

lemur + modul8 + graphic tablet

lemur + modul8 + graphic tablet from tim fehske on Vimeo.
this is a video that shows how i use a graphic tablet and the hardware from jazzmutant called "lemur" in combination with the software "modul8" by garagecube...
i´m mainly using the painter module inside of modul8 and rotate the drawing/painting in 3d space by using the 3d camera module... i also use the trace function and apply some filters/freeframes to match the visuals to the music...
the lemur works in this case as a sequencer that sends automated commands to modul8...
everything from about 2:18 was rendered inside of modul8 and afterwards edited in after effects...
the audio track "kuala" was produced by kaiserdisco and will be available on vinyl in september 2011...
for more informations check:

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