

Spike Solutions

Spike Solutions #1 from Jacob Niedzwiecki on Vimeo.
Spike Solutions is an ongoing series of screen tests based on generative compositing techniques. This one features yours truly, rocking a bit of a hangover.
In this screen test, the video in any zone of the left half is sampled (from that same zone) from the video in the same location on the right half. All the clips start at a random point in the same source footage.
Made with Processing. Props to Lee Byron for his Mesh Library. Music is a vintage 1969 EMS VCS3, from Twenty Systems by Benge:

Spike Solutions #2 from Jacob Niedzwiecki on Vimeo.
Spike Solutions is an ongoing series of screen tests based on generative compositing techniques. This one features yours truly, rocking a bit of a hangover.
In this screen test, the video in any zone of the left half is sampled (from that same zone) from the video in the same location on the right half. All the videos start almost in sync, with a slight offset, so you can see movements 'ripple' from the bottom right to the top left in the grid.
As they play, a stochastic (fancy word for 'random') process gradually jumps individual clips forward in time.
Made with Processing. Props to Lee Byron for his Mesh Library. Music is a 1972 Serge Modular synth, from Twenty Systems by Benge:​index.php?page=release_details&releaseid=18286

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