Jovanotti: "L'Ombelico del Mondo" (by Max Hattler)
Jovanotti: "L'Ombelico del Mondo" (by Max Hattler) from Max Hattler on Vimeo.
Jovanotti "L'Ombelico del Mondo" concert visuals created by experimental animator and media artist Max Hattler. Premiered on Jovanotti's Ora Tour of Italy, 2011.
"It's l'ombelico del mondo [the navel of the world]! It looks like a flag turbo generator and melter. I love this idea." Lorenzo 'Jovanotti' Cherubini
Client: Lorenzo 'Jovanotti' Cherubini (www.soleluna.com)
Directed by Max Hattler (www.maxhattler.com)
Code by Sune Petersen (www.galakse.dk)
Documentation edited by Mavis Chen (www.wavymavy.com)
[mo:ya] (Graz/Austria)
you shouldn't underestimate the powers of a giant mechabot
A/V Kitchen - See you at Sun And Bass from [mo:ya] on Vimeo.
There's a reason why many people reckon the kitchen as their favorite place at home. We feel so too and thought it would be an even better place if we equipped it with a nice A/V setup. This teaser was produced in order to show how we are testing footage for this year's Sun And Bass festival, without leaving our cozy home.
Projections: [mo:ya] -> https://www.facebook.com/moya.visuals
On the decks: Schallware -> https://www.facebook.com/schallware
Music: Dramatic & Db Audio - I am for real (original mix) -> http://bit.ly/ohe3CT
BecauseHeWasntThere from [mo:ya] on Vimeo.
We made this visual performance to honor one of our favourite electronic music artists.
We expected to see him live at the springfestival 2011 in Graz but he wasn't able to come and so we decided to create a virtual representation of him using tools like After Effects and Modul8.
Tune: Huoratron - $$ Troopers
miss chroma key is fondling my synapses from [mo:ya] on Vimeo.
This was part of a live performance we gave last week in Graz, Austria. We used C4D and After Effects to create the footage and blended our motion graphics into a nice modul8 performance. Music: "A city in Florida" by the fabulous Deadmau5.
you shouldn't underestimate the powers of a giant mechabot
A/V Kitchen - See you at Sun And Bass from [mo:ya] on Vimeo.
There's a reason why many people reckon the kitchen as their favorite place at home. We feel so too and thought it would be an even better place if we equipped it with a nice A/V setup. This teaser was produced in order to show how we are testing footage for this year's Sun And Bass festival, without leaving our cozy home.
Projections: [mo:ya] -> https://www.facebook.com/moya.visuals
On the decks: Schallware -> https://www.facebook.com/schallware
Music: Dramatic & Db Audio - I am for real (original mix) -> http://bit.ly/ohe3CT
BecauseHeWasntThere from [mo:ya] on Vimeo.
We made this visual performance to honor one of our favourite electronic music artists.
We expected to see him live at the springfestival 2011 in Graz but he wasn't able to come and so we decided to create a virtual representation of him using tools like After Effects and Modul8.
Tune: Huoratron - $$ Troopers
miss chroma key is fondling my synapses from [mo:ya] on Vimeo.
This was part of a live performance we gave last week in Graz, Austria. We used C4D and After Effects to create the footage and blended our motion graphics into a nice modul8 performance. Music: "A city in Florida" by the fabulous Deadmau5.
Vj Loops Preview
White Masks - Vj Loops Preview from Basicproduction on Vimeo.
A selection of 'White Masks' loops for live VJ Performance for download at VJloops.tv Via the link Below.
No Audio
Cosmicky VJ Loops - Preview from Basicproduction on Vimeo.
A selection of 'Cosmicky' loops for live VJ Performance for download at VJloops.tv Via the link Below.
Audio: 'Can't Let Go (Dub of Dub)' - Peach Melba
Tron-ish VJ - Loops Preview from Basicproduction on Vimeo.
A selection of Tron Inspired VJ loops for download at VJloops Via the link Below.
Audio: 'Drezzled' - Daft Punk
B-Seite 2011
B-Seite 2011 from simone lla on Vimeo.
Doku über das nicht-kommerzielle VJ-Festival in Mannheim.
Kamera: Simone Cihlar
Schnitt: Alexander Münch / Simone Cihlar
Musik: Nico Pusch
a.av_hc.01_ruttvektorettrawall_version.mix from amoeba on Vimeo.
/amoeba .design .motion .broadcast .installation
An original A.AV a.p.l.e. konstrukct found on the aple_dvd
that was remixed by Tom Wall now being audio and visualy
remixed and restruktured by hagbard celine
in tribute, and a digital requiem for steve rut,
made with coge, after effects and the
v002 Rutt-Etra plugin that was created as a Quartz Composer
plugin by vade, with input from Bill Etra.
Tom Wall@blinkinlab
10 creative visual music tracks, 5 original amoeba.av a.p.l.e tracks
with 5 remixes from international AV artists.
The DVD also comes with a with full 23 loop HD AV quicktime.mov
loop pack + vector files, for you to remix and restrukture
your own a.av APLE_restrukture, to be included on the
forthcoming DVD.ALBUM
Subscribe to this vimeo channel, and download
7 FREE HD AV LOOPS, use in anyway you wish to remix
and restrukture yourown a.av aple restrukture, to be included
on the DVD.ALBUM
Resolume Max for Live Patches Demo
Resolume Max for Live Patches Demo from Resolume on Vimeo.
Learn how to use these handy Max for Live patches to control Resolume Avenue from Ableton Live.
Download the patches from the Resolume website:
The folks at Resolume have been posting some terrific tutorials on their blog, but this one deserves special mention. Resolume’s audiovisual tool Avenue has sonic and even plug-in hosting capabilities, meaning you could use it as a go-to, all-in-one live music and visual performance tool. But musicians and producers and DJs are naturally familiar with Ableton Live and its unique capabilities, and may already have their sets there.
Enter a simple but powerful set of tools, built in Max for Live, for combining the two programs. As seen in the video at top, you get two functions:
1. Automatically trigger Ableton (audio) clips each time you trigger Resolume (visual) clips.
2. Forward parameters from a Rack to Resolume – so twisting, say, a Grain Delay effect could add a pixellated effect to your visuals, or whatever you imagine.
Via OSC, a Dispatcher tool does the work behind the scenes. There are ways of doing this with OSC via a variety of tools, so think of this as an example of what’s generally possible. That said, it’s also a very handy convenience having everything built for you, if you’ve already got a copy of Ableton and Max for Live.
More discussion at their blog post:
Max for Live Resolume Patches
Rigged something like this yourself, using Ableton, Resolume, or other tools? Let us know about it. And if you have a Max (or Pd, or Osculator, or whatever) patch to share, tell us about that, too!
Free TH2GO Loops
Free TH2GO Loops from Basicproduction on Vimeo.
You can download 10 free 'Triple Head to Go' Clips at VJloops.tv via the link below.
Audio: 'Can't Let Go (Dub of Dub)' - Peach Melba
VJ play patterns test
VJ play patterns test from Daiki Ichikawa on Vimeo.
The visual is generated in real time based on the image from webcam ++ sound from audio in.
The music is:
Daishi Dance - I Believe feat. Kat McDowell
(Unreleased PIANO Remix)
contact: ichi.dd@gmail.com
Audio Reactive VJ Projections with THE CITY TECHNICIANS at FOX Theater - THE DRINK Bar
A "Holographic" Style Environment - Manual and automatic VJ techniques create a beat synchronized experience within the club. I am available for all kinds of parties, concerts and art shows in the LA area.
Vj set @Etienne de crécy Dj set. Black Box Tijuana.
Vj set @Etienne de crécy Dj set. Black Box Tijuana. from INAU on Vimeo.
Vj Set para Etienne de crécy en el Black Box el 1ero de Julio de 2011, Un proyector de 4200 lumens, una MacBook Pro, un nanocontrol de KORG y unas cuantas horas previas de After Effects.
Show Off #2 tittle loop
Show Off #2 tittle loop from RESdept on Vimeo.
