DynamicMask Lines from vjkazakhstan on Vimeo.
Generative Mask for creative Vjing
Emika Techno Set part 2 from Tving Stage Design on Vimeo.
Emika Techno Set performed at Music Tech Fest 2016 in the legendary Funkhaus (Berlin).
Visuals by Tving Stage Design
Emika Records
All rights reserved.
VJ LOOP SERIES / The Industrial Revolution from Placid.L on Vimeo.
This VJ loop is based on human’s revolution and made up three part.
The loop of first is used of stone material, geometrical line and show a combination both hard and soft as the Stone Age.
The loop of second is used of steam, gear and show both accuracy of gear’s speed and weight of steam as the Industrial Age.
The loop of third show a new understanding instead of spatiality, extensity of space as the Space Age.
This loop is the second, the Industrial Age.
enjoy yourself!
together vj comp performance from mc escherr on Vimeo.
may 18th 2016, 3rd place
The Warehouse [Audio Visual Content] from STEVUS on Vimeo.
VJ content and soundtrack: STEVUS
R E E L V J from castroduperly on Vimeo.
-VJ de las bandas: This Early Autumn, Mia Hush, No Stories, Paloma Marín. Mavidip & Steinlausky (inauguración primera edición Mutek Bogotá, septiembre 2015)
-Performance audiovisual en Mutek Bogotá, primera edición. Septiembre 2014. Madre.
-Performance audiovisual en Mutek Bogotá como parte del colectivo Pisnlob Project. Septiembre 2015. Planetario de Bogotá - proyección en domo.
-Performance audiovisual en el Festival Yavería como parte del colectivo _ema. Septiembre 2015. Locus Espacio Creativo.
-VJ seleccionada en el VJcontest Festival ArtTec. Septiembre 2015. Cine Tonalá.
Session #32 - Lichtpiraten / Omnidome from SCOPE SESSIONS on Vimeo.
May 8th, 2014
«Make Love Not Art»
die LiCHTPiRATEN zeigen uns, dass nichts aussehen muss wie es gerade scheint langsam begreifen wir, dass wir in einer kuenstlichen welt leben, die aussieht wie sie aussehen soll. die oberflaeche der dinge die uns bestimmen sind erdacht, gestaltet und in unseren alltag geschmuggelt. die LiCHTPiRATEN kapern das antlitz von etwas, uebernehmen darueber kontrolle, zeichnen um, deuten an. Schicht fuer schicht verschmelzen die ebenen der wahrnehmeung und hinterlassen ein vibrieren in der seele, dass daran erinnert: es ist leicht frei zu sein.
Welcome into the world of shadow and light. We create new rooms, imagine other dimensions and find ways out let´s inspire, discover and astonished pirate the world
OMNIDOME is a arbitrary surface projection mapping tool built by CR8TR.
It allows you to map any physical room and project virtual content back on to it.
What it does, it turns the whole world into a 360° VR display, making VR a shared and social experience.
Omnidome is Opensource, Multiplatform and designed for Artists.
OMNIDOME works natively with Syphon and All VJ / Performance software that support it.
Watch Scope's website for upcoming shows and artist archive scopesessions.org / facebook.com/scopesessions
Thanks to Panke e.V. for hosting Scope Sessions!
pankeculture.com / facebook.com/pankeberlin
Thanks to Servando for Intro Sound!
Vjing 360° Cassie Raptor
Concert live: Mensch
Carte Blanche Barbi(e)turix for the Paris Musique Club at La Gaité Lyrique Paris. Friday 22 January 2016
Filmed by Tianès Montasser
Edited by Cassie Raptor
Musique: Mensch - Tarifa
A Little Loop from Austin Breckenridge on Vimeo.
Just messing around with not perfect loops.
Festival VISUAL BRASIL 2015 from VJ Eletroiman on Vimeo.
Audio video: El Remolon - El Preferido
WEB: http://festivalvisualbrasil.com/
Flyer: http://festivalvisualbrasil.com/programavb2015.jpg
El Festival VISUAL BRASIL realizará su décima tercera edición en los días 17 y 18 de julio de 2015 en el Punt Multimedia, centro dinamizador de proyectos multimedia y tecnologías digitales, situado en la Casa del Mig del Parc de l’Espanya Industrial de Barcelona. En esta ocasión celebramos juntos con artistas locales e internacionales un encuentro de investigación en el campo del audiovisual contemporáneo: videoarte, mapping, performances audiovisuales, instalaciones y nuevas medias. Una actividad que enfoca la producción de video en tiempo real, la cultura de creación libre y nuevos formatos colaborativos.
Tras doce ediciones presentando más de 200 artistas internacionales, el encuentro de 2015 realizará dos noches de mucho ritmo en el Parque de la España Industrial. El día 17 celebrará una fiesta de Tropical Bass con los artistas Simon Boulind, Sr. Lufthansa, Tropical Terror, Doma Tornados, Sonikgroove del proyecto Gozalow y el renombrado grupo argentino Faauna, que vienen directo de Argentina para enseñar una muestra de lo mejor de la cumbia electrónica. La segunda noche viene con mucha potencia sonora con la participación de los artistas El Remolón, MagaBo y la banda Herbata. Para esta ocasión iremos presentar el live audiovisual de los artistas Rebel B2 con los visuales de Oscar Sol y los brasileños Chico Abreu y VJ Spetto. Para completar este cartel contamos con la presencia del colectivo Beat Selector y DJ Moskardonzzz de Telenoika.
