

Made With 3L

A "kollégák" kezdenek hozzászokni a 3L-hez és egyre jobb próbálkozások születnek. Most hármat szeretnék bemutatni.

Shit Scheiss Merde Psychedelic Cubism from exiledsurfer
" Tiled textures mapped on to a distorting sphere with reduced vertice count, and the texture itself generating the distortion values. Viewpoint texture mapping mode, depth on the object turned off. Front solid / back wire draw mode. S color / D color alpha mode. Edges FX applied to final output in Additive wet/dry active blend mode. Track is Shitscheissemerde from chikchikchik (!!!) "

Shit Scheiss Merde Psychedelic Cubism from exiledsurfer on Vimeo.

Google Distortions from exiledsurfer
" Ever get to a gig, expecting to do some cool content and then have the promoter or a marketing manager hanging over your every move to play the sponsor logo every 20 minutes or some such shite? Last night's gig was like that for me... the closing party for the GNOME developers conference in Istanbul. And the sponsor for the event was google. So it was hours of playing with the google logo in 3L. This example here is just a jpeg mapped onto various shapes in the VIEWPOINT mode, which maps the texture across your view of the object instead of on the multiple faces of the object. So what you see is a distorted view of the texture determined by the movements of the object. In this particular example i used the front faces solid / back faces wireframe draw mode to create some interesting distortions on the logo. The track is "The Search For Truth" from Klystron "

Google Distortions from exiledsurfer on Vimeo.

A harmadik egy 15 perces riport a WAVE TOKYO oldalon Vj Maroon, Dj Hoja és Dj Reach első melójáról a 3L-el.

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