"Show Off" is serial event courtesy of MADpro entertainment
SPA* HÍBRIDOS_Oxlabb y Lucius Works Here _15/07/2011
SPA* HÍBRIDOS_Oxlabb y Lucius Works Here _15/07/2011 from Ricardo Cançado on Vimeo.
audio :: Lucius Works Here (myspace.com/ luciusworkshere)
La música de Lucius Works Here (Shakira Benavides) dirige la idea de Pequeño Almanaque Espacial junto a Oxlabb. El concepto surgió despues de la estancia de LWH en el Observatori Astronòmic de Castelltallat, y es parte del album que saldrá en Otoño en el sello Foehn Records. La música es una electrónica luminosa y orgánica en clave de IDM, ambient folk y hiphop abstracto
visuals :: Oxlabb (vimeo.com/19643072 )
Oxlabb _> Seguidor incondicional de las antiguas técnicas de animación aplicadas a las herramientas modernas y amante del videoarte y el cine experimental. Durante año y medio VJ en la discoteca del Hotel Omm de Barcelona. Las piezas presentadas con Lucius Works Here en "Pequeño Almanaque Espacial" serían una mezcla entre videoclip y visuales, dejando a un lado el concepto más puro del VJ live sin perder la esencia e intentando crear un nucleo común entre la música y la imagen.
El Proyecto Híbridos Live AV Streaming, proyectohibrido.org, es un espacio para pensar y discutir nuevas posibilidades de producción e investigación en el campo de la experimentación audiovisual contemporánea.
Conservas, Carrer Sant Pau, 58 - Bcn
Visual Brasil _ www.festivalvisualbrasil.com
Telenoika _ www.telenoika.net
Visualfarm (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e BSB)
A Visualfarm é uma produtora brasileira pioneira no desenvolvimento de novas linguagens visuais. Voltada tanto para a pesquisa como para a criação de soluções customizadas para eventos corporativos, shows e espetáculos públicos e governamentais, nós temos como missão promover a interface entre arte, cultura e tecnologia.
Somos formados por um grupo multidisciplinar de artistas, designers, Vjs, animadores e engenheiros de projeção que atuam há anos no Brasil.
Fomos a primeira empresa brasileira a trabalhar com técnicas projetivas de última geração, como o Mapping ou Projeção Mapeada 3D, a Pintura de Luz, o Grafite Virtual e a Cenografia Projetiva, além de seu fundador Alexis Anastasiou ser considerado o primeiro VJ brasileiro.
Em 8 anos de existência, nós já executamos trabalhos em todos os estados brasileiros, além de outros países da Europa, América Latina e EUA.
Criados com princípios artísticos e tecnológicos, nós investimos em projetos que promovam o encontro do ético com estético, marcados pela responsabilidade sócio-educacional e pela prática artística. Visamos promover o intercambio cultural envolvendo artistas do Brasil com artistas da Europa, das Américas e da África, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de uma prática que busca no espaço urbano, uma forma nova e interativa de expressão artística. Promovemos a arte como parte do cotidiano das cidades, transformando ruas, prédios e monumentos em uma galeria de arte ao ar livre, onde de forma lúdica e interativa, buscamos reduzir o espaço entre arte e expectador, revitalizando espaços urbanos para a produção e o consumo gratuito da arte no século 21.
A REDE from Visualfarm on Vimeo.
Evento de artistas residentes e parceiros ligados a Casa das Caldeiras.
Projeção Mapeada Museu do Ipiranga from Visualfarm on Vimeo.
Espetáculo de projeção mapeada museu do ipiranga.
Mega Projeção Mapeada-AgroZurita from Visualfarm on Vimeo.
A Visualfarm junto com a DZ eventos montou um cenário faraônico para o leilão de gado mais badalado do país.
Utilizamos oito players de pandora e 16 projetores de 10 e 15 mil ansilumens para montar uma tela curva de 70m de comprimento, que recebia informações do sistema do leiloeiro e câmeras simultâneas. O som polifônico e os 500 clipes de vídeo em alta resolução, tocados pelo Pandora, criaram uma experiência imersiva intensa.
Visualfarm_Pandora box (english version) from Visualfarm on Vimeo.
Testes de projeção feito em nosso laboratório com o Pandora Box em uma rampa de skate com blending diagonal.
Mapping e Cenografia Projetiva na AMPRO Globe Awards from Visualfarm on Vimeo.
Cenografia projetiva feita com Projeção Mapeada e Pintura de luz, criada para a cerimônia de entrega do prêmio Globes Awards, celebrado anualmente. Utilizamos a Pintura de Luz, uma técnica que permite criar diversas ambientações realistas para um determinado espaço, mudadas ao toque de um botão. Alem de economicamente interessante, a Pintura de Luz não produz resíduos, lixo nem desperdício.
Festa de encerramento Festival de Gramado Green Valley from Visualfarm on Vimeo.
Participar da festa de encerramento de qualquer festival de cinema é uma coisa legal. Se for do Festival de Gramado então, melhor ainda. Fomos chamados para produzir algumas soluções para essa festa, no badalado club Green Valley. As projeções foram usadas para compor a cenografia projetiva da entrada e também em algumas interatividades envolvendo web e mobile.
A Visualfarm é uma produtora brasileira pioneira no desenvolvimento de novas linguagens visuais. Voltada tanto para a pesquisa como para a criação de soluções customizadas para eventos corporativos, shows e espetáculos públicos e governamentais, nós temos como missão promover a interface entre arte, cultura e tecnologia.
Somos formados por um grupo multidisciplinar de artistas, designers, Vjs, animadores e engenheiros de projeção que atuam há anos no Brasil.
Fomos a primeira empresa brasileira a trabalhar com técnicas projetivas de última geração, como o Mapping ou Projeção Mapeada 3D, a Pintura de Luz, o Grafite Virtual e a Cenografia Projetiva, além de seu fundador Alexis Anastasiou ser considerado o primeiro VJ brasileiro.
Em 8 anos de existência, nós já executamos trabalhos em todos os estados brasileiros, além de outros países da Europa, América Latina e EUA.
Criados com princípios artísticos e tecnológicos, nós investimos em projetos que promovam o encontro do ético com estético, marcados pela responsabilidade sócio-educacional e pela prática artística. Visamos promover o intercambio cultural envolvendo artistas do Brasil com artistas da Europa, das Américas e da África, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de uma prática que busca no espaço urbano, uma forma nova e interativa de expressão artística. Promovemos a arte como parte do cotidiano das cidades, transformando ruas, prédios e monumentos em uma galeria de arte ao ar livre, onde de forma lúdica e interativa, buscamos reduzir o espaço entre arte e expectador, revitalizando espaços urbanos para a produção e o consumo gratuito da arte no século 21.
A REDE from Visualfarm on Vimeo.
Evento de artistas residentes e parceiros ligados a Casa das Caldeiras.
Projeção Mapeada Museu do Ipiranga from Visualfarm on Vimeo.
Espetáculo de projeção mapeada museu do ipiranga.
Mega Projeção Mapeada-AgroZurita from Visualfarm on Vimeo.
A Visualfarm junto com a DZ eventos montou um cenário faraônico para o leilão de gado mais badalado do país.
Utilizamos oito players de pandora e 16 projetores de 10 e 15 mil ansilumens para montar uma tela curva de 70m de comprimento, que recebia informações do sistema do leiloeiro e câmeras simultâneas. O som polifônico e os 500 clipes de vídeo em alta resolução, tocados pelo Pandora, criaram uma experiência imersiva intensa.
Visualfarm_Pandora box (english version) from Visualfarm on Vimeo.
Testes de projeção feito em nosso laboratório com o Pandora Box em uma rampa de skate com blending diagonal.
Mapping e Cenografia Projetiva na AMPRO Globe Awards from Visualfarm on Vimeo.
Cenografia projetiva feita com Projeção Mapeada e Pintura de luz, criada para a cerimônia de entrega do prêmio Globes Awards, celebrado anualmente. Utilizamos a Pintura de Luz, uma técnica que permite criar diversas ambientações realistas para um determinado espaço, mudadas ao toque de um botão. Alem de economicamente interessante, a Pintura de Luz não produz resíduos, lixo nem desperdício.