El VISUAL BRASIL es un festival realizado por VJs que tiene como objetivo crear un entorno de visuales potentes que lleven el público a un ambiente de inmersión sensorial y creativa. Proyectando sus sueños en pantalla estarán los VJ: L’Aubaine, VJ Fronch dnd y VJ Ovideo; de Brasil: Vinicius Luz, VJ Notívago y VJ Vigas. El festival VISUAL BRASIL asegura un año más la reunión de VJs muy importantes y premiados a nivel mundial.
En esta edición el festival quiere reforzar una mirada sobre la producción actual de Espectáculos Audiovisuales con el SEMINARIO LUZ Y SONIDO; CONTROL, SINCRONÍA E INTERACCIÓN que tiene la participación de los colectivos Protopixel, Playmodes, Lluminescene (MAV Telenoika) y el artista Andrés Pérez. Destacamos también la realización del SEMINARIO DE FULLDOME con la presencia de los colectivos United VJs, MediaFlow, Telenoika y MIRA Festival. Estos encuentros son realizados por el colectivo Telenoika y tiene colaboración del MIRA Festival. Más infos de los seminarios: SEMINARIO LUZ Y SONIDO; CONTROL, SINCRONÍA E INTERACCIÓN
En esta edición del VISUAL BRASIL presentaremos la instalación audiovisual NITERE, realizada por los colectivos: Lluminescene (MAV Telenoika) + ProtoPixel. http://mappingaudiovisual.com/lluminescene-sets Nítere és un proyecto en desarrollo, basado en el diseño y control de una escenografía de luminárias LED y su sincronización con la música. Es un directo de Música electrónica, Luz y Led Mapping, mediante el control y sincronía de 15 barrar LED RGB de 1 metro dispuestas sobre el escenario y un Led Mapping Espacial.
Taller de LED + LUZ + DMX Fechas: 14/07/2015 a 17/07/2015 En este taller queremos enseñar distintas herramientas y metodologías de trabajo para el diseño, control y sincronización con el sonido, de diversos elementos lumínicos para ser integrados en espectáculos escénicos y/o audiovisuales. Veremos como funciona el protocolo DMX y como controlar a través de éste distintas fuentes de luz; tiras LED, cabezas móviles, cegadoras o par LEDS.
Taller de producción sonora con Maga Bo Fecha:18/07/2015 Con una producción diversa bajo el concepto de global bass, Maga Bo hace conexiones entre el orgánico y electrónico, el tradicional y el vanguardista. En sus presentaciones audiovisuales en directo trabaja con la participación de MCs y músicos internacionales y a cada presentación sus composiciones y remixes van adquiriendo nuevas formas. En el taller será realizado la grabación de elementos acústicos combinado con recursos electrónicos, para mezclar estos elementos será utilizado el software Ableton Live.
Taller de Fulldome _ United VJs Fecha: 22/07/2015 Taller de presentación del revolucionario software para Mapeado de sistemas Fulldome (proyección 360º) BLENDY DOME VJ, diseñado por UNITED VJs. En este workshop, VJ Spetto (Sao Paulo, Brasil) enseñará todo lo relacionado con el software Blendy Dome VJ, la técnica del Mapeado de estructuras Fulldome y la creación de contenidos visuales para su proyección en este tipo de sistemas.
Volll @Adoba Tritura Machaca (2015) from Pablo Veron on Vimeo.
Volll (Pablo Veron) > Musica
Vj Colli > Visuales
en el Ciclo Adoba Tritura Machaca
Enero 2015
Videomapping FARM CineRua no Parque das Ruínas from Guigga Tomaz on Vimeo.
Videomapping/Projeção Mapeada (conteúdo, mapeamento e operação) feito para evento CineRua da FARM no Parque das Ruínas (Santa Tereza-RJ) no dia 27 de Maio de 2016.
Lissajous A from Joris Wegner on Vimeo.
Generative visuals created using Ableton Live and several VSTs as function generator, whose signals are fed into an oscilloscope running in XY mode. You can feed the audio track into your own oscilloscope as well.
roberto begini EIDOS from Kanaka project on Vimeo.
Roberto Begini "Eidos" [mfu/c 008] out on June 2016
limited Cd digipack and Digital Download
100 copies.
Mastered by Lawrence English
Manyfeetunder/Concrete 008
video teaser by Kanaka project
SATURN free VJ loop by LAAK (C4D // Octane) from Bart LAAK Verlaak on Vimeo.
Here's a small free VJ loop I made in C4D and octane, was testing with some displacment layers in combination with gloss. Free to use: check out www.Facebook.Com/laakdesign for free stuff and visual thingys
Brunette VJ, 2015 from veronica moreno on Vimeo.
Golirra - Woes from cecilia lentini on Vimeo.
Coming soon a new VJ project based on African Tribù for Woes
Con sede en la Ciudad de México, KE/MP Studio está conformado por el artista digital Diego Ortega y la arquitecta Doreen Ríos. Dedicandose a la experimentación visual enfocándonse en: VJ sets + Mapping + Diseño de escenario + CG & Vfx + Asistencia gráfica + Soluciones digitales + Producción y post-producción de video + Arquitectura efímera.
Mordecai teaser for Mixology from cecilia lentini on Vimeo.
