
Digital manipulation in fashion imagery
Portrait of a Lady / The Flood / The Tornado - Christos Magganas from Anomalous Visuals on Vimeo.
Fashion CGI: Digital manipulation in fashion imagery, is a UAL research project that was exhibited at the ICA as part of LCF's 'Death of Taste' symposium 2006. Featuring a selection of short animations constructed from static PSD files, it is an exploration and celebration of computer generated imagery (CGI) produced by a range of leading post-production and photographic digital artists. Its aims were to demystify the process of retouching while highlighting the impact of CGI artists in fashion imagery.
For info about the full project please contact info@anomalousvisuals.co.uk
Animation - Antony Price
Sound - Rowan Jennings @ United Audio Project
Illustration and Digital Art - Christos Magganas
Photography - Steve Benbow (Portrait of a Lady)
Photography - Andreas Stavrinides (The Flood - The Tornado)
Perfect Proportion - Digital Light from Anomalous Visuals on Vimeo.
Fashion CGI: Digital manipulation in fashion imagery, is a UAL research project that was exhibited at the ICA as part of LCF's 'Death of Taste' symposium 2006. Featuring a selection of short animations constructed from static PSD files, it is an exploration and celebration of computer generated imagery (CGI) produced by a range of leading post-production and photographic digital artists. Its aims were to demystify the process of retouching while highlighting the impact of CGI artists in fashion imagery.
For info about the full project please contact info@anomalousvisuals.co.uk
Animation - Antony Price
Sound - Rowan Jennings @ United Audio Project
Direction & Post Production - Dan Moloney @ Digital Light Ltd
Photography - Joachim Norvik / Dave Purgas
Anomalous Visuals (London, UK)
anomalous (a-nom-al-u s) adjective something that deviates from the general rule or the usual type, an irregularity. anomaly noun
Anomalous Visuals Showreel from Anomalous Visuals on Vimeo.
A cut up of Anomalous Visuals films...
Music © Waves (Chilly Gonzales Piano Remake) by Erol Alkan @ Boys Noize
World AIDS Day Concert // 'Microscopic to Cosmic' visuals by AVJ from Anomalous Visuals on Vimeo.
A visual exploration of Sibelius: Symphony #6 is an abstract look into this beautiful soundscape through the eyes of both the microscope and telescope.
Comparing and contrasting how natures seemingly random patterns repeat throughout the universe; in everything from the stars & constellations to microscopic bacteria, flocking birds to cloud formations and even the vast cities we live.
Recorded live with The London Gay Symphony Orchestra at St John's Church Waterloo on Sunday 28th December 2010.
Prism from Anomalous Visuals on Vimeo.
Music © Eastern Jam by Chase & Status
A film by Anomalous Visuals
Fashion Editor - Michael Temprano.
Fashion Assistant - Luke Ross.
Hair & Make Up - Ala Hojat.
Assistants - Melodie Roulard.
Assistants - Kasia Wozniak.
Model - Sylwia Blaszczyk.
(In order of appearance)
1. Dress - Iris Van Herpen
2. Body and eye mask - Hasan Hejazi
Shoulder pads - Little Shilpa
Gloves - Gala Gloves
Shoes - Newlook
3. Jacket - Qasimi
Trousers - Irina Shaposhnikova
4. Dress - Irina Shaposhnikova
Visor - Little Shilpa
AV logo design by Hannah Horn
anomalous (a-nom-al-u s) adjective something that deviates from the general rule or the usual type, an irregularity. anomaly noun
Anomalous Visuals Showreel from Anomalous Visuals on Vimeo.
A cut up of Anomalous Visuals films...
Music © Waves (Chilly Gonzales Piano Remake) by Erol Alkan @ Boys Noize
World AIDS Day Concert // 'Microscopic to Cosmic' visuals by AVJ from Anomalous Visuals on Vimeo.
A visual exploration of Sibelius: Symphony #6 is an abstract look into this beautiful soundscape through the eyes of both the microscope and telescope.
Comparing and contrasting how natures seemingly random patterns repeat throughout the universe; in everything from the stars & constellations to microscopic bacteria, flocking birds to cloud formations and even the vast cities we live.
Recorded live with The London Gay Symphony Orchestra at St John's Church Waterloo on Sunday 28th December 2010.
Prism from Anomalous Visuals on Vimeo.
Music © Eastern Jam by Chase & Status
A film by Anomalous Visuals
Fashion Editor - Michael Temprano.
Fashion Assistant - Luke Ross.
Hair & Make Up - Ala Hojat.
Assistants - Melodie Roulard.
Assistants - Kasia Wozniak.
Model - Sylwia Blaszczyk.
(In order of appearance)
1. Dress - Iris Van Herpen
2. Body and eye mask - Hasan Hejazi
Shoulder pads - Little Shilpa
Gloves - Gala Gloves
Shoes - Newlook
3. Jacket - Qasimi
Trousers - Irina Shaposhnikova
4. Dress - Irina Shaposhnikova
Visor - Little Shilpa
AV logo design by Hannah Horn
The City Arts and Music Project
AV Live // 22.07.11 // The City Arts and Music Project from Anomalous Visuals on Vimeo.
All visuals sourced from around the world (wide web)
Music © 6th Borough Project - Iznae
Full ADJ mix - http://soundcloud.com/antnee01/organic-mechanic
AV Live // 19.08.11 // The City Arts and Music Project from Anomalous Visuals on Vimeo.
All visuals sourced from around the world (wide web)
Music © Ron Hardy - Liquid Love (Instrumental)
AV Live // 16.09.11 // The City Arts and Music Project from Anomalous Visuals on Vimeo.
All visuals sourced from around the world (wide web)
Music © Pinch/Roska - Paranormal Activity
Fi-VJ - HTML5 VJ Application
Fi-VJ - HTML5 VJ Application from dita_69 on Vimeo.
playing html5 vj app with mac safari
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