Festa de encerramento Festival de Gramado Green Valley from Visualfarm on Vimeo.
Participar da festa de encerramento de qualquer festival de cinema é uma coisa legal. Se for do Festival de Gramado então, melhor ainda. Fomos chamados para produzir algumas soluções para essa festa, no badalado club Green Valley. As projeções foram usadas para compor a cenografia projetiva da entrada e também em algumas interatividades envolvendo web e mobile.
Festival Visual Brasil 2011
Festival Visual Brasil 2011 from Ricardo Cançado on Vimeo.
English: Visual Brasil, http://festivalvisualbrasil.com/, is a festival showcasing audiovisual performances, music and live cinema, that has been taking place in Barcelona since 2006. With eight successful editions, the festival has consolidated as a space for discussion and promotion of new movements and trends in the visual arts. The festival encourages artistic dialogue between different collectives, professionals, and the general public. Visual Brasil is also a venue to promote contemporary Brazilian audiovisual arts in Europe. It is a proposal of exchange, supporting cultural interaction while generating an adequate media to exhibit the work of Brazilian artists. The festival creates new communication networks defeating the ocean that separates South America from Europe.
Castellano: El Visual Brasil, http://festivalvisualbrasil.com/, es un festival de performance audiovisual, música y live cinema que ocurre en la ciudad de Barcelona, España, desde el principio de 2006. Con ocho ediciones realizadas, el festival se consolida como un espacio para pensar y discutir nuevos movimientos y tendencias en las artes visuales, promoviendo el dialogo artístico entre colectivos, profesionales y sociedad.
El Visual Brasil, http://festivalvisualbrasil.com/, se configura también como un canal de difusión y expresión de las artes audiovisuales contemporáneas brasileñas en la Europa. Propone el intercambio e incentiva la interculturalidad a partir de la divulgación de artistas brasileños, generando nuevas redes de comunicación entre America Latina e Europa.
Português: O FESTIVAL VISUAL BRASIL é um Festival de performance audiovisual, música e live cinema que acontece na cidade de BARCELONA, Espanha, desde o ano de 2006. Com oito edições realizadas, o Festival se consolida como um espaço para pensar e discutir novos movimentos e tendências nas artes visuais, promovendo o diálogo artístico entre diferentes coletivos, profissionais e a sociedade.
O Visual Brasil se configura também como canal de difusão e expressão das artes audiovisuais contemporâneas brasileiras na Europa. Propõe o intercâmbio, incentivando a interculturalidade e criando um espaço propício à divulgação do trabalho de artistas brasileiros, gerando assim, novas redes de comunicação que transpõem o oceano entre América do Sul e Europa.
Edición: Tiago Vianna
Camera:Paula Guastella, Tiago Vianna, Ricardo Cançado, Vigas
Vj Loops by Giuseppe Cimino
Vj Loop 1 from Giuseppe Cimino on Vimeo.
Free Vj Loop released under Creative Commons.
Info: http://ciminogiuseppe.wordpress.com/
Vj Loop 2 from Giuseppe Cimino on Vimeo.
Free Vj Loop released under Creative Commons.
Info: ciminogiuseppe.wordpress.com/
VJ Loops
PapeRate VJ Loops by Video2000 from Resolume on Vimeo.
Treading the thin line between texture and refraction, grunged and polished, rough and smooth, PapeRate is a colourful trip.
Download this video
LightTrails VJ Loops by Video2000 from Resolume on Vimeo.
Flowing and sparkling, these luminous ribbons weave their way through 3D space. Also available in ultra widescreen 2600x600 resolution!
Download this video
WaveFunction Quartz Composer VJ Loops by HybridVisuals from Resolume on Vimeo.
We're always saying generative content is the future, so it's about time we proved it! The original Quartz Composer patch is included to create endless variations yourself.
Download this video
Resolume Quick Tips
Resolume Quick Tip: Use the dashboard dials... from Resolume on Vimeo.
...to control multiple parameters at once
Resolume Quick Tip: Use DXV as a codec from Resolume on Vimeo.
Use Quicktime movies with DXV encoding. It's video encoding made easy!
Resolume Quick Tip: Load single decks from Resolume on Vimeo.
Combine decks from different compositions by dragging them from the composition browser. You can even double click a single deck to automagically add it to the current composition.
background loop video for VJing live performances (LunA-Art system)
background loop video for VJing live performances (LunA-Art system) from ilaria_vb on Vimeo.
LunA-Art system, background loop video for VJ live performances
very low quality
Mapping vj set @Mapping Festival - Geneva
Mapping vj set @Mapping Festival - Geneva from NahuiOllìn on Vimeo.
Mapping vj set @Mapping Festival - Geneva
by NahuiOllin
Fonderie Kugler - 27th May 2011
CoGe is a semi-modular VJ application for Mac OS X®, designed for real-time media mixing and compositing, built over the most powerful graphics technologies like Quartz Composer, OpenGL, Syphon and Core Image. The full rendering is done through the GPU of your graphics card for the maximum performance. CoGe has modular interface and modular ecosystem as well.
Most of the interface elements are working like plugins - called Gadgets in CoGe. In the ever-expanding list of the Gadgets are layers, sources, effects, automation modules and you are able to create your own visual instrument by loading and using any number of them.
The media playback, applying effects and mixing sources together are not built-in, hard coded functions in the software, everything happens through modules, but a tons of modules are included with the application. Out of the box CoGe plays Quartz Composer compositions, Quicktime® movies, still images, Collada® 3D Meshes and Adobe Flash® animations (Adobe Flash plugin needs to be installed) as well.
With the Quartz Composer templates, you can easily create your own media handler-, effect or mixing modules. You can control CoGe with your keyboard, a MIDI device or thru OSC messages as well. The software has a very accurate BPM clock helps your work to assign animations to a tempo, which can be synchronised with an external Midi clock as well.
CoGe 1.0 - Quick start from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
Quick start video for the semi-modular VJ Software CoGe.
CoGe is a semi-modular VJ application for Mac OS X®, designed for real-time media mixing and compositing, built over the most powerful graphics technologies like Quartz Composer, OpenGL, Syphon and Core Image. The full rendering is done through the GPU of your graphics card for the maximum performance. CoGe has modular interface and modular ecosystem as well.
Most of the interface elements are working like plugins - called Gadgets in CoGe. In the ever-expanding list of the Gadgets are layers, sources, effects, automation modules and you are able to create your own visual instrument by loading and using any number of them.
The media playback, applying effects and mixing sources together are not built-in, hard coded functions in the software, everything happens through modules, but a tons of modules are included with the application. Out of the box CoGe plays Quartz Composer compositions, Quicktime® movies, still images, Collada® 3D Meshes and Adobe Flash® animations (Adobe Flash plugin needs to be installed) as well.
With the Quartz Composer templates, you can easily create your own media handler-, effect or mixing modules. You can control CoGe with your keyboard, a MIDI device or thru OSC messages as well. The software has a very accurate BPM clock helps your work to assign animations to a tempo, which can be synchronised with an external Midi clock as well.
CoGe 1.0 - Quick start from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
Quick start video for the semi-modular VJ Software CoGe.
EDUCATION FOOTAGE VJ LOOPS PACK from COLOR BLIND on Vimeo.Full VJ Loops Pack Download @ vjloopsd.blogspot.com/
Footage source:Krishnacreationz
FEC 2011 @ PARQUE DE SANTA MARGARITA from Fanzine Project on Vimeo.
Un año más podremos disfrutar de una nueva edición del FEC (Festival de Electrónica Coruñesa), la tercera ya, celebrado dentro del programa de fiestas de A Coruña durante el mes de Agosto.
Tendremos la oportunidad de vivir una vez más, y de manera gratuíta, una jornada de música electrónica y visuales al aire libre en un entorno ideal como es el anfiteatro del Parque de Sta Margarita, un auditorio rodeado de árboles y naturaleza en pleno corazón de la ciudad de A Coruña.