Live teaser for Mordecai how is an italian musician implanted in Paris. His sound is the perfect blend between East/Middle East folk and bass vibes. He inspires me for this visual edited with Vj software VDMX. The idea is to create a new powerful skin for a new idea of sexuality.
Festival Visual Brasil 2014 from VJ Eletroiman on Vimeo.
Viernes 18 y Sabado 19 de Julio de 2014 _ Punt Multimedia, Barcelona.
Videoarte, mapping, performances audiovisuales, instalaciones, debates y nuevas medias.
Horario: 20hs hasta las 02hs
Local: Punt Multimedia, Casa del Mig. Muntadas 5
Web: www.festivalvisualbrasil.com
El Festival VISUAL BRASIL realizará su décima segunda edición en los días 18 y 19 de julio de 2014 en el Punt Multimedia, centro dinamizador de proyectos multimedia y tecnologías digitales, situado en la Casa del Mig del Parc de l’Espanya Industrial de Barcelona.
En esta ocasión celebramos juntos con artistas locales e internacionales un encuentro de investigación en el campo del audiovisual contemporáneo: videoarte, mapping, performances audiovisuales, instalaciones y nuevas medias. Una actividad que enfoca la producción de video en tiempo real, la cultura de creación libre y nuevos formatos colaborativos.
En esta edición el festival quiere reforzar una mirada sobre la producción actual de mapping con la participación de los colectivos United VJs, VJzaria y el artista VJ Vigas. Destacamos también la realización del 2º Encuentro de Programación Creativa con la presencia de artistas como Alba Corral, Joanna Moll y Raul Nieves, este encuentro es una iniciativa de los colectivos: ZZZinc, MIRA y Telenoika.
Tras once ediciones presentando más de 200 artistas internacionales, el encuentro de 2014 realizará dos noches de
mucho ritmo en el Parque de la España Industrial. El día 18 presentarán su trabajo los artistas VJ Chico Abreu, Gérson Deveras, Presí, Nice Noise y el renombrado colectivo United VJs, que vienen directo de Brasil para enseñar una muestra de lo mejor que se produce en el audiovisual brasileño.
La segunda noche celebrará una fiesta de tropical bass con los artistas argentinos Camanchaca, Intiche, y los proyectos locales Timberism y Rebel B2. Para completar este cartel contamos con el estreno de los discos Sonoro Dub y Anão Gigante del MC Indigesto.
El VISUAL BRASIL es un festival realizado por VJs que tiene como objetivo crear un entorno de visuales potentes que lleven el público a un ambiente de inmersión sensorial y creativa. Proyectando sus sueños en pantalla estarán los VJ VIdeocratz, VJ OVideo y VJ Eletroiman, de Brasil: Vinicius Luz, VJ Vigas, VJ Robson Victor y el uruguayo Chindogu, una reunión de VJs muy importantes y premiados a nivel mundial.
Como pieza clave del festival, presentamos el 3D mapping, tendencia mundial de realización audiovisual. Para esta 12º edición, el VISUAL BRASIL quiere reforzar una mirada sobre la producción artística del mapping y con este objetivo propone un encuentro entre creadores y colectivos de Brasil actuantes a nivel mundial: United VJs, Vigas y VJzaria.
El colectivo Telenoika propone un espacio de reflexión audiovisual para el VISUAL BRASIL. Sus dos proyectos ER…VA y Pessics se juntan por la primera vez para divulgar propuestas audiovisuales de alta calidad en dos días de actividades.
El Espacio ER…VA presentará en la noche del día 18 de julio una programación diversa, una mezcla de lenguajes potentes que reunirán en una misma noche danza, proyecciones, interactivos y mucha música… estarán presentes los proyectos internacionales: Photo Rain, Clássicos de Calçada, Metacuerpos y Dithernoise.
En el día 19 de julio, el Espacio Pessics invitará los artistas de Telenoika Dj Moscardonz, K-sero y Brun para presentar sus ultimas producciones. Los visuales serán de VJ LÁubaine y la premiada VJ Juladi.
VISUAL BRASIL _ Debates y Interactivos:
El viernes 12 de Julio se celebrará el segundo Encuentro de Programación Creativa realizado por ZZZinc, Mira y Telenoika. Un encuentro para que desarrolladores y artistas visuales puedan mostrar sus trabajos, compartir conocimientos y aprender nuevas técnicas, y el público menos técnico pueda descubrir las posibilidades de la programación creativa aplicada a las artes visuales y sonoras.
Esta edición de los encuentros está enfocada en el tema Interactividad. Serán realizados debates, presentaciones de proyectos, un taller de Robotización de Cámaras y la instalación interactiva CIUDAD FRACTAL “City series 3.0” por Xavi Montojo y Alba G. Corral.
En el sábado 13 de Julio los debates serán sobre el tema Live Cinema. En un primero momento, a las 19h, el tema será Poéticas de território con la participación de Nancy Garín, Lucía Egaña y Clássicos de Calçadas.
La segunda parte empezará a las 20hs con el debate Live Cinema.. Poéticas de lenguaje con la presencia de Adriano de Angelis y Patricia Moran, pensadora contemporánea muy importante dentro del campo del audiovisual.
Audio: Goulash Mixtape - Rafael Aragon in LIVE & MIXES
air rise bubbla from exposia visual systems on Vimeo.
somehow into bubbles lately, guess i like these dudes. created with cinema 4d r16 and emitters and metaballs and stuff.
bubble attractor from exposia visual systems on Vimeo.
some sexy ass bubbles forming into one huge bubble, isn't that awesome?
created with cinema 4d r16, emitters and attractor. pretty simple stuff, hope you like it though!
