

3L oktatóanyagok

exiledsurfer - a 3L egyik alkotója és arca -, sorra teszi közzé oktató jellegű filmjeit a programról magyarázataival fűszerezve. Íme a legújabb:

ES 080717 Mute as a Fish from exiledsurfer on Vimeo.
" Fun with Displacement Maps.

This clip is variations on the same theme. Essentially what is happening here is that the quicktime movie of the fish in the background is being used as the displacement map for the DISTORTION MODULE on a plane being drawn in different modes.. as points, as linestrip, as quads, and as polygons. The quicktime is also mapped on to the plane as a texture. Compose fx are used on the scene output, and the color difference you see between the 3L object and the background is due to the transfer mode, as well as the alpha choices for the object.

What is important to note here is that the DISTORTION SLIDE parameter is set to 30% in order to slow down the motion of the displacement map. This results in the "flowing" motion of the displacement of the plane as the fish are moving. So what you are seeing here is not a 2d core image fx, but instead displacement and texturing being applied to a 3d object which is a plane, and that plane is poistioned above the background quicktime. So the displacement effect follows the motion of the fish.

Audio Track is "Mute As a Fish" from the austrian electronic artist Lichtenberg. These clips were created and rendered in reatime using the built in dvr in at 320x240 pixels in the motion jpeg a codec at lossless settings. The uploaded clip is an mp4. "

És egy munka monkeypresso-tól, amiről exiledsurfer is elismerően nyilatkozott: " This is the most complex work i have seen from a user yet. Way to go monkeypresso! - exiledsurfer "

drifting from mr monkeypresso on Vimeo.

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