8 artistas forman el cartel de esta edición 2011, que comenzará el Sábado 27,a las 17h, durará hasta alrededor de la 1 de la madrugada y que será de entrada gratuita:
- Chymera (Directo)
- Grobas
- Diego Villa
- Frances Lerouge
- Judah
- Parasit Vj
- Pablo Cubeiro
- Roi
FEC 2011 @ PARQUE DE SANTA MARGARITA from Fanzine Project on Vimeo.
3d mapping for resolume avenue 3
3d mapping for resolume avenue 3 from Alistair Loveless on Vimeo.
A short and quick tutorial showing how to use masks in resolume avenue 3 to create a quick easy 3d mapping set.
Items used: camera to take a photo, photoshop to make the masks and resolume to use them. Let me know if this is useful and if you want more of these.
jaymez - Live Visuals from BASS INVADERS - feat. Billy Rockwell - Try Again Bitch
jaymez - Live Visuals from BASS INVADERS - feat. Billy Rockwell - Try Again Bitch from jaymez on Vimeo.
Live Visuals recorded at Bass Invaders present Turtilian | 23/JULY/011 for Billy Rockwell's set, at the ZOO nightclub in Winnipeg.
Billy Rockwell: http://soundcloud.com/billy-rockwell
BASS INVADERS: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bass-Invaders/155674551148236
VJ Gertrude Tuning July 2011 demo reel on Chrome Hoof music
VJ Gertrude Tuning July 2011 demo reel on Chrome Hoof music from jessica champlaine AKA Dr Gertru on Vimeo.
Jessica Champlaine AKA Gertrude Tuning is part of the Swiss Audiovisual Labe Argent Sale ( www.argentsale.biz ).
Other works from Jessica Champlaine on www.jessicachamplaine.com
Nectar [Video mapping project]
Nectar [Video mapping project] from dzpixel - SAMY LAMOUTI on Vimeo.
Nectar, a little project of video mapping on plastic model by Sam Chenennou and a series of artistic fashion photography by Stéphanie Bélanger for Festival Mode & Design Montréal (FMDM) in collaboration with Curious Montreal.
diodeprod.com [Sam Chenennou]
Video projection using MBP, Modul8, EIKI 4000 lumens projector, Adobe Illustrator for the masks creation, video loops with any programmes like after effects, cinema 4D, photoshop, illustrator, premiere.
stephaniebelangerphotographe.ca [Stéphanie Bélanger]
Photography in backlight frames.
curiousmontreal.com [Montreal artists collective]
Seuil – Freakin 4
Seuil – Freakin 4 from sinsynplus on Vimeo.
Seuil – Freakin 4
Video by..
sinsynplus (shado, kopffuessler.org | München)
Harry Klein Records
Seuil – Freakin 4 from sinsynplus on Vimeo.
Seuil – Freakin 4
Video by..
sinsynplus (shado, kopffuessler.org | München)
Harry Klein Records
Seuil – Freakin 4 from sinsynplus on Vimeo.
Seuil – Freakin 4
Video by..
sinsynplus (shado, kopffuessler.org | München)
Harry Klein Records
Seuil – Freakin 4 from sinsynplus on Vimeo.
Seuil – Freakin 4
Video by..
sinsynplus (shado, kopffuessler.org | München)
Harry Klein Records
Seuil – Freakin 4 from sinsynplus on Vimeo.
Seuil – Freakin 4
Video by..
sinsynplus (shado, kopffuessler.org | München)
Harry Klein Records
VJ mix. Venetian snares- Öngyilkos Vasárnap
VJ mix. Venetian snares- Öngyilkos Vasárnap from VJ Harper on Vimeo.
VJ mix- Venetian Snares Öngyilkos vasárnap, mixed live using Resolume.
Song written and performed by: Venetian Snares
Album: Rossz Csillag Alatt Szueletett (2005)
Label: Planet Mu
Full Pack Download @ http://vjloopsd.blogspot.com/
More info on Motion Dive:
Download loops pack "IGNITEMOTION PART2" in 1280x720 pixels @ http://vjloophd.blogspot.com/
Blog will be update regularly.
Sonografias from BijaRi on Vimeo.
Participação do BijaRi durante o The Creators Project Brasil no Pavilhão da Bienal do Ibirapuera em São Paulo/2011.
Multiprojeção controlada por software que reage aos inputs sonoros do ambiente (suas bandas de frequência e níveis de volume) criando composições gráficas randômicas ou acionadas ao vivo pelo VJ durante os shows. Programação customizada em Processing
girl mapping ms adict dj & vj
girl mapping ms adict dj & vj from fernanda herrera on Vimeo.
firts experiment girl mapping ms adict dj & vj
One Clip
One Clip from Vj Crystalis on Vimeo.
One clip done in Quartz composer being manipulated in Resolume Avenue with multiple effects
Merkaba @ Wanderlust Festival 2011
Merkaba @ Wanderlust Festival 2011 from VJ Culture on Vimeo.
Projection mapping onto the Merkaba.
The sphere has a camera mounted on the inside. The person's face is then mapped onto the outside of the sphere.
1 projector mapping the sphere and tubes.
lemur + modul8 + graphic tablet
lemur + modul8 + graphic tablet from tim fehske on Vimeo.
this is a video that shows how i use a graphic tablet and the hardware from jazzmutant called "lemur" in combination with the software "modul8" by garagecube...
i´m mainly using the painter module inside of modul8 and rotate the drawing/painting in 3d space by using the 3d camera module... i also use the trace function and apply some filters/freeframes to match the visuals to the music...
the lemur works in this case as a sequencer that sends automated commands to modul8...
everything from about 2:18 was rendered inside of modul8 and afterwards edited in after effects...
the audio track "kuala" was produced by kaiserdisco and will be available on vinyl in september 2011...
for more informations check:
Light Harvest Studio - Ryan Uzi (NYC)
Architectural, site specific video installations have taken the beloved art of cinema and released it from the confines of the traditional viewing environment. From concerts, special events, and parties, to fine art galleries, and museums, cinema is now free to travel, interact and respond to the environment.
Light Harvest Studio is on the forefront of this revolution. We have created large scale video installations for galleries, concerts, live events, theater, museums and other spaces, big and small. Headed by filmmaker Ryan Uzilevsky our award winning special effects and cinematography in conjunction with cutting edge display technology has us positioned to push the envelope of creative possibility.
Projections on the New Museum from Light Harvest Studio - Ryan Uzi on Vimeo.
This project had us working with the Nuit Blanch New York crew to create a projection show on the 175 foot tall New Museum in Manhattan.
This video highlights the content Light Harvest Studio created, but we also designed a nearly open source system which incorporated the work of artists Vito Acconci, Heidi Chisholm, Jon Kessler, Marilyn Minter, Rashaad Newsome, John Ensor Parker, Olek, Mia Pearlman, Dana Schutz, Softlab, Terraform, Ryan Uzilevsky, Z Collective, Farkas Fülöp, Monica Wyndam, and Dustin Yellin. To see those videos you should visit the artists individual sites.
Also check out the article in CREATORS PROJECT for a detailed interview about how the project worked.
"The Adjustment Bureau" video installation from Light Harvest Studio - Ryan Uzi on Vimeo.
Had the pleasure to project some custom content on the ceiling of the wonderful New York Public Library for the film premier of Matt Damon's film "The Adjustment Bureau"
It was a nice flick actually, worth a look...
Special Thanks to Greg Dratva of Aion Entertainment, James Barnes, and Universal Pictures.
Video Design and VJing for Social Events from Light Harvest Studio - Ryan Uzi on Vimeo.
Documentation of Large Scale Video Installation for Birthdays, Barmitzvahs, Weddings, Ect.
Special thanks to Ira Levy of Levy Lighting NYC for his innovative use of video in lighting design.
Projection Mapping the New Museum in NYC: Teaser from Light Harvest Studio - Ryan Uzi on Vimeo.
Light Harvest Studio along with Nuit Blanch New York have put together a group of artists working in non-electronic mediums to create a different kind of projection mapping experience.
Painters, sculptors, architects, stop-motion animators, and performance artists were all asked to interact with scale models of the Museum ranging in size from 11 inches to 11 feet.