CorpsCéleste Documentation FullLenght from Jean-François Robin on Vimeo.
Corps Celeste is an immersive audio-visual performance where the viewer passively participates in an ongoing dialogue between the audio and the visual elements directed in real time by performing artists and indirectly inspired by the audience. This exchange revolves around the human perception of the cosmos and aesthetic attempts to depict it. This piece proposes a chaotic and non-linear narrative which is shaped by an organic aesthetic that both reflects and distorts reality. There are two performers in this piece: Joon Tobias Niemi Poulsen, the sound-artist, and myself, Jean-François Robin, the visual artist.
Visuals/ lejeanf (http://lejeanf.com/)
Music/ Au2pilot (https://soundcloud.com/au2pilot)
Location/ Platform 4 ( http://platform4.dk/ )
Date/ 20.05.2016
Tracklist/ tba
TAO from Switzon S. Wigfall, III on Vimeo.
[Free 1080p visual source material released under Creative Commons.]
Music: Flying Lotus - Melt! (Monopoly Mix) / http://amzn.to/22skVe2
More free VJ clips: vimeo.com/channels/sswlll
Info: http://www.switzonwigfall.com/about-sswlll/
daily artwork: facebook.com/sswlll | instagram.com/switzonthegreat
twitter: https://twitter.com/SSWIII
tumblr: http://switzon.tumblr.com/
More at: switzonwigfall.com
Captura vj set- from Vj Gativideo on Vimeo.
Movimientos de camara de un set en quartz composer, operado y efectos desde vdmx.-
HETEM with VJ Team @ AlternativeFilmVideo from ᛗᛗ on Vimeo.
Presentation of VJ Workshop (master VJ Incredible Bob) @ Alternative Film Video Festival 2015, Belgrade w/ HETEM
VJ's: Jovana Jevtic, Aleksandar Lazar, Petar Vakic and Marina Rajic https://vimeo.com/marraj on youtube>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Rr-L9dfnH8
analog meets digital
Incredible Bob/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-ZLy2Fez6o
I do not own this song. All contents belong to their rightful owners.
Double // Loop from Vj Catmac on Vimeo.
A lot of render errors (flickering and sawtooth borders) but still looking fine,,
I also sell content on different platforms, check out if you want to buy some more Vj Loops.
Resolume: resolume.com/footage/artists#catmac
VIdeoHive: videohive.net/user/catmac/portfolio.
Vj Loops: vjloops.com/index.php?user=8144&portfolio=1
Pond5: pond5.com/artist/Catmac
Shutterstock : shutterstock.com/video/gallery/Vj-Catmac-2073155/b
STEPS (loop) from beeple on Vimeo.
Free 1080p visual source material released under Creative Commons.
Cinema 4D project file: http://beeple-crap.com/resources.php
music: Squarepusher - Menelec // http://goo.gl/k9Ahfc
more free VJ clips: http://vimeo.com/channels/beeple
info: http://www.beeple-crap.com
daily artwork: http://facebook.com/beeple | https://instagram.com/beeple_crap
twitter: https://twitter.com/beeple
tumblr: http://beeple.tumblr.com
ArKaos technology is the future! ArKaos at Prolight + Sound 2016 from ArKaos on Vimeo.
ArKaos technology is the future! ArKaos at Prolight + Sound 2016
VJ Loop : Fractal Dreams verA from Funk-tion Media on Vimeo.
Another of my early attempts with high resolution 3D fractal worlds. The render times on even simple scenes like these are very restrictive to learning. Animation and key framing is time consuming even at draft resolutions. Such is technology. Fun for VJ looping for now though.
If you enjoy or download the clip please like and follow Funk-tion Media here on Vimeo!
Contact Funk-tion Media @ funktionmedianw.com
Premium loops available at : vjloops.com/users/11583.html
Shared under creative commons :
Non-Commercial: You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your work—and derivative works based upon it—but for non-commercial purposes only.
Color Displacement Loop from Vj Catmac on Vimeo.
Made with Cinema4D Free Loop.
I also sell content on different platforms, check out if you want to buy some more Vj Loops.
Resolume: resolume.com/footage/artists#catmac
VIdeoHive: videohive.net/user/catmac/portfolio.
Vj Loops: vjloops.com/index.php?user=8144&portfolio=1
Pond5: pond5.com/artist/Catmac
Shutterstock : shutterstock.com/video/gallery/Vj-Catmac-2073155/b
The Suuns :: Hold/Still :: VJ from Fred TRETOUT on Vimeo.
The Suuns album launch at La Tulipe, Montréal.
VJ setup : we made 9 scenes in a maquette size wooden box, 2 cameras to do live recording : 1 macro for close up and 1 to capture shadows.
Camera feeds were composited together in TouchDesigner and mixed using 3D elements and 2D FX.
- - -
Soirée de lancement de l'album Hold/Still à La Tulipe, Montréal.
VJ setup : 9 scènes filmés en live avec 2 cameras : 1 macro 1 pour les ombres.
Composité en live avec TouchDesigner.
Vj Set. Reel from Cíclope Estudio on Vimeo.
Muestra de algunos visuales para conciertos en el Centro Cultural de España.
