


Bizonyítékul, hogy a VJ múzeumokba is való, itt van pár példa.

A Moving Brands installációja a világ számos városában (London / Tokyo / Zurich) kápráztatja el az érdeklődőket.

Kef Muon – sound reactive installation from Moving Brands on Vimeo.
" Sound reactive installation built using processing, launched during Milan Design Week. Speakers designed by Ross Lovegrove. "

Todd Vanderlin interaktív installációjával kedvem lenne játszani kicsit...

Interactive Mural from vanderlin on Vimeo.
" Just go back from Atlanta doing an installation for the SCMX music festival. The piece was installed under a tent on two HD 52″ LCD displays. The image was beautiful 1080p and super bright.
As people stand in front of the displays they were able to interactive with drifting bubbles filled with other small bubbles. You were able to pop the bubbles and have the inside bubbles pour over your contour. As you would move around dust would float off of you and every so often a ribbon would fly away based on your movement. "

És végül nézzük meg, hol és hogyan készűlnek Todd Vanderlin munkái.

Reel from vanderlin on Vimeo.
" This is the work of Todd Vanderlin & Ryan Habbyshaw "

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