The results will be mapped live to the facade of the Museum on May 7th
Part of the Festival for a City of New Ideas
Eco-based Projection Mapping by Light Harvest from Light Harvest Studio - Ryan Uzi on Vimeo.
A video piece about our mapping projects at some recent arts festivals including the Manhattan Bridge for the D.U.M.B.O Arts Festival and Nuit Blanche NYC : Bring to Light.
Also included are two installations in Europe at the 60th Berlinale in Berlin, and for the Modern Art Center of Budapest.
Coachella Music Festival Video installation and Live VJ Set from Light Harvest Studio - Ryan Uzi on Vimeo.
What an honor to set up this custom installation at the Coachella Music Festival. It was a really great gig and I hope to do something next year to top it.
Enjoy the video with music by Coachella's headliner Thom Yorke: 3-3 Cymbal Rush (Essen Und Trinken remix)
Thanks to Kevin Johnson who helped get the shots, and to Dave Smith, Ethos Design, and Red Bull for putting the whole thing together.
Also credits go to Caitlin "Shiny Kid" and Farkash "Wolfman" for helping me prepare for the show back in New York.
Architectural, site specific video installations have taken the beloved art of cinema and released it from the confines of the traditional viewing environment. From concerts, special events, and parties, to fine art galleries, and museums, cinema is now free to travel, interact and respond to the environment.
Light Harvest Studio is on the forefront of this revolution. We have created large scale video installations for galleries, concerts, live events, theater, museums and other spaces, big and small. Headed by filmmaker Ryan Uzilevsky our award winning special effects and cinematography in conjunction with cutting edge display technology has us positioned to push the envelope of creative possibility.
Projections on the New Museum from Light Harvest Studio - Ryan Uzi on Vimeo.
This project had us working with the Nuit Blanch New York crew to create a projection show on the 175 foot tall New Museum in Manhattan.
This video highlights the content Light Harvest Studio created, but we also designed a nearly open source system which incorporated the work of artists Vito Acconci, Heidi Chisholm, Jon Kessler, Marilyn Minter, Rashaad Newsome, John Ensor Parker, Olek, Mia Pearlman, Dana Schutz, Softlab, Terraform, Ryan Uzilevsky, Z Collective, Farkas Fülöp, Monica Wyndam, and Dustin Yellin. To see those videos you should visit the artists individual sites.
Also check out the article in CREATORS PROJECT for a detailed interview about how the project worked.
"The Adjustment Bureau" video installation from Light Harvest Studio - Ryan Uzi on Vimeo.
Had the pleasure to project some custom content on the ceiling of the wonderful New York Public Library for the film premier of Matt Damon's film "The Adjustment Bureau"
It was a nice flick actually, worth a look...
Special Thanks to Greg Dratva of Aion Entertainment, James Barnes, and Universal Pictures.
Video Design and VJing for Social Events from Light Harvest Studio - Ryan Uzi on Vimeo.
Documentation of Large Scale Video Installation for Birthdays, Barmitzvahs, Weddings, Ect.
Special thanks to Ira Levy of Levy Lighting NYC for his innovative use of video in lighting design.
Projection Mapping the New Museum in NYC: Teaser from Light Harvest Studio - Ryan Uzi on Vimeo.
Light Harvest Studio along with Nuit Blanch New York have put together a group of artists working in non-electronic mediums to create a different kind of projection mapping experience.
Painters, sculptors, architects, stop-motion animators, and performance artists were all asked to interact with scale models of the Museum ranging in size from 11 inches to 11 feet.
The results will be mapped live to the facade of the Museum on May 7th
Part of the Festival for a City of New Ideas
Eco-based Projection Mapping by Light Harvest from Light Harvest Studio - Ryan Uzi on Vimeo.
A video piece about our mapping projects at some recent arts festivals including the Manhattan Bridge for the D.U.M.B.O Arts Festival and Nuit Blanche NYC : Bring to Light.
Also included are two installations in Europe at the 60th Berlinale in Berlin, and for the Modern Art Center of Budapest.
Coachella Music Festival Video installation and Live VJ Set from Light Harvest Studio - Ryan Uzi on Vimeo.
What an honor to set up this custom installation at the Coachella Music Festival. It was a really great gig and I hope to do something next year to top it.
Enjoy the video with music by Coachella's headliner Thom Yorke: 3-3 Cymbal Rush (Essen Und Trinken remix)
Thanks to Kevin Johnson who helped get the shots, and to Dave Smith, Ethos Design, and Red Bull for putting the whole thing together.
Also credits go to Caitlin "Shiny Kid" and Farkash "Wolfman" for helping me prepare for the show back in New York.
Modul8 announcement
Hello everyone!
We apologize for sending you the same info again, however we found out that there were some encoding problems with the last mailing and we wanted to correct this by sending the message again so you received the information without any problems.
We also did not include a very important piece of information about Mad_Lab: You will need to donwload MadMapper v1.0.2 in order to use the Mad_Lab applications.
As of this writing 'projection mapping' is one of the fastest growing mediums, being used in a variety of artistic and commercial projects. The basic idea: take a projector, point it at a physcial volume like an object or an architectural element, and then map an image onto it.
The MadMapper is a collaboration between GarageCUBE and 1024 architecture. The MadMapper provides a simple and easy tool for mapping projections. It removes a lot of the confusion related to this medium, effectively demystifying the process, allowing you, the artist or designer to focus on creating your content, and making the experience of mapping textures to physical objects in real time, fun.
MadMapper is built around the idea of sharing video content between applications. To accomplish this task, MadMapper uses a Mac OS X based framework called Syphon. Any application that can send its output to Syphon server will automatically available to MadMapper for perspective transformations and warping.
There is an ever-growing list of software supporting the Syphon framework, such as:
- Modul8 (v2.6.2 or greater)
- Quartz Composer
- VDMX 5
- OpenFrameworks
- Cinder
- MaxMsp/Jitter
- Unity3D
- Processing (soon)
- Resolume via FreeFrameGL
- Isadora via Matthew Haber's Actor
The approach that one should assume with MadMapper is that it is extracting elements from a source, generally referred to as 'the input.' This 'input' can be any material you import into MadMapper, such as an image, QuickTime move or Syphon input. These extracted elements are called 'surfaces' that consist of multiple geometric primitives, such as a quad, a triangle or a grid. These surfaces can then ben transformed and arranged as desired within the video canvas called 'the stage.'
- Unlimited amount of mapped elements
- Quads, triangles and mask elements (more to come)
- Grid Warping (upt to 30 by 30 subdivisions)
- Unlimited undo levels
- Multiple selection of elements
- Named selection sets
- Save and Load configurations
- Opacity and Blending modes for each element
- Flipping options
- Master opacity to blackout the whole projection
- Display of images, QuickTime movis or Syphon inputs
- Export as SVG / PNG / PDF
- Spacial Scanner to turn your video-projector into a 2d scanner
A single license for 2 computers costs 299 euros. If you have a Modul8 serial number, we provide a discount that is accessible through the yourspace page (http://www.modul8.ch/yourspace) that provides you with a link to buy MadMapper for 199 euros.
- MadMapper 1.0.2:
We have also released an update of MadMapper with the following changes:
- New keyboard shortcuts to toggle fullscreen on/off, same as Modul8
- New warnings to help you use the Spacial Scanner more efficiently
- Testcard showing the MadMapper logo
- Default blending mode is Over Premultiplied for improved Modul8 compatibility
- Interface settings are now saved in Preferences
- A new Quad now automatically fills the entire view in the preview window, based on the current zoom level
- Support for the new Mad_Lab applications
- Mad_Lab tools
With the release of MadMapper we are also releasing some companion applications that will expand your tool set for creating exciting video mappings. Here comes the Mad_Lab, a labratory for experimental softwares that contain a bunch of little apps, each focusing on a special aspect we will eventualy integrate into MadMapper.