En colaboración con Janet Martínez
Proyecto Mapping Letters from Andrés Henao on Vimeo.
Proyecto "Mapping Letters" Caligrama intervenido mediante videomapping
Caligrama: Andrés Henao
Videomapping: Alejo Caste https://vimeo.com/alejocaste
Producción: Angélica Candamil
Sonido: -Frame_- North_Sea
-"PARQUET HUMIDE" by CACHETTE A BRANLETTE (freemusicarchive.org/music/CACHETTE_A_BRANLETTE/none_given_1977/07_PARQUET_HUMIDE)
Tracearrays: Set of 20 Seamless VJ Loops for Live Visuals from DocOptic on Vimeo.
Tracearrays is a set of 20 dynamic glowing shapes, patterns, and asymmetric formations. This collection of seamless loops contains organic and geometric styles built for versatility. A variety of looks can be created using transformation and geometry effects inside of VJ software or post-production tools (such as Mirror and Kaleidoscope). Use these visuals as accents for lighting setups or to illuminate LED displays.
Available now at DocOptic.com:
Clip List
• DOC014 Anthuria
• DOC014 Arthropedic
• DOC014 Cradial
• DOC014 Crystele
• DOC014 Dialup
• DOC014 Discotech
• DOC014 Exzip
• DOC014 Ghostrings
• DOC014 Kahelix
• DOC014 Needlers
• DOC014 Obtusion
• DOC014 Organza
• DOC014 Pastafari
• DOC014 Psylinks
• DOC014 Shearlocks
• DOC014 Slinko
• DOC014 Splicycle
• DOC014 Squirmular
• DOC014 Whispstar
• DOC014 Zingbat
Clip Specifications
• Seamless loops
• 1920x1080 HD Source
• 30 frames per second
• From 3-5 seconds in duration
Music Credits: KuroKumo
L'Aubaine - VJ set / LPM 2016 from l'aubaine on Vimeo.
Here's my vj set performed at LPM 2016 in Amsterdam alongside the dj set of Lolla Tek.
All the clips are self-produced and most of them are hand-drawn animations.
Set up: Modul8, Madmapper and HSS3J
ELECTROPICALES 2016 from nicolas schaub on Vimeo.
Soirée d'ouverture - Scénographie WSK, Vj Hoax / Terry Laird
space night by microcosmos from v1s10nary on Vimeo.
VJ v1s10nary @ Space night 22.04.2016 VJing
fox projection mapping from v1s10nary on Vimeo.
VJ v1s10nary @ Digital Ethnica 29.04.2016 Realtime Projection Mapping & VJing
WTFlow - TRILT - 40 Premium Visuals from WTFlow on Vimeo.
TRILT is a premium pack of 40 Visuals, Loops perfect for VJ !
Use these with effects !
Download here : https://resolume.com/footage/trilt
I give for FREE some samples here : http://wtflow.com/trilt/
Read more and download for free WTFlow's Visuals on www.wtflow.com
Rotation from harriet Upson on Vimeo.
Mixed media stop motion animation. Materials included: Sand, plasticine, uv paint, soap, candle wax. Post production completed using Adobe After Effects.
Music 'Repent' by CYPHR
Little AV Loop: OP-Slum from Kitze + the CPUs on Vimeo.
Here's a quick AV loop I made this weekend to test out some ideas and have fun. OP-Slum.
Jam made dorking around on my OP-1. Visuals made in C4D and AE.
Planning to make more of these little dudes!
Thanks to Cuckoo for the awesome bleepy bloop OP-1 sounds that started this jam. Thanks also to Steve Teeple for his crazy spline wrap cloner idea and NAB tutorial.
United VJ's interview Fulldome video 360DomeXperience from Rene Oelers on Vimeo.
United VJ's Pedro Zaz and Spetto are experts in 360 Fulldome VJ party's
Together we set up great Dome party's www.360DomeXperience.com
Mowgli Zenoid Performance at LPM 2016 from Mowgli on Vimeo.
Improvised experimental audiovisual performance with the Zenoid AV Groovebox
Pixel Echo XII from Bwave on Vimeo.
Bwave - Pixel Echo XII
Artist: Gan Jian, hong qile, Mao wengweng,Yuan Ren
Date: 07.05.2016
Location: aotu studio Beijing
Stretched Canvas from Stephen Keller on Vimeo.
An experiment applying the same post-processing into different input footage shot with a Canon 60D.
Bayo Neon 1 ( vj clip / free loop ) from BaYo on Vimeo.
Visual for Vj
Animated Visions Production | Displacer from Animated Visions on Vimeo.
Octane render and Cinema 4d projects available http://www.animatedvisionspro.com/
Animated Visions Production | Ying from Animated Visions on Vimeo.
Octane render and Cinema 4d projects available animatedvisionspro.com/
Animated Visions Production | Stone Render from Animated Visions on Vimeo.
Octane render and Cinema 4d projects available http://www.animatedvisionspro.com/
Spikes Pattern Free Vj Loop from Vj Catmac on Vimeo.
Free VJ Loop, made with Trapcode Tao.
I also sell content on different platforms, check out if you want to buy some more Vj Loops.
Resolume: resolume.com/footage/artists#catmac
VIdeoHive: videohive.net/user/catmac/portfolio.
Vj Loops: vjloops.com/index.php?user=8144&portfolio=1
Pond5: pond5.com/artist/Catmac
Shutterstock : shutterstock.com/video/gallery/Vj-Catmac-2073155/b
AIM - Free Logo Like VJ Loop from Denzyl Basterfield on Vimeo.