You'll need to be a registered user of MadMapper in order to run these following apps:
- MAD_Line: Allows you to draw lines and animate them in realtime. It also features an export to SVG function
- MAD_GraphicsPatterns: Dynamically generates graphical content that can be mapped with MadMapper
- MAD_VideoDelay: Delays the incoming iSight feed and places each iteration on a grid
- MAD_TextureDoubler: Allows for 2 incoming Syphon inputs into one. Good for mixing VDMX and Modul8 at the same time
- MAD_GridMaker: A simple generated an animatable grid
- MAD_Equalizer: Generates a customizable audio-reactive EQ
- MAD_KinectMasker: Use your Kinect to create realtime masks
WARNING! You must download MadMapper v1.0.2 in order to use the Mad_Lab applications.
- Modul8 v2.6.3
- Syphon SDK Public Beta 2 - fixed an issue with OS X 10.7 Lion
- Fixed some issues with alpha channels when using shared textures in Syphon
- Fixed an issue with media when using '8 bit' filenames such as ones that use Japanese characters
- Rendering Logical Record using an Alpha Channel with a codec that supports Alpha Channels
- Added menu that links the to Online Module Manual (see below for details)
- New PDF user manual
To download this most recent release please us your serial number to log into the following page:
- New Printed Manual
We are now taking orders for a friendy new printed manual for Modul8. The manual is recommended for anyone getting started with Modul8.
The manual comes with a Modul8 t-shirt and costs 35 euros including shipping costs within Europe. World wide the cost is 45 euros including shipping.
- Online Module Manual
Ever wanted to understand how to write your own custom modules? Did you know that you can make some modules without having to write a single line of code? You will now be able to learn how to do this and more with our Online Module Manual. It contains a series of in depth explantions on the module system and its functions. It will also show you how to write Python code so you can unleash the full potential of the module system. With this manual you will be able to customize Modul8 the way you want.
To get started point your browser to:
- Upcoming workshops
Want to learn how to use MadMapper? Our hands on workshops will teach you everything you need to know about how to use MadMapper, from the basics of how to integrate your existing video material as well as provide you with techniques and feedback that will allow you to gain insight into your own creativity within the world of video mapping. Whatever your interest, be it video mapping for art installations or live performance, these workshops will give you the basic knowledge to liberate you your ideas from the screen into an immsersive one.
- London Sept.23rd
- Brussels Sept.30th - Oct.1st
More dates are in the works and there are many ways to stay informed about workshop availability in your area. Check our blog: http://www.madmapper.com/blog, follow us on twitter @madmapper or facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MadMapper
Best wishes,
GarageCUBE + 1024 architecture
We apologize for sending you the same info again, however we found out that there were some encoding problems with the last mailing and we wanted to correct this by sending the message again so you received the information without any problems.
We also did not include a very important piece of information about Mad_Lab: You will need to donwload MadMapper v1.0.2 in order to use the Mad_Lab applications.
As of this writing 'projection mapping' is one of the fastest growing mediums, being used in a variety of artistic and commercial projects. The basic idea: take a projector, point it at a physcial volume like an object or an architectural element, and then map an image onto it.
The MadMapper is a collaboration between GarageCUBE and 1024 architecture. The MadMapper provides a simple and easy tool for mapping projections. It removes a lot of the confusion related to this medium, effectively demystifying the process, allowing you, the artist or designer to focus on creating your content, and making the experience of mapping textures to physical objects in real time, fun.
MadMapper is built around the idea of sharing video content between applications. To accomplish this task, MadMapper uses a Mac OS X based framework called Syphon. Any application that can send its output to Syphon server will automatically available to MadMapper for perspective transformations and warping.
There is an ever-growing list of software supporting the Syphon framework, such as:
- Modul8 (v2.6.2 or greater)
- Quartz Composer
- VDMX 5
- OpenFrameworks
- Cinder
- MaxMsp/Jitter
- Unity3D
- Processing (soon)
- Resolume via FreeFrameGL
- Isadora via Matthew Haber's Actor
The approach that one should assume with MadMapper is that it is extracting elements from a source, generally referred to as 'the input.' This 'input' can be any material you import into MadMapper, such as an image, QuickTime move or Syphon input. These extracted elements are called 'surfaces' that consist of multiple geometric primitives, such as a quad, a triangle or a grid. These surfaces can then ben transformed and arranged as desired within the video canvas called 'the stage.'
- Unlimited amount of mapped elements
- Quads, triangles and mask elements (more to come)
- Grid Warping (upt to 30 by 30 subdivisions)
- Unlimited undo levels
- Multiple selection of elements
- Named selection sets
- Save and Load configurations
- Opacity and Blending modes for each element
- Flipping options
- Master opacity to blackout the whole projection
- Display of images, QuickTime movis or Syphon inputs
- Export as SVG / PNG / PDF
- Spacial Scanner to turn your video-projector into a 2d scanner
A single license for 2 computers costs 299 euros. If you have a Modul8 serial number, we provide a discount that is accessible through the yourspace page (http://www.modul8.ch/yourspace) that provides you with a link to buy MadMapper for 199 euros.
- MadMapper 1.0.2:
We have also released an update of MadMapper with the following changes:
- New keyboard shortcuts to toggle fullscreen on/off, same as Modul8
- New warnings to help you use the Spacial Scanner more efficiently
- Testcard showing the MadMapper logo
- Default blending mode is Over Premultiplied for improved Modul8 compatibility
- Interface settings are now saved in Preferences
- A new Quad now automatically fills the entire view in the preview window, based on the current zoom level
- Support for the new Mad_Lab applications
- Mad_Lab tools
With the release of MadMapper we are also releasing some companion applications that will expand your tool set for creating exciting video mappings. Here comes the Mad_Lab, a labratory for experimental softwares that contain a bunch of little apps, each focusing on a special aspect we will eventualy integrate into MadMapper.
You'll need to be a registered user of MadMapper in order to run these following apps:
- MAD_Line: Allows you to draw lines and animate them in realtime. It also features an export to SVG function
- MAD_GraphicsPatterns: Dynamically generates graphical content that can be mapped with MadMapper
- MAD_VideoDelay: Delays the incoming iSight feed and places each iteration on a grid
- MAD_TextureDoubler: Allows for 2 incoming Syphon inputs into one. Good for mixing VDMX and Modul8 at the same time
- MAD_GridMaker: A simple generated an animatable grid
- MAD_Equalizer: Generates a customizable audio-reactive EQ
- MAD_KinectMasker: Use your Kinect to create realtime masks
WARNING! You must download MadMapper v1.0.2 in order to use the Mad_Lab applications.
- Modul8 v2.6.3
- Syphon SDK Public Beta 2 - fixed an issue with OS X 10.7 Lion
- Fixed some issues with alpha channels when using shared textures in Syphon
- Fixed an issue with media when using '8 bit' filenames such as ones that use Japanese characters
- Rendering Logical Record using an Alpha Channel with a codec that supports Alpha Channels
- Added menu that links the to Online Module Manual (see below for details)
- New PDF user manual
To download this most recent release please us your serial number to log into the following page:
- New Printed Manual
We are now taking orders for a friendy new printed manual for Modul8. The manual is recommended for anyone getting started with Modul8.
The manual comes with a Modul8 t-shirt and costs 35 euros including shipping costs within Europe. World wide the cost is 45 euros including shipping.
- Online Module Manual
Ever wanted to understand how to write your own custom modules? Did you know that you can make some modules without having to write a single line of code? You will now be able to learn how to do this and more with our Online Module Manual. It contains a series of in depth explantions on the module system and its functions. It will also show you how to write Python code so you can unleash the full potential of the module system. With this manual you will be able to customize Modul8 the way you want.
To get started point your browser to:
- Upcoming workshops
Want to learn how to use MadMapper? Our hands on workshops will teach you everything you need to know about how to use MadMapper, from the basics of how to integrate your existing video material as well as provide you with techniques and feedback that will allow you to gain insight into your own creativity within the world of video mapping. Whatever your interest, be it video mapping for art installations or live performance, these workshops will give you the basic knowledge to liberate you your ideas from the screen into an immsersive one.
- London Sept.23rd
- Brussels Sept.30th - Oct.1st
More dates are in the works and there are many ways to stay informed about workshop availability in your area. Check our blog: http://www.madmapper.com/blog, follow us on twitter @madmapper or facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MadMapper
Best wishes,
GarageCUBE + 1024 architecture
VJ Performance with LIVE 3D SCANNER
VJ Performance with LIVE 3D SCANNER from Light Harvest Studio - Ryan Uzi on Vimeo.
We have introduced a new technique in live visuals involving live 3D scanning of the DJ which is augmented in real time and projected back on giant screens.
This was recently performed live during a few of Flawless Sound's VERBOTEN Parties at Good Units New York.
DJs scanned:
Wolf + Lamb
Audio Fly
Steve Bug
Deniz Kurtel
Matthias Tanzmann
Special thanks to James Barnes of Waking Dream, the one and only Kevin Bleich, as well as Jen and John Flawless.
Music: "Hold On" - Holy Ghost
mtVJ - mmt grad show 2011
mtVJ - mmt grad show 2011 from CDM on Vimeo.
visuals: cdm
music: c418 - http://c418.bandcamp.com/album/life-changing-moments-seem-minor-in-pictures
GUELAGUETZA 3 from Atotonilco Studio on Vimeo.
Oaxaca, México 2011 | 20 min. | 2d/3d digital
Videomapping for the Guelaguetza, traditional festivity in which different communities of Oaxaca come together at reunion to show it´s culture and art expressions. Projected on Oaxaca´s Cathedral from July 22 to August 1st, 2011.
Direction: Emilio Ramos
Producer: Rodrigo Herranz Fanjul
Production Manager: Masha Kostiurina
Production Design: María del Mar Hernández, Juan Antonio Sánchez Rull.
Compositing and Animation: Rocío Ramos, David Rodríguez Jaramillo, Carlos Orozco, Emilio Ramos
Production Asistant: Tamara Plettner
Production: Producciones Atotonilco, Casadelou
Animation Coordinator: Daniel Vándor
Animators: Carles Puigdollers, Daniel Vándor, Gonzalo Fernández Gascó
Postproduction: Gonzalo Fernández Gascó, Carles Puigdollers, Daniel Vándor.
Techincal Direction: Alejandro Machorro
Projection Director: Rudy Laddaga
Producer: Max Nogueira
Sound Design: Uriel Ezquenazi
Music Adaptation: Héctor Ruiz
Alejandro Ramírez Corona
Masha Kostiurina
3d/2d animation, mixed media.
GUELAGUETZA 2 from Atotonilco Studio on Vimeo.
GUELAGUETZA 1 from Atotonilco Studio on Vimeo.
Binary Reigns
Binary Reigns from Dr Babylon on Vimeo.
"Who will be man’s successor? To which the answer is: We are ourselves creating our own successors.”
Diving deep into glitch territory here. Beyond aesthetic beauty, this style of chaos resonates with me because as more and more of our lives are being spent within a digital realm, the more relevance I find in its deconstruction.
Flesh woven into the mechanical. Machines emulating biology. Questioning our own reflections. Physical objects reassembled. Propelling us forward towards the paradigm shift... Binary Reigns.
Live Visuals & Music by Dr Babylon
(All visual & sound material is assembled with found objects, performed live with VDMX)
Pathways (Miuziqa / june74) from Fabrizio Poce (aka june74) on Vimeo.
Music: Miuziqa (http://soundcloud.com/marchonninger)
Video: June74 (http://www.fabriziopoce.com/)
Real-time performance done using a Max for Live sketching and improvisation environment I am developing called V-Module (fabriziopoce.com/max.html).
Geometry generated in real time including object morphing, procedural texturing and vertex manipulation. Ableton Live used to host the entire environment and control performance (using MIDI manual control mapping and clip envelopes).
Recorded as a single shot. No post-production or off-line rendering involved.
Selbstbedienung from pixelschubser on Vimeo.
Da Benjamin Jantzen und Swen Seyerlen aus der VJ-Szene kommen lebt ihre Arbeit vom vielfältigen Umgang mit verschiedenen Stilen. In völlig unterschiedlichen Performances stoßen sie zwangsläufig auf immer neu geforderte Praktiken, unterschiedlichste technische Anforderungen und auch meist auf ein sehr selektives Publikum. Dadurch wechselt der Videokünstler seinen visuellen Duktus im Vergleich zur Malerei oder Bildhauerei quasi ständig.
Oder nie?
In dieser einmonatigen interaktiven Ausstellung setzen sich die beiden Videokünstler mit der eigenen Physiognomie als allgegenwärtigem und billigem Modell auseinander.
Die hier gezeigten Selbstbildnisse zeugen auch von der inneren Auseinandersetzung des Kreativen mit sich selbst, dem anderen, mit sich wandelnden Stimmungen und der daraus resultierenden Wirkung auf den Betrachter.
Eine besondere Spannung liegt zum einen in den Variationen der Installation an sich zum anderen in wechselnden Interaktionsmöglichkeiten.
Zum Nachtwandel steuern die Künstler Benjamin Jantzen und Swen Seyerlen ihre Videoinstallation noch einmal selbst. Getrieben durch exklusive Klangwelten, welche zusammen mit Mourice Sauter (Spektrum Mensch) entwickelt wurden, vereinen sich Installation und Künstler zu einem virtuellen Selbstbildnis.
WARNUNG!! Dieses Experiment wurde vorher noch nie an Menschen getestet!!
Musik: Monokeen - Shamouti
La Belle Epoque Vj Mix
La Belle Epoque Vj Mix from VJ BXL on Vimeo.
Visuals: Retro Footage from the 1900's mixed live
Audio: Extract from Ambient_Vigil_Ambient_For_Ache
Visual Live Shows Compilation
Visual Live Shows Compilation from KBK Visuals on Vimeo.
This is a video compilation of several live visual shows we did in the past year, including shows at Awakenings, Lowlands Festival, STRP Festival, Bassleader, Black Music Special, 013 Tilburg and Masters of Hardcore among others.
Music: 808 State - Flow Coma (Remix By AFX) - unofficial edit
[BRDG002] NERDZ ERA × lisglitch
[BRDG002] NERDZ ERA × lisglitch:Part 1 from BRDG on Vimeo.
DJ:NERDZ ERA(http://www.myspace.com/nerdzera)
APMT6 NIGHT(http://apmt.jp/)
2011/04/30 at Shibuya_WWW(http://www-shibuya.jp/ )
[BRDG002] NERDZ ERA × lisglitch:Part 2 from BRDG on Vimeo.
VJ:lisglitch(http://twitter.com/lisglitch )
DJ:NERDZ ERA(http://myspace.com/nerdzera )
APMT6 NIGHT(http://apmt.jp/ )
2011/04/30 at Shibuya_WWW(http://www-shibuya.jp/ )
IanniX from IanniX on Vimeo.
A sneak preview of the new version of IanniX…
IanniX is a graphical open-source sequencer, based on Iannis Xenakis works, for digital art. IanniX syncs via Open Sound Control (OSC) events and curves to your real-time environment.
Un petit aperçu de la nouvelle version de IanniX…
IanniX est un séquenceur graphique open-source, inspiré des travaux de Iannis Xenakis, destiné à la création numérique. IanniX synchronise via Open Sound Control (OSC) des événements et courbes vers votre environnement temps-réel.
Project manager : Thierry Coduys (thierry@iannix.org)
Development : Guillaume Jacquemin (guillaume@iannix.org)
Web & identity : Matthieu Ranc (matthieu@iannix.org)
IanniX — Controlling video from IanniX on Vimeo.
IanniX is controlling a Jitter patch through OSC protocol. It fires visuals effects and modulates effects parameters.
IanniX is a graphical open-source sequencer, based on Iannis Xenakis works, for digital art. IanniX syncs via Open Sound Control (OSC) events and curves to your real-time environment.
IanniX contrôle un patch Jitter via le protocole OSC. Il lance des effets visuels et module des paramètres des effets.
IanniX est un séquenceur graphique open-source, inspiré des travaux de Iannis Xenakis, destiné à la création numérique. IanniX synchronise via Open Sound Control (OSC) des événements et courbes vers votre environnement temps-réel.