Free to use JV loop, come with AO, Reflection, Gloss,Colour and pattern mask layers
be creative and have fun with it.
Any requests or questions feel free to ask!
Check out the Demo here: https://youtu.be/jSFvAPBo2f8
,#jv #loop, #VJloop, #animation, #blender, #music, #background, #freetouse, #free, #3d, #lego, #legoanimation, #render, #motion, #motiongraphics, #stock #stockfootage #footage
Self-Sabotage, Live VJ Performance from Catli Bjerke on Vimeo.
A live, video-projection performance by VJ Dragon Drop at Otis College of Art and Design's Annual Senior Exhibition, May 2016. Music by Amanda Glover, liminalaxis.bandcamp.com
Subculture Australia. Live Visual Interaction. from Richard De Souza on Vimeo.
Real-time visuals for Subculture Australia.
Audio reactive with midi and gamepad control. Live capture of TouchDesigner output.
Art and code MNVR.
Music - Nine Inch Nails, Ghosts
Subculture Australia. Live 3D Visuals. from Richard De Souza on Vimeo.
Real-time visuals for Subculture Australia.
Audio reactive with midi and gamepad control. Live capture of TouchDesigner output.
Art and code MNVR.
Music - Nine Inch Nails, Ghosts.
2.49 - MUD Free VJ Loop from MUD on Vimeo.
Free Visual Loop released under Creative Commons.
H264 - 1920 x 1080 (30 fps)
DVX - 1920 x 1080 (30 fps)
Link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/im0t3t0vbciaqlj/2.49%20-%20MUD%20Free%20VJ%20Loop.rar?dl=0
Track - X-Press 2 - Kill 100 (Carl Craig Remix)
Beatport - https://pro.beatport.com/track/kill-100-carl-craig-remix/506533
You can watch me working on Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/yashahindine/profile
For any enquirers please contact
For more work please visit
Thanks for watching
Tierra de Nadie from Francesca Dasso on Vimeo.
video base para VJ Menores . Tierra de Nadie, 2016
WINGDINGS PARTY: laser + video projection from ffd8 on Vimeo.
exploring laser + video projection
initial tests for code to bridge processing and ofx rgb laser control
music: http://datassette.net/businessfunk/
huge thanks: Memo Atken for ofxILDA lib » http://www.memo.tv/ofxilda/
+ ofxETHERDREAM team: Daito Manabe and Yusuke Tomoto
Video mapping on Sprit Train Hauptbahnhof @ Afrikaburn X ( 2016) from retinafunk on Vimeo.
At Afrikaburn X ( 2016 ) me Andy Weisner aka Retinafunk visuals , together with Thom Dryer aka Pupil Visuals and Frankalicious and David did video mapping and projections at the Hauptbahnhof , a train station and dancefloor for the Sprit Train art car
It wqas lods of fun and will be continued in 2017 as the Hauptbahnhof did not get burned this year.
AIM - Free Sci Fi - VJ Loop from Denzyl Basterfield on Vimeo.
In this free VJ loop you get colour mask, AO, and Zdepth Check out the Demo to see what I did with it,
Be creative have fun and use it freely send your friends to my channel!
#free #animation #blender #loop #vj #vjloop
Fire Fractal Pit Test Render from Funk-tion Media on Vimeo.
Learning how to optimize and animate in Mandlebulb
Pixel animation background digital - Free vj loop from Finding Footage on Vimeo.
Finding Footage / Footage Search Engine + free clips collection
Please visit http://findingfootage.com
Shapes_VJ Loops from Dimitris Sakkas on Vimeo.
Shapes_VJ Loops
A collection of VJ Loops free to download.
Download all the assets and VJ Loops here
The collection of VJ Loops is free to download under the following conditions.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
To view a copy of this license, visit
You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
for any purpose, even commercially.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Under the following terms:
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license,
and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but
not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material,
you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological
measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material in the
public domain or where your use is permitted by an applicable exception or limitation.
No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions
necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights such as publicity,
privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the material.
All rendering jobs done by Render.st
at render.st for artists program.
VJ Mix - Roaring 2020's from Jabez Wray on Vimeo.
Rework of some performance material used for MEMETIC's (www.memetic.ca) well known Roaring 2020's series of themed events. Was a lot of fun developing the look and feel. I just made a small mix of this stuff to demo where i was taking things last Saturday during my performance.
HeavyM Mapping the lion from Matt Cooper on Vimeo.
Notalking just showing the process of projection, though you can hear sound there is no sound being pumped to HeavyM till I press the microphone button at around 1.07. Sound coming to computer via iPhone, this is then used to modulate heavy and also vdmx which is running in the background. I show heavy without the video mask and then with. I used this for the Monstermonster night at the coronation hall at Ulverston on the 14/5/16. Another technique I used was to run heavy on a separate mac which was giving me my main out. This also gave me a little redundancy if the vdmx computer crashed ;)
Sound from the floating variable (http://thefloatingvariable.bandcamp.com/album/000x)
vertical from Daniela Morena on Vimeo.
Métamorphoses - Bam // mai 2016 from Latona Mike on Vimeo.
MEDIADOME // LiègeTogether - Métamorphoses
avec la RTBF et Médiacité
Joanie LEMERCIER (FR) - Nimbes
Sean CARUSO (CA) - Multiverse
Jéremie BELLOT (FR) - Synergetics
Mike LATONA (BE) - Quadratic
Olivier RATSI (FR) - Onion Skin
MAOTIK (CA) - Shelter
Ronald DAGONNIER (BE) - Capturing People
Mike LATONA (BE) Kiên Nhan
dome par AV exciters //avec Blendy Dome VJ
Tuborg_set_montag_2013 from GGCS on Vimeo.
Its my VJ Set For Tuborg company.
Made for KAZANTIP 2013
Ithaca - Live at LPM Amsterdam from Ithaca Audio on Vimeo.
A selection of the Ithaca live show at LPM Amsterdam.
For bookings contact hello@ithacaaudio.com
Animated Visions Production | Ocusl Sphere from Animated Visions on Vimeo.
Animated Visions Production | Ocusl sphere
Octane and Cinema 4D projects available at http://www.animatedvisionspro.com/
원초적 음악집단 이드 - 격동 [VJing Clip] from sejin im on Vimeo.
청년예술 FESTA 창동스테이지
2016. 05. 13 @플랫폼 창동61
원초적 음악집단 이드 - 격동
VJ If, say
Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThLzkncqGTk
Joe Brown - Walk With Me from synesthesia.live on Vimeo.
The Synesthesia Team is made of a combination of musicians and scientists. This song is an example of some of our creative genius in audio form accompanied by one of our scenes (Panspermia) that the song was written for.
Play with Panspermia for yourself by downloading Synesthesia for free at www.synesthesia.live/signup/beta
Animated Visions Production | Comb from Animated Visions on Vimeo.
Animated Visions Production Scifi Neon Lights Vj from Animated Visions on Vimeo.
Free VJ available at http://www.animatedvisionspro.com/product/animated-visions-production-scifi-neon-lightsvj/
iwasa VJ(Live 'impact’) from kerop1no on Vimeo.
movie, BGM:iwasa
Animated Visions Production | Vio from Animated Visions on Vimeo.
Digital Stories: Poem from VJL(ab) on Vimeo.
Digital Stories: Poem
from album Dirty Music
live visual: VJL(ab)
EQUILOUD_VJ_CLIP_113. HD recommended.
Get more clips:vimeo.com/channels/freevjclips
VJ set w Keeb$ / Lazercrunk Wiggin Aht Promo from Rachel Wagner on Vimeo.
May 2016
FREE VJ LOOP Colour hall from Denzyl Basterfield on Vimeo.
Free VJ loop stock footage. This comes with a Colour ID Mask and and AO layer So you can overlay video and textures how ever you like.
All free to use have fun!
14 VJ Loops (Free Download) Sketch & Toon Style from ik er on Vimeo.
Music: John Roberts - Hesitate
Seamless looped
DVX 3 1080p 30fps .mov converted, ready to go
get it on Gumroad: https://gum.co/ABZZ
Electric Parallels Free Vj Loop from Vj Catmac on Vimeo.
Made with Trapcode Tao. 12 seconds Free Vj loop.
Mobley x Synesthesia from synesthesia.live on Vimeo.
Our scene, "Molten", reacting to Mobley's latest single, "Solo".
Find this song as well as his new EP, "Some Other Country", on www.mobleywho.com
Daily Visuals #10 - Ecliptic Ladyland from Matthias Kulow on Vimeo.
See You Space Cowboy ...
Daily Visuals. Not updated Daily.
H Y P E R V O I D from CMYKip on Vimeo.
super short compilation of video experiments
music: https://soundcloud.com/kirstenspruit/saudade
Animated Visions Production | Great swarm from Animated Visions on Vimeo.
Free Cinema 4D here http://www.animatedvisionspro.com/product/animated-visions-production-great-swarm-c4d
"Oh!...Marry"/ Video Installation from AnjaSerendipity on Vimeo.
Inspiriert von den Pierre Moliniers Kunstwerken zeigt das Künstlerinnenduo OptoPussies eine Collage aus Silhouetten, die im Raum schwebend, feenhaft und doch bizzar, um einen Mittelpunkt aus 2 ineinander zerfließenden Gesichtern tänzeln. Die Komposition, die speziell für das Marry Klein konzipiert wurde, spielt mit den Körpern, mal erleuchten Highlights, ein anderes Mal zerschmelzen die Formen ins Abstrakte. Eine spannende Installation, die versucht, die Form des Körpers mit verschiedenen medialen Mitteln auf experimentelle Weise zu erforschen. Diesmal wurde die Videoinstallation von 3 Videokünstlerinnen bespielt: MO, Proximal, Serendipity.
Musik: "Ratafka" von Philipp Stoya
Thanks for Support:
Jens Moiré Photography
Asp THE GreAt - Bas me uznemirava from Asp THE GreAt on Vimeo.
Made by Asp THE GreAt, VJ & Visual artist.
Free for download and use.
I appreciate your feedback!
Hope you will find this useful, enjoy :)
Taller de VJ + Proyección Mapping - spot 10 from Live Kinema on Vimeo.
+info: www.cooperativadelaimagen.com
hart_festival from jokjok on Vimeo.
Vj clip created for HART festival, 6th of May 2016, ICC Ghent
Abstract Mountains_VJ Loops from Dimitris Sakkas on Vimeo.
Abstract Mountains_VJ Loops
A collection of VJ Loops free to download.
Download all the assets and VJ Loops here
The collection of VJ Loops is free to download under the following conditions.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
To view a copy of this license, visit
You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
for any purpose, even commercially.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Under the following terms:
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license,
and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but
not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material,
you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological
measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material in the
public domain or where your use is permitted by an applicable exception or limitation.
No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions
necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights such as publicity,
privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the material.
Abtract Mountains Mountain 2 Material taken from:
All rendering jobs done by Render.st
at render.st for artists program.
Blue Smoke from Catli Bjerke on Vimeo.
VJing in Resolume to "Blue Smoke" by Ex-terrestrial
CUBERT Vj Snippet n.2 ___HOLOTONE SHOWCASE.001___ from Martina Scala Cubert on Vimeo.
Extract n.2 from HOLOTONE SHOWCASE.001 ----- 30-01-2016 ----- BERGHAIN KANTINE
Vj performance by CUBERT ---
Linus Gabrielsson Dj Set ---
cytoplasmic explosion 1 from vjblind on Vimeo.
free vj loop for your vj dj club led sreen or for remix
vjblind www.vjblind.fr
other free loop on gumroad https://gum.co/LDnX
Impraesentiarum VJ 10 Loops Pack is perfect for VJ/dj for free from vjblind on Vimeo.
https://gum.co/LDnX (preview) 10 VJ Loops with a intricate look, but massive visual impact! Amaze the crowd with these loops!
This pack is a nice tool to suit your stage compositions. Impraesentiarum VJ Loops Pack is perfect for VJ´s, nightclubs, led screens, projections, concerts, stage decoration, video backgrounds and many more.
#VDMX, Resolume, #Modul8, #MadMapper, #CoGeVJ
Performance do 'Auto-organização' - Museu do Amanhã 2016 from miguelbandeira_rj on Vimeo.
O que dança tem a ver com nanoquímica? Como uma performance artística pode contribuir na busca por novos modelos teóricos de substituição de derivados do petróleo por produtos biodegradáveis? O que a auto-organização intrínseca ao processo artístico tem a ensinar à sociedade moderna no sentido da ampliação de sua consciência e autonomia?
Se as perguntas parecem complexas, o caminho para respondê-las pode ser suave, através da performance "Auto-Organização", que o Museu do Amanhã abriga neste sábado. O projeto é concebido e realizado por Olga Kisseleva, chefe do departamento de Art&Science da Universidade de Paris-Sorbonne, e já passou por duas cidades-símbolo do petróleo: Moscou (Garage Contemporary Museum, 2015) e Kuwait (Modern Art Museum, 2016). No Museu do Amanhã, dez bailarinos irão apresentar a performance especialmente criada pelo coreógrafo e pesquisador João Silveira.
No Brasil - país reconhecido internacionalmente pelos esforços em pesquisa e produção de biocombustíveis - a "Auto-Organização" se transformou, passando a contar também com uma parceria entre o Museu do Amanhã e o Laboratório Em Formação (IBqM-UFRJ). O trabalho foi repensado em workshops com artistas e cientistas, para a concepção de uma nova coreografia. As oficinas acontecem entre os dias 19 e 29 de abril.
Sobre os artistas:
Olga Kisseleva é uma artista contemporânea russa radicada na França, diretora e fundadora do Art&Science Lab, Universidade Paris-Sorbonne. Seus trabalhos foram adquiridos para coleções de museus como MOMA, MOCAK, Centre Georges Pompidou, State Russian Museum e outros. Vencedora de uma série de competições de arte contemporânea, como Dicream of French Ministry of Cultural Affairs (project DG-Cabin), Arcadi 2004 e com múltiplas premiações como o French Academy of Sciences National Prize (2002), International Prize of the Pro Arte Foundation (Russia), entre outros.
João Silveira, também conhecido como John Gaucho, é sapateador, coreógrafo, pesquisador e diretor de espetáculos. Já realizou mais de 3000 apresentações ao redor do mundo, em países como França, Estados Unidos, Argentina, Japão, Líbano, Romênia e Rússia, além de mais de 300 cidades brasileiras. Graduado também em Farmácia, é mestre e doutorando em Educação, Gestão e Difusão de Biociências pelo Instituto de Bioquímica Médica Leopoldo De Meis (UFRJ), onde pesquisa a relação entre arte, ciência e educação. É membro da Art & Science Collaborations (ASCI) e autor do livro Da Ideia ao Aplauso.
Ficha técnica:
- Concepção científica: Olga Kisseleva e Niki Baccile (Centro Nacional de Pesquisa Científica - CNRS França)
- Modelização científica: Stephane Abel e Esra Karakas (Comissão Francesa de Energia Atômica e Energias Alternativas - CEA, França) Coreografia e direção de montagem no Brasil: João Silveira
- Bailarinos: Gabriela Patricio, Áurya Pires, Bia Garcia, Gabriel Macillo, Jonathan Fernandes, Loma Ferraz, Mariana Raiol, Marcelle Santana Diniz, Tatiana Escovedo e Victoria Pereira.
- Visual: Miguel Bandeira
- Figurinos: Hera Telles
- Pesquisadora Chefe do Laboratório Em Formação: Denise Lannes
- Apoio: Consulado Geral da França
Neon Cube - VJ LOOP from James Jannarong on Vimeo.
( Neon Cube - VJ LOOP ) made in Cinema4D and After Effects
Music : Madeon - Technicolor