IanniX — Controlling audio from IanniX on Vimeo.
IanniX is controlling a MaxMSP patch (provided in IanniX package). Each cursor controls an oscillator (with a triangular waveform) and triggers fire diracs pulses. You can also see the spectrogram of the generated sound.
IanniX is a graphical open-source sequencer, based on Iannis Xenakis works, for digital art. IanniX syncs via Open Sound Control (OSC) events and curves to your real-time environment.
IanniX contrôle un patch MaxMSP (fourni avec IanniX). Chaque curseur est associé à un oscillateur (de forme d'onde triangulaire) et les triggers déclenchent des diracs. Un spectrogramme visualise le son synthétisé
IanniX est un séquenceur graphique open-source, inspiré des travaux de Iannis Xenakis, destiné à la création numérique. IanniX synchronise via Open Sound Control (OSC) des événements et courbes vers votre environnement temps-réel.
IanniX — Recursive control from IanniX on Vimeo.
IanniX is controlling itself thanks to loopback messages. Each cursor-trigger couple restarts its neighbor couple progression. The sound is generated by Ableton Live through MIDI protocol (plucked harp + multi-band compressor).
IanniX is a graphical open-source sequencer, based on Iannis Xenakis works, for digital art. IanniX syncs via Open Sound Control (OSC) events and curves to your real-time environment.
IanniX se contrôle lui-même grâce à des messages internes. Chaque couple curseur-trigger redémarre la progression du couple voisin. Le son est généré par Ableton Live via le protocole MIDI (une harpe + un compresseur multi-bande).
IanniX est un séquenceur graphique open-source, inspiré des travaux de Iannis Xenakis, destiné à la création numérique. IanniX synchronise via Open Sound Control (OSC) des événements et courbes vers votre environnement temps-réel.
Integration.03 at Open Dans festival 2011
Integration.03 at Open Dans festival 2011 from Dieter Vandoren on Vimeo.
Short edit of Integration.03 performed at the Open Dans festival, 24th of June 2011, Rotterdam.
Info at http://dietervandoren.net/index.php?/project/integration03/
Camera by John Giskes.
evolution of digital dots
evolution of digital dots from CPU on Vimeo.
here is a snapshot of some work using TouchDesigner - a nice piece to run live
Was ist Dies?
Was ist Dies? (Part 1 2 3 ) from Laura Grillo on Vimeo.
Video installation shown at Cafe Concrete, an experimental sound and film collective based in Plymouth UK.
l l l l l l
l l l l l l from Rachel Knoll on Vimeo.
In this piece I was interested in mitigating the experience of 2 disparate video projections, one featuring dramatic imagery and one featuring more mundane or banal actions or scenes. These two videos are projected on the exterior of a space. A viewer sits in this space and vertical portions of each montage stream into the room and are projected on the interior walls. These narrow strips of light are not entirely readable; they are transformed into movement, color, and light.
I want my viewer to reflect on the loss of meaning and discernment created by the simultaneity and fragmentation of these projections, potentially prompting reflection about contemporary culture. I also desire to create an aesthetic/formal experience for the viewer.
36 real polygons - A mapping project
36 real polygons - A mapping project from Obscura on Vimeo.
Sometimes when a project becomes reality it is born out of what is practically possible just as much as it comes from a concept.
We wanted to created a hanging sculpture of a sizeable scale for an outdoor event and we came up with the idea of creating it using triangles as it is a basic and robust shape which is at the same time easy to use for projection mapping. And it turned out that we really liked the final result - the 'polygon cloud'.
We built it from 36 equal sided triangular shapes of wood and fabric. We then placed 6 beamers - 3 stacked in each corner and started to map each of the triangular surfaces and create motion graphics for this surface.
The final video mapped sculpture was used as an intermezzo for 15000 young scouts at their summer gathering.
Augmented Reality in QC using OpenCL
Augmented Reality in QC using OpenCL: Composition Walkthrough from Matthias Oostrik on Vimeo.
Augmented Reality in QC using OpenCL: Magic Particles from Matthias Oostrik on Vimeo.
1.128.000 Boid Like Particles responding to movement
Bangenuf 10
Bangenuf 10 from Bangenuf on Vimeo.
Visual Projections by Bangenuf Visuals+
DJ Ramunas Radziukas+
Camerawork by Giedrius Sklypas+
Editing by Bangenuf Visuals
Video Mapping Ibiza Sonica radio
Video Mapping Ibiza Sonica radio from vj Lab on Vimeo.
This is a decoration with video mapping technics that we did for the live transmission of the Ibiza Sonica radio, at Es Vivé Hotel, in Ibiza.
Audio reactive, one 4.500 ansi lumens projector.
TO GOTHICS - 1st anniversary -
TO GOTHICS - 1st anniversary - from LIKIWORKS on Vimeo.
Vj liki play archive
2011/05/05 WAREHOUSE702
DJ MaRia
Projection Mapping: Toy Plane
Projection Mapping: Toy Plane from Lumiko on Vimeo.
We here at Lumiko love toys, who doesn't! We also love the transformative power of projections. So, whilst rummaging through a dusty garage sale & happened upon this old toy plane, beat up and unloved, we knew with a little digital elbow grease we could restore it to it's former glory! Below is a sneak peak, get ready for lift off...
SpektakuLUm Mapping 2011
SpektakuLUm Mapping 2011 from Swen Seyerlen on Vimeo.Facade mapping for the anual city festival in Ludwigshafen @ church St. Ludwig.We used two stacked 15.000 Ansi Lumen Christie projectors.The show was a precomposed audio-visual loop with 2D and 3D visuals plus festival information - patched in vvvv.
CSTNG-SHDWS x Edison "Shadowtime"
CSTNG-SHDWS x Edison "Shadowtime" from CSTNG-SHDWS on Vimeo.
This video was produced in 2011 with Edison. Edison approached CSTNG-SHDWS with the intention of creating something wholly new. This marks the official release of his new track "Shadowtime", created in tandem with a live video installation.
We approached the project to try our hands at projection mapping - but to try a few things we hadn't seen yet- mainly, Edison's insane finger chops controlling the mapped projections and surface. This project was built in part from Andrew Benson's Locative Media course at SFAI.
In our talks with Edison building "Shadowtime" we came up with the loose concept of telling the story of the ways in which humans have marked and incremented time through the ages. Start in the darkness. Move to the simple cycle of the sun and the moon. Find complexity in the pendulum and build our own take on Huygen's clock. Finally, end in the 20th century of atomic time, the increments of which are more accurate then the rotation of the earth itself.
This is two projectors. We use VDMX for our live control. We split MIDI from Edison to VDMX. Edison uses a Monome and Ableton Live, all of our video was built with C4D, After Effects, and Photoshop.
Like this awesome Edison music? You can pick up his new album over at www.kidwithoutradio.com and see more video at www.cstng-shdws.com Also: this video and track plus a remix kit with all of the source video and audio loops will be included with the renegade lights media compilation here- http://renegadelightsmedia.net/2011/07/our-first-release-a-compilation-for-double-vinyl-and-download/
xxx C - S xxx
Mercedes-Benz Anniversary Night with 3D-Show
Mercedes-Benz Anniversary Night with 3D-Show from Visual Drugstore on Vimeo.
Celebrating the remarkable 125th year of Mercedes-Benz, our agency presented a unique 3D-show for the anniversary event in Stuttgart, Germany.
Special thanks to MSZ- http://www.msz.de/frame_01.html
Quonoo VJ performance
Quonoo VJ performance from frederico Baptista on Vimeo.
Recorded Performance #1
Dj Zinc - Casino Royale
Quono Vj Performance from frederico Baptista on Vimeo.
Recorded Performance #2
Ewun - Dominate
Quono Vj Performance from frederico Baptista on Vimeo.
Recorded Performance #3
Simian Mobile Disco - Sleep Deprivation
Quono VJ Performance from frederico Baptista on Vimeo.
Recorded performance #4
MGMT - Kids (Soulwax